RPG,D&D Library RPG League

Omega History

Thursday September 13th

Quick Link:Sept.13-Sept.14

4:00-4:10 pm Mark looks about the apartment,things seem semi finished.The apartment is nice but nothing spectacular.He glances over at the closet where 'the suit' hangs and decides he needs to do some shopping before he feels HE is ready to 'hit the streets'.He leaves the apartment and walks down stairs.Living above a pawn shop may come in handy he thinks as he enters and starts to look about at the merchandise gathered around.He browses slowly until he stumbles on a utility belt that seems just perfect for what he wants.He looks a little further and finds a set of flexi-cuffs that look like they would fit perfect in one of the pouches of the belt.He shops a little longer but can't find anything else that seems to fit his ideas.He steps up to the counter to pay when he notices a small TV turned on to the side of the counter and the proprietor seems to be watching it intently.He lays his purchases on the counter and glances at the TV.Some reporter standing in front of a large building is speaking and Mark listens."..ville Police Station.Sgt.Warjokowski of the Special Crimes Unit is expected to hold a news conference in moments concerning this mornings events."The picture changes to the view of a building with a large chunk missing from the side.Mark can see some police and fireman milling about as construction crews seem intent on building a temporary wall where the huge hole is."What...?",Mark says in a low voice and the man behind the counter jumps,startled."Where you been mistah?It's da hospital,a bunch of dem freaks attacked it and about demolished it.Dem New Guardians showed but did little to stop'em.Dat sergeant of da police department is about ta hold a news conference,da city's been on pins and needles all day."

4:10-4:20 pm Mark hands the clerk the money for the items purchased, along with a tip. "Keep the change. I'm new in town. Just moved in upstairs as a matter of fact. Guess we're neighbors. Name's Mark." Mark extends his hand.The clerk takes the hand a shakes it,"Da names Marcello."Mark nods and continues,"News conference, huh? You mind if I hang around and watch. Like I said, I just rolled into town and I don't know much about local happenings just yet. Guess these Guardians are pretty famous, huh? I've heard of them but I've kinda been out of the loop. Had an accident and spent a lot of time laid up in the hospital. What can you tell me about them?"Marcello looks Mark up and down a moment then replies,"Yea,da old Guardians were very famous.Stories say dey saved da world a few times.But dat was years ago,haven't been any Guardians goin on twenty years.The old team disbanded,rumors say da team fell apart,started fighting amongst deselves over leadership and other crap like that.I 'member my mom telling me about Jaguar,the first and true Guardian.Man of mystery but a true hero,started the whole Guardian shebang.Dese 'New Guardians',not much to say bout dem though I heard that one killed a freak a few days back.Just blasted him wit dat big ship of ders.People still trying to figure out what is rumor and what is true about dem."Mark tries to look non-plussed and asks,"Any other 'masked Avenger' types in town?"This question gets a chuckle from Marcello,before he answers,"Not dat many but der are reports of a chick in blue about the city.I dink she was seen at the hospital this morn.Der are other reports of others but not that I put a lot of stock in dem.Sssshhh...here it is." The two turn to watch the broadcast.They see a man stepping to a podium.He stands there a moment to allow the crowd of reporters to quiet,flashbulbs flashing everywhere.Marcello quietly says,"Dat der is Sgt.Warjokowski.He's in charge of the police Unit what has responsibility to fight theses damn freaks."As the reporters settle,Wojo begins to speak,"This morning there was a terrible incident at St.Arboghast hospital.The facts I have have been able to gather are these,two meta-humans attacked at approximately 7:20 am.One is a known hired gun,Shattarang.The FBI and Interpol have some files and are co-operating with my department.The other meta is unknown to any law enforcement agencies.He is described as a very large male,all in yellow,a large A on the upper left hand chest area.Reports are he called himself Andromeda.He is described as being immensely strong and able to stretch his extremities to great lengths.Members of the New Guardians,a couple of individual heroes,and members of an underground group calling themselves the Sentinels showed at the scene.These heroes were able to slow the assault long enough for the hospital to have some preparation time.The two villains fought their way through the combined forces and entered the hospital through a roof access.Inside the hospital they went directly to the genetics research lab and were able to steal a very large...damn...genetic manipulator.Andromeda then broke through the outer wall and carried the machine eastward.His companion was able to ward off any pursuit by police helicopters so we were unable to determine where indeed he went.The outer wall of the hospital was seriously damaged,weakening the structure,causing large sections of the top 4 floors of the hospital to collapse.Nine patients were killed and thirty two were injured.I am told that if the hospital had not disconnected from the main power grid and went to internal generators,the resulting feedback when the manipulator was ripped from the circuit would have created an explosion that would have leveled an area covering close to two city blocks.All of the hero metas were taken into the hospital and treated,some still remain there.They have been given the cities welcome to remain and recuperate but for security reasons there will not be any people,besides law enforcement and medical personnel,allowed in to see them.These heroes deserve the thanks of the city.They placed their lives on the line to protect Midville and allowed the hospital the time it needed to lessen the severity of this tragedy.I have been in contact with the mayor all day long and a few decisions have been made.First and foremost the Special Crimes Unit will start outfitting units with battlesuits immediately.The technology behind the suits is not perfect and some set backs are expected but the mayor feels we need to take this step.Secondly the Special Crimes Unit will extend it's reach better by co-operating with the know meta heroes,therefore they are encouraged to come to Midville Police Station to be registered with my unit.After registration with the S.C.U. they will be deputized and granted limited powers.We also will help these heroes in any way we can to co-ordinate the defense of this city against any other threats......That is all I have at this time,but the mayor wished for me to thank those heroes that were at the hospital this morning.He wants the citizens of the city to also show their gratitude and to know that we are doing everything in our power to be sure something like this doesn't happen again.I also have one final message...Guardians,I need you to contact me when you are able.We will then begin the process of registration.That is all."He steps from the podium quickly as the gathered reporters start to holler questions at him.He walks to a waiting police vehicle in silence and rides away.

4:20-4:40 pm Mark listens to the clerk's story and takes certain mental notes. He wonders about Jaguar but he is more interested in the recent slaying. He wonders if this was, perhaps, accidental? Super-heroes who kill? It doesn't seem right to him, but he's new and doesn't want to jump to conclusions. He makes a mental note to try to find out more about this: who was killed? What were the circumstances? He also makes a mental note about the "chick in blue."((Dat der is Sgt.Warjokowski.He's in charge of the police Unit what has responsibility to fight theses damn freaks."))Mark makes note of Sgt. Warjokowski.((One is a known hired gun,Shattarang.The FBI and Interpol have some files and are co-operating with my department.The other meta is unknown to any law enforcement agencies.He is described as a very large male,all in yellow,a large A on the upper left hand chest area.Reports are he called himself Andromeda.He is described as being immensely strong and able to stretch his extremities to great lengths.))Mark makes special note of these two metas and memorizes the describer powers. Shattarang? Andromeda? Strength, stretching...Mark listens to the rest of the Sgt's broadcast and thinks that these metas sound extremely powerful. They took out two teams of heroes? Put them in the hospital? Mark wonders if he is up to the challenge the hero lifestyle presents. Doesn't sound too much like the comic books after all.((These heroes deserve the thanks of the city.They placed their lives on the line to protect Midville and allowed the hospital the time it needed to lessen the severity of this tragedy.))Mark mentally notes that the Sgt. seems to convey an acceptance of metas--it seems he would perhaps be friendly towards a new guy on the scene. Perhaps a good first contact with the local authorities? Mark listens to the rest of the broadcast and makes a mental note concerning the creation of special police forces to deal with the increased threat from the supervillains.((Secondly the Special Crimes Unit will extend it's reach better by co-operating with the known meta heroes,therefore they are encouraged to come to Midville Police Station to be registered with my unit.After registration with the S.C.U. they will be deputized and granted limited powers.We also will help these heroes in any way we can to co-ordinate the defense of this city against any other threats...))Register with the S.C.U.? Mark wonders...Mark thanks the clerk. "Hey, it was nice meetin' you. I got a bunch of stuff to do today but maybe later I'll stop back by. Come up to the apartment sometime for a cold brew. We'll catch the football game or something."Marcello seems surprised at the offer but nods." Sorry for all the questions. I'm looking at getting into publishing here in town and I thought these metas might make for good subject matter.", Mark holds up the utility belt he just bought. "That's what I'm doing today. Research on the meta lifestyle. This looks like a utility belt that one of those guys would wear, right? Well, anyways...thanks again. See ya around." Mark turns, acting as though he's just had a thought. "Hey! Maybe I could get an interview with one of those police officers? Which way again to the police department? I'm still getting my bearings."Marcello flips off the TV and replies,"Well,the MPD is just north,go up a block,take a left on tenth and ya can't miss it." Mark hobbles out of the store, leaning on his cane and hoping he's not being overly obvious about faking the injury. As he leaves the store and walks gingerly back to his apartment, he surveys the area for ways he can make a quick exit as Omega and not be obvious about it. He heads back upstairs and quickly puts the final touches on the costume. He wonders to himself, "Okay, do I have everything?" Once in costume, he decides it's time to make his debut. He again looks for a way to depart without being detected but can not find a way.He slides some normal clothes over the costume and leaves the building.Earlier he noticed an ally just south of the building and heads there.Inside the ally he looks about,making sure the coast is clear. Once everything is ready, Omega activates his powers and heads skyward.As he flies toward the police station, he replays the information he's gathered over in his mind. He begins to wonder (again) about how and why he received the powers he has...whatever the case, he now feels led to join in the fight against these "evil" meta humans.He flies about the sky until he is able to spot the Midville Police Department District One building.He scans the area then lands lightly on the roof.He looks about the roof for a few moments when he is surprised by a large man,the one from the news conference,exits the roof access.Sgt.Wojokowski saunters to within a few steps of Omega and stands a moment studying the hero.Slowly he reaches up to pull the huge cigar from between his teeth and in a gruff voice says,"I didn't expect the first meta this quickly.I am Sgt.Warjokowski,commander of the Special Crimes Unit,most people call me Wojo.Can I ask what you call yourself and your intentions here?"

4:40-4:50 pm Omega studies Warjokowski for a moment and briefly wonders how Wojo knew, so quickly, that a meta-human had just landed on the police department's rooftop. 'Of course', Omega reasons, 'it would make sense that a police department in a city full of metas would likely have some pretty high-tech surveillance equipment.'Omega recalls all of those comic books he's read over the years in which the new hero on the scene is mistaken for a villain by the other good guys. He mentally reprimands himself for not making a somewhat less dramatic first appearance. Omega thinks, 'The city's hospital has just been attacked by two rogue metas and now I just fly up and land on the roof of the police department. Guess I better check myself before Wojo here and the rest of Midville P.D. starts to think I'm another one of the bad guys, here to trash their police department!'Omega stands perfectly still, holding his arms outward in a gesture of non-aggression as he answers Wojo's questions. "My name is Omega, Sgt.Warjokowski. I know you haven't seen me around or heard about me before. I'm new on the scene here in Midville. But I am eager to work with local authorities and other metas to try to prevent the kind of destruction that took place at the hospital this morning."Wojo raises the cigar to his mouth and takes a deep drag.His eyes study Omega and Omega gets the feeling those eyes see a lot more than they let on.He continues, "I would've been there myself, but I only just heard about it on the news. I came here as soon as possible. Like I said, I'm new in the city and I just want to get everything started off on the right foot. I've worked with law enforcement before in my civilian identity and...well, I just thought it would be best to come down and register with your unit, as you requested. My intentions are to help in any way I can--but I need a place to start--and this seems like a good place."Omega now extends his hand in friendship. "How can I help, Sergeant?"Omega's hand is swallowed by Wojo's as they shake."Calm down there son,don't be so nervous.At least I hope it's nervousness and your usually not this long winded.You'll be the first to register...and I may have another offer for you.",Wojo says as he raises one hand and waves it.The roof access opens and two officers in swat gear exit.One holds some sort of energy weapon,aimed at Omega,the other holds some sort of handheld computer.Wojo continues calmly,watching Omega for any reactions,"You'll excuse the officers,but security regulations you know.My officer will now scan you if you allow.This will be just a preliminary scan,to let us know what your basic abilities are.Then we can prepare the proper defenses inside,just in case.Once the scan is finished we can continue this discussion in the lab,while we do a more in depth scan.This may seem excessive but I want all registered metas on record,so if I have a rogue from within the ranks I know the quickest way to...well 'detain' them.May we scan you?"The man's eyes never leave Omega's,even as he drops the cigar and grinds it with a foot.Omega stands a moment unsure,but he gets a very strong feeling of trust emanating from the man.Not knowing how,Omega KNOWS this man is the consummate policeman and man that takes his duty seriously.

4:50-5:00 pm Under other circumstances, Omega thinks, he would probably react with anger at getting a gun leveled in his face after responding to an open invitation. But, in light of recent events, Omega understands Wojo's position. He gives way to his intuition and decides to trust Wojo. Omega smiles at Wojo's comments."Heh. Yeah, I guess I am a little nervous. Actually, anxious would be a better word. But when I hear about innocent hospital patients getting killed and maimed, it makes me a little antsy. Over-anxious to get in my own shots at the creeps responsible."Wojo nods slightly,"At this point I think you having your shots at them would just give me another meta in the hospital."Omega gestures toward the man with the energy weapon, "You can relax,Sergeant. I really am one of the good guys. But I understand where you're coming from--I guess I would take the same precautions if our roles were reversed. In retrospect, landing on your rooftop might not have been the best way to introduce myself to you."The sergeant reaches to a pocket and pulls out another stogie,"Actually,this is the preferred way.A couple of my other meta contacts meet me here.Any other contact we have should be here also.The roof here gives me and my men a strategic advantage."The stogie goes to his mouth and he lights it as Omega continues,"Go ahead with your scans. I'd be interested in seeing the results myself if you don't mind--I'm still learning about my powers and these scans of yours could provide me with additional insights into my abilities."Wojo nods slightly at the officer with the hand held computer and the officer steps forward.Tapping a few keys on the pad,he holds the device toward Omega for a moment then starts to study the readings as they appear on the screen."I have a class N meta...initiating defense protocol Alpha...sir I read an anomaly,scanner shows flame abilities,but...I can't pin it down."The sergeant pulls the cigar from his teeth and responds,"O.K. perhaps we can find this..anomaly...in the lab."He turns to Omega,"We will enter through the roof access,you will follow the officer with the scanner.The officer with the weapon will follow us.The scan shows we do not have the equipment needed to negate your abilities,so you will see plenty of armed officers during our walk.Do not be alarmed and do not make any sudden moves."The officer with the scanner steps over to the roof access and enters.The sergeant motions toward the entrance and begins to walk with Omega.As they enter the roof access and begin their way down the stairs Omega looks about him and notices the stairway and the hall they enter afterwards has under gone some hasty remoldeling.Patches in the wall with weapon slots hint of hidden policemen watching their every step.There are a few officers scattered about the hallway,each with a powered rifle aimed at Omega.Wojo notices Omega's unease and says,"I'm sorry for the inconvenience.After this morning's events my unit is almost on a war type footing.Unfortunately the unit hasn't developed the technology to negate most powers."As they turn a corner Omega sees a large set of metal doors at the end of the hallway and replies,"Concerning this morning,how are the meta's involved?And who are the two that attacked the hospital?"As they arrive at the door the officer with the scanner punches a code into a key pad and the doors start to swing inward."All the meta's survived,and should be up and moving in the next couple days.Four of them remain in the hospital,if you would like to see them I can arrange for you to have authorization.As for the meta's that attacked the hospital...well as you heard the press conference,Shattarang is nothing more than a hired gun.Not particularly powerful but effective.The other,Andromeda...well...we have nothing so far.There are reports that he mentioned building an army and returning.Add in the fact that he stole a genetic...doohickey...and my experts believe he wants to create meta's,possibly recreating his own abilities.I don't have to tell you Midville couldn't withstand an assault like that."They enter the laboratory,in the center is a very large bed,surrounded with strange equipment.A male in a white coat walks over and starts to guide Omega to the bed.Omega lies on the bed and the man in the lab coat begins to line equipment up all around him.Wojo watches this and then notices the cigar in his hand."Damn...",he says as he snubs it out then return his gaze to Omega,"This will take a few moments.Just try to get comfortable."He takes a few steps,in thought."I'm going to be honest with you.The S.C.U. is no where near ready to deal with these kind of threats.Hell,just a couple days ago I still wasn't sure what the make-up of the team would be.The mayor wants mechanically enhanced police officers,I was looking at meta's supplemented by the same."He is silent a long time and Omega is about to say something when Wojo continues,"I have made this offer to a couple other meta's.I need something on the streets,at least until my enhanced officers are ready.At this point my only options are to recruit meta's,but I can't have meta's on the police payroll.The mayor has decided mechanical enhancement allows us better control.If anyone in the unit went rogue,I will have the ability to shut down their equipment.I can't do the same with a meta.My offer is this,I am willing to aid you in fighting crime.I can give you information you won't find out there.I can give a certain amount of support,including communication devices.I would expect you to recruit a group of meta's,do what you would do normally,fight crime.But all of this would be under the table.My unit and I would deny any connection to you if the circumstances went bad.Do you understand what I am offering here?"

5:00-5:10 pm Omega listens to Wojo carefully. His superhero career has only just begun but things seem to be moving very rapidly. Omega tries his best to keep a level head and not get overwhelmed. He takes careful mental notes of Wojo's comments. Wojo's final words are those which interest Omega the most.Omega takes a deep breath. "Yes, Sergeant. I think I understand. You're asking me to recruit, possibly even head up, a team of metas to act covertly. Although I take it you mean for this team to have a public presence, obviously appearance will differ quite a bit from reality."The man in the lab coat flips a couple switches and adjust a couple gauges as Wojo replies,"Correct.This team would perform as any other team in the city.But behind the scenes they would be working with my guidance.In essence until the S.C.U is completely operational,you would be the S.C.U.I have a duty to protect this city and right now my unit is no where ready to do so,but we can't allow the public at large to know it isn't ready.By doing so we would be inviting panic,not to mention other meta activities."Omega leans in close to Wojo and smiles, "You're obviously an intelligent man. A professional. From what you've told me it sounds like a certain level of anti-meta sentiment may be growing amongst the politicians. Perhaps even the general public. I talked to a man earlier today who referred to metas as 'freaks.' I'd like to change that perception. Heh. It may sound corny Sergeant, but I grew up reading about heroes who stood for something larger than themselves. Who at least tried to make a difference in the world. I know the world doesn't always really work that way, but still..."Wishing he had a cigar,Wojo replies,"Yes,your right to an extent.But politicians don't like anything they can not control,and powered meta's fall into that category.I can agree with this to a certain point.The last thing I would need in my unit is a rogue meta who had complete knowledge of my units abilities and tactics.A mechanized officer is much easier to control,to stop.As for the general public,there does seem to be a wave of anti-meta sentiment,but more so an anti-mutant sentiment.The average guy does not want to wake up to find his home destroyed because the teen next door suddenly and accidently discovered he has the ability to make things explode,catch on fire or such."Omega pauses for a moment and then continues, softly, "These powers of mine didn't come without a price, Sergeant. I was nearly killed. I lay in a coma for quite some time. Lost just about everything that was important to me. When I finally did come out of it, I was...changed...in many ways...some good and some not...but despite it all, I view these powers as a gift and not as a curse. I believe they were given to me for a reason. A purpose. These powers sometimes provide me with...certain intuitions...instincts, for lack of a better word. Those instincts are telling me now that your intentions are honorable. And that you're a man who can be trusted." Omega stops rambling at this point and says, softly, "Sorry. Guess I was being long-winded again."With that, Omega extends his hand. He stands straight, shoulders squared and attempts to let Wojo know that he's making eye contact with him, even though it's obscured by Omega's visor. Omega wants his body language to convey confidence, to let Wojo know that he's sincere about offering to join him but also that he's not a man who will be easily manipulated--by anyone. "Sergeant, count me in."Wojo stands silent a moment,thinking and then replies,"I will begin getting things moving immediately.It should only take a couple days for the research department to come up with a communicator,on a secret and private frequency,scrambled of course.Stop by Saturday afternoon to pick it up."Omega then ask Wojo, "You said you had made the offer to some other metas? Who are they? Which metas do you feel should be approached with this offer? Are there any who should be avoided?"The answer comes quickly and quietly, "I have made the offer to Vyra,now leader of the Sentinels,Flare,a meta who is no longer active in the city,and to Poundage,I believe he is debating the offer.Vyra seems a capable hero and apparently has decided to start her own underground team.Poundage,from the reports I have heard,gave Andromeda a rough way to go this morning.I believe he is the loner type but may be swayed to join.There is one meta that I know very little about but I think would be an amazing asset to a team,Scar.Reports have him having precognition,in fact he warned some of the other heroes of this mornings attack.All of these heroes are in the hospital right now.Would you like me to arrange authorization for you to meet them?"

5:10-5:20 pm Omega looks at Wojo and replies, "Well, no time like the present. I agree that this 'Scar' could be a great asset. Precognition could give the team a great tactical advantage.What else can you tell me about the metas, Sergeant? I'd like to have a rough idea of their powers and abilities. And, more importantly, their personalities."The man in the lab coat steps over to the Sergeant,"Scans done sir.It will take a couple days to completely digest them but I have determined this meta has the following abilities."He glances at a chart in his hand,"Flight and what appears to be a variant of a flame ability.I can't quite pin it down completely.The strange thing I see here is his genetic structure does not have the structure to support the power expenditures he seems to be capable of.I'll have to look at this harder but right now I would say these abilities aren't truly his...I know it sounds strange but it's almost like I was scanning two entities."Wojo studies the man a moment and then turns his gaze on Omega.He is silent a moment then,coming to a decision,says,"Let's go to my office."The two of them exit the lab and take a short walk down the hall.Wojo shows Omega to a small office,sparsely decorated.On the desk Omega notices a picture of a woman,slightly younger than Wojo,but pretty in her own way.Wojo takes a seat in a creaky chair behind the desk and leans back,getting comfortable."O.K.,the other meta's...We'll start with Vyra.She has shown the ability to move things with her mind,telekinesis.She also seems to be able to erect invisible forcefields.She now leads the team that call themselves the Sentinels.She is dedicated to being a hero,seems pretty straight forward about the fact she is here to protect Midville and it's people no matter what she has to do.Her fellow team mate is Maxi-Miss,I think she calls herself.Today was the first I knew of her.In the battle this morning she showed the ability to teleport small distances.At our meeting this morning she seemed a little skittish,probably new at this.I got the impression she is a lot like Vyra,dedicated...maybe a little hero worship for Vyra.The third one in the hospital is known as Poundage.He has shown great strength,gets around town leaping blocks.He also seems to be pretty resistant to damage though I'm not sure how.He has some sort of wrist blaster but I haven't figured out it's effects yet.Personality wise he seems cocky,head strong but doesn't back down.Like I said,he gave Andromeda a rough time this morning.The last one would be Scar.Today was the first I heard of him.Very strange looking fellow,just a skeleton carrying a staff.The only thing I know of him is the precognition thing.When I talked to him he said something about this being his duty and his doom,seeing these events and trying to stop them.From what I gathered the precognition isn't like he can see a person swinging at him before it happens so much as he sees these events before they happen."Omega considers all of this a moment, "If we are going to put together a team, it should be one that will mesh together well. Um...I take it that I now have authorization to begin recruiting? What, exactly, should I tell the other metas? What should I offer them when I approach them about this...new team?"Wojo looks about,like he is looking for something,then pulls out a cigar and lights it.Omega gets the impression the man does this to give him some time to think but also that he is still being watched,almost studied,by the man."Yes you have authorization to recruit.I will have final say in membership,but I will rely on your judgment in this area a lot.You will be the one in the field with them after all.What you tell or offer them is up to you.I do want you to be careful though,This ...arrangement... must remain under raps.I'm stuck in a corner here,so try not to broadcast it too much.I hope I will be able to get a warehouse for the team,but I will have to really do some tricks to hide any tracks.I will try to have anything needed at your disposal,but I can't guarantee anything.""New team," Omega thinks to himself. He speaks softly to Wojo. "One thing worries me a little, Sergeant. It's my understanding that the city already has a team of metas--the New Guardians? What's their role in all of this? How do you think they will react to a new team being formed?Some of the metas might...take offense...especially considering that I'm a newcomer to the city. I don't mean to load you down with questions,Sergeant. I just want to have a clear idea of what kind of environment I will be walking into at the hospital."Omega adds, with a smile, "And, if possible, I'd like to avoid stepping on too many toes--especially toes of the meta-human variety. Something tells me we're going to need all the help we can get."A smile starts to spread on Wojo's face,and it isn't exactly a pretty thing."The New Guardians....mmmm..well there are none of them in the hospital.They blinked away to where ever they go.They seem to have some astounding technology and by rights should win the hearts of the city,considering the past.But they seem a little aloof.I have to give them some credit,they have showed on a few occasions to fight and actually are good for the city.I don't think they should have a problem with another team in the city.After all this team can not even think of putting themselves at that class.If these New Guardians are anything like the old ones,they will be protectors of the PLANET,not just the city.But that brings up another point...one I was a little shy about bringing up.A few days ago a meta appeared and was creating havoc in the park.The Guardians appeared on the scene and a fight ensued.The battle ended when Lord Galen flew the Guardian's ... ship,is the best word I can come up with ... They call it the Striker ... anyway he flew the ship out of the lake in the park and blasted the meta.Killed him instantly,my men just about had to mop him up.Investigating it,I determined he was acting in self defense but still feel that was a little close to crossing the line.That is another reason for the team.I want to be able to apprehend those heroes that cross that line.Will you have problems with apprehending a fellow 'hero'?"Wojo's eye's study Omega,watching for even the smallest reaction.

5:20-5:30 pm Omega's reply to Wojo's question is swift and decisive. "No. I have no problem apprehending anyone who steps outside the lines. However, I do think a measure of common sense is called for here. I personally look at it from the perspective of a law enforcement officer. I'll do what is needed to stop the threat. I will not kill if it can be prevented. If there is another way. But...if lives were in the balance and I had no other choice...I don't know that I wouldn't have done the same thing this other meta did. But I don't think any of us are above the law or above the repercussions of our actions. These powers may be a blessing but they are also a huge responsibility. I think some latitude has to be afforded but also believe that if metas step too far outside the bounds of the law we will loose our credibility. We can't afford that to happen. Not now."Wojo silently nods,the ever present cigar clenched between his teeth.Omega then switches to the subject of the other metas, "Sergeant...you've been up front with me so I'm going to be up front with you. This idea of forming a meta team...I must admit that it had already crossed my mind. I'm even in the process of setting things up, in my civilian identity, which could provide funding for such a team. I still want to meet with the known metas but I believe that there may be other metas out there we don't yet know about. I'd like to arrange a meeting with a television reporter and put out a...well, a sort of 'call to arms' if you will...you're not really in a position to do this, but I am. Also, the people are scared right now and I think we should do what we can to alleviate those fears. I'd like to do this right away. Today, if possible. I know I'm jumping into all of this head first but, frankly, I don't think we have the luxury of time right now. I know the mayor's plan has been set in motion but I think we need every possible measure of defense. And we need it yesterday."As Omega finishes Wojo picks up the phone and dials a number,He sits listening and motions for Omega to continue."As to what I will tell the others...I'll ask them to meet me at a pre-arranged location. I thought about the p.d. here, as I take it you will want them all to register and be scanned?"Wojo nods his consent." Some, by the way, might have a problem with that--personally, I understand where you're coming from but can also see the point of view that some metas might fear this data falling into the wrong hands or being used against them. That notwithstanding, I'll encourage the registration and, beyond that, will simply tell the others that I am forming a team and have a means to obtain certain equipment and information. The connection between you and I can remain secret. Hopefully, I will soon have the means to bankroll a team but I feel a connection to you is still very important. Maybe you could arrange for a reporter, one you trust, to meet us at the hospital? I'm anxious to broadcast the message and also to meet the other metas.Sound like an acceptable plan of action to you?"Omega's mind is racing. He's noticed that, when he's channeling the Omega Force (and sometimes just after he's dropped out of his psi-flame sphere) that his mind seems to be working overtime. Under other circumstances, he would likely take a more cautious approach but, in light of the recent tragedy, he feels he has no choice but take the heroes road--to charge, full steam ahead, even though he is somewhat uncertain if he's ready for the challenge. As he awaits Wojo's reply, his thoughts are of the city--of how it must be protected. He's hopeful that the Sentinels and the New Guardians will be receptive to a new team, but he's also somewhat apprehensive. And he wonders if he is making the right decisions.Wojo sticks up a finger in a 'wait a minute' gesture and spins his chair so the back now faces Omega.There is some muffled talk that continues for a long time.Just as Omega is starting to wonder the chair spins back to face him and Wojo hangs up the phone."You have a good head on those shoulders.I will not be going with you to the hospital,the less people see us together the better.I have arranged for you to see the metas at the hospital.I also contacted a reporter friend.Luckily most of the news media of the city...hell the state...still have a crew at the hospital.I have relayed to this reporter that you will be flying up.He will be prepared to speak with you and more than likely so will the other reporters."Wojo rises and sticks out his hand,"Now the ball is in your hands.Contact me in the next day or two and I will have more for you,possibly a location and,likely the communicators."

5:30-5:40 pm Omega returns Wojo's handshake firmly. "Alright, Sergeant. I may actually call some of the metas out tonight, but it will only be a follow-up to what you've already asked for--the night is young and many of us 'masked avenger' types do like to come out at night. I have an idea for how to do this without revealing our association with one another. Thank you for your help. Now, if you could please tell me the quickest flight path between here and the hospital?"Wojo lowers his hand to his side,"Just fly east and slightly south.The hospital is just east of Rathbone Park (Area 15,16),you'll know the park by the lake in the middle of it.Good luck."Wojo and Omega return to the roof of the police station,Omega activates the Omega flame and soars off into the quickly darkening sky. As he flys over Midville, he wonders to himself why he feels so deep a passion to protect this city. After all, Midville is new to him--an adopted home--a place he's still learning his way around. But Omega knows that his coming to Midvile was no accident, no random chance of fate. No, he was led here, and he knows that he was led here for a reason. And, while the exactness of that reason remains elusive, there is no question in Omega's mind that he feels driven towards his present course of action.Omeg arrives at the hospital and slowly drops down out of the evening sky. He looks for anyone who might look like Wojo's reporter friend and sees a crowd of reporters.One points in his direction and moves away from the crowd.Omega lands lightly a few feet from the reporter and watches as he approaches.The other reporters notice what is happening and begin to rush over also.The first reporter stops in front of Omega and gives him a slight wink.As the first reporter raises a camera the other reporters arrive and begin to hurl questions at Omega.Omega raises his hands slowly with a (hopefully) disarming smile.As more cameras are trained on him, Omega stands straight and tall. He tries to speak in a clear, decisive voice--to ooze as much confidence as he can possibly muster."Citizens of Midville. I am Omega. I am what you call a meta-human. This morning, this city suffered a terrible tragedy. Many meta-humans fought bravely to try to stop this tragedy, brought about by two rogue metas.The heroes succeeded in slowing down the onslaught and perhaps preventing this terrible situation from being even worse. Many who fought paid a dear price. You may call them metas, but I prefer the term superheroes. Some of them remain in the hospital here, behind me. They deserve our thanks for their efforts to protect this city."Omega pauses for a moment and then continues, speaking with a firm voice. "Know this--this city is also now under my protection. I regret that I did not respond to the incident at the hospital this morning but, like many other metas, I learned of the incident after it was too late. I know many of you are frightened. I know many of you feel threatened by the growing number of mutants and meta-humans. But I would encourage everyone to accentuate the human, not the meta. We're all in this together and now is the time for us to pull together to prevent any more senseless violence and loss of life. Towards this end, I plan to form a new team of superheroes and I am issuing a public call to any who would like to join me. There are stipulations. I would ask that any wishing to join proceed with Sgt. Warjokowski's earlier televised request to register with the S.C.U. I must stress that this new team will work in cooperation with law enforcement and with pre-existing superhero groups such as the New Guardians and the Sentinels. Our primary focus, at least for the time being, will be the protection of this city. Anyone interested in this offer should meet me on the rooftop of the Midville Police Station.I'll be going there tonight to meet with this Sergeant...Warjokowski...myself and registering with his unit. If you can't meet me there tonight, proceed with registration and leave your contact information with Warjokowski or another police official. Look, I know some metas may be put off by this registration business, but the police are willing to give us at least some degree of authority in this city. I feel we should try, especially now, to work within the bounds of the law. We are, most all of us, a lethal weapon and it's really no different to me than a citizen registering a firearm. I'll elaborate more on my position on this at a more appropriate time but, for now, I am issuing a call to arms. We must protect this city. We must stand against the type of violence and terrorism that occurred this morning. We must stand together. I am Omega. And I will not let this city down. Who's with me?" With that, Omega flames on and flies away, but circles back discreetly and lands on the roof of the hospital. He finds himself hoping that he didn't just come off on (presumably live) television looking like a complete ass. "A little on the hokey side," he thinks to himself, "But I was being sincere. Maybe that sincerity was conveyed."He walks to the roof access and is met by a police officer holding a hand held computer."Omega?",he ask as he holds the computer out.Omega notices a palm imprint on the screen and understands what the officer wants.He nods slightly and places his palm on the screen.The is an audible beep and the officer glances at the screen."An officer will escort you.",the officer states and steps away from the door.Another officer walks him to an elevator and the two ride to the 7th floor.Once the elevator door opens,Omega is led down a short hallway and shown a door.He enters the door and sees three individuals on different beds all with their back to him,facing the only TV in the room.Omega takes a step in to the room and politely introduces himself. "Hello. I call myself Omega. Obviously this is a bad time but I wonder if we might be able to talk?"

5:40-5:50 pm "Wow", Vyra says in shock. "That was fast!" She then says to him,"That was a noble speech you made there, Omega, and it conveniently goes along with what we were just talking about--how all the heroes of Midville need to start anew. But, however, I am concerned about this becoming yet another power struggle. It has happened before, and I fear it may happen again."Omega smiles, "You must be Vyra. I've heard of you.I had hoped to meet you. I believe your powers, telekinesis and force field projection,would be a great asset to any team."Vyra continues, "I have no problem giving up my authority, but speeches don't win battles. You'd have to prove yourself as a valuable leader. But, consider me extremely interested."Maxi-Miss looks at Vyra dumbfounded. She is silent a moment then replies,"Vyra,are you saying the Sentinels could fold to join the stranger's team? If so I would be interested, except the registration part.I have some personal reasons not to register."Poundage then introduces himself to Omega. "I'm Poundage. I am with Maxi-Miss. I am kind of skeptical about the whole registering thing. I also have things that I don't need to be known. I would have to know exactly what kind of information you want and how much power would be given in exchange for this information."Omega looks at each of them in turn. "First of all, Vyra--yes, I had intended to form...and lead...a new team. Quickly. I didn't know how badly hurt the Sentinels or the other metas were but, from the news it sounded pretty bad. My fear is that rogue metas might try to take advantage of the current situation. Given the high profile of this mornings battle, everyone knows that many of the city's meta-human protectors have been badly injured."Omega speaks softly to Vyra, "The last thing I want to do is to challenge your authority or start a power struggle of some kind. I simply want to unite the city's meta... superheroes... during this time of crisis."Omega looks at Maxi-Miss, "I also didn't mean to imply that the Sentinels, or any other pre-existing group, should necessarily fold and be absorbed by this new one. The invitation to join the new team is certainly an open one, but if the Sentinels still stand, I just want you to know that I--and any new team that is created--will stand with them if and when needed. I wanted to personally let you all know what I'm doing and why, and assure all of you of my motivations."Omega stands near the hospital window and gazes out over the city."We lost a lot of people this morning," he says sadly. With sincerity in his voice, he adds, "I wish I had been there to help, though honestly I'm not sure my presence would have made that much difference considering the power level of the metas you faced. For what it's worth,I'm here now...with an open hand...Vyra's right, I do still have a lot to prove. I intend to begin doing that right now."Omega pauses for a moment, then continues. "I believe that an offer was made to me tonight which has also been made to each of you in turn by...a mutual friend. I think you all know who I mean and what I'm talking about but I'm not at liberty to say any more at this time."Maxi-Miss looks from one to the other,a bewildered look on her face.Omega continues," My powers are...well, let's just say that they sometimes provide me with certain insight. I have a very strong feeling that this...friend of ours...can and should be trusted."Omega goes on, "However, I understand your reservations about this registering business. I had them myself. If not for my...instincts...I doubt I would have gone along with it so quickly. However, right now this seems like the path of least resistance to forming a team of metas to help protect the city during this time of crisis. If you're asking whether or not this registration procedure might later put you in harms way, the honest answer is that I simply don't know. It involves a scan which records your basic powers and abilities. If such information were to fall into the wrong hands, it could be very dangerous. What I said on the newscast isn't entirely accurate. I've already met with the police and I've already been scanned. For obvious reasons, I couldn't reveal that on television. I accept that this may be dangerous and that I may be putting myself at risk. That's a chance I'M willing to take,but that's NOT a decision I can make for anyone else."Omega turns to Poundage, "I hear you gave Andromeda hell this morning."Poundage smiles slightly and hands Omega a slip of paper containing his cel-phone number.Omega looks at all three of them in turn, "To answer your question, I believe that this new team will be afforded the luxury of a modest base of operations, a limited amount of equipment--including communication devices and, possibly, some type of arrest powers. The team will also have access to...information...that could prove very valuable. There are many questions still to be answered and I hope to have those answers in short order."Omega softens his voice a bit, "Look--I'm not the most powerful meta here, or the most experienced. I'm just doing what I feel lead to do...what I feel is right. All I'm asking from any of you right now is your trust. And believe me, I know that alone is a lot to ask. I guess I'm asking all of you...for a leap of faith. I'm going back to the police department now and try to assemble what metas I can. I want to get at least some organization going and perhaps begin some patrols. I know you've all been injured and probably need to rest right now." Omega nods to each of the other metas, in turn. "There's another meta...named Scar...if any of you know him, please relate what I've said here today.His powers of precognition could prove very valuable. Whatever your thoughts are about the new team, I hope that when we meet again it will be as allies and friends. You're all already heroes. You all proved that this morning. And you have the wounds and scars to show for it. As for me, I guess I'd better get out there and start paying my dues."With that, Omega leaves the other metas behind hoping that he made a good impression on them.He speaks softly to himself, "I never meant for my actions to cause The Sentinels to fold. Every action has a reaction.Every word. Every deed. I have to choose my path carefully."Omega makes his way to the rooftop of the hospital and flies back to the police department rooftop. As he flies, he looks down over the city he's committed himself to protect. As he flies, his thoughts are of Vyra--she seemed the most receptive to joining the new team--the others--Maxi-Miss and Poundage--somewhat less so--he wonders if they are yet ready to trust him.Whatever lies ahead, he knows that he could use their power, their experience, he wonders if one of them might have been a better choice for Wojo.As he nears the Police Department he notices a two figures standing there.As he lands he sees one is a female dressed in gray and green,the other a metallic looking man.Omega lands lightly nearby and steps toward the two.n a very pretty voice the woman says,"HiOmega.SawYourSpeechAnd",giggle,"RushedRightDown."She sticks out her hand.Omega looks at her for a moment,unable to understand the woman."OhIAmSoSorry.",she says and then takes a deep breath,"I am Afterburn.I have the ability of speed",giggle,"and I sometimes forget the rest of you aren't moving as fast."The metallic man steps forward and sticks out his hand,"Hello Omega...I'm Alloy..I wish to join your "SuperHero" Team..and along with you and your fellow Heroes I too wish to use my abilities to defend this city."

5:50-6:00 pm Omega returns the greeting he's given by Afterburn and Alloy. "It's good to meet you both. I'm Omega, and I appreciate you coming down here tonight. I didn't expect the first metas to arrive so quickly, and I'm hopeful others will show up in due time."Omega turns to Afterburn and says, with a smile,"You seem to be able to talk pretty fast, Afterburn. That's an ability that might come in handy."Afterburn smiles a pretty smile and shifts from foot to foot,"IDoMoreThanTalkFast."giggle.She doesn't seem to be able to stand still as Omega continues," Since you two are the first to arrive tonight, let me outline my plan to you. If others arrive, I would like for the two of you to help coordinate organization efforts. I don't want this turning into some kind of disorganized mess. And, so as I won't have to repeat myself and waste valuable time, I'd like for the two of you to help inform new arrivals of what I'm about to say."Afterburn zips to stand beside Alloy.Omega takes a deep breath and then goes on, "First of all--yes, I am forming a new meta team. The team will not officially be formed tonight, but should be finalized as soon as two or three days from now if all goes well. This team will have a base, communication equipment and limited police powers. Admission isn't automatic. I have to recommend the members to...an associate of mine...who, at this time, has final say. However, I expect that my associate will go along with whatever I recommend."Afterburn moves over to be by Omega,apparently studying his visor.Omega continues, "Secondly, at least for the time being, I'm planning on organizing and leading this team. Later on, we may decide to do something differently. I can assure you I'm no dictator but for now, for right now, I'm the leader and I need each of you to trust in my decisions."Afterburn,finished with her inspection of Omega's visor,now seems intent on making sure her costume is neat,as she quickly plucks some dirt or lint from it.Omega goes on, "One of those decisions, which I made prior to attempting to form this team, was to go along with Warjokowski's request to register with the S.C.U. and be scanned. Since you're here, I'm guessing that you're both agreeable to this stipulation. I'm willing to go along with it and I would encourage others to as well. But--and I want to be clear on this--that's a decision that each meta must make for themselves. If it's not something the meta feels he or she can live with then there will be no hard feelings on my part."Afterburn moves up in front of Omega,her hands resting on his chest,"IHaveAlready...um...sorry..",giggle,"I have already registered.The kind officer said to wait here and you would be given the reports."She stands there a moment just gazing at the visor then zips to stand by the roof edge and stares out at the city.Omega strolls around the roof and gazes out over the city as he continues, "I talked to some members of the Sentinels tonight. Some of them may join us but, then again, they may not. Even if they do show up to help, they may still want to maintain their own team. I respect that and I respect them--I hope everyone else will do the same. I want to stress cooperation between us and any other hero teams--The Sentinels, The New Guardians--as well as with the local authorities. Now, this brings me to tonight..."Afterburn speeds over to stand next to Omega,listening intently.Omega begins to outline his short-term plan. "I asked metas to come out here tonight because I fear rogue metas might try to take advantage of the city in its current vulnerable state. Many of the Guardians, Sentinels and other metas have been injured. Some of them badly. And the two rogues reponsible escaped. We need to show the people of this city that they still have protection. That they can still count on us."Omega goes on, "We have two immediate problems. Lack of a base of operations and lack of communication equipment. Both of these problems will be eliminated soon but, for tonight--we'll use this rooftop as a base and check-in point. It's now 5:40...we'll give any other metas until 6:30 to arrive...if several show up, after registration, we'll break into patrol groups to cover different areas of the city, meeting back here every hour to check in. If the group is too small for that, or if it's just the three of us, the we'll stick together and patrol the city as best we can. We can set a time later for meeting back up to formalize the creation of the new team.""6:30..That'sSuchALongTimeToJustWait...",Afterburn pouts a cute little pout.It occurs to Omega that the team should probably have a name, but he has no idea what to call the group. "I don't really have a name as yet and I'm open to suggestions...but we can discuss that later too. Right now, there's work to be done. I don't know what, if anything, we will encounter tonight but remember it's not just about fighting superpowered bad guys. There's a city full of frightened people out there and we three represent a part of what they fear the most. Let's try to help change that perception. Let's all try to live up to the title of hero in as many ways as we can.If everyone is agreeable, let's go inside and get this registration business over with," Omega says. "I'm sure we can ask one of Warjokowski's men to keep watch for other metas in the meantime. Also, I think we should know as much as possible about one another's powers and abilities before we hit the mean streets together."As if on cue the roof door opens and Wojo walks out.He nods a hello to Omega and gazes about at the other two meta's.He lifts a clipboard and begins to read from it,"Omega,we have scanned the one known as Afterburn but not the other.The report on Afterburn is this,Exceptional Endurance and Intelligence ..."Afterburn zips over and lightly smacks Wojo on the shoulder,"YouFlatterMe..."Wojo gives her a stern look and she noticeably cowers from him."As I was saying...her other abilities originate from the wrist bands she wears and include super speed,approximately 150 m.p.h.,and a paralysis ray.Both are tied into her genetic signature.Now,shall we scan you and the new fellow here?"He gestures to the door and the group enter building.As they walk Afterburn grabs Omega's elbow and lightly holds onto it as they proceed.As they walk Omega notices her fingers tap quickly at his elbow as they walk.As they enter the lab Omega notices there are more people here than earlier.Alloy and Omega are led to separate beds and equipment is connected to each.Afterburn stands near Omega's bed,"Don'tWorry,ItDoesn'tHurtABit..."She quickly reaches over and takes his hand.Omega lets his mind wander as the technicians do their thing.Things are moving fast He's set a lot of things in motion and though things are running very quickly, they also seem to be running smoothly--at least so far. He wonders just how long his luck will hold out.

6:00-6:10 pm As Omega lies on there and goes through the charade of being scanned a second time, his mind hits upon some possible solutions to the group's immediate problems."Sgt. Warjokowski? If possible, I would like to impose upon you for a short term solution to a problem for our little group here?I hope to have enough metas to go out on patrol later tonight. Do you happen to have any extra cell phones or radios on hand that we could borrow in order to better stay in touch? The police could also use it to contact us if the need arises. There's the three of us and I hope others will arrive soon. The equipment will be returned undamaged and, if it isn't, I will pay for it out of my own pocket.Also, I purchased this police scanner ealier for myself. Could some of you be so kind as to set it to the proper local emergency channels?"Wojo waves at a technician and speaks softly to him.The technician takes the scanner and leaves the room.Wojo turns to Omega,"I can have the scanner set for you but I can not provide the other equipment.Without being on a secure channel the risk exist that someone could over hear any conversation."He looks a little nervously at the other two meta's and Afterburn scoots a little closer to Omega.A couple technicians step over and begin to release Omega and Alloy from their beds.Omega stands and smiles at Afterburn, "You're right. It didn't hurt a bit."She blushes slightly,giggles lightly and shuffles her feet quickly.Omega turns to Alloy, "Did it, Alloy?"Alloy looks at Omega, smiles and nods.Omega then scratches the back of his head and looks to one of Wojo's men. With a half-smile, Omega asks, "One other thing, guys? I don't suppose there's any coffee around here? Don't know how much you guys drink but I'm way below my thirty cups a day minimum. Anyone else?"Afterburn starts to speak,slightly squeezing Omega's hand.Omega gives Afterburn a worried look. "Um...maybe not you, Afterburn...I think you're juiced up enough already..." he says with a wry smile.She looks up at him with eyes sparkling,giggles a little,"YeaIGuessYourRight.NoneForMeThankYou."She continues to shimmy and shake,and Omega finds he kind of likes it.Wojo again motions to a technician and in moments a pot of coffee and a few cups are wheeled in.Omega then quickly relates his earlier plan of action to Wojo and his men, as if he is meeting them for the first time. Omega outlines his ideas for using the rooftop as a check-in point, patrols checking in each hour, what the other metas should be told when they arrive and so on.Omega then asks if he can glance at the scans for Afterburn and Alloy and provides them access to his scan as well.Wojo hands the results over to Omega.Omega reads over them and hands them to the Alloy and Afterburn as he finishes.They too read over the information,Afterburn almost at a glance. Omega takes careful mental notes of their known powers and abilities, remembering what Wojo's man already told him about Afterburn. Omega lets out a whoosh of air after he reads the scans of the other metas, "Very impressive. Power-wise, I think both of you are excellent candidates for a superhero team. Alloy--when you're armor is active you should be nigh-indestructable and Afterburn, your um...natural abilities...coupled with the powers afforded you by your wrist bands, makes you very formidible." She tries to stand still,beaming proudly,"ThankYouAndYourScanIsImpressiveAlso."Omega looks at Afterburn fondly, it's obvious she has some sort of crush and he's really not sure how best to deal with the situation. He's flattered, but doesn't want the infatuation to get in the way of the business at hand. Still, he can't deny that he's strangely attracted to this somewhat off-beat woman.He places his hands on her shoulders and squeezes affectionately but also in such a way as to force Afterburn to stand still and listen to him. He speaks softly and kindly, "I know your natural impulse to to rush into things headfirst but, when we get out there on the streets, sweetie, please try to slow down long enough to let me call the shots and formulate some strategy if it comes to a combat situation. I'm going to need you out there. It may just be the three of us and we can't afford to have anyone go down because of overly hasty actions. We've never worked together before but I have a good feeling about you. I know I can count on you."She smiles sweetly and Omega notices she does seem to settle down slightly.Omega then looks to Alloy, "And you as well, Alloy. And I guess I'd BETTER have a good feeling about you both--and any other metas that decide to join us--since I'm about to be trusting you with my life and vice-versa. Let's go up to the rooftop guys and see who else decides to join the party."Wojo nods slightly at the three,"You know where I'm at if you need me."He hands Omega the scanner,"It is programmed with police,fire,ambulance and paramedic bands.If I need you I will put out an APB for Johnny Power.Just return here if you hear it."The three meta's make their way back to the roof, Afterburn in a blur,the two men follow soon after.After the three return to the roof, Omega's eyes search the night sky as the minutes tick down. Secretly, he agrees with Afterburn--each minute seems an eternity to him and he feels he should already have a team assembled and patrolling the city. Still, he thinks, he should wait at least a few minutes in case some other metas DO decide to join--but at 6:30 he's leaving the rooftop regardless.While they wait Afterburn zips from one end of the roof to the other,glancing about in all directions.Omega's thoughts drift back to Vyra and the Sentinels. The words spoken by the heroes at the hospital haunt him, "Give up my authority...fold up the Sentinels...""Did I just destroy someone's dream tonight, in order to make my own a reality?" he asks himself, softly. "I keep saying that the Omega Force is guiding me but...is it really or am I just using that as a justification for my actions?" Regardless, Omega thinks, the city must be protected and it's too late to turn back now.He had never met Vyra, Poundage or Maxi-Miss prior to tonight, but Omega already finds himself feeling a deep respect for them. If things hadn't happened as they did, he would probably be asking to join their team instead of recruiting one of his own. "Fold up the Sentinels..."Omega looks up at the night sky and softly vows, "If it comes to that, I'll try to make it up to them, somehow. Especially Vyra. Try to prove I'm worthy of this mantle to which I've appointed myself."He is surprised to find Afterburn standing close next to him.Her hand flies out and turns him to face her.Placing a hand on the center of his chest she starts to speak then takes a moment to slow herself down,"I didn't mean to eavesdrop.I can't say I understand who or what your agonizing about but ",she looks at the hand trembling on his chest,"does it feel right here?Forget thinking with your head,does it feel right in your heart?"She stands a moment,staring at the visor for any reaction then slowly lowers her hand.Omega watches,seeing the effort she is putting forth just to do this at NORMAL speed.She steps back and the two just look at each other for a long moment then Omega breaks the moment by asking,"So, what do you guys think? I'd say we're off to a pretty good start. So...how did you guys end up with your powers? It's a long story with me but basically I was in a car wreck and fell into a coma. After I came out of it I was able to channel..." Omega holds his hand up into the air and briefly 'flames up,' and then continues as the blue flames fade away, "the Omega Force!"Omega laughs, "Well, that's what I call it anyway--although I'm really not sure exactly WHAT it is--as you both already know it allows me to fly, gives me a ranged attack and affords me a certain amount of defense." Omega lifts his coffee cup to his lips and takes a swig. He asks his two new friends, with a smile, "But enough about me. What about the two of you? I know WHAT you can do but how did you come to be able to do it?"Alloy looks at Omega and laughs. "I got my abilities when I was caught in a chemical spill." Alloy then turns into puddle of liquid metal and slides across the rooftop. He reforms a few feet away and holds out his hand, turning it into a sword and then back again. Then he produces metallic spikes over his entire body."Omega," Alloy says, "I think we'll make a great team."The two then look at Afterburn and are surprised to see her releasing hidden clasp on her wrist bands.She takes them both off and stares at them.She sits down on the roof edge,"My father disappeared a few years ago and these are all I have left of his.They weren't quite finished but felt he wanted me to finish the job.When I finished them I decided I would use the abilities to find my father....some how."She sits staring at the wrist bands then slowly slips them back on.Once they are back in place she looks at the two men,chin held up."IDidn'tMeanToDampenTheParty.",she says and zips to the other end of the roof letting one hand slightly graze Omega's back as she passes.The two men stand silent not sure how to react."I think you're right about that Alloy," Omega says with a smile. "So far, this is all going very well. I'm very pleased with what I've seen from the two of you. Even if no one else shows up tonight, I'm comfortable with the three of us forming the core of a new team. Perhaps we can pick up a few more members as we go. Ideally, I'd like to have a group of no more than four to six anyway, at least in the beginning--I feel a larger number might be too unweildly. But, we'll see how the night--and the next few days--progresses."As he finishes speaking he hears Afterburn speaking behind him,"Hi,AreYouHereToRegisterAndJoin?"Both Omega and Alloy turn to see who she is speaking to and Omega recognizes Vyra standing with Afterburn.

6:10-6:20 pm Alloy seems surprised to see Vyra landing on the rooftop. He turns to Omega and asks, "Whoa, who's the woman? Omega do you know her?"Omega is pleased (but also somewhat surprised) to see Vyra arrive on the scene. He smiles at the Alloy's inquiry. "Yes, Alloy...we've met."Omega goes over to Vyra, "Hello, Vyra. It's good to see you again, though I didn't expect you to make it down here tonight. Allow me to introduce my associates."Omega introduces Afterburn and Alloy in turn. "This is Afterburn who, in case you hadn't already guessed, has the power of heightened speed...and this is Alloy, who has the ability to transform his body into metal."Afterburn zips from one side of the group to the other,"NiceToMeetYou.ISawYouOnTheNewsThisMorning.HowAreYouFeeling?"Omega pauses for a moment, then continues, "Everyone, this is Vyra--leader of the Sentinels. They were among those who fought against Andromeda and Shattarang at the hospital this morning."Omega turns to Vyra and adds, softly, "It really is good to see you again, Vyra. I was hoping that we would have the chance to talk some more. I fear that what I said at the hospital may have left everyone with the wrong impression. While I would welcome you or any of the Sentinels into this new group, I really never intended to cause you to think about collapsing your own team. If we can't consolidate into one team then perhaps we can come to some kind of working arrangement. I really do feel that all of us should try to work together as much as possible, even if we're not all technically part of the same group. I think we all have the same objectives, just different philosophies about how best to accomplish those objectives. My goal, plain and simple, is to protect this city as best I can--but, believe me, I know I can't do it alone."Afterburn impatiently runs over to be next to Omega,her eyes darting from one hero to another.Vyra looks at her strangely then replies,"Actually, I am here as an informative representative for the Sentinels. I have a few interested members who will be glad to join you and your team, myself included, BUT" she says with forced emphasis. "We are a little suspicious of this registering business. We, or I, at least, can see it's importance - but I cannot see it's nessecity. If you want us to join, there must be a condition: The registration. We must gain trust of those involved before we give out this kind of information. I'm sure you can see our reasoning. That sort of information could prove to be fatal to us, and we need to be careful with what we give out. But other than that - consider us interested."Afterburn shuffles her feet,"ItDoesn'tHurtABit.",giggle,"IPromise.",she says with a big smile.Omega glances at the time display on his police scanner. "We'll be going out on our first patrol in less than half an hour, Vyra. You would be welcome to join us. Your expertise could prove very valuable. If you don't feel up to coming along, perhaps you could suggest what areas of the city we should concentrate on tonight? I'm worried about rogue metas taking advantage of the current situation of several heroes being injured but I also fear the more common thugs may be feeling a bit braver than normal."Afterburn lightly touches Omega's arm,"ActuallyIHaveBeenThinking...Oh sorry.."She takes a deep breath,"I have been thinking.I agree the meta's would try to take advantage of the situation as they saw it earlier in the day."He brow creases from the effort of speaking slow,"But after your NewsConference might they not have SecondThoughts?If I was a rogue meta IWould probably bide MyTimeTo...DamnIt...bide my time to see if your 'call to arms' was a success.I would be worried TheNight would BeFullOf supers."She stands shifting her weight from foot to foot,worried that she just sounds like an idiot,watching Omega for his reaction.From behind them another voice answers,"Actually,dudes and dudettes,she has a logical point.You factor in the police reaction and police presence on the street,the public's heightened sense of danger and the very public 'call to arms' and I figure all will be quiet in the hood tonight."The four gathered heroes spin to see a woman dressed in red and blue just finishing her climb over the roof edge.As she rises to stand,the four see that this 'woman' is actually a girl who couldn't be more than 16 years old."Yo...I call myself Imp,and I'm rarely wrong."She places her hands on her hips and stares back at the other heroes.

6:20-6:30 pm Vyra nods at the new hero present. She says, "I can believe that."Alloy extends his hand to Vyra, "Pleased to meet you Vyra...I hope we can work together some time." Alloy then turns toward Imp and nods, "Hello Imp..I'm Alloy."Omega adds, "And I'm Omega. This is Vyra and this is Afterburn."Afterburn makes a wide,sweeping bow and stands up with a silly grin on her face.Imp smiles back at the gathered heroes,"Nice to meet you all." Omega looks at the new arrival and smiles. Omega leans over and whispers to Afterburn, "She looks a little young to be out here. Would you please find out what you can from her while I talk to Vyra for a moment?"Afterburn smiles at him and zips over to Imp,she gently guides her to the other side of the roof and the two of them begin a hushed conversation.Omega responds to Vyra concerning the registration concerns, "Yes...of course I can see your reasoning. However, the registration requirement isn't my requirement but rather that of the...friend...that I spoke of earlier. He's the one actually backing this team, it merely falls to me--at least for the moment--to organize and lead. The registration process, and the scan that accompanies it, is designed to allow the police to develop defenses in case a meta goes rogue. I don't believe there is any other hidden agenda, but I do understand your concerns. Your points are well taken and I will speak to my...associate...about this matter at the earliest possible opportunity."Omega turns his attention to Afterburn and Imp. "Afterburn, regarding what you said just now--Imp is right, you DO have a logical point. The bad guys may very well be laying low tonight. I hope that they are, but I don't want to leave it to chance." Omega walks over and puts his hand lightly on Afterburn's shoulder and adds, reassuringly, "We may not be fighting against other metas tonight or even doing our part to stamp out crime and injustice, but we can begin to introduce ourselves to the community and perhaps engage in a bit of public relations work."Omega adds, with a smile and a wink, "If nothing else, perhaps we can help rescue a kitten or two stuck in a tree." He then adds, softly and more somberly, "I just have a feeling that it's important to be out there tonight."Alloy looks at Omega. Alloy punches his fist into his open hand. "I'M looking forward to some action TONIGHT!" Alloy interjects.Afterburn giggles lightly at Alloy,"He'sGoingToBeFunToHaveAround."Omega smiles then looks towards Vyra and adds, "I guess I'm pretty good at giving speeches on television but someone recently told me that speeches don't win battles...speeches don't make you a leader...or a hero...but actions do." Omega then addresses the group as a whole, "So, let's go out there and show everyone that we're about more than just mere words."Afterburn zips to the edge of the roof and looks back at the others,a look of anticipation on her face."If anything, the best thing would to be able to track the two metas. That would be ideal." Vyra interjects.Afterburn's face takes on a disappointed look as she waits,one foot tapping quickly.Omega nods and begins to wonder if it might be possible to pick up a trail at this point. He hadn't even considered that trying to track down the rogue metas should be his team's primary objective."I guess Vyra isn't the leader of the Sentinels for nothing," he thinks to himself. He begins to wonder whether or not he's really up to the task of serving as a leader himself.Omega looks around at the five metas who have gathered on the rooftop. "Five metas so far. Vyra, just before you arrived I was telling Alloy and Afterburn that it would probably be best to start out with no more than four to six heroes on this new team. And here are with five already and possibly more on the way." Omega pauses and goes on, "As I told the others, my associate has final say in the makeup of the membership but will likely approve whoever I recommend. If we end up with a large number, we may need to split the team into two separate patrol groups in order to keep things from becoming too unwieldy...hmmmm....in that event, two field leaders may be needed...ah, but I'm getting way ahead of myself."Omega nods at Vyra and repeats his earlier invitation, "You're welcome to come with us on patrol tonight Vyra..."Vyra replies, "I am in no position to fight tonight. In my weakened state of health, a mild blow could prove to be fatal. However, if you become involved in a battle that overwhealms you, contact me and I'll fight with what strength I can conjure if it means protecting this city."Omega is secretly a bit dissapointed that Vyra will not be joining the patrol. "I understand, Vyra. Please tell the other Sentinels I will do what I can regarding the registration issue. I can't make any promises, but I'll try. As soon as I know something concrete, we'll talk further. Meanwhile, if you need me or the others for anything...contact the police department." Omega glances at his police scanner. "They know how to reach me. I appreciate you're coming down here tonight, Vyra. It means a lot to me."Vyra nods towards Omega and says, "We have much to talk about--in private. Seek me out when you have a chance." And with that she flies away, back to the hospital.Omega watches Vyra fly away and begins to think about what said, "...I'll fight with what strength I can conjure if it means protecting this city..."Omega thinks about it a moment and then says aloud, "Our goal...protecting this city...perhaps we should call ourselves The Protectors?"Omega walks towards Imp and Afterburn, "So, what's the low-down on our newest arrival?" he asks, with a smile, "We've already got a man of living metal and a very intelligent speedster...what have we added to the mix?"Afterburn smiles at the compliment,"Well,IThinkIShouldLetHerTellYou."Imp looks about sheepishly but with a certain amount of confidence,"Well,I,too am way smart.The schools classified me at genius level,had me doing college level work before I left grade school.They weren't sure how to handle me.So I took my schooling into my own hands,I have a knack with computers.I...well...left school spent my time more productively.In my search for knowledge I began tinkering.What I came up with was this."She lightly flips one of the medallions holding her cape on."Through an atomic level power transfer it allows me to project some wicked paralysis rays.Throw this in with the fact I have some experience with the martial arts and I decided I could go,you know,right some wrongs...stuff like that.And I know you all are looking at me as just a kid,but I'm 16 and in charge of myself..okay?"Omega will then ask the group, "So, what do you think--should we focus on patrol and PR as I had intended or would we be better served to try to track down some leads on the two metas from this morning, as Vyra suggested?"Afterburn quickly chimes in,"Let'sJustDoSomething!I'mFeelingALittleAntsy!"She gives Omega a wink and zips to the edge of the roof again.Imp gives Omega an 'eeewwww' look and replies,"While you were talking I was thinking,if you could get me access to a computer,police records of the chase after the bad guys left the hospital,city specs and this genetic re-combinator's specs I might be able to correlate a possible search area.Taking into account the size of the equipment,the amount of power it needs,last known direction and building and subway specs I think I could narrow down where they would be able to set-up such equipment."Afterburn looks back at the other three heroes and stomps her foot,hanging her head.

6:30-6:40 pm "Well leader-man should we get to it?" Alloy asks.Omega replies, "Yes, I think we should..."Omega notices Afterburn stomping her foot impatiently. He walks over and puts his hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, we'll be seeing action soon enough. But I do appreciate the enthusiasm. I think your father would be very proud of you."There is a moment of surprise at the mention of her father and then she flashes that brilliant smile,"IDon'tMeanToBeAProblem."Omega moves away from Afterburn and takes another sip of his coffee. "It will probably take Imp a while to correlate all that data. Tell you what, Imp--you ARE young, but I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt."Imp's defiant stance softens a bit. Omega looks to Alloy and Afterburn. "Let me get her set up here. The three of us will go on patrol as planned and Imp can contact us when she has something to report."Omega puts his hand lightly on Imp's back and says, softly, "Come with me. I think I can get you access to the equipment and data you need. They're going to want to scan you first, but it's okay. I trust these people." Omega calls back to his other teammates, "Alloy, Afterburn--wait here, I'll be right back..."Omega escorts Imp inside the police station and introduces her.As Imp is placed into the large metal bed for scanning Omega asks to speak with Wojo and indicates that he would like to talk privately.They leave the lab as technicians begin the scanning procedure and walk the short hall to Wojo's office. When the two are alone, Omega says, "All of this is happening very quickly. I don't mean to keep bothering you but--this kid that's currently being scanned--she's HIGHLY intelligent--I think she can help us track down the two metas from this morning. If you can supply her with a computer and see that she gets the data she needs, I believe that we might be able to get a solid lead on their whereabouts."Wojo lights a cigar,exhales the smoke and replies,"It is moving a little quickly but I anticipated as much.I believe we can get her onto a computer in the lab and supply what data we do not consider,shall we say,sensitive.She will have a trusted technician watching her every move though." Omega nods and continues,"Alloy, Afterburn and I are going out on patrol. Contact me using the Johnny Power code if Imp turns up any useful data. I know she's just a kid but she's a meta and she's already on the street...I think she's on her own...she's better off with us than she would be alone. If she CAN formulate a search area, we'll regroup here and plan our next course of action. If there's any possibility of us actually encountering Andromeda or Shattarang tonight, I'll want to recruit as much muscle as possible and form a plan of attack prior to engaging them in a combat situation."It's Wojo's turn to nod,"Roger,understood."Omega starts to leave but then turns and adds, "There's something else...I was going to wait and discuss it with you later but...well, I talked to Vyra tonight and...it's about the Sentinels..."Omega continues, "There's something I would like for you to consider. I believe some or all of the Sentinels might be willing to join us but they are reluctant to register and be scanned. They may have legitimate reasons for this. We already know basically who they are and what their capabilities are...I'd like to propose that we waive the registration requirement for existing members of the Sentinels and perhaps also some of the other metas with whom you are already familiar. I know that's a hard pill for you to swallow, but please hear me out."Omega goes on, "The way I see it, we're better off with the metas being united than with several teams possibly working at cross purposes. I already have what could be the core of a new team and more metas may be on the way to sign up. But, I feel that too many metas on one squad could become unweildy. I'm thinking of calling this new team 'The Protectors,' but what if--under that umbrella--we had two divisions? We could break it down into Team Sentinels and Team Omega--or something like that--and Vyra could continue on as leader of the Sentinels team."Omega continues, "We could possibly even provide them with an extra meta or two--who HAVE been scanned--to help fill their team's roster. In effect, the Sentinels could continue on. TWO divisions could cover a lot more ground patrolling in this city than ONE. It could still be one team, just with two divisions--which could combine together if the situation called for it."Omega watches for Wojo's reactions as he continues trying to convince him, "I'd like to figure out a way to give them access to the base we talked about and also the communication equipment. I know it's not exactly what you had in mind, but I do feel that a compromise is in order here. I would like to make a good will gesture to Vyra and allow her to continue on in a leadership role. I can already see that her expertise could prove invaluable to the team as a whole. The Sentinels are going to be around whether we include them or not--why not use their existence to the city's advantage?"Omega pauses for a moment and then adds, "Well, I've rambled on enough about this for now--sorry to be long-winded again--I guess I just wanted to get it all off my chest and my mind sooner rather than later. The balls in your court now. Think about it, but I'd like to have something to tell Vyra and the others soon."Wojo chews the cigar for a long moment then replies in a gruff voice,"I respect Vyra and what she has tried to do for the city.I currently have a member of the research team doing some investigation,study of the known metas in Midville and she has centered her research on Vyra.Unfortunately she was unable to be here today or we would consult with her.You ideas have merit, and I agree with you on most points.The only way I will wave registration is if this department has the information on their abilities on file.Vyra would fall into this group,any others that may have a problem with the registration will only be accepted,by your decision,on a probationary basis until such time this unit has the information needed.This would include restricted access to equipment,computers and files.Also until a member is taken off probation they are NOT to know the truth behind the team set-up.How you divide the teams and use the members will be your decision but you and Vyra are the only ones that answer to me.Any registered members may know of our situation but are sworn to secrecy.And it should be known this is a temporary solution.When the S.C.U. has mechanized officers in the field,our arrangement ends."With that, Omega departs. He checks on Imp on his way out. "I've spoken to Sgt. Warjokowski," Omega tells her. "We don't have a team base yet, but he's agreed to let you use a computer terminal here and provide you with the data you need. When you have a lead, let him know. I'm going to take the others out on patrol for a bit and let Alloy and Afterburn...well, burn off some steam. I doubt we'll find much action tonight, but it will give us something to do while you're working here." Omega smiles at Imp. "Right now, we're unofficially calling ourselves The Protectors. Welcome to the team."Imp rises from the bed,gives Omega a cocky glance,"You got it bud,let me at the hardware." Omega throws his now-empty coffee cup into a nearby trash container and heads back up to the rooftop.Omega looks at Alloy and Afterburn. "Okay, guys. Sorry for the delay. Imp is going to try to track down some information for us--we'll be contacted if she finds anything. In the meantime, let's go on patrol!" Omega smiles at Afterburn and winks, "Unless, of course, you'd rather just wait here until Imp has something to report?"Afterburn mock salutes Omega,"AfterburnReportingForDuty!"Omega then asks,"Either of you need a lift to the street?"Alloy smiles a confident smile and the other two heroes watch as his arms flatten into glider wings.He steps off the roof and glides quickly to the street below then turns and looks up to the roof.Afterburn looks shyly at Omega,"ICouldClimbDown...ButWouldYouMind?"Omega gently scoops Afterburn in his arms and floats slowly toward the street.Afterburn sits calmly cradled in his arms and lightly lays her head on his shoulder."ThisIsNice...",she whispers.Omega floats near the street and lets Afterburn down gently. "Well guys," Omega asks, "Midville's a big city, where should we go first?"Afterburn replies,"Let'sStartAtTheHospital,PerhapsWeCanFindSomethingThere."

6:40-6:50 pm Omega replies, "Afterburn, I think the hospital is an excellent choice. I have some information I need to relay to Vyra anyway and I believe that's where she was heading when she left the police department. Perhaps we can kill two birds with one stone?"The three heroes stand in the street for a moment. Alloy looks at both Afterburn and Omega. He walks over and puts his hand on Omega's shoulder. Alloy asks, "Omega what can ya tell me about these two metas running amuck? Powers, abilities, stuff like that?"Alloy thinks to himself, "Man this feels soooo good as he stands there in the street with his two new friends..Tom Carney... superhero... sweet!""When we get to the hospital, we should probably ask Vyra or some of the other metas for more details on Andromeda and Shattarang," Omega replies. "But I can tell you what I know so far: Shattarang is just a two-bit hired gun who uses some kind of boomerang as a weapon. He's able to exert control over it and may be a telekenetic. Andromdea...he concerns me...he apparently beat up on the Sentinels and the New Guardians pretty badly this morning. He reportedly has vast super-strength and stretching abilities. He probably has other powers we don't know about yet. We know he has very little regard for human life, that's for sure."Omega pauses a moment and then continues, "I'm not yet entirely sure about Andromeda's motivations but the device taken from the hospital this morning was some sort of genetic replicator." Omega smiles as he addresses Afterburn, "Afterburn, you're the resident brainiac right now--you probably know a lot more about this kind of stuff than I do--what's your guess about what Andromeda might want with such a device?" Afterburn stands,shifting from foot to foot,"Well,TheMachineryIsExperimentalButUsedForReplicatingOrAlteringGeneticStrands.
Omega listens to Afterburn's thoughts on the subject and, once she's finished giving her report, thanks her for the input.She smiles sweetly and blushes slightly.Omega then asks Alloy, "Can you manifest those metallic wings again? If so, we should all be able to fly to the hospital. It will probably be faster that way."The group flies toward the hospital, keeping just above the rooftops. Omega carries Afterburn in his arms while Alloy flies alongside, using his manifested metallic wings.Afterburn softly stares at Omega and says,"YouKnowICouldRunFaster...ButILikeThisMore..."She cocks her head quickly and scans the city as it flies by below them."LookDownThere!",she hollers and points.Alloy and Omega look in the direction she points and they see people streaming from a small building obvious distressed.The group zooms down and a few of the scared patrons point into the building."In there...man in black...attacking...meta freak...",the group hears and rush into the bar.Omega says aloud, "Damn. I had a feeling something was going to happen tonight.Protectors, let's go!"Omega tells them, "We're dealing with an unknown situation here. When we arrive, I want us to surround the meta--Afterburn, you take left flank--Alloy, you take right flank--I'll hover in front and above."They move inside the bar to see a black clad man in the rear of the bar.There are chairs and tables overturned everywhere and the bartender seems to be crouching behind the bar.(Phase 37)Afterburn moves quickly to the left keeping a comfortable distance between herself and the unknown meta.She raises her arms and aims at the black clad meta.Omega--his flame-sphere still active--hovers as high in the air as possible, a few feet in front of the meta.Omega calls out, "I don't know who you are, mister--or what you think you're doing--but there's been enough terror in Midville for one day!We're The Protectors and we're taking you into the police station. Are you going to come quietly..." Omega begins to charge up psi-flame around his fists, "...or do we have to make this difficult?"

7:00-7:10 pm Omega looks at the unconscious rogue meta with concern and says softly, "Jeez...I didn't mean to hit him THAT hard..." then adds, louder, "Better get him down there as quickly as possible, Afterburn. I don't want an accidental death or serious injury on our first night out together as a team. Alloy and I will catch up to you."Alloy tells Omega, "Nice shot, boss!" Alloy pulls Omega close and whispers, "For the record..the threat was just a scare tactic...nothing more..you don't have to worry about me losing it okay?"Omega watches Afterburn zip off towards the hospital. He holds up his hand, which is still radiating residual psi-flame energy, and looks at it in amazement. Omega says, softly, "It's really not YOU I'm worried about anymore, Alloy..."Alloy gives Omega a reassuring pat on the back..."what's next leader-man?"Omega looks at Alloy and smiles. "I'm glad we're on the same team, Alloy. You're all right." Omega exhales deeply. "Let's get down to the hospital...I want to learn more about this black-clad meta...also want to check in with Warjokowski and tell him what happened, maybe see how Imp is progressing. Let's roll."Omega and Alloy make their way to the hospital as quickly as possible. As they fly to catch up to Afterburn, Omega's thoughts are of his actions at the bar--he replays the events in his mind and wonders if he should have handled the situation differently.When Omega and Alloy reach the hospital, Omega quickly makes his way to the admitting desk and asks for a phone and a directory. He looks up the direct number to Midville P.D. and calls Wojo."Sgt. Wojorkowski? It's Omega. Sorry to bother you, but I thought I should report an incident that just occurred. Afterburn, Alloy and myself just engaged a rogue meta at a local bar...you'll be getting calls if you haven't already...anyway...said he was looking for drugs. I...um...sort of...ah...incapacitated him...we brought him to the hospital, which is where I'm calling from now. Don't think he's going anywhere for a while, but you might want to send some men down here to scan and question him...also maybe send some men down to that bar to check it out. Sorry to cause you additional problems tonight, Sergeant but this meta was scaring the hell out of people and, considering the climate right now, I felt swift action was needed." Omega lowers his voice and asks, "Any word yet on that impish subject that escaped from juvenile earlier? Thought you guys might be able to use computer records to track her down..."From the other end Omega hears Wojo answer,"Yea got a call just minutes ago,units are being dispatched to the scene.Glad you were there to take down the meta before anymore damage was done.I'll be at the hospital with a team soon.On the other subject,yea,seems we have some info.I'll bring the INFORMATION with me."Satisfied Omega hangs up to see Afterburn walking toward him.He is unable to read her expression and finds that bothers him. When the group is again together, Omega tells both Afterburn and Alloy, "Look...what happened down at the bar tonight...I honestly didn't intend to hurt that meta as badly as I did...I underestimated the power of my psi-flame. Earlier, Sgt. Warjokowski told me about how one of the New Guardians accidentally killed a rogue meta. He said it was self-defense but I still wondered how a 'hero' could let such a thing happen...well, now I guess I know. I could've killed that man tonight..."Afterburn looks up at Omega with pity in her eyes,"EasyNow,Don'tBeSoHardOnYourself..."Omega raises his hand to stop her and continues, "I handled the situation at the bar badly. In retrospect, I should have had you use one of your paralysis blasts to take out the rogue. Obviously, your speed gave you the tactical advantage and you probably could have taken him down without causing him so much physical injury. Still, I made a judgement call down there tonight and I'll live with the decision--but it doesn't mean that we--that I--can't learn from the mistake. I don't think we should ever hesitate to act in a combat situation, but we should try to avoid causing serious injury or death to our opponents. In matters of self-defense or when innocent lives are in danger, the rules change a bit of course, but I don't believe the threat we just encountered justified the use of deadly force. I hope I haven't lost your respect, or your trust."Afterburn smiles that brilliant smile and reaches up to kiss Omega lightly on the cheek.She wants to speak but blushes and steps away quickly.Omega pauses briefly then smiles. He adds, as confidently as he can muster, "Well, it's been an eventful evening so far and the night is still very young. What say we go check on the condition of our rogue meta? Also, now might be a good time to speak with Vyra if she's still in the hospital. Then we can get back to work tracking down the two rogues from this morning..."The team goes to the elevator and rides it up to the 7th floor.When they exit the elevator they walk to a desk flanked by policemen and Omega places his palm on the handheld scanner one of the officers sticks out at him.They officer checks the data and nods the three of them through.They walk into the meta treatment room to see Poundage,Vyra and Maxi-Miss,sitting amongst and spread of food,starring at a bed to the left.In that bed is the black clad meta and flanking his bed is two policemen armed with power rifles.

7:10-7:20 pm Omega nods to the police officers and signals Alloy to move over beside the bed where the black-clad meta is lying. "Watch him, Alloy. We still don't know what he's capable of doing. I know he's restrained but let's not take any chances."Alloy steps over to the bed,"Not to worry Omega,sleeping shadow's going nowhere.I was about to do the very same thing,we don't know what were up against here and we can't take chances.'Megs' your doing a great job."His hand cups his chin,"Oh by the way does AB have a sister?"He gives Omega a wink and laughs,"Talk about a 'quickie'."Afterburn zips over to Alloy and gives him a playful punch in the arm.She concentrates hard,"I don't rush through everything,big guy."She places a defiant hand on her hip and glances at Omega,"Not all the time."Omega introduces his companions. "I don't think everyone here has met my teammates." Omega points, "The guy standing guard duty there is called Alloy." Omega then turns to Afterburn and adds, with a wry smile, "And this is the very beautiful...and very fast...Afterburn."Omega then turns to the other metas in the room, "Good to see you all again. I didn't expect we would be meeting up again this quickly but, as you can see, there's been a bit of excitement tonight. Lucky these officers were already here. I believe more are being dispatched from the S.C.U. now and should arrive shortly. I'm sorry to disturb your recovery but our rogue meta took a hard hit and I wanted to make sure he got proper medical attention. Vyra, could we please speak privately for a moment? Meanwhile, Afterburn--please fill the others in on what just happened down at the bar."Once Omega and Vyra are alone, Omega continues, "Please let the other members of the Sentinels know that I don't mean to exclude them, but there were just too many other people in the hospital room...I've spoken to our friend and he's agreed to waive the registration requirement for existing members of the Sentinels, provided he feels he has enough data on file already. I believe this would include all existing members of your team. You would all be granted probationary membership in the new team and have access to the team base. However, those who are not scanned will have only limited access to computer files, police records and the like. Which brings me to another point--our friend said that his involvement in this is only temporary, but I would like to make this a long-term arrangement."Omega goes on, "I already have enough metas to form a new team but I want to see the Sentinels continue on and I would like to see you continue on in a leadership role. What I envision is one large Protectors team broken down into two sub-teams--Team Omega and Team Sentinels--well, those names are tentative, but you get the idea. I'd like for you to continue to lead the Sentinels Team and I may even be able to get you a few more members to help bolster your ranks. We would act as a single team when the situation called for it--against threats like Andromeda--and, at other times, we could do otherwise."Omega adds, softly, "I know it's not a completely ideal arrangement, but I'm trying to set things up now in my civilian identity to allow me to bankroll this thing once Wojo bows out. When that happens, this registration requirement becomes moot. By then, everything should be privatized and it won't matter anyway. At that point, I'll grant all of the Sentinels full membership privileges in the new team. We can discuss all of this in more detail later on but that's pretty much the bare bones of it. I hope you will consider the offer. I feel that we could work well together and feel that I could stand to learn a lot from you and your teammates. Your experience and leadership abilities, in my opinion, would be invaluable."Vyra listens attentively to Omega's proposal, at occasion nodding and saying "mm, hmm" to show she is listening. When he is done, she smiles and says, "I think that that would be ideal. I think that the members of Sentinels will be more inclined to join with me leading them - someone their familiar with and trust."Omega interjects, "I couldn't agree more. And, for what it's worth, I want you to know that--even though we only just met--I trust you too. Call it...instinct. I have a lot of respect for you and the Sentinels--for what you did this morning. I know it wasn't a complete victory, but who knows how many more lives might have been lost if your team hadn't been there?"With that, Vyra's grin widens and she says, "I thank you very much, Omega, I can foresee us working together in the future."Omega smiles and nods. He feels the guilt he felt earlier concerning the possible collapse of the Sentinels begin to reside. He begins to think that, despite the obstacles, perhaps the city's superheroes truly can be united.Omega suggests, "Let's get back to the room. I don't want to get too far from that captive rogue. I'm not sure what the deal is with him but I get a bad feeling."The two head back to the room.Once back in the hospital room, Omega points to the black-clad meta and asks, "Has he come around yet? I'd like some more information on who he is and what he was doing down at that bar." Omega looks around at the other metas, "We're also trying to pick up a trail on Andromeda and Shattarang. Is there anything else any of you can tell us about them that you think might be helpful? I know Shattarang is a hired gun. Anyone ever encounter him before? Or maybe one of his associates?"Alloy,seeing the return of Omega,starts walk toward the door,"Megs,you want a cup a joe?"Omega turns to answer when the black clad meta suddenly says,"I need to....speak to the Guardians! Where are they?"

7:20-7:30 pm The police officers at the bed side take a more active stance,power rifles at the ready.Omega looks over to the black-clad meta." "What the...? Well, so much for the coffee, Alloy," Omega says softly. Then, louder, he addresses the meta in black. "The Guardians? Why would you want to speak to the Guardians? Just who are you and what the hell were you playing out down at that bar tonight?"Omega moves over and puts his hand lightly on Afterburn's back as he waits for an answer. "Maybe there's more to this than meets the eye?" he says to her, softly.She leans back slightly,applying just a little pressure on his hand. He looks over to the captured meta and waits for a response.Reaper responds, "I told you, I was checking the bar for drugs, drugs are pretty common where I come from. I was makin' sure the place was clean, then leaving. Till you guys walked in and blasted me! Who fired first? And damn it! Turn the lights off I can't see a thing!"Vyra stretches out her hand-preparing to execute a force field if necessary. She nods to Omega to let him know she's ready, but oddly has a gut feeling that she won't need her force field powers.Alloy turns to the black-clad meta and says, "Easy there son..one false move...and you'll be an organ donor."Omega glances at Alloy and finds himself unable to repress a half-smile. Omega then addresses the black-clad meta, "Okay, so I take it you're now claiming to be one of the good guys, so to speak? Well, if your story is true, you're not exactly winning friends and influencing people so far tonight. I only fired on you because you refused to stand down and tried to rush past us. Would you rush at a police officer who asked you to hold position? Honestly, your actions and manner of appearance don't exactly scream 'hero' to me. The only thing I saw down at that bar tonight were a bunch of terrified patrons screaming and running for dear life. Fear and panic among the citizens is the last thing we need right now. And you still haven't answered all the questions. Who are you and why do you want to speak to the Guardians?"The black-clad meta baffles Omega--is this meta a hero as he claims--a possible friend? Or a foe? Omega begins to wonder if he perhaps mis-read the situation at the bar? Omega hopes for one of his occasional flashes of "cosmic insight" but those seem to be few and far between.Omega looks around at the other metas in the room and waits to see if anyone has anything else to offer.Suddenly a gruff voice booms out,"Let me handle this."All eyes turn to the doorway and see Wojo entering with Imp in tow.Imp looks about the room in shock at the gathered number of meta's.Afterburn glances at Omega then zips over to stand near Imp.Wojo steps over to the bed and sticks his face over the unknown meta."I am Sgt.Warjokowski,commander of the Special Crimes Unit.Right now your fate lies in my hands,so I suggest you cooperate and answer my questions as honestly as you can.Now take a minute,take a deep breath and calm down."Wojo stands straight and addresses the rest of the room."I apologize for the inconvenience of detaining him here but the hospital only has one room able to handle meta's.I would have been here earlier but I stopped by the Cakes $ Ale bar to get the story from eye witnesses there."He pause and again sticks his face over the unknown meta."Now,first what shall I call you?Second,I have the witnesses version of what happened.What is your version?And I must tell you,anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.You are not officially under arrest but from testimony of witnesses you are very close to it."

7:30-7:40 pm Omega steps over to stand with Afterburn and Imp. He puts his hand on Imp's shoulder and speaks softly to her,"Good to have you back with us, Imp." Omega glances at Wojo. "We'll all talk in a minute. "After we wrap up here, I may have another special assignment for you."Omega smiles at the young meta and tries to make her feel a bit more at ease. Omega crosses his arms, leans against the wall and looks towards Wojo and the black-clad meta. Omega tells Wojo, "Sergeant, just before you arrived he was saying something about the lights--that he couldn't see with them on--it may somehow be relevant to his powers." Omega waits to see what the black-clad meta has to say. Omega looks at Afterburn and gives her a smile. He's beginning to understand how she felt earlier at the police station. Omega finds himself anxious to get the current matter resolved. He's eager to find out what Imp and Wojo have discovered. He catches himself tapping against the wall somewhat impatiently as he lets out a sigh. He wonders if Afterburn noticed as he turns his attention back to Wojo and the restrained meta.Poundage gets his phone and phones Guardian base. "Vengeance, we need one of you at the hospital ASAP. There is a meta, considered to be bad asking for one of you. Like Wraith, it seems he is a "creature" of the night." Poundage looks around the room. "I have contacted the Guardians. Maybe if we get one of them here, he will talk. Sounds to me like he is a lot like Wraith. Powers of darkness." Poundage stands next to the bed prepared with his paralysis ray. "If he makes a move, I can render him unconscious without hurting him."Poundage looks at young female hero. "Do I know you, feels like I've met you before. Like in a previous life."She gives him a small grin,"You do seem sort of familiar,do you have a son?"Omega smiles at the young meta as he introduces her, "This is Imp, Poundage. Imp...this is Poundage. He's a friend."When Poundage mentions he can render the meta unconscious without harming him, Omega wonders if Poundage might possess paralysis abilities similar to Afterburn and Imp. If so Omega considers that at least three of the heroes in the room--Poundage, Imp and Afterburn--have stated they have "paralysis" abilities. Omega has assumed, thus far, that the ability renders foes immobile or unconscious on a successful strike, but he makes a mental note to find out more about this power. He wonders if Poundage attempted to use the ability against Andromeda or Shattarang and, if so, what the results were? Omega finds himself thinking that these paralysis attacks might be an important tactical advantage against high-powered villains.The black meta replies,"First, you can call me stranger for now. Second, I already told my story twice. I stopped at the bar. Thought I might grab a drink if all was well.The bartender seemed as if he were hiding something, so I went in to investigate. Third, the Guardians are the reason I came to Midville, I have come to join them. Fourth, I am not going to attack you, can you release these restraints? Put up a force field if necessary, but at least let me out of the restraints.By the way, someone dim the lights! I can barely see!"There is a moment of silence as Wojo stands his face just above the black meta's face.All in the room notice a red tint climbing up his neck and his face,too,takes on a reddish hue,"Listen son,I'm not sure you understand how serious this is or WHO I am.As of right now I have enough to lock you up and keep you there until a trial is scheduled,say 30 days.I AM the law in this town,when it comes to meta's so I believe you want to get on my good side."His hands grabs the rails on each side of the meta's bed and his face is now mere centimeters from the meta's."I WILL NOT REFER TO YOU AS STRANGER.I WILL NOT RELEASE THE RESTRAINTS UNTIL YOU HAVE SHOWN YOURSELF TO BE A LITTLE MORE COOPERATIVE.I WILL NOT DIM THE LIGHTS.YOU SHOW ME A LITTLE RESPECT AND YOU JUST MAY EARN SOME YOURSELF."Wojo glares into the meta's eyes for an eternity then stands up."If you did not witness a drug transaction,overhear a conversation concerning a drug transaction or actually see any drugs,you are not to enter a public place,or private property for that matter, and cause such a commotion.The citizens of this city have rights that metas WILL NOT ignore.Now I'm willing to accept the fact that you THOUGHT something illegal was occurring,that you THOUGHT what you were doing was right.But I will not accept causing a public panic over what you THOUGHT was happening.Now how may I refer to you?"Afterburn looks shocked and scoots over close to Omega,hugging his arm tightly.

7:40-7:50 pm Omega looks over at Afterburn, he reaches over and rubs her gently on the back. "It's okay...trust me," he tells her, softly.She looks up at him with wide eyes,but smiles back at him.Poundage rises from his bed,"WOJO, I don't mean to step on toes, but settle the fuck down. Give the guy a chance. Odds are if he were to make a move, he would have done it by now. Maybe your boys are a little trigger happy. Guy looks beat down ghetto style. Let's just calm down and back off a little. I called the Guardians and they should be here soon. Damn I need a drink." As Poundage walks back to his bed he looks at Imp and says "Ahh, another place, another time. Good times. Good times."Imp looks at him with a puzzled glance,smiles and returns to fiddling with her finger nails. Omega looks back towards Wojo and the black-clad meta.Omega feels his frustration growing with each passing second. He decides to try to channel his anger into something useful. He speaks to the black-clad meta in a measured tone, "Well? You heard the Sergeant. I don't know if you can see me or not 'stranger' but I'm the last thing you saw before your world went black. My name is Omega and I'm the guy that put you in that freakin' hospital bed. I was actually feeling badly about that but I'm starting to get over it."Omega clenches his fist and continues, "You need to give Sgt. Warjokowski some straight answers and damnit...I don't just mean now, I mean yesterday! I don't know who you are or what your deal is, but the rest of us have some very important business to attend to and your little 'man of mystery' act is wasting far too much time. You say you want to join the Guardians? I don't imagine they accept folks with criminal records, but I might be wrong. That seems to be where you're headed right now, but maybe you can put in your application with them after you make bond."Omega calms himself, looks toward Wojo, and apologetically holds up one hand in the air. Omega shakes his head as if to say, "Sorry for the rant."Omega looks out the hospital window and scans the city. He knows that the trail on Andromeda and Shattarang grows colder with each passing second. He's anxious to speak with Imp about what what she's discovered, to begin the search for the rogue metas, to get his team back out on patrol...Omega glances over at Afterburn and offers her a quick smile. He wonders if this is how she feels all the time?Vyra stands back and watches. She is very shocked at Wojo's and Omega's behavior and starts to somehow pity the black-clad man, since he was only trying to do the right thing and is now being bitched at by everybody. And she's a little curious about Omega's behavior towards a potential member.Alloy folds his arms, leans against the strongest part of the wall and watches as both Sgt.WoJo and "Megs" tear this guy a new one. Then as soon as the room is quiet, Alloy speaks in a calm but deadly tone, "There are two deadly scumbags running around doing God knows what and you keep us here wasting time! If someone gets hurt because of your theatrics..." Alloy slowly moves towards the Black clad meta, "I'll break you...and you'll stay broke!" Alloy then returns to his spot, folded arms and all.Reaper responds, "Alright then. Listen, and listen carefully. Tell the bartender that I apologize for scaring him and his customers, but where I come from there is no law. The town is run by the mob. We didn't have time to be polite. And by the way, Mr...Law, was it? Anyway, I came here to join the Guardians because I am no longer needed back home."Reaper continues, "If you must know, I am known simply as...The Reaper. Now that I have answered your questions, I have a few of my own.First, what do you mean you are the law? Second, where the am I? What does the room look like?And by the way, Alloy, I didn't ask to be tied up and interrogated. Now will someone tell me what time it is? I can't see the clock."After hearing this, Omega softens a bit. "Okay...Reaper...sorry about jumping you so hard just now but what Alloy said is true...this very hospital was attacked this morning by two rogue metas who caused a lot of death, destruction and panic and we're all a bit on edge right now. When you caused that big scene down at the bar, well..."Omega looks at Wojo, "Sergeant? It's your call, but..." Omega looks around the room, "...I no longer believe Reaper presents a threat and there ARE about half a dozen other heroes here...maybe we could at least dim the lights so he can see us while we continue this conversation? I'd like to hear more about these men in black suits." Omega offers Wojo a half smile, "I'm picking up from Reaper's comments that maybe he's...ummmm...not from around here...perhaps this might explain some of his behavior...which, admittedly, WAS somewhat reckless. Still, we're going to need all the help we can get against Andromeda and Shattarang. He might prove a valuable ally. But as I said, that's not my call." Omega offers Wojo a half-smile, "You're the one with the badge."Wojo stands up and debates with himself.After moments of silence he makes a small gesture and one of the policemen cranks the bed to a sitting position and releases the restraint holding the Reaper's head."O.K.,if the bartender is willing I believe we can drop the charges.Now for your answers.In this city I am in charge of the police unit designed to control meta activity in the city.If a meta is involved in the city I know about it.All meta's answer for their actions and they answer to me.I am Sergeant Warjokowski,Wojo for short.You are in the hospital,to receive treatment for the minor injuries you occurred while being apprehended."As he is finishing his last statement Wraith and Vengeance fly through the window and land in the midst of the other heroes.

7:50-8:00 pm Alloy waves at the two new arrivals," I'm Alloy pleased to meet ya." He gives "Megs" a thumbs up.Omega nods to Wraith and Vengeance. "I take it from the G's on the belt buckles that you must be members of the Guardians? We haven't met yet. I'm Omega and these are my teammates," Omega introduces each in turn, "Afterburn, Imp and Alloy. We've taken the tentative name of The Protectors and have sworn to protect the City of Midville during times of crisis. You know...like now." Omega smiles and extends his hand. Wraith shakes the hand extended,"I am Wraith and this is Vengeance.""It's an honor to meet you both. From what I've heard, the scope of the Guardian's mission might be a bit more expansive than ours but we stand ready to assist you if we are needed."Poundage rises again, "Thank god you guys are here, and that you didn't bring Gay-len. We forgot the sign to check your ego at the door." Poundage looks at Maxi-Miss, "how fucked up was that?"Maxi-Miss gives him a shrug and watches the gathering.Looking about she is amazed at the gathered power in the room and replies,"I think Midville has an amazing amount of protection if we ever decide to 'just get along'." Poundage writes his number on a few pieces of paper and hands it out to those without it. Handing Imp a copy he says "Look forward to fighting with you. Again?"Imp takes the slip of paper gingerly and smiles at Poundage."You ever think of joining a team?Maybe start one of your own,say train the younger generation?" Omega then walks over to Reaper and extends a hand to him as well. "Guess we really got off on the wrong foot, Reaper. I really DIDN'T mean to peg you quite so hard down at that bar earlier tonight. Please, just try to remember that the public is easily panicked right now. I know now that you were probably only doing what you thought was right but we need to try to keep peace and order out there right now--not create more chaos."Alloy steps forward a little,a playful grin on his face,"Hey Reaper,sorry maybe I did jump the gun a little but we really need to get our stuff together and find these two scumbags.Meet out some 'justice'.Hey and 'Megs',I like our little foursome,we can call ourselves the fearless four."Alloy starts a hearty laugh as Afterburn zips over,smiles up at the big guy,"You OverGrownTeddyBear..."Reaper says, "I don't know exactly who the 'Men in black' are, but they have been hunting me for as long as I can remember, I'll fill you in later. As for the rogue metas, I have not heard of them before now." Omega looks around the room at all the metas who have gathered, "Look, I know there are a lot of issues for us to all deal with right now, but our team started out tonight trying to establish a lead on Andromeda and Shattarang. I can only assume that the Guardians have been doing the same. Perhaps we should all just take a deep breath, settle down, compare notes and try to start connecting the dots together? I believe we can accomplish more if we all work together. Our team may have some information." Omega walks over and places his hand gently on Afterburn's back. He nods at Alloy. Even though Omega's known his teammates only a short time, oddly, he's already beginning to feel strongly connected to them. While he's still hopeful that more metas can be recruited, he feels he already has a very good base from which to build.Wraith looks at Wojo suspiciously then replies,"Most of you know I am from the future,an alternate future I believe now that I have been stuck here.But Andromeda seems familiar I just can't seem to place him.Perhaps in my past he was stopped today,I don't know.A lot of the records were lost during the mutant rebellion and what remained didn't survive the Prawn War.We have the base doing some searching for information concerning other equipment the villain may be searching for but don't have much right now."Omega glances toward the young Imp. "Imp, now that we've established that we're all friends here, why don't you tell us what it is that you've discovered?"Imp steps forward,carrying herself with pride.It is evident when she speaks that she is very intelligent and she knows it.She has an aura of confidence as she speaks,"Considering the size of the equipment and the power needs for such there are few areas in the city where the device could be stored and used.From what I have been able to determine the machine more than likely was taken to an area underground,in the vicinity of Buchanan Park (Area 3,4,5,6).The area has the power needed and the underground section of the city there has many areas that aren't used anymore.There are areas a little further east that possibly could house the device but only if Andromeda supplied his own power supply."

8:00-8:10 pm Vengeance looks at Imp,"Well young lady you have done your homework.Interested in being a Guardian?We could use a hero like you."Omega walks over to Imp and squeezes her shoulder. "Good work, indeed. That's extremely helpful information, Imp." Omega nods at Vengeance. "She would make a good Guardian, but a good Protector too, huh?" Omega laughs and adds, "It is good to all be working together."Imp smiles up at Omega then looks over to Vengeance with a questioning look.Vengeance continues,"Here is what I found out.Pegasus Labs is currently working on the same technology and could possibly be the next target. I figure that Andromeda and Shattarang have just gotten the first piece of what they need to build some kind of device.Krupp Industries also has also done some research in the past on the same technology and maybe involved some how but that's not facts,that's just a hunch.I figure we should try to keep an eye on both just to be sure."Vyra finally speaks up. "Alright, looks like we have a good start. But, while we sit here and discuss the possibilities of where they may be, there off plotting there next move. We have more than enough heroes to take them now, I believe, if we have a coherent plan. Maybe half of us go to the park to investigate and half of us go to Krupp Industries, and report back in an hour? Or maybe we could set up some communication? But whatever we do, we must work quickly,I have a gut feeling that these two are going to take advantage of having so many heroes crippled."Omega then looks towards Vyra. "I completely agree with Vyra. I think we should act quickly and decisively. Splitting up isn't a bad idea, but it sounds like the area Imp described might be fairly large. I don't mind taking the Protectors team down there to have a look but maybe we should try to concentrate on different areas? And I certainly don't think we should ignore Krupp Industries either. We do have an impressive showing of heroes here. Are there any others we should contact?Also, is there any type of detection equipment available to us which might help to narrow our search?"Omega glances towards Imp, "Oh, and speaking of equipment...that's the other thing I wanted to address. I also agree with Vyra that we need to set up some communication. Our team currently lacks any significant communication equipment, which could be a liability. We should have some in a few days but I was going to ask if you could perhaps rig something up for us to get us by in the meantime. However, we may now lack the needed time. I do think we should act on our various leads sooner rather than later."As the discussion continues Reaper concentrates on his sunglasses and the lightly float to land on his face.Sgt.Warjokowski looks at him a moment and reaches down to release the restraints holding him.Vengeance looks at the crowd of heroes and begins to speak,"Me and Wraith should head to Pegasus Engineering.Vyra maybe your team could scope out Krupp Industries.The Protectors are going to the park.If you guys have cell phones it would make it easy to stay in constant contact.If not I say we meet at Rathbone park (Area 15,16) to fill each other in on what's going on.Poundage would you like to go to Pegasus with Wraith and I?"Imp again takes center stage,"Hold on all of you.First splitting up too much is inviting disaster.I don't think I have to remind all of you that these two villains walked through a similar gathering of heroes this morning.Now they will be facing the heroes on their home turf.Secondly as impressive as this gathering is a portion of us are injured and not at full strength.I believe two teams should be the maximum we weaken our forces.As for communication,if we split into two teams we could have one of the Guardians in each group and can remain in contact that way.If we do decide to split further I would suggest a quick fix.Buy a number of ordinary walkie-talkies.With a few minutes of adjustment I could have them all on a little used frequency pretty quickly.Any scanner of significant technology could pick up the transmissions but that is a price we would have to pay."She stands straight and tall and those gathered notice an aura of leadership about her.This is not a normal 16 year old girl.As the room quiets Wojo clears his throat with a rumble,"I could have the police presence about these two companies beefed up for a small amount of time,until you people finish your search."Finally Vengeance looks around the room,"Was there someone here who wanted to talk to the Guardians?"

8:10-8:20 pm Vyra is impressed at Imp's quick, decisive logic. "I think Imp is right.Communication should be a priority, and the easiest, quickest and most convenient way is through the Guardian's badges. Also, if we do encounter them, we need a tactical plan rather than everyone run out fists flying. That got us nowhere last time. Perhaps we should try to keep a 20 feet distance to avoid Andromeda's fist and Shattarang's weapon? Maybe those of us who have forcefields could mesh them together to form a strong barrier against attacks."Imp shakes her head slightly,"From what I have heard of Andromeda's attack on the hospital he was able to stretch his legs to a distance of at least 80 feet to step from one roof of the hospital to the other.I'm assuming he can do the same with his other appendages.If we try to stay out of range of his fist we more than likely take ourselves out of range for our attacks."Omega smiles as he looks toward Imp, proudly. He's glad he decided to take a chance on her. "Heh. Imp, at the rate this is going you could end up as team leader by morning. You make some excellent points. I agree we should not overly fraction our forces."Imp smiles up at Omega,"Just thinking things through..."Omega looks towards Vyra, "And, again--I agree with Vyra. I've already been thinking about some combat strategies to use against Andromeda and Shattarang.Afterburn is very fast and has a paralysis type of attack.Imp also has the same form of attack and I believe others do as well. This might be a tactical advantage in taking down an otherwise seemingly invulnerable foe.Alloy is nigh-indestructible in his metallic, armored form. If we do encounter the villains I'd planned to have him attempt to engage Andromdeda at close range--keep him occupied and try to negate his stretching abilities while we find out if the paralysis attacks are effective against him.Those of us who can fly can perhaps attempt to out flank him and use our various forms of ranged attacks.As for Shattarang, it seems this boomerang is his primary weapon. We should concentrate on taking out his weapon and taking him down as fast as possible so we can concentrate on the seemingly greater threat posed by Andromeda.That's a pretty broad battle plan but I had intended on giving more direct instructions to my team once an engagement actually began. I'm don't claim to be an expert though and I'm certainly willing to listen to other ideas and also defer to more experienced leadership should the situation call for it. But, if Sgt. Wojo is going to use his forces to monitor these corporations, perhaps we should all head to the park together? That seems to be the most likely location of Andromeda and Shattarang and I think that's our primary concern at this time. If they are there, it may take our combined efforts to beat them. In any case, that's where the Protectors will be heading next."Omega begins to think about what Vyra said concerning the force fields. He looks to her and asks, "Vyra? Is it possible for you to invert your force field? Could we use it as a way to 'capture' Shattarang's weapon or perhaps separate him from it? Or maybe you could use your telekenetic powers to take control of the boomerang yourself? Might take him by surprise if he suddenly got whacked upside the head by his own weapon."Imp smiles at the last statement,"Actually,inverting the forcefield is not needed.If it works the way I believe it does,she should be able to just place a forcefield around Shattarang.Any means of control he has shouldn't be able to escape the field until he has broken the field.His control of the weapon has to be mechanical controls on his person,telepathic orders to the boomerang itself,or the most logical answer,telekinesis."Poundage stands up,"I can join the fight, but in my weakened state, I may not hang around if itgets ugly. I also have a paralysis attack. Vengeance once tried to control the boomerang but failed. Maybe if so many of us have paralysis attacks, a couple should focus on trying to get Andromeda, and the other(s) should focus on Shatterang."Maxi-Miss finally speaks up,"Well I want Shattarang.I had him on the ropes this morning except for a lucky shot.Besides I have a little...well not so little...surprise for him."Wojo studies the exchange amongst the heroes then states,"I'll leave you to your planning and get those units to the two businesses.I will also have a unit on standby,ready if you guys find anything."He walks to the door as Reaper speaks up,"Hey, you guys want me to help? If so, I may be able to combine my telekinesis with Vyra's, but I've never tried it before."Afterburn zips to Omega's side and gives his hand a squeeze.The other heroes watch as she takes a deep breath,"So that makesThe Protectors,theTwo Guardians,Vyra,Poundage,Maxi-MissAndReaper.Let'sGetThisShow on the road!I'll dash thereButHowWill the restOfYou get there?."

8:20-8:30 pm Omega smiles at Afterburn and returns the squeeze. "Perhaps we should all go together?" Omega suggests. "If you don't mind the relatively slow method of me flying you there?I think we have enough fliers here to transport the non-fliers. Alloy can form metallic wings and give Imp a lift. He should be strong enough to carry one or two more as well if need be. Perhaps the Guardians can provide a lift for any remaining non-fliers? Reaper, you are welcome to join us. Are you able to fly? If not, pair up with a flier and let's get down to this park."Omega thinks for a moment, "These rogue metas seem pretty advanced. They might have some type of detection equipment down there. Perhaps we should fly in low? Below their radar, so to speak?"Omega looks to Imp as he begins to fully realize that this isn't just some ordinary kid, but a hero of great value and intelligence. "Imp, if you have any more of those brilliant ideas of yours, please feel free to share! Okay, let's go."Imp looks to Omega,"Actually I expect no problems at the park.The device is more than likely in an underground room somewhere.The abandoned subway tunnels will leave us little room to maneuver."Poundage looks about. "I can leap pretty quickly and can also carry lots of weight. If I am on a team with some 'slower non-flyers' I can carry them and get them there faster. We should also remember Shattarang is also hurt."Giving Maxi-Miss an approving look as he says, "Also I hope I put some damage on Andromeda. I will warn everybody. He is bad ass. Not only does he stretch, but he seems to have something extra on his strikes. His fist would glow as he made contact. I feel that if we can move quick enough, we may want to stay together. That Andromeda can handle a handful or so. I'm just hoping Shattarang hasn't healed as much as some of us. Vengeance, perhaps we could use the Striker. Intimidation would be good."Vengeance taps his badge, "Base tell Galen what's going on. Then bring Striker 1 and 2 to the hospital roof. We're taking a ride in style...Man this has been a long fuckin day..."To answer Omega's question, Reaper runs, jumps, does a flip out the window, and takes flight...."What do you want me to do?"Omega calls to Reaper, "The Guardians have transportation on the way. Let's just wait till their aircraft get here and then we'll all go down there together."Omega thinks for a moment, then muses about what Poundage said. "Andromeda's fists glowed when he attacked? Hmmmm...maybe some type of energy based carrier attack?"The gathered group begins to make it way to roof.Omega and Afterburn fall behind and he whispers to her, "I wasn't sure about Imp at first, due to her age. But she has proven herself to be very intelligent and a valuable asset to the team. However, I'm still a bit leary about taking a teenager into a combat situation. I know she's earned it, and I know she can handle herself, but let's try to keep her as much out of harms way as possible. Although considering what I'm thinking of asking of her, perhaps putting her in harms way might be less of a burden."Afterburn looks into his eyes,touched by his concern for Imp,"SheHasProvenToBeQuiteAHelp,ButWeMustRememberUnderThatToughExteriorIsAYoungGirl.

Omega then smiles at Afterburn and adds, "And you be careful down there too. We've got a lot of firepower on our side, but this could still get hairy. These guys seem to enjoy hurting heroes, and I haven't discounted the possibility that they might be expecting us to find them. In any case, they may detect our approach. We might not have the element of surprise on our side. Be ready for anything."She crinkles her nose in a way Omega finds very cute and replies,"ListenLeaderman...IOnlyGetTouchedWhenIWantToGetTouched.
She gives him a wink and zips up the stairs,her hair flying behind her.Once they are on the roof Omega looks up and glances around at the others. He offers, "Okay, here's what I think we should do if it comes to a combat situation:Andromeda: Afterburn, Poundage, Alloy, Vengeance and I should probably go after him. Afterburn, you zip behind him and try to take him down with one of your paralysis rays. Alloy, your job is to get in close and keep him occupied until we can figure out if this will work. Poundage can try to flank Andromeda from the side and fire your own paralysis rays at him. Vengeance is probably more powerful than I am, but he he and I can fly above him and attempt to distract him with ranged attacks and weaken his defenses. If the paralysis doesn't work, then the idea is to surround him and attack him from all sides. Keep moving and try to stay out of range of his stretching abilities.Shattarang: Maxi-Miss has called dibs, and I think that she, Imp, Reaper and Vyra should try to take Shattarang out as quickly as possible. Imp, perhaps your paralysis attack can take Shattarang out. Maxi-Miss, Vyra and Reaper can attempt to attack and distract while you position yourself behind him and try to surprise him. If it doesn't work, then I think Vyra should try using her force field to separate Shattarang from his boomerang weapon. Reaper, use any type of ranged attack you might have and try to disable the weapon itself. Maxi-Miss, if your name implies what I think it does then Shattarang may indeed be in for a BIG surprise, so if all else fails, perhaps brute strength will win out. Imp, if our paralysis rays don't work on him--or even if they do succeed in taking him out--I want you to retreat back to the Striker. There's a reason for this that I'll get to in a moment. We shouldn't underestimate Shattarang but I still feel Andromeda is the major threat."Omega looks to Vengeance, then to Vyra. "Just a few tactical ideas, Vengeance, Vyra. I don't mean to overstep my bounds here but I do think a good tactical plan is instrumental to our success. I'm certainly open to any other ideas. There's one more thing..."Omega pauses and then continues, "Vengeance, I know the Striker has offensive weapons and I know they have been used in combat before with...unfortunate and unplanned results...however, that might be something we should consider as a backup plan. If all else fails, perhaps we should use those weapons against Andromeda? That's why I suggested Imp's retreat. She could learn how to operate the aircraft and its offensive systems in short order and bring it into play if need be. I hope it doesn't come to that but, if it does...if we all fall...then Imp may be the city's last hope." Omega looks at Imp and adds, "I'm not even going to ask if you can do it, Imp. I already know the answer. I think we all do."In response Imp gives a flip of of hair and begins to pick at her fingernail.
Omega then sighs deeply and looks around the room. "Well, hell...win, lose or draw...I'm damn proud to be in this company. The Protectors...fighting with the Guardians and the Sentinels. Guess it's about time to take some names and kick some ass."As he finishes a large shape slowly lowers from the sky.The Striker flies almost silent and lowers itself till it hovers meer inches from the roof.A door on the right side slides open and a ramp is extended.Imp is heard muttering,"How cool..."The gathered heroes begin to enter the craft when They notice a skeletal figure exit the roof access door.

8:30-8:40 pm Omega approaches the new hero, smiles and extends his hand in friendship. "You must be Scar. I've heard of you and was hoping that we would meet. I'm Omega. I believe you know everyone else here except perhaps for..." Omega nods at each as he introduces, "Alloy, Afterburn and Imp. We have a lead on Andromeda and Shattarang. I know you were involved in this mornings battle. Have you healed enough to join us?" Omega then asks, softly, "I also know that you have precognitive abilities. Any information you can share with us would be greatly appreciated. We're going to need any advantage we can get."Scar says,"I am much to weak to join you in battle.I was unable to detect any sort of weakness in Andromeda this morning."Omega addresses the group as a whole, "Scar, I had just outlined a tactical plan but something Imp said has been bothering me. She said we might be encountering the rogues in an area that will leave us little room to maneuver. That might put a wrinkle or two in what I had in mind."Omega and Scar follow the others into the Striker.As the Striker starts to move toward the park Omega looks to Vengeance, Vyra and Poundage. "My plan really assumes a greater area of maneuverability--like in the battle this morning. I still think the paralysis rays are our best bet but I'd be interested in hearing any ideas you guys might have.A side effect of my power is that, while I'm channeling the Omega Force I have a greater sense of awareness and...for lack of a better word, intelligence. I know I tend to ramble on at times but it's simply because I'm trying to convey the ideas that are flowing into my mind." Omega smiles and adds, "You've all fought these two before, just as Scar has. If anyone else has any suggestions, I'd like to hear them now while we're all still together."Reaper stands apart from the others,"Okay, I don't really have anything good to say, I just need to know what were up against here, because I have never encountered these guys before, what can they do? What device were you talking about? And why the hell are they doing all this in the first place?"Omega explains, "Well, assuming that this lead pans out and we find them, we're up against the two metas who attacked the hospital this morning,Andromeda and Shattarang. Andromeda has great strength, heavy defenses and stretching abilities. And, according to Poundage, may also have some type of energy-based carrier attack.Shattarang appears to be a hired gun. He's able to control a boomerang-type weapon by an as yet unknown means, possibly telekensis.The two of them attacked the hospital and stole a genetic manipulation device. Afterburn has theorized that Andromeda intends to use this device to duplicate his own DNA and produce clones of himself. Whatever his broader plan is remains unclear but he's already shown he has absolutely no respect for human life and seems to enjoy carnage and destruction.He's also very powerful. Poundage, along with members of the Guardians and the Sentinels fought Andromeda and Shattarang here this morning, but the two put most of heroes in the hospital and managed to escape, along with the device. A lot of people have been killed and there's a lot of panic in the streets right now. That's why we responded to you the way we did when we first encountered you. We weren't sure if you were friend or foe, but I'm glad you're with us now."Omega looks around at the group, "Um...did I leave out any important details?"The gathered heroes feel the ship slow and stop and Wraith says,"O.k. people were at the park.What now?"The door opens and the ramp extends itself again.Imp steps out into the park and begins to scan the area."I believe we can find an old Maintenance access to the abandoned subway in the underground parking garage over there.Now,do we split up?Leave any one here?"Wraith replies,"We don't NEED to leave anyone.The Striker can fly and fire it's own weapons and it can be controlled through the badges."As he looks over at the entrance to the parking garage Omega is filled with a feeling of dread.He knows the coming battle will be hard fought and he almost feels eyes watching him.A question slowly forms in his mind,would Andromeda not pick a base of operations that would be easily defended?Or did he pick a base of operations that was easily hidden?

8:40-8:50 pm Afterburn looks around at the heroes gathered about the park."PerhapsWeLeaveThoseHeroesWhoHaveBeenInjured.
Omega looks to Afterburn, "I think that's a good idea." He pauses for a moment and then adds, "I have a bad feeling about this. I can't explain it but I feel that Andromeda is here. Also, I get the distinct feeling that we are being watched. He would likely select a base that could be easily defended...or hidden. No offense to Imp, but we did locate him with relative ease. Something's been gnawing at the back of my mind for a while now. Maybe Andromeda wanted us to find him and our approach was fairly obvious. We might be walking into a trap. In any case, I'm definitely getting a very bad vibe."As Omega departs the Striker, he looks about the park and attempts to focus all his senses (earthly and otherwise) on the area, to see if he can gleam any additional insights or simply if he notices anything out of the ordinary. He turns to Imp, "If the Striker can be controlled by the Guardian's badges then you needn't have to worry about retreating from battle to carry out the backup plan." He places his hand on her shoulder and looks her in the eye. "But I still want you to be careful down there. If things go badly, I want you to pull back--contact Wojo and gather together as many metas as you can find. A back-up calvary here is a good idea but we may need more than one calvary before this night is over."Imp gives Omega a 'Yea Right!' look and replies,"I'm a Protector...I will not leave my teammates."She wonders to the entrance to the parking garage and begins to look around.Omega then looks to his other teammates, Alloy and Afterburn. "Okay, guys--this is the real deal." He adds, with a smile, "We're fighting alongside the Guardians and the Sentinels so let's stay sharp."Omega slips up to Afterburn and says, softly, "Keeping Imp out of harms way may be more problematic than I had anticipated."Omega steps up to Imp and says, "I didn't mean to insult you Imp. Remember, you're a Protector because I decided to take a chance on you. So far, I have not been disappointed. Not in the least. This isn't about your age. It's about having someone I can depend on when the chips are down and, so far, you have proven that I can depend on you." Omega puts his hand gently on Imp's shoulder and adds, "I'm not asking you to bolt at the first sign of trouble, Imp. Quite the contrary, I think your powers will be a great asset to us. I'm just saying that if things go badly...really badly...then I need you to get out, contact Wojo and bring in reinforcements, a.s.a.p. Okay?"Omega looks out over the park, thinks for a moment and then adds, "You got us this far, Imp. Now that we're here, what are your instincts telling you?"Imp locks Omega with a steely glare,"The parking entrance is definitely big enough to fit the recombinator,I would almost say this was the way he came.I haven't found any kind of surveillance equipment so far."As usual, Reaper stays apart from the group. He catches up with Omega and says,"Sorry about what happened at the bar tonight, I didn't mean to add to the problem. Must be tough doing this job, round here. So many rules to abide by, but I guess your pretty used to it."Wraith steps to the front of the group,"O.k.,we should move this along.If Andromeda is down there,the longer we delay the more preparation time he has.Whoever is staying above ground should enter the Striker.The rest should get moving into the garage."Poundage steps toward the Striker,"I will have to stay."

8:50-9:00 pm Scar thinks to himself and lowers his staff. He looks to the parking entrance then back at the collection of heroes. He talks softly until heard. "They are down there. They are waiting for us. The area is booby trapped with alarms and weaponry. He is working on the stolen machinery. He speaks of an "ace in the hole" a "window of transport". They are separated but can communicate via video to one another. They will be ready for us."Omega steps forward, cautiously. He looks to Scar, "I was afraid of something like this. Hmmmm...'window of transport' sounds like some sort of teleportational device. So that could either mean a means for their escape or a method of calling in reinforcements of their own."Scar looks around the group," Do you have schematics of the subway tunnels?"Imp replies,"The city doesn't have very good records when it comes to these subways,but I remember most of them.The problem is we still do not know exactly where they are,just that they are there."Omega looks to his teammates, "Is there any way to detect these booby traps? Disarm them? Vyra, perhaps it would be possible to erect a mobile force field around the group as a whole? One that moves as we move and would increase our level of protection? The longer we delay the greater chance they have of escaping or calling help. We need to act intelligently, but also quickly."Vyra nods, and says, "I think I can do that - but my force field is weak - I don't know how much damage it can take..." She then adds, "When we get down there, we should have two squads: one to counter attack the Metas, the others to immediately destroy ALL equipment. Perhaps Afterburn should be one of the ones to help destroy equipment, as they'll have more difficulties catching her...perhaps my forcefeild could surround Shatterang for as long as it will hold, so he can't use his weapon."Omega adds, "If they do know we're here, then Andromeda could be sending Shattarang or other lackeys up to meet us--to delay us while he continues working on modifications to the stolen device. Everyone, it might be a good idea to activate your defenses and be ready!" Omega surrounds himself in the Omega Flame as he continues to move forward.Reaper follows suit and prepares his defenses.Alloy dashes over to rip a light pole out of the ground,"I'll take point..I'll use the pole to set off the traps."Vengeance speaks up,"Well lets get going now.Base any info on criminal records for employees of Krupp industries or Peaguses Engineering?"The base replies,"Search in process...none found yet..." as Afterburn zips over and whispers to Imp.Imp listens intently and smiles."Afterburn brings up a point,but is a little embarrassed to speak up.If Scar's abilities are precognition,wouldn't that mean the vision he saw is in the near future and the villains do not know we are here YET?Also turn around,things are getting a little more complicated."The gathered heroes turn to see news vans parked or pulling up around the park.Reporters are aiming cameras,speaking into microphones.As they watch a couple police cars pull up and the officers start to make a perimeter,keeping the reporters from the park."If Andromeda or Shattarang watch TV,they know we are here now."The group makes it way into the parking garage,each hero on alert for any traps or weapons.Imp leads them to the far end where there is a large metal door.Imp studies the lock and states,"This lock has been tampered with recently."She gives the door a slight shove and it swings open with a creak.There is a wide tunnel leading down at a 45 degree angle.The glow from Omega's flame reflects off the damp walls but show no end to the tunnel.The group makes it's way slowly down the tunnel and travel about 100 feet when the tunnel ends at a T,a tunnel going left and a tunnel going right.Imp looks disappointed,"I can't be sure which direction to go,but I do know we need to find a fairly large area for Andromeda to house the equipment."Afterburn zips from one tunnel to another,"ICanScoutAhead.GoALittleWayDownEachTunnel."

9:00-9:10 pm Omega looks to Afterburn, "Splitting up could be dangerous, but we really don't have much of a choice. Scout ahead...but not too far...we'll stay a relatively close distance behind you...the minute you find something, return to the group at top speed and we'll all tackle the threat together." Omega looks at her for a moment and swallows hard, trying not to let his emotions get in the way of the mission at hand. He nods to her. "Be careful."Afterburn zips off down the right tunnel.Omega looks to the rest of his team, "Protectors! Alloy, transform into your densest metallic form and take point. Imp, stay directly behind the big guy and be ready with your paralysis ray."Omega looks around at the rest of the heroes, "Vyra--I appreciate the fact that you are here. Your force field powers will be of great benefit, but I know that you're injured." Omega looks to Reaper, "As are you, Reaper. We need your powers down here, both of you, but perhaps the two of you should stay near the back and out of the fray? Both to protect yourselves and to guard the party from surprise back attacks? Perhaps Maxi-Miss should stay back too?" Omega looks to Maxi-Miss and asks, in genuine concern, "How are you feeling?I'm not sure the extent of Maxi's injuries. As with Vyra, I'm glad you're with us...but I don't want to see any heroes seriously injured or killed down here, if it can be avoided."Maxi-Miss looks at Omega with a determined look,"I may be injured but Shattarang will pay for his actions this morning."Omega turns to the Guardians, "Vengeance, Wraith what do you think? Maybe the three of us in the center, ready to break in whatever direction we are needed? You guys are the true experts with this sort of thing."Wraith looks at the gathered heroes,"I believe your decisions hold merit.I also can withstand a decent amount of damage.If it comes to it I will join Alloy in front to protect the others."Omega turns back to Vyra, "What you said about the equipment is true. Destroying whatever gadgets Andromeda has down here should be a priority." Omega looks to Reaper, "You have telekenetic powers, Reaper. If you're not able to join direct combat, perhaps you could use your tk to wreak some havoc on the machinery? That includes the stolen genetics machine. It would be better to destroy it than to allow it to fall into Andromeda's hands."Vyra says, "I, too have Telekentic abilities. I'll do what I can..."Reaper nods and prepares to use his telekinesis.Omega takes a deep breath and braces himself for the imminent battle. "Okay...let's go."The group begins to move down the right tunnel when Afterburn zips up to meet them."ALittleWaysAheadTheTunnelOpensIntoALargerRoom. ADoorOnTheOtherSideOfTheRoomSeemsToBeBoobieTrapped. IDidn'tBotherItButCouldSeeASwitchOfSomeSortConnectedToIt. ThereWereSoundsComingFromTheOtherSide." The group makes it's way to the end of the tunnel where it opens into a room about 50 feet across,20 feet high.The door on the opposite side is immense covering about 1/2 the wall.As they scope out the room Wraith points to two panels on each wall on the left and right near the ceiling."Those look newer than the rest of the room."As they stand,there is a screech of metal on metal coming from the other side of the door followed by a muffled thump.

9:10-9:20 pm Vyra closes her eyes and stretches out her hand, erecting an oval force field around those gathered. She then nods to Omega. She says, "If those panels are floor detectors, me and Reaper can levitate people to the door."Omega looks to Vrya, "Good idea. Those who can fly can also hover above the floor to avoid any sensors there. There may be other motion sensors as well." Omega then looks to Imp, "Imp, you seem to be the resident gadgeteer. Assessment of this room and potential traps? Best strategy to deactivate them or avoid them?"Imp studies the room and replies,"From here it looks as if it is all tied into the door.I think those panels near the ceiling hide weapons of some sort that are triggered when the door is opened.If I remember correctly there is an abandoned station on the other side of the door,with a garage to be used for housing subway trains.That would be the perfect place for Andromeda,plenty of room and power.Scar said they had video,if they do then what are they waiting on?"Omega looks around at the group, "Does anyone here have powers that can directly affect or control electronic circuitry?"Everyone remains quiet.Omega nods to Afterburn, "Good work. I think we're getting close, everyone. Alloy, anything comes out that big door use that lamp post and do your best Babe Ruth impersonation. I can almost feel their presence. Everyone stay on your toes..."Vengeance concentrates and puts a force field around the group."Get back and I will try to open the door with my magnetic abilities."Omega nods to Vengeance and waits, with the others, behind the protective shield. He looks to Imp, "You have a point. What ARE they waiting on? Maybe scouting the opposition...but what was that scraping noise we heard a moment ago? I wonder..."Omega calls out to Vengeance. "Be careful, Vengeance! In addition to the traps here, I have a feeling there may be something very nasty on the other side of that door. Like maybe a large weapon of some kind..."Omega looks about, "I'd suggest everyone move to the side and out of the path of a possible projectile or energy weapon. I know we're protected by a force field, but it would be better not to take a hit at all..."Everyone moves to the side and Reaper turns to Vyra, "Could we perhaps combine our telekinesis? Would it be more effective?"From Vengeance's badge Poundage is heard,"The news reporters are out here. If they don't know you are here, they may now. I have instructed Wojo to remove them.If he doesn't, you guys give the word and I will make sure none of this makes it to the air.Tell me how to get there. If things get hairy, I am coming in to get you guys out."Vengeance concentrates and reaches out with his magnetics and pushes at the door.The door swings open easily and the group hears a couple clicks and whirs.The two panels swing open and some sort of weapon barrel slides out of each and start turning toward the group.The floor in front of them suddenly crackles with energy.On the other side of the door the group sees a large room,at least 100 feet deep and standing at the far end is Andromeda,arms crossed at his chest.Peeking from behind him is Shattarang who lets out a robust laugh,"Oooo..hoooo...we got some guest,Andromeda!Lay out the welcome mat and let's start this party!"Afterburn twitches,ready to move but glances at the floor then back at Omega.

9:20 pm (Phase 31) Omega levitates slightly off the floor. Reasoning that the best defense might be a good offense, he extends his arm and fires a blast of blue Omega Flame at Shattarang's head.The flame leaps forward and smashes into the force fields in place by Vyra and Vengeance.Vyra and Vengeance both let out a grunt.Omega calls out, "Afterburn, it's not safe to try to outflank Andromeda. Stay as mobile as possible and try to hit him from this side of the room with ranged paralysis blasts.Imp, is it safe to fly across the room separating us from the rogues? We need those traps deactivated, and quickly! Anyone with ranged attacks...open fire!"Imp,stunned,takes a moment to reply,"Uuumm,yea...the guns seem to be motion and heat tracking...the floor seems electrified so a person would need to contact it to close the circuit to receive any damage."(Phase 28) Omega looks to Wraith, "Wraith, you have a very accurate energy attack form, yes? Perhaps you could simultaneously fire blasts from each hand and take out those weapons up there?" Omega points to the 'gun barrels.'Wraith looks in that up at the gun barrel on the right,"My blast come from the staff,I can only fire one at a time.As soon as Vengeance drops the force field I'll try to take one out."From the other end Andromeda is heard,"Shattarang,they go no further.Stop them at any cost."His right fist lashes out quickly and slams into the forcefield with a loud 'THOOM'.Vengeance lets out a loud moan.(Phase 27) Wraith looks at Omega a moment and takes aim at the gun barrel on the right."I can get the wounded out with the teleportaion abilities of the base,but you need me here,now.",he says as a power blast flashes from his staff and smacks the gun barrel.There is a small shower of sparks but the barrel continues to track toward the group.Afterburn quickly hollers,"INeedSomeoneToTakeMeTotheOtherSide!" as she aims her guantlets at Andromeda.Andromeda dodges the beam of energy easily with a twist of his torso.Andromeda smiles,"I ravaged your friends this morning and yet you hunt me down.Humans are not that smart and yet are the dominant species on this planet...HaHaHaHa...conquering this world will be easier than I thought."(Phase 24) Reapersaves his move.

9:20 pm (Phase 19) Omega blinks as his latent cosmic awareness suddenly flares to life and causes a disturbing vision to unfold in his mind's eye--the possible consequences of his actions had his attack succeeded in penetrating the force fields: Vyra unconscious, perhaps even dead--Vengeance drained and taken down only moments later. Omega kneeling before Vyra's lifeless body..."My God...What have I done?" The vision retreats as quickly as it came--at the speed of thought--and Omega looks around to find Vyra and Vengeance, thankfully, still standing. "Thank God," Omega mutters, realizing the others will not fully understand.He then explains, "I thought it was possible to fire through the force screens from this side. I've just been instructed otherwise by a...higher power...my deepest apologies...but there are other worries right now..."Omega then looks to Alloy, "Alloy, do you think your metallic form can withstand that electrified floor or would it mean even more damage for you if you tried to cross it? Can you jump the distance?"Omega looks at those projecting the force fields, "Obviously, it looks like we'll have to drop the force fields to attack them. Vyra, Vengeance, can you open up 'holes' in the fields large enough to fire through or allow the use of telekenetic abilities?"Omega turns to Imp, "Imp...best guess as to the power supply for that floor and those weapons? Would it be possible to deactivate it or short it out somehow?"Imp looks about thoughtfully and replies,"I need to go further into the other room for a complete analysis.From where we stand I see no form of power supply and would actually guess that Andromeda would have the power supply in the same room with the genetic recombinator."Omega gives Imp a wry smile, "I was afraid you were going to say something like that--we need to get over there to engage them properly." Omega then says aloud, to no one in particular, "Reaper or I could fly across and take some of the others with us...we would avoid the electrified floor that way--but we might still get zapped by those weapons up there. And Andromeda can just stretch himself across to pound on us..."Wraith speaks up,"I can also fly a couple over."Omega looks to Afterburn. "I can fly you across...but I'm worried about those guns turrets. Wraith's attack is stronger than mine and it didn't seem to do much damage to them. I don't want us getting shot down and landing on that floor. Maybe the telekenetics could 'take control' of those weapons and turn them away from us?"Maxi-Miss,standing quietly in the rear says,"What about laying a force field just over the floor?We could then just walk across."Afterburn sways from foot to foot,"IfIGetAcrossICanTryToFindThePowerSupply,TheRecombinator,OrTheControls. EvenIfICan'tIFeelLikeADuckAtTheShootingGallery. WeNeedToChangeTheDynamicsOfTheBattle. RightNowWeAreFightingOnHisTermsAndThatsJustNotMyStyle."Both Vengeance and Vyra drop their force fields.Vyra acts with all the speed she can muster. She jumps behind Alloy and reaches out her Telekenetics to grab hold of the gun-barrel on the right.She prepares to try and yank it from the wall. She motions Reaper to do that same.Vengeance grabs his belt buckle with his magnetics and floats himself over the electric floor and prepares himself for a dash to Andromeda. (Phase 18) Imp steps forward to stand at the edge of the electrified floor and raises an arm.A burst of energy arches toward Andromeda.He contorts to dodge the attack but the beam hits him high on his shoulder.Imp lets out a loud,"YEAH!!TAKE THAT BIG BOY!!" but just as quickly looks on with disappointment as Andromeda reaches up to touch his shoulder and smiles.Imp quickly states,"He must have some very thick skin.Paralysis rays will only be effective after we wear him down a little." (Phase 17) Maxi-Miss reaches over to touch Afterburn on the shoulder,"Time to take the fight to them."Suddenly both women blink out and reappear in the middle of the larger room.Afterburn blinks a moment then a large smile spreads across her face.

9:20 pm (Phase 16) Omega smiles, "Well, our Maxi-Miss is just full of surprises isn't she?"Omega then nods at Imp, "Okay. Try to use your paralysis attack on Shattarang instead. We'll see what we can do to wear Andromeda down a bit."Omega looks around to the others, "Once that other weapon is out of commission, we should either fly across or use Maxi's idea of laying down a force field. Let's press the attack. Change the dynamics of the confrontation. We need to shift from defense to offense. Perhaps some of us should consider combining our attacks, or combining our powers in new ways--give them something unexpected?"Omega pauses a moment and then looks to Vyra and Reaper, "I've been thinking...what if we used the telekenetics to 'bottle' both my Omega Flame and Wraith's power blast? Could either of you temporarily hold the energy back telekenetically...then release it...hitting Andromeda with a more massive, and directed attack? That skin of his is like armor. We have to wear it down before paralysis or probably even conventional attacks will be successful against him."Imp looks thoughtful a moment then answers,"I'm not sure the telekinesis would work.The power uses the mental capacities to 'hold' physical objects.Both your flame power and Wraith's blast don't seem to have a physical ingredient to them."Omega raises both arms and lets loose a flame blast from each hand.The flame leaps forward on a line toward Andromeda but fizzles out about halfway across the large room. (Phase 14) The gun on the left wall tracks toward the group and fires a blast with a 'boom'.There is a loud screech from the gun and a shower of sparks as it malfunctions.As the screech ends the gun again starts to track the group.From the large room Shattarang shouts,"Damn it,and the guns are supposed to be state of the art!"He turns and looks toward Maxi-Miss,"Ah..my dance partner returns...shall we continue where we left off luv?"The boomerang above his head shutters slightly them zips at high speed at Maxi-Miss.She moves to dodge but moves to slow as the boomerang smacks her hard in the chest and she falls in a heap. (Phase 13) Andromeda lets out a booming laugh,"She is just the first who will fall this day,heroes."His left arm shoots out quickly,his hand curled into a large fist.The large fist smashes into Afterburn and flashes brightly for a moment.Afterburn is hurled 45 feet straight back and lands on the electrified floor in front of her teammates.As she lands,there is a large arc of energy around her and she lets out a scream.Meanwhile Vyra struggles as she mentally 'feels' the gun she is holding with her telekinesis tries to track the group.

9:20 pm (Phase 12) "Afterburn! Maxi-Miss!",Omega calls out. "Damnit all to hell..."As he is finishing Afterburn screams again as the energy arcs around her.Omega turns to Imp, "I guess I've just found out the maximum range of the Omega Flame. Okay, so the tk bottle idea is a bust...Wraith, what about that teleportational gizmo...can it zap us over there to them?"Wraith replies,"No,the badge can teleport me and those I hold to the base or out of the base to a specified point in Rathbone park (Area 15,16).I say we risk the guns and go after Andromeda.We're just sitting ducks here for the guns anyway."Omega nods to Wraith, "Agreed. We're getting nowhere fast. And we can't leave Maxi over there!" Wraith gets a determined look on his face and flies to a point about 10 feet ahead of Maxi-Miss's motionless body.He raises his staff and fires a blast at Andromeda.His aim is true and the blast smacks Andromeda in the chest.Andromeda stands his ground slightly amused at the blast.Afterburn rises to her feet and runs to stand near the large door to the north.She raises her arms and let's loose a paralysis ray from her guantlets.The burst of energy soars toward Shattarang but seems to ricochet away from him before hitting.Omega looks to Afterburn, "Are you okay?"She glances in his direction,a serious look in her eyes,"NothingHurtButMyPride. NowLet'sPoundTheseTwo!"Vyra concentrates hard and telekinetically yanks on the gun turret to the right.There is a shower of sparks as she rips the turret from the wall with a smile. (Phase 9) Vengeance touches his badge and tells Poundage how to get to the room,"Your friends are here. You might want to come say hi."Vengeance then dashes over to stand before Andromeda.He raises his fist and swings hard.Andromeda's attention is on the gun turret and he is unable to dodge the blow.Vengeance connects solidly but Andromeda doesn't even flinch.Reaper,satisfied that Afterburn is safe from the electrified floor,reaches out with his telekinesis,trying to grab the remaining turret.He struggles but is able to grab the gun.Reaper gives a yank on the gun as he says,"Omega,get everyone who is not busy to fire at Andromeda."The turret starts to smoke slightly but Reaper can feel it still trying to track the group.

9:20 pm (Phase 3)Imp again aims at Shattarang and a let's loose a paralysis ray.The ray arcs toward Shattarang and seems to bounce in a different direction as it reaches him."Damn it!",Imp says,then looks about a moment to see if anyone heard her. (Phase 1) Omega carefully flies closer to the two villains.He turns to Reaper,"Any attack on Andromeda may affect your TK action so I will concentrate on Shattarang."He raises his arm,unleashing a flame burst at Shattarang.The flame also seems to be deflected as it reaches Shattarang and he stands unharmed. (Phase 0) Afterburn again raises her guantlets and fires a paralysis ray at Shattarang.It too,is deflected as it reaches him.Shattarang looks at her,"Wow...sexy baby...why don't you and I dance a little luv?"She shoots him a haughty glance but doesn't reply. (Phase -1) Reaper looks toward Andromeda and reaches out with his telekinesis.He concentrates hard but can't seem to grasp Andromeda,he's to far away. (Phase -2)Alloy coils himself and leaps across the electrified floor.He runs up next to Vengeance and points one arm at Andromeda.A beam of light burst out aimed at Andromeda's eyes.Andromeda ducks out of the way and the light beam smacks the wall behind him. (Phase -3) Enraged his light attack missed,Alloy raises both fist in the air and brings them down hard.As he does he loses his footing and ends up smacking himself in the thigh.He falls to ground with a grunt of pain as Andromeda again erupts in laughter.From the hallway behind them Poundage rushes in to stand with the other heroes. (Phase 38 Turn 2) Afterburn looks at Shattarang with anger in her eyes and again aims her guantlets.Her paralysis beam is accurate this time and connects solidly with Shattarang.He stands for a moment shaking then collapses to the floor.Afterburn places her hands on her hips,"YouCouldn'tHandleMe..LUV...."

9:20:15 pm (Phase 33) Omega looks at Afterburn, "Yes! Good work!"She looks in his direction and gives him a wink. Omega then feels a twinge in the back of his mind as the Omega Force "speaks" to him. He yells out, "Everyone! Listen up, this is important! Do NOT let Andromeda leave this room, no matter what!" Even as he says this, Omega zips around behind Andromeda and fires off a double-blast of flame attack.His timing is off slightly and both blast shoot past Andromeda."Your lackey is down! You're outnumbered and outgunned! Give up!"Andromeda lets out a laugh,"He is just a tool that has served his purpose.All has gone as planned..." (Phase 32) Wraith flies to his left and points his staff."Poor it on,he can't defend against all of us!",he says as he fires a powerblast from the staff.The blast passes by Andromeda,as he stretches to dodge it,and barely misses Omega as it smashes into the wall. (Phase 23) Andromeda replies,"I tire of this game.If you leave now you will live.You stay...you will die..."He raises a fist high in the air and brings it crashing down on Vengeance.Vengeance flies backwards 80 feet and lands in a heap at the edge of the electrified floor,unmoving.Afterburn rushes up to Andromeda's right side and takes a swing that is just a blur.Andromeda dodges the blow easily and smiles at her.

9:20:15 pm (Phase 22) Omega calls out, "Vengeance!" Poundage yells,"Someone with the ability teleport Shatterang to Vengeance or vice versa. If they can,Wraith call for the base to teleport Vengeance and Shatterang." Poundage leaps across the room aiming to bash in the garage door on the other side of the room.He lands squarely,smashing into the door.The steel door starts to buckle and there is a foot diameter hole punched through the center of it.Glancing through the door Poundage sees a dark room with dim lights here and there.Scattered about the room seems to be numerous pieces of machinery,some large and some larger.One piece over to the left seems to have a shelf extending out about three feet at floor level.There are two red flashing lights on it's panel and as Poundage watches one of those lights turn to a steady green.As the light turns green a small beep is heard coming from Andromeda's chest pad. (Phase 21) Omega looks to Alloy and says, "Try to keep him busy, big guy. Remember, don't let him leave this room! I can't explain right now, but trust me on this!"Imp looks around then says,"Someone!I can't do anything from over here.Get me across this electrified floor!"Reaper flies till he is just past the electrified floor and reaches out with his telekinesis.As he feels his telekinesis reaching for Andromeda's ankle,Andromeda yanks his ankle away. (Phase 19) Vyra mimics Reaper's actions, but rather than grabbing the other ankle, she grabs his torso, trying to limit the ways he can strangle free.She also finds as she grabs at his torso he twist out of the way.Omega looks to Afterburn, "We have to find a way to connect. He has very strong defenses. I'm afraid we might wear ourselves down trying to pound him. I think Vyra and Reaper have the right idea. Let's try to turn his own weapons against him."

9:20:15 (Phase 18) Andromeda smiles at the beep from his chest pad and then scowls as he spies Poundage near the door."Get away from there!I defeated you once,miscreant,and I will again."Omega again tries his flame attack against Andromeda--just one blast this time.The flame leaps from his hand and flies past Andromeda's left shoulder,shooting out into the middle of the room.Omega looks to Wraith and says, "Wraith,can you use the badge on Vengeance to do what Poundage suggested and teleport both him and Shattarang to the Guardian Base? You said they could teleport both you and what you can carry--could we place Shattarang into physical contact with Vengeance and activate the recall?I think we might need your power here. You could alert Lord Galen that they are being teleported to the base." (Phase 17) Wraith replies,"Yes we can do that."He taps his badge as he runs over and picks up Shattarang."Base,prepare to teleport Vengeance and a passenger.Alert Lord Galen that both are unconscious but the passenger needs to be detained."Alloy transforms into a slick metal on the floor and works his way under Andromeda's feet.He then begins to angle himself to create a ramp,aiming Andromeda toward the electrified floor.Andromeda does indeed slide almost six feet toward that floor. (Phase 12) As he is being picked up,Shattarang lets out a moan and stirs.He looks up into Wraith's face and says,"My,my...not the person I wanted to wake up to...where's that sexy girl?"Suddenly there is a whirring sound as the remaining gun turret turns and targets Reaper.With a boom it fires and the beam strikes Reaper square in the back.Reaper falls to the floor with a thump and doesn't move. (Phase 8) With one large step Andromeda moves to stand next to Poundage."Little man,you have many guts...lets see what they look like."He raises a fist and brings it crashing down.Poundage makes a quick step to his right as the fist smashes into the floor.Afterburn rushes over behind Andromeda and says, "PickOnSomeOneYourOwnSize." She takes a swing at the large man and is surprised when his body stretches away from her swing.

9:20:15 (Phase 7) Omega looks to the spot where Reaper fell. "Damn, we just can't get a break." Poundage turns to face Andromeda and balls up his fist.He swings but barely grazes the dodging behemoth.Poundage leaps across the room and lands between Imp and Vyra.He yells, "There are machines directly connected to him inside that room!.Vyra,try to teleport the downed man near Vengeance to Vengeance."He turns to face Andromeda,"Let's try and get him outside." (Phase 6) Imp looks at Poundage with a frustrated look,"I tell you what...you get him outside..I need in that room..."She places her hands on her hips,"I need across that floor to get into that room !"In the large room Omega looks to the rupture Poundage created in the garage door and wonders if it might not be time to change tactics. He looks to Afterburn and points, "That may be where he has the genetic device hidden. Possibly a power source too. Using these weapons against him is proving to be too risky. Let's see if we can locate the power source and simply deactivate them--at least that will even the playing field...a little." Afterburn scans the area,noting the distance to gather speed., "StandBack...I'llGetThroughTheDoor." (Phase 4) Vyra Flies over till she is hovering close Andromeda and concentrates on him.She can't find any true weakness,but feels she understands,a little,how he fights.Omega replies to Afterburn, "You and Imp should also use your paralysis attacks against Shattarang. They won't be effective against Andromeda until we wear him down. And his stretching abilities seem to make him nearly impervious to direct physical attacks. I think energy-based attacks are our best bet against Andromeda right now, but Shattarang may not be able to defend so well against the paralysis."

9:20:15 pm (Phase 3) Omega fires yet another flame attack at Andromeda.The flame leaps forward and hits Andromeda high on his left side.Andromeda seems barely to notice but glares at Omega."Everything is at the ready.Let's see what you guys have."Omega then flies back across and lands next to Imp. Omega turns to Imp and says, "Get ready. Afterburn is going to try to take out his power source. If she doesn't succeed, then I can fly you across. We do need to take a look inside that room but we may need to help Wraith first." Imp looks anxious but stands he ground. (Phase 2) Omega looks towards Wraith and calls out, "Wraith, can you handle Shattarang or do you need some help? Drop him down onto the floor!" Wraith gives a smile, "Oh I can handle him..." He wraps his arms around the villain he is carrying and squeezes.Shattarang lets out a loud grunt but remains conscious. (Turn 3 Phase 45) Afterburn makes a circuit of the room,gaining speed.As she circles near the dented door she throws her body into the it.The breech grows,now being a large hole about 3 feet in diameter.Afterburn staggers back slightly but remains on her feet.As Andromeda stares at her,eyes narrowed in anger.

9:20:30 pm (Phase 35) Omega replies to Wraith, "Okay, guy. Just watch out for that boomerang of his."Wraith smiles at Omega and squeezes again.Shattarang let's out a groan,then collapses in Wraith's arms."Boomerang not a problem.",Wraith says as he flies over to Vengeance and drops Shattarang's body.Omega grabs Imp and flies across the room, careful to avoid the weapons systems. Omega tells her, "I know you don't want to hear this from me, but be careful. Whatever's in that room, Andromeda doesn't want us anywhere near it. I get the feeling we are about to seriously tick him off."Imp smiles slightly,giggles and replies,"Good,then he won't be thinking clearly..."Omega drops Imp near Afterburn. Omega then arcs up and fires a double blast of flame near the opening in the garage door, attempting to expand it even more.The flames smash into the door and the hole grows to almost six feet in diameter.Omega points to the opening and yells to Afterburn and Imp, "Destroy or disable the equipment in that room! Proceed with caution, there may be traps." From Wraith's badge Lord Galen is heard,"Wraith, Vengeance. Are you alright? Can I be of any assistance?"Wraith answers,"Vengeance is down and I will be teleporting him with two others.Shattarang is one and should be detained.The best assistance you can give right now is to take care of these three when they arrive." (Phase 30) Afterburn zips through the large hole and steps to the first machine she sees and smacks it hard with both fist.The machine cracks slightly and sparks begin to fly. (Phase 23) Andromeda brushes past Imp and rushes through the whole in the door."Witch !",he screams as he backhands Afterburn.Afterburn flies and smashes into the wall,grunting at the impact.She mumbles something under her breath.Andromeda reaches up and taps his breast pad.He smiles a large smile,"Death comes for you all...but I shall return..."From a large piece of machinery in the northeast corner a steady beeping begins.Behind the heroes the door leading to the electrified floor starts to swing shut but is unable as he catches on Vengeance's prone body

9:20:30 pm (Phase 23) "You bastard!" Omega calls to Andromeda after his attack against Afterburn.Afterburn mumbles,"I'mO.K. ButIDon'tLikeThatBeeping." Omega then looks to Imp, "What's the beeping noise? What is he up to?" Imp looks inside the room,"I'm not sure,I'll have to go inspect,but I have a bad feeling about this..." Poundage charges the door swinging shut. In an attempt to make it malfunction or break it,he will start pushing it. "I suggest everyone in the room exit. I'm sure that was no idol threat.I don't know how long I can hold this."The door starts to give slightly and Poundage is able to hold it open,even push it open a little further. Poundage keeps one foot close to Vengeance for a quick escape if needed.Omega looks to Vyra, "It's probably too late now, but we should probably try to destroy the device on his chest. I should have thought of that sooner."As he finishes Lord Galen is heard through Wraith's badge,"Affirmative Wraith. I have just had the base assess your situation. The base suggests you lure Andromeda outside and use the Striker's weapons to immobilize him." Wraith replies,"I'm not sure we can lure him outside...he seems to have activated some sort of trap,trying to trap us here."Omega then looks to Wraith and asks, "Wraith...how far away is that park you mentioned? Would it be possible to teleport there with Andromeda then fly in the Striker and use its weapons against him?" Wraith looks at Omega,"The park is on the other side of town.I could probably grab him and teleport to the base,but then would have to hold him and teleport out.I'm not sure we want him locked inside the base HQ.I agree with Poundage,he has a reason behind the door closing and I'm sure it's not good." Omega feels a deep feeling of dread begin to grow.

9:20:30 pm (Phase 20) Poundage continues to struggle with the door,"Someone grab Maxi-Miss. Wraith, maybe you should blink him to the base. Have the base put you in a locked down room." Wraith shakes his head,"If I teleport him we go to the base HQ.We could lock that room down but I repeat,I don't think we want to lock him in the base HQ.He could create far more havoc if he somehow took control of Guardian equipment." Poundage continues, "As many as possible can blink back with Vengeance. All I know is,he is in that room,we are in this room. I have a real bad feeling about that."Feeling the growing sense of dread growing within him, Omega knows his sixth sense is trying to tell him something. He yells out, "Fall back!" He then adds, "Alloy, get Maxi-Miss. Vyra, get Reaper. Wraith--teleport Vengeance and Shattarang to Guardian Base. Do as Poundage suggested. Head for the door!"Omega flies toward Imp as Wraith taps his badge,"Base,recall Vengeance plus a passenger.Lord Galen,Vengeance and Shattarang teleporting to HQ now."Vengeance's and Shattarang's bodies disappear with a blink and Omega scoops up Imp as he flies past.Wraith flies toward Maxi-Miss,"I'll grab Maxi-Miss and Reaper then port to the base.Fly the Striker back to base."He swoops down and grabs Maxi-Miss and flies toward Reaper.Omega sweeps through the whole in the door and grabs Afterburn.He turns and prepares to leave.Wraith makes it to Reaper and picks up his limp body.A tap of his badge and all three,Wraith,Maxi-Miss and Reaper disappear.As Omega looks about the room he notices a strange glow coming from the machine in the southwest corner.It is a large machine but has a shelf at floor level,a platform big enough for a man to stand on.It is this shelf that seems to be glowing a bright green.He looks further around the room and notices the same green glow surrounding a large,oddly shaped machine in the middle of the room.As he watches,the green glow intensifies about the machine and the machine starts to take on a green,transparent look.Omega tells the girls, "I don't like the idea of running from this fight but I sense that if we don't get out of here now, we might not ever get out of here." Afterburn squirms a little in his grasp and he knows she wants nothing more than to go at Andromeda.Imp is busy studying the room in awe."Oh my God...the glowing machine,it's the recombinator...he's ripping a hole in the fabric of space...he's taking the machine with him...but there isn't the equipment here to do that...the rip is being caused FROM THE OTHER SIDE...please I want out of here..." Andromeda turns to glare at the trio,then he begins to smile."Don't worry your little head girl...I won't be gone long...you may have foiled me now but when next you see me I will come as a conqueror..." His head leans back and the room is filled with his laughter.

9:20:30 pm (Phase 19) Omega looks to Afterburn, "Don't worry--we'll get another shot at him. As soon as I get the two of you out of here, I'm circling back to destroy the recombinator. Get Imp to the Striker and go with Scar and the others to Guardian Base." He then turns to Imp, "Best estimate--would a double blast of my flame ability wreck that device?"Imp watches as Afterburn scowls then studies the glowing machine.The machine is awash in the green glow and the wall can clearly be seen THROUGH the machine."Yes a double blast would definitely take the machine out of commission...if you hit...from the looks of things I'm not sure you will hit,the machine isn't all here,if you know what I mean."Omega turns to Imp and replies, "I know Imp but I have to try..." He then feels a sharp pain in the back of his head and yells out, "Ow!" as the Omega Force screams at him that this would be the wrong decision. "Okay, okay...I get it," Omega mutters under his breath.He yells back to the others, "Alloy! Vyra! Get out of here! Quickly!"(Phase 17) The remaining turret whirs slightly as it tracks Poundage.The barrel erupts with a boom.The energy blast catches Poundage squarely in the back.He continues to struggle with the door, "Hey kids, Can we stop running our jibs and get the hell out of here? Omega stop with the orders and let's go." Omega turns to Imp and asks, "Imp--something just occurred to me--if Andromeda is from...somewhere else...and there are others just like him there, then why does he need that machine anyway? Why is he trying to hard to take it with him? Why duplicate himself? Why don't they just invade? If they are just like him then they would be virtually unstoppable."Imp falls into deep thought,her forehead filling with wrinkles.Omega adds to Afterburn, somewhat apologetically, "I know how you feel. I hate running away too. But my...sixth sense...is screaming for us to get out. I've never felt it this strongly before...ever." Afterburn looks tries to look into Omega's eyes.She gazes hard at him a moment then softens up, "ThatBastardHitMe...IOweHim..." (Phase 11) Vyra flies past the door and reaches out with her telekinetics.She feels like she almost has a grasp of the pad on Andromeda's chest but feels it slip from her 'grasp'. (Phase 8) Andromeda looks toward Vyra,an evil grin on his face.His arm zips out quickly to punch her.She dodges quickly and Andromeda's fist slams the floor.Andromeda let's out a howl of pain then with one large step,walks to the glowing machine in the southwest corner.As he steps on the pad,he and the glowing machine wink out in a flash of green light.The room is suddenly quiet for a moment,very quiet.The silence is quickly broken by a "beep",a moment of silence,"beep",a shorter moment of silence,"beep".The beeps start to come faster and faster.The machine Afterburn attacked begins to glow an orange hue and emitting a low hum that begins to get louder.In the other room the whirring turret suddenly stops,the floor stops crackling with energy and the door stops pushing against Poundage.

9:20-9:30 pm Alloy screams, "Sounds like a plan let's get out of here!" Vyra stands gaping. "What's that beeping?" Omega continues to fly towards the door. Now that the turrets and electric floor have been deactivated, he gently lowers Afterburn to the floor and hands Imp down to her so that she can run along at a faster rate of speed.Afterburn gives Omega a knowing look and he sees the concern in her eyes.She then turns and zips out the exit. Omega follows after as fast as he can. "Vyra, It is a bomb more than likely! Now that there is no resistance, you guys can stand around as long as you want." He turns and leaps his way to the exit,covering ground quickly.Alloy dashes for the exit.In passing he reaches with one hand and snatches Vyra in passing.Afterburn is the first out of the parking garage followed quickly by Omega and Poundage.As Alloy,carrying Vyra,exits the garage,Poundage hollers at the police and reporters, "Everyone get out of here NOW! There is going to be an explosion!" He runs toward the perimeter the police have set up about a block from the garage entrance.Suddenly there is a low rumble that quickly grows louder.The ground shakes violently and the heroes are thrown to the ground as fire and smoke erupt from the garage entrance.The shockwave sweeps past the heroes on the ground,shakes the Striker as it hovers and reaches the buildings outlining the park.Windows shatter and car alarms begin their shrill beeping.As the dust begins to settle the heroes start to get to their feet.There is a series of low rumblings,another cloud of dust from the garage entrance then all is quiet except the numerous car alarms.Afterburn looks around slowly.Noticing how white Imp's face has become,she steps over to her and hugs her quietly.The policemen begin to rise to their feet and one gets on the radio to report the incident.The reporters are a bit slower to recover but also begin to get to their feet,shock registering on their faces.

9:30-9:40 pm Vyra makes her way towards the Striker, hoping the Guardians will stay true to letting them rest there.The Striker slowly start to lower itself to the ground.Omega takes a quick look around to make sure everyone did, in fact, make it out okay. He surveys the damage for a moment and then walks over to Imp.He places his hand gently on Imp's shoulder and gives her a reassuring squeeze. Then, in his best "concerned father" voice, Omega tells her, "It's okay, Imp. I know how you feel--that was a very frightening experience...for all of us. But you did great down here tonight. I mean that. I'm proud of you."Imp hugs Afterburn for a moment then pushes her away as she shakes Omega's hand from her shoulder. "I WASN'T SCARED !" ,she says as she stomps toward the Striker,flipping her hair from her face.Omega looks to Afterburn and nods.She gives him a weak smile and a wink.Slowly she removes her armbands and begins to follow Imp toward the Striker.Omega looks to the rest of the group, "Well, Andromeda seems to be gone for the moment and emergency people should be able to handle things here. I suppose we should go back to the Guardian base, check on the others and talk about what to do when he returns." Omega then walks over to Poundage, pulling him aside to speak privately. "I picked up on a little bit of concern down there about the way I was doing things during the battle. I didn't mean to come across as trying to be the big-shot leader of this whole show. Honestly, I never intended to be the leader of anything I sort of just got thrown into this thing with the Protectors--but since I have that responsibility, I'm trying to do the best I can. I have this sixth sense which kicks in sometimes and it just went into overdrive down there. I sensed what was about to happen and was just trying to get everyone to safety before that thing blew." Omega adds, "You came down here today and risk your life. I respect that. If you have problems then I'll listen but I don't want to start off with hard feelings. We cool?"The Striker gently lands and the ramp extends from it's side.Scar walks down the ramp, "Is everyone OK?Anyone need help?Lord Galen would like us all to board the Striker and return to the base for medical attention."

9:40-9:50 pm Vyra,Afterburn,Imp and Alloy make their way onto the Striker and find seats inside.Poundage grabs Omega before he enters,"First of all, please stop with the 'I got stuck with it' routine. It's getting old." Omega replies,"Fair enough. I was only trying to explain, not make excuses. I accept my role. But what's really getting old is your attitude. I suggest you alter it."" Now, the things that bother me are simple. You blast a guy at a bar and then continue to badger him in a hospital bed where he is way out numbered, then the whole touching thing, Why?""You weren't even at that bar so I'd appreciate you not commenting about situations you know nothing about. Further, you should realize why both I and Wojo acted the way we did at the hospital. We were using a police interrogation technique to obtain information. If you had been in or around law enforcement you would understand. For all we knew at the time, Reaper could have been one of Andromeda's henchmen. And if you remember, I was the one who asked Wojo to release Reaper after we figured things out. Trust me, Wojo could have detained him. Charged him even. I'm pretty sure he wanted to and would've been well within his right to do so. It was an unfortunate situation but it worked out okay and I think Reaper may now go on to become part of a superhero team, maybe even the Guardians. Seems like your memory is a bit selective to me. Either that or you just don't know what's going on.I don't know what you're talking about with 'the touching thing' but if you're referencing why I shake hands with people and sometimes make physical contact with my teammates, the reason is two-fold: to be polite--or to show a sense of connection and concern for their well being. That's important when leading a team. You know, to think about someone other than yourself. Also, as I have TRIED to explain to you already, part of my power is intuitive awareness. Sometimes making physical contact with someone lets me know things about them that might be important. Like whether or not they are about to be in danger, for example or--when I first meet them--whether or not they can be trusted."" You treat Imp like a child. She chose her life, not got stuck with it,give her a chance. The same with Afterburn.""Imp is 16. She IS a child as far as the law is concerned. I don't know her history yet and I doubt you do either so, once again, you're going off about something you know absolutely nothing about. And I have given her MORE than a chance. It's a major deal even allowing her to be here considering the legalities involved. Imp has been very valuable to what we have done so far and as soon as she calms down I'm going to make sure she knows that. Afterburn and I seem to be getting along fine. I have no question that she can handle herself. Alloy hasn't had any problems either. Besides, frankly, the way I interact with members of my team is really none of your concern. If there are problems there then I will deal with THEM. Not you."" You spend too much time changing orders. Let them react.""I'm not sure what orders you think were changed, but combat situations are fluid. You have to be adaptive. We encountered things we didn't expect and we rolled with the punches. You have to make quick decisions. Sometimes they may be right, sometimes wrong--but you'd best be ready to make them or people end up dead. You think you can do better then step up to the plate. Lead a team yourself. Join a team. Become a part of something other than yourself.""When I busted down the door and you had them go after it, it pissed me off. I was just jumping away to keep away from him and then go through the door. I could have destroyed everything in there had you guys just gone on and kept him busy. You guys made this big plan of attack for nothing, I came in and went for the door because it wasn't part of the plan." Omega slowly pulls off his visor and locks eyes with Poundage. Squaring his shoulders, Omega looks at Poundage and speaks calmly and slowly. Omega checks himself so as not to loose his temper. "Alright, up until now I've been willing to listen to you but this part is just ridiculous. Now, let me get this straight--last I heard you were staying on the Striker. Then you come busting into combat to do something that ISN'T PART OF THE PLAN. Something that you tell no one about? So, we're supposed to read your mind, is that it? Last time I checked there were no telepaths in this group. You say we made a plan for nothing but yet in the very next breath you're talking about how you come in to do something that isn't part of that plan--that no one knows about--and you wonder why things didn't work out? You're 'pissed off' because we followed your lead? Right. Man, get over yourself.I thought you were coming in just to attack Andromeda, which is what you should have done. Going into that second room was a mistake, but once the door was breached then destroying that mechanism became a priority concern in my opinion. And, by the way, destroying the genetics machine was something we had discussed from the beginning.And, let me say this for about THE THIRD TIME now, my intuitive powers were SCREAMING at me concerning what was about to happen down there. And, in case you hadn't noticed, EVERYONE was at least TRYING to work together during the battle. Everyone EXCEPT YOU. Keep in mind that if not for the Protectors, Imp especially, then we may not have found Andromeda and Shattarang at all tonight.We all made mistakes tonight, myself included. I accept my share of the responsibility because that's what leaders--that's what MEN do. We try to learn from our mistakes and build from there. But don't try to blame your mistakes on the rest of us--or on me--by making out like you would have saved the day if only we had done things as you had envisioned. Because that's crap. You want to play this loner maverick then that's your business but you don't do it on my time. If you're incapable of being a team player then you won't be fighting alongside us again because no matter how powerful you are, I don't need that kind of immature, cry baby attitude on or even around my team. I came over here to try to work things out with you and to talk to you man to man but obviously there's only one of those standing here and it isn't you. You need to grow up."" As far as planning for the next time, I think I will wait for the next time. You can't really plan against a super villain.""Maybe, maybe not. But we will at least TRY to make some preparations. And, until you change your attitude I don't think there should be a next time for you. As I said, I respect that you came down here to risk your life tonight but after this conversation, I've lost a lot of the respect I had for you. You strike me as an arrogant, self-centered would-be bully that no one has ever had the guts to stand up to before now. Mr. Billy Joe Badass who goes around smashing things up and spitting out four letter words. I mean, are you even from this planet? We're heroes. We don't act like that. You don't scare me and you don't impress me. You have a lot of power but that power comes with a certain responsibility. Until you learn that, perhaps next time you should stay where you belong--behind."Omega turns quickly and walks to the Striker.He looks about the ship then wanders into the cockpit with Imp.As he does the passengers feel the ship rise slowly and begin it's flight toward the Guardian base.Omega tells Imp, "Alright, listen to me because I'm trying to give you a compliment here. Please stop taking everything I say to you the wrong way. I didn't mean to imply before that you were scared. What I WAS trying to say, but not doing a very good job of it, was that you did good work tonight. If not for you then we wouldn't have found Andromeda's hideout so quickly. We captured Shattarang and wrecked their plans and in large part that's because of you."Imp sits,transfixed at the equipment before her.She blushes slightly,"I'm sorry...but...I was scared and I didn't want you to see that.I didn't want to give you an excuse to say I don't belong on the team.I've been on my own a long time...but I liked being a part of this,of you guys.Thanks for the complement ..... and this is WAY COOL HUH?" She becomes engrossed watching out the window,looking at all the controls and gauges.Omega looks at her a moment seeing both a little girl and a young woman,a hrd as nails exterior covering a vulnerable heart.After a few moments Omega exits the cockpit and finds Alloy.He goes over to him and tells him, "Good job tonight, bud. Good save getting Vyra out."Omega then goes and takes the seat next to Afterburn. He lowers his head and rubs his eyes.She gives him a look of concern and lightly rubs his back. "Well, I'm just making friends and influencing people all over the place tonight." He then looks at her and adds, "I have a feeling we may be about to lose some existing or potential team members to The Guardians. I don't know how Vyra feels about the situation now. They may offer her membership. They may offer Alloy or YOU membership for that matter. If anyone on the Protectors decides to go with them, I'm not going to have hard feelings about it." Omega looks around at the amazing Striker and adds, "I understand the appeal they offer. I'm seriously thinking of asking Reaper to join us if he doesn't join up with another team. I know we got off on the wrong foot with him, but I think he could make a valuable member. I'd like to keep at least four..." Omega looks at Afterburn, his eyes softening a bit. "Sorry. I'll stop talking shop now. Maybe after this is all over, you and I could go out for coffee or something? Um...well, decaf for you I suppose." Omega smiles at her and waits for a response.She smiles a brilliant smile and takes his hand gently,"I'd love to."She sits silent for a moment,absent mindedly tapping the arm bands in her lap."Stop the worrying.We just fought a big baddie...and we walked away.Whatever follows can't be that bad...Besides you just made a date with one HOT chick...."As she giggles the group feels the Striker settle into a soft landing and the ramp extends itself.The collected group exit the Striker to find themselves in the base hangar.It is a long room with equipment protruding from different sections around the walls.As they step off the ramp,it retracts and machinery pops out of the floor to automatically connect at various points around the Striker.Standing near the door is Lord Galen,awaiting their arrival.

9:50-10:00 pm Lord Galen extends his arms and says "Welcome to the Guardian base."Omega shakes his hand and says, "I'm pleased to meet you, Lord Galen."Lord Galen continues," Hello Vyra, Its good to see you again. Can you introduce me to your friends? Do any of them need emergency medical treatment? I'm sorry I couldn't have been of more assistance but in my condition I think I may have been more of a hindrance.""Greetings" she says as she bows her head in a fashion that was once a custom of her home planet. "This here is Omega, leader of the newly ordained Protectors. Following him is Alloy, Afterburn and Imp.None of us are mortally injured, but we were all have been damaged in battle, and anything you could do to help us would be much appreciated."Omega says, "I'm pleased to meet you, Lord Galen. And if you had anything to do with that power failure back there, as I suspect, then you were more help to us than you know. I'll explain more about the Protectors later but I just want you to know that our group will work with the Guardians and help however we can. Unfortunately, Andromeda escaped us. I take my share of the blame for that and will accept responsibility for anything that happened tonight. As Vyra said, I don't think anyone in our group was seriously injured. Afterburn took a hit from Andromeda and Alloy...also suffered mild injuries during combat. I'd appreciate any assistance you could offer them. After that, we'll be glad to share any information we have which might help in future encounters with Andromeda. How about the others? Did all the other heroes make it back here okay? Are they all right?"As he finishes the bridge extends itself and Poundage lands near the Striker.Poundage stomps over to Omega."Listen here buddy, You don't have to respect me. Also, you don't tell me what to do. Why did you ask me what I thought, if you couldn't handle my answer? As far as Imp goes, she may be 16, but if she wants to be a hero, she'll do it with or without the team. She has made her decision. You said we have to adapt in a fight? Well let them adapt. I don't think I can lead a team any better. Do you think Wojo wasn't asking every hero he met, or do you think you were hand picked? I didn't attack Andromeda because I was near death. I was merely trying to help by destroying the machines. Need I remind you who held the door, or was that just part of my bad attitude." Poundage looks to everyone "Listen up everyone, it has been brought to my attention that not only am I not a man, but I was not helping down there, I was making mistakes. Sorry I didn't wait for Omega to tell me what to do. Sorry I tried to stop Andromeda this morning and got my ass kicked. Sorry I was too weak to sacrifice myself by helping with Andromeda. I thought maybe one of us should focus on the machines. Sorry, Omega says I was wrong." Poundage turns to Omega, "Unlike you, I am willing to air dirty laundry. You call me a bully and childish. I think calling someone names like that is immature. You don't have to be impressed or scared. I am not threatening you. All I know is you are the one that stepped in my face like a bully, and cried like a baby after I gave you the opinion you asked for." Turning to everyone again, "Yes, Omega asked me about the fight then called me names and even stepped up like he was going to hit me when I told him how I felt. Maybe I have reason not to join a team, but does that mean I should be excluded from battle. That is pretty much what was said." Poundage walks to Imp "I mean no disrespect to your team, but try to keep him focused on jumping bad at the villains, not the friends." Imp shrinks back from him slightly,eyes wide.Omega looks at Poundage for a moment and then replies, "Poundage. Maybe I was wrong about you. You caught me right after the battle. Maybe I took it wrong but I think you've taken some things about me wrong too. I think we just got off to a bad start and there have been some misunderstandings. I apologize for my earlier comments. I didn't mean to call names. I had some concerns, but I was out of line. I'm willing to bury the hatchet if you are. Just as long as you don't bury it in my neck. Maybe we have different styles but that doesn't mean we can't work together or even get along. I tend to get defensive sometimes when I feel like I'm being disrespected and that's how I felt back at the park. I guess you felt the same way. So now that we've both yelled at each other, I'll take your concerns into consideration. Fair enough?"Omega thinks for a moment and then adds, "Heh. I wasn't stepping up to attack you before, by the way. I thought you were about to take a swing at me and I figured I damned well better be ready for it. I do think you're wrong about one thing though, Poundage. I think you should consider joining a team. And before you get defensive--no, I'm NOT telling you what to do here. But I think you could be a good addition. If you think you might want to join the Protectors, contact me or Wojo. I know you probably have issues with us and maybe it's like mixing oil and water but who knows? It might work out better than you think. If you don't want to go that route, maybe consider one of the other teams. I really do think it's better for us to be united."

10:00-10:10 pm Poundage takes a long look at Omega. "Paint me to be the bad guy? Me bury the hatchet in your back? That wasn't a disrespectful thing to say was it? Please go on with the fairy tale. To stand here and say I made any gesture or sign of hitting you is preposterous. I merely gave you an answer to your question. You stepped to me. I will bury the hatchet, but it is disrespectful comments such as that that will make me angry." Lord Galen says,"Poundage, Omega, I understand there have been some harsh words. I hope you two can work it out in a friendly fashion. And yes Omega I had the base shut down the power to that sector of the city. I'm glad it helped as you say."Omega looks to Galen and then to Poundage, "I think we can work things out if we can all just try to respect one another. I know respect has to be earned but we have to start somewhere. I understand there has been some fueding among the heroes in this city. I started out tonight with the goal of trying to bring people together and instead end up getting into a feud myself. Why don't we all agree to make tonight a new start for all of us?"Lord Galen says to the base," Base, prepare the medlabs on the strikers for visitors." He then turns towards the heroes, "Anyone in need of medical attention can enter the medlabs on the strikers and pick a bed. Don't be alarmed as the medlab is also run by the base computer and all medical procedures are automated. No harm will come to you. As for the medlab in the base it is under security level red since Shattarang's arrival. Only Guardians may enter or exit."Omega then tells Poundage, "I understand you might have reservations about joining a team and I know some have been apprehensive about joining us because of the scanning requirement. However, as Vyra already knows, I've arranged for a way to circumvent it and obtain a limited membership in the team. I don't like the 'limited' aspect much, but it's the best I could do for now. I don't think it will be permanent. You could have access to a base and some equipment, although not on the same level as the Guardians. I've also asked Vyra to join and to keep a leadership role. Anyway, I won't go into more right now other than to say that there is an open invitation here to anyone who is interested. And even if you don't join anyone Poundage then no, that doesn't mean you should be excluded from combat situations." Lord Galen replies to Poundage." I also believe we are all better united and believe you would make one hell of an addition to any team. I only hope you can quit making fun of my name. In your own words, it is kind of childish."Poundage looks to everyone again. "As far as being united, we don't have to be on teams to be united. That is almost a prejudice. Scar and I had a good fight together. I took a shot for him. He isn't on a team. As long as I fight along side of you and not against you, doesn't that count. I would take a shot for anyone in this base,(laughingly) outside of Shatterang.OK, I may come off a little 'assholish', if that's a word. The one thing I guarantee you is, you will always get the same Poundage. Straight, up front, honest and willing to fight for my city. Lord Galen, sorry it bothered you so much to joke around. I sincerely appreciate the use of your medlabs here."Lord Galen speaks to all the gathered heroes,"You are all welcome to stay as long as you like and I hope in time I can meet and talk with you each individually. As for the condition of our other heroes, The medlab hasn't found any life threatening injuries. They are resting comfortably. Those of you who do not need immediate medical attention can get some rest or a bite to eat. Just let me know what you need and I will do my best to accommodate you."Vyra bows her head once more and says, "I thank you once more, Lord Galen, your courtesy hasn't dimmed over time."Omega then turns to Galen and says, "I don't intend to be at cross-purposes with the Guardians. I want us to work together and be connected as much as possible. But if you--or anyone here--has other suggestions about better ways to unite the city's heroes then I'm willing to listen. My intent is to form a team with a less expansive scope than the Guardians, who can help to protect the city in times of crisis--like today."Omega then shifts the subject to the recent battle,and Poundage looks at the heroes and then walks to the Striker to find a bed. "Now, as for Andromeda--I'm really not sure we can tell you anything about Andromeda that you don't already know. He appears to be from another dimension. Imp can probably shed more light on that. He spoke of a conquering force. His powers seem to include very hard skin which acts as a sort of natural armor, stretching abilities and great strength. Also, when he attacked us his fists seemed to glow so maybe this is some sort of carrier attack but I'm not sure what type, exactly. He also seems to be very militaristic in nature. Well prepared and always ready for battle. One thing I don't understand though is this--if all members of his race do have the same abilities and they want to conquer us, why don't they simply invade? Why did he need the genetic duplication machine in the first place? Whatever the reasons, it's probably a safe bet that Andromeda will be back--and there may be others like him to worry about as well. That's a very chilling thought. Poundage seems to think we can't really plan to fight against the supervillains and maybe he's right, but I'm of the mind that we should at least give some thought as to what to do if--when--Andromeda appears again."Imp,in her element,steps forward,"I have some ideas on that but will only be able to finalize them if Lord Galen will allow me access to a computer and some of the bases files."While she speaks Afterburn grabs Omega's hand and gives it a little tug."I appreciate the offer,Lord Galen,but I'm not seriously hurt and I'm about ready to get out of this suit and call it a day.Mind if Omega flies me out of here?"

10:10-10:20 pm Omega looks around again at the gathered heroes. He tells Lord Galen, "Lord Galen I, too thank you for your hospitality here tonight. And will someone please let Poundage know that I didn't mean that earlier comment as being disrespectful--it was just a joke. And just so you know, I WASN'T moving to attack him before. He seems to be an okay guy after all, just a little hard to communicate with sometimes. Seems to take everything very personally. Maybe it's me, I don't know..."Omega looks to Imp and then back to Galen, "If you wouldn't mind Imp hanging around for a while? She is highly intelligent and she is probably our best bet for finding information right now."Lord Galen looks at the young girl,"Imp, I can give you access to a computer but access to files will determine which files. I will instruct the base to give you any help possible." Omega pauses a moment and then adds, "I have some appointments tomorrow in my civilian identity, Lord Galen so I probably should be going as well unless you need anything else. Thank you again for your help tonight. If you need to reach me for anything, contact Wojo. He knows how to get in touch with me."Lord Galen replies,"Omega, I am glad to have met you and I don't find you to be an obstacle in any way. As long as heroes work together for the greater good, I don't care what team they are on. If you need the Guardians at any time just call on us."Omega looks around at the Protectors group and says, "Good work tonight. All of you. Not a bad first night all things considered. Why don't we break up and meet up again tomorrow evening, say around 5 p.m. on top of the police station? And that invitation goes to anyone who might be interested in joining--Vyra you and your friends are welcome."Omega then goes over to Imp and says, "Find out what you can--share the info with the Guardians and report to us tomorrow what you find. Um...do you go to school? I guess with a brain like yours you could probably be TEACHING college level courses."Imp looks at her feet and shuffles a little,"No...I don't go to school,I have...um...other things to do during the day."Omega looks at her a moment and continues," But whatever your schedule is, don't be up too late. And that's NOT a slam at your age--I just know how you are when it comes to fooling with computers and such. You get going, get engrossed next thing you know it's dawn. And I need teammembers rested up by tomorrow evening."With that, Omega looks to Alloy and says, "Hope to see you tomorrow big guy. Go get some rest. You did great tonight. Thanks for coming and being a part of the team."Omega then looks to Afterburn, offers his arm and says, "Shall we?"She gives him a wide smile and a small curtsey,"You betchya.."Before leaving, Omega turns back to Imp and adds, "I don't want to disturb Reaper right now but, if you don't mind, when he wakes up please inform him about tomorrow's meeting and extend an invitation to him as well. He may decide to go with another team or stay solo but, if not, let's make sure he knows that he's welcome too. Seems the least we can do considering our earlier misunderstanding with him. And I actually agree with Poundage on a point he made--we don't have to all be members of a team in order to be united. I didn't mean to imply that--but I also don't want anyone to feel excluded. No matter what people decide to do--join a team--not join a team--I'll respect that decision and try my best to work with them in the future."Omega also asks Lord Galen, "If there's anything you can do to help Reaper or speed his healing process, I would consider it a personal favor. We had a misunderstanding with him earlier which led to an altercation--classic 'hero mistakes other hero for villain' type of thing. His latest injuries came from the fight against Andromeda but he was weakened from our earlier encounter. Despite his injuries, he went with us and helped against Andromeda and Shattarang. I'd like to try to make it up to him."Omega lifts Afterburn into his arms and flies up the long bridge toward the star lit sky.Afterburn lies comfortably in Omega's arms."So big guy,where shall we go for that coffee?Neither of us is dressed for an evening on the town.Besides after tonight I would really enjoy some one-on one time."She gives him a wink,"Your place or...well...your place?"

10:20-10:30 pm Omega returns Afterburn's smile, chuckles and says, "Well since we have the choice I suppose we can make it my place. I warn you though, I've only just moved in so things aren't very well organized just yet. We'll have to land a short distance away and walk the remainder. You know, secret identity and all that stuff.By the way, with everything that's happened tonight I don't recall if I've even told you my real name. It's Mark."Afterburn replies,"A walk under the stars?..mmmmm..such a romantic...and my name is Rhonda,and I know corny."Omega discretely flies to the spot where he left his street clothes, slowly circling down to avoid notice, he drops out of his flame sphere. He pulls his overcoat on, gathers his things and return to the apartment from there, offering his arm to Afterburn and escorts her inside.Once the two are inside the apartment, Mark removes his police scanner and places it on the end table. He takes off his utility belt and lays it aside. He leads Afterburn to the couch and makes sure she is comfortable.She peels off her mask and reaches for the well hidden zipper on her jump suit,then giggles. "Whew. What a first night. Eventful." Mark picks up the remote and clicks on the television. "Hmmmmm...I wonder if we made the news?" He then hands her the remote and says, "Here you go. Watch whatever you like while I change and brew up some coffee." He turns to her, smiles and asks, "So, how do you take your coffee? Do you have a favorite blend? I don't drink decaf but I have some on hand for guests. Is there anything else I can get for you? If you're hungry I can round up some food--or send out for some."Rhonda's giggle turns to real laughter then she replies,"Slow down big boy...you wearing my armbands?Just regular coffee will be fine.You have a t-shirt I can borrow?Preferably a long one,I would love to get out of this suit."Mark changes out of his costume and into jeans and a sweater,flips Rhonda a t-shirt and goes to the kitchen to brew up some coffee.When it is finished he takes her a cup,finding her curled up cutely on the couch,wearing his t-shirt,her costume a pile by the tv.Rhonda pats the couch next to her.He starts to sit then says, "Oh, one last bit of business. I should probably give Wojo a quick call."She gives him a scowl,then takes a sip of coffee. Mark picks up the phone and dials the police station, punching in the code which blocks caller i.d. on the other end. "Sgt. Wojorkowski? This is...Johnny P., from earlier. I'm guessing you will be getting a full report on tonight's activities from my acquaintances, but I just wanted to let you know that we are all safe. We'll be meeting up tomorrow at police headquarters at 5 p.m. I would have stopped back by there tonight but I figured you would be busy with other things right now. I'll come by a bit early to give you a full report. If you should need me before then, you know how to reach me. Please don't hesitate to call. Talk to you soon." Mark then hangs up the phone and turns back to Rhonda. "I can tell this is sometimes going to be one of those jobs that you just can't help taking home with you." he says. "Sorry...didn't mean to be rude, but I thought it was important to touch base with Wojo. But now, let's talk about something more interesting. I'd love to know more about you. What do you do when you're not out helping to save the world?"She presses close,breathes heavy and replies,"Actually I guess you could say I save the world when I'm not saving the world.I attend college studying psychology and I intern at an outreach center here in Midville.We help the poor who can't afford anything else,the homeless, run-aways.That's why I wanted to come here,can't see you hanging in the girls dorm.So handsome,what is your life outside of flying around with beautiful young women?"

10:30-10:40 pm Mark smiles and replies, "You lead a very admirable life, Rhonda. As for me--well, recently I've been pretty consumed with the Omega Force and my life as Omega. Heh. Sometimes I almost feel as if Omega and Mark are two totally separate people. I don't want to bore you with my life story, but all this started for me after I was in an auto accident. Afterwards, I fell into a coma." Mark pauses to take a sip of his coffee and then continues, "When I came out of it--sometime later--everyone I had known and cared about was either dead or gone and I had pretty much lost everything. It even affected my reasoning ability to a degree. But that's also when I first tapped into the Omega Force and discovered I had developed these powers. Hard to explain, but the Omega Force, whatever it is, also tends to guide me a bit. I'm trying to learn more about it, but I really don't know where to begin. I felt overwhelmingly compelled to come to Midville and...well, you know the rest of the story.I only just got settled in here. Before the accident I was involved in law enforcement and journalism. One lucky thing for me, I came into some money and I'm planning on getting into the publishing business here in Midville. I'm meeting with some people tomorrow who have a magazine for sale. It's been struggling, but I think I can turn it around. I may even focus it on superheroes--try to paint them in a more positive light. I'd also like a forum to combat the growing anti-meta, anti-mutant sentiments. The magazine is also what may eventually be a funding mechanism for any team we put together--so you and I and Alloy and Imp and whoever else will be able to act more independently." Omega pauses for a moment and then adds softly, "I hope Imp will be alright at the Guardian Base. I trust Galen will look after her but I can't help feeling that she's more on her own than she wants us to know... I don't mean to treat her like a child, but..." Omega then looks back at Rhonda. "Oh, I'm sorry Rhonda. I'm rambling on and on, here. I guess I tend to do that sometimes. And, I know--I worry too much. But I can't help worrying about others. It's just in my nature, I guess. You're a good listener, Rhonda. You'll make a good psychologist." He takes a sip of coffee. "You're also very beautiful. Maybe you should appear in the magazine's first superheroine swimsuit edition?" he asks, jokingly--with a wink and a wry smile.Her face lights up at the complement."Sex appeal to sell a magazine? Who would've thought?" She stands up in front of him and strikes a couple poses that bare an appealing amount of skin."Like this?" She giggles lightly and flops down next to Mark,leaning her head on his shoulder,her hand drawing small circles on his chest."Speaking of Imp...I think it's very sweet,your concern for her and the rest of us.But I have some concerns about Imp.She is extremely independent,almost forcibly so.Add in the fact she seems extremely touchy to any criticism and I have to conclude that she is in fact very much overwhelmed.Not in her powers or being a meta-hero,in those she is very comfortable.But something in her life is overwhelming her ability to cope.Like she is being forced into a situation she doesn't think she is capable of handling,even with her amazing intelligence.Perhaps becoming a meta is her escape...I would love to know more about her home life,and think we should keep our eyes open."She gazes up into his eyes for a long moment and leans in for a soft kiss.Mark feels a bit of unease in her,a nervousness.She pulls back from the kiss slowly,eyes closed and whispers,"I've wanted to do that all night..."

10:40-10:50 pm Mark reaches and brushes back Rhonda's hair. He senses here unease. "Don't be nervous, Rhonda. I've wanted to do that all night, too. I was just uncertain...since the two of us are going to be working on the same team together...and I'm somewhat new at this...I wasn't sure..."She smiles at him sweetly,giggles softly. He smiles, and adds "I didn't want to violate the 'superhero code of conduct' or anything. Or do something that would make you uncomfortable later."She rises slowly,straddles his lap,facing him.Her smile is devilish as she strokes his cheek.He pulls Rhonda close and puts his arm around her waist, kissing her lightly on the forehead. "Besides, I've already misjudged at least three people tonight--Imp, Reaper and Poundage." He laughs softly and adds, "Something tells me I won't be kissing any of them anytime soon." Her hands tickle his sides as she giggles then gives him a playful punch, "Oh...I think you and Poundage would make a great couple..." For a moment he is lost in her eyes,as she gazes down at him. "I really like you, Rhonda. You're beautiful, intelligent, you have a good sense of humor and you're easy to talk with." He raises her chin with his finger and gives her another kiss then leans back to stare at her.She leans down to him,pressing close and kisses him deeply.Slowly she rises from his lap,takes his hand and begins to pull him off the couch."Which way to the bedroom?",She asks as she slowly turns away from him,straightening the t-shirt."And I want you to know,I don't do this with every hero that fires blue flame......just those that wear visors.", she quips as she walks away from Mark,her hips swaying seductively.

10:50-11:00 pm Mark gets up off the sofa and steps over to Rhonda. He pulls her into his arms and hugs her. He then places his hand on her back. He gestures and whispers, "It's this way...if you're sure. I HAD planned to take the couch tonight."She leans back into him and replies,"Oh yes..I am sure...as for the couch...mmm...we could try that a little later..." Mark gently guides Rhonda towards the bedroom. "We should probably discuss protection. I use flame defense myself. How about you?" She grabs his hand,"ooooh...you are a hot one huh?...burn,baby,burn..."She pulls him into the bedroom with a soft growl.

11:00-5:30 am Mark slowly wakes,feeling a weight pressed against his left side.He blinks awake,and peeks to see Rhonda curled in a ball next to him.He grins a moment before dozing again.

Friday September 14th

Quick Link:Sept.13-Sept.14

5:30-5:40 am Mark stirs a little and decides to get up and fix breakfast for Rhonda and himself.He quietly gets out of bed,trying not to disturb his companion,and goes to the kitchen to begin breakfast.

5:40-5:50 am Mark continues to whip up some bacon and eggs,humming to himself.As the bacon cooks,he digs through the refrigerator and finds a few oranges.With these he makes fresh squeezed orange juice and returns to finish the bacon.

5:50-6:00 am Mark finishes the breakfast and gathers it on a tray.He carefully carries it in to the bedroom and takes a moment to stare at Rhonda as she sleeps.She lies,barely covered,breathing easy.Her hair is spread about the pillow like a halo,framing her face.He slowly walks over to the bed and takes a seat on the edge.

6:00-6:10 am Mark kisses Rhonda lightly on the forehead and gently rouses her from sleep.She slowly stirs,stretches lightly and opens her eyes. "Good morning, sleepyhead. Sorry to wake you from such a sound sleep, but I've made up for it by bringing you breakfast in bed. I thought you might be hungry. I even have fresh squeezed orange juice."She scoots up in the bed to take a sitting position, "My,my...I think I might have found a keeper here." She smiles sweetly as he places the tray on her lap.Mark tells her, "It's about 6 a.m. I'm not usually up quite so early. You're welcome to stay here as long as you like, of course--but you mentioned college--and a job. I didn't want you to be late for anything." She reaches over and strokes his cheek ,"So thoughtful...yea I have early classes so I can't stay too long." The two sit silent for a moment,eating breakfast.Mark breaks the silence,"You can use the shower and..would you like to have lunch today? I'm not trying to be pushy, but I do enjoy your company. I'd also like to get your opinion on some business matters--organizational ideas that I have for the new team." She stares into his eyes,"I would love lunch....where shall we meet? "

6:10-6:20 am Mark kisses Rhonda lightly on the cheek. "You're a sweetheart, you know that?" He then adds, "Lunch today wherever you like. I'm pretty flexible so we can work around your schedule. Just tell me where and when I should pick you up...and what your favorite foods are." Rhonda chews a bite and replies, "Meet me at Rathbone park (Area 15),near the statue around 12:30..." The room is rattled by a loud rumble of thunder. "Rhonda, I've been thinking about what you said last night about Imp. I think you're right. We should try to find out more about her. In the meantime, I'm going to ask Galen if she could act as a liaison between our new team and the Guardians. I'm worried she might not have a decent place to stay. Perhaps they could provide one. If not, do you think your shelter could help? If you're reading her correctly, and I believe you are, then she will be reluctant to accept our assistance, but maybe we can do it in such a way..." Mark pauses.Rhonda nods her head, "The program would help her,if she was willing to accept it.I'll try to talk to her,gain her trust.A girl her age needs guidance,but there's more to her than she's showing.Of that I'm sure." Mark watches the concern on her face and reaches over to touch Rhonda lightly on the face.He smiles and says, "I know. I'm doing it again, aren't I? I can't help it. I'm a superhero. Got a visor and everything. Always gotta be thinking about saving the world, helping others. It's in the code. I'm pretty sure." She places her fingers to his lips,silencing him, "Ssshhhh,I understand...but Mark isn't a superhero...Omega is..." She rises from the bed and walks toward the bathroom.He watches as she reaches to turn the water on in the shower.She strips off the t-shirt and steps in,closing the curtain behind her.The room is silent as Mark finishes his breakfast.Suddenly she sticks her head out of the curtain, "As for my favorite food...I'll bring it for lunch...you want to bring some wine?"

6:20-6:30 am Mark replies, "You got it, sweetie. Which should I bring--red wine or white?" Rhonda hollers back, "You choose...I'm flexible..." While Rhonda is getting ready, Mark turns on the television and begins surfing the channels. He looks for news reports, especially anything concerning the prior day's superhero battle or any programming pertaining to meta-humans.He finds the morning news full of reports on the prior days events.All paint the heroes in a very good light,only questioning the cities police units ability to handle these situations. He goes into the kitchen and brews up a fresh pot of coffee.He gets a cup of coffee and returns to the couch.While he's sitting there, Mark suddenly feels inspiration hit. He moves over and clicks on the computer screen and begins typing up a first draft for the Protector's charter, as well as some personal notes for himself.He is busy typing when Rhonda exits the bathroom,wrapped in nothing but a towel,her hair wet down her back.She slinks over and sits lightly on Mark's lap. "Mind if I interrupt?" She lightly kisses him,running her fingers through his hair. "I really don't want to leave...I mean REALLY...but I should be 'running'.You'll meet me at the park,rain or shine?"

6:30-6:40 am Mark returns Rhonda's kiss. "12:30. Rathbone Park. By the statue. Rain or shine." He brushes back her hair and adds, "And I'll bring white wine, then. And for what it's worth, I don't want you to go either--but you have things you need to do today. Do you need me to call you a cab? Or take you somewhere? I mean, I KNOW Afterburn doesn't need transportation but Rhonda might." Mark nods towards his cane, "I know I've gone to great lengths to establish my secret i.d. It seems silly in a way I guess, but it's more for privacy than anything else. Don't want strange metas showing up on my doorstep in the middle of the night." Rhonda rises and drops the towel.Slowly she squeezes into her costume and grabs her arm bands. "No need for transportation when I got these.Remember I don't have any other clothes here.I'll just sneak out into the ally and zip off.Once I am at speed no one can recognize me."She steps over,bends down and gives Mark a long,passionate kiss. "Can't wait till lunch..." She snaps on the arm bands and is a blur going to,then out of the window.

6:40-6:50 am Mark sits a moment,then decides to get back to the Protector's charter.After a little thought he decides to donate some money to the hospital.He picks up the phone and dials the hospital.Once he is connected the operator transfers his call and a male voice answers, "Arboghast Charities,how can I help you?"

6:50-7:00 am Mark replies, "Yes. I'm...representing a new superhero in town who calls himself Omega." The voice on the other end replies, "The one from the TV,the news conference?" Mark continues, "Yes,he would like to make a rather large monetary donation to the hospital. Over $100,000. If possible, he would like to do this at 11 a.m. today at the hospital. I know it's rather short notice. If possible, he would also like to have some press at the presentation. In addition to the donation to the hospital, he would like to make some positive comments concerning the Midville police department, his fellow metas and also get out word concerning the formation of a new superhero team." There is silence from the other end for a long moment then the voice replies, "The hospital would gladly accept the donation and I believe there will be some press here today,doing follow up stories from yesterday's battle.I can also put out a small statement from the hospital to the different media outlets." Mark continues, "Omega would like to make the presentation in uniform as a way of further introducing himself to the general public. The main thing, of course, is the donation--but the other matters are relevant. Omega is trying to pursue measures which, in the future, will hopefully prevent the type of destruction and loss of life witnessed yesterday. He will also ask the public for additional charitable donations for the hospital and other worthy causes. I assure you that this is not a joke or a hoax. I can arrange for confirmation through the Midville Police Department if needed." The voice replies, "Just for the paperwork,I would like that confirmation and the only thing the hospital ask is that the speech not be to inflammatory.Anything to prevent scenes such as yesterday's would be very welcome.I'll have all arrangements made,have the hero show up at the hospital front steps at 11 am."

7:00-7:10 am Mark replies, "Yes, all arrangements have been made. And I can assure you there will be nothing inflammatory about this presentation. Thank you very much for your time. The meta will be there at 11 a.m." With that, Mark hangs up the phone. He then telephones Wojo (as always, careful to enter the code to block caller i.d.).He hears a message, "I am out of the office so just leave a message..." After the small beep Mark says,"Sgt. Worjokowski? It's Omega. A representative from the hospital will be calling you shortly concerning a monetary donation I'll be making later today. Please tell them that it's all on the up and up. Also, I'd like to extend an invitation to you if you would like to attend the presentation. Regardless of any other associations, now might be a good time to say some good words about Midville P.D. and the Special Crimes Unit. The presentation will be today at 11 a.m. on the steps of the hospital. I'm also planning to plug the new team I'm planning to form and I would like to use the police department's rooftop as a gathering point, as we discussed earlier, provided you have no objections." After hanging up the phone Mark goes back to the computer and the Protector's Charter.

7:10-7:20 am Mark continues to type up the Protector's charter,along with a few personal notes.

7:20-7:30 am Mark looks up the number for city hall and dials it up. When he gets an answer, he asks for the chief city clerk or financial representative. Once that person is on the phone Mark says, "Good morning. My name is Omega. I'm one of the city's new metahumans. I'm making a monetary donation today at the hospital which was damaged in yesterday's attack. In addition to the donation to the hospital, I would also like to present the city with a donation to assist in repairing damages caused during yesterday's metahuman engagements. The donation will be sizable. The Midville Police Department can confirm the authenticity of this matter. Could you please send a city representative to the hospital today for the presentation? There's going to be a press conference on the front steps of the hospital at 11 a.m. I'd also like to make a few smaller donations to various organizations. I'd like to do this all at once if we can get everyone together at the hospital today. One of these is a shelter for the poor and homeless (here Mark describes the shelter which Rhonda earlier described to him). I don't recall the name, though. Do you know it?" The person on the other end replies,"I believe I do know the center,The Midville Outreach Center."Mark continues," I can present that check to them in person later but would like to announce it at the 11:00 a.m. conference. Could you please bring someone along who can handle the dispersement of the remaining funds, perhaps someone from your office or a representative from the local UGF?" The voice on the other end replies,"Sure,the city can have a representative there.Of course I will call the S.C.U. for confirmation but the city really needs some good PR in this department right around now."

7:30-8:10 am Mark replies, "I plan to do everything I can to help. Thanks for your time. I look forward to meeting with your representative today at the hospital." After getting off the phone with the city representative, Mark dials up his bank and asks for an account manager. He asks for cashiers checks to be prepared in the appropriate amounts.After he's finished speaking with the account manager, Mark refreshes his coffee and returns to the computer.He spends about 20 minutes poking on the computer before he gets his shower.He changes into his costume as Omega and carefully packs up his civilian clothes.After checking out side his window,Omega flies out headed toward the Guardian base.Once he gets to Rathbone park (Area 15) he is confused as the bridge is not extended.From what he can see there isn't any way inside nor to contact the Guardians to let them know he is out here.

8:10-8:20 am Omega flies to the nearest pay phone. He pulls out the cell number Poundage gave him the previous day. Omega digs some change out of his utility belt and puts it into the slot. Then he dials the number. When Poundage answers Omega says, "Poundage? This is Omega. Sorry to bother you. Are you still in the Guardian Base? I'm outside now and can't find a way in. Would you please ask someone down there to let me inside?" Omega pauses for a moment and then adds, "And hey--sorry I was such a dick to you yesterday. I've been thinking about the things you said and you have some valid points. I had no right to talk to you the way I did. You've been defending this city longer than me."

8:20-8:30 am Poundage grumbles as he answers, "I'll get somebody.",then hangs up the phone.Omega looks at the phone a moment and hangs up.As he heads over to the park,he watches as the bridge crest the surface of the water.It's an amazing sight and Omega marvels at the technology that enables it.He flies over,then down the bridge.He lands in the hangar and the bridge descends behind him.He stands in the hangar a moment and is surprised when Imp runs in through the door.She is all smiles and slightly out of breath, "HI!!Guess what?Lord Galen wants me to be a Guardian and I accepted!!" She looks at Omega and her face drops, "Oh...yea...that's ok...isn't it?"

8:30-8:40 am Omega looks at Imp and smiles, "Well, we'll miss you as a Protector. But, If you're happy with being a Guardian then I'm happy for you. I think it might be a good move. You have a lot of offer the Guardians and they can provide you with...well, lots of things the Protectors can't right now. I was actually going to suggest that you act as a sort of liaison between the two teams. You still can, if you want to...and if Lord Galen approves. That's one reason I came, also to find out what you have learned about Andromeda." She stands with that big smile then quickly grabs Omega and hugs him. "Oh thank you....Yea would love to be the liaison." She steps back and gets a serious look on her face, "Well the jump was actually a teleport to another dimension and another time,a very spectacular feat.The power consumed in such a leap is tremendous.I have the base scanning right now,if he leaps back we should be able to detect it and at least know he's back.We are working on narrowing the detection and possibly figure out where he leaps in.The best I can figure is the power consumption is too much for him to transport more than himself and some machinery.Therefore he steals the recombinator to clone himself here,uses the clones to conquer the country/planet,using the resources to bring more of 'him' over.The only questions I have are 'Is he alone in this?...and if not are all the others like him?'" Omega then asks for Lord Galen. "He's down in the dining room,having breakfast." ,Imp replies.Omega looks to Imp. "Imp, on the subject of enhancing communications...we need some sort of communications network and we need it yesterday. Do you think it would be possible to do something with existing communication equipment, or even phone systems? Some sort of central communication point--a 'hotline' even?" Imp's eyes go wide, "Way cool!...Easy...the base monitors a number of the city phone lines and just about every form of communication there is.I could set up a hot-line for both heroes and the public,monitored by the base.As long as he had ways to contact the heroes we would have a complete communications web." Omega smiles slightly, "How long would that take to set up and let all the heroes know about it?" Imp gives him a wink, "Hey,you know who your talking to?Give me ten minutes with Big B and it's done...two numbers,one for heroes and another for the public." Omega looks to Imp, "Imp, if Galen agrees on the liaison idea, then perhaps you could act as a sort of unofficial communications officer for the heroes, making sure everyone is connected to the system." He adds, "I'm having a press conference today at 11 a.m. at the hospital. One of my goals is to bolster public confidence in the city's metas. It would be great to be able to announce a public call number at that time, but there's probably no way to put something like that together so quickly..." Imp gives him a playful punch in the arm, "You go see Galen and I will have that system set-up before you leave." She jogs out of the room,saying, "Big B,going to the com room,start a com array...."

8:40-8:50 am Omega looks around the hangar and asks how to get to the dining area.The base instructs him to follow the doors as they open.Omega complies and soon finds his way to the dining room.As he walks into the dining room,he finds Lord Galen just rising from his breakfast.He smiles and says, "Good morning, Lord Galen. I'm sorry to interrupt your breakfast. I cam by to speak with Imp, and with you."Omega pauses for a moment then continues, "I understand Imp is a member elect of the New Guardians now." Omega chides, "You've stolen one of my best members." He then adds, "All kidding aside, I think that Imp being here will be a good thing for her. And I was actually coming here to ask you if you might be able to help her as I don't think she really has anywhere else to stay. It will could also be a good thing for both of our teams--if you agree, I would like for Imp to serve as a liaison between the two." Omega then says, "I've also spoken to Imp about setting up a communications system for the heroes...a sort of central communication web that will allow direct communication between Midville's metas and also give the public an emergency number to call if someone requires meta assistance. She says she can do this relatively quickly using the Guardian Base technology. If you agree to this plan then I could announce the public number at a press conference I'm having later today with an aim towards boosting the public faith and trust in metahumans. We can provide the other number to team members and other metas who we know and trust. I've also asked Imp if she will serve as a sort of unofficial communications officer regarding this matter again--if you approve." Omega adds, "I truly do want us all to work together for the common good. Imp has already predicted that Andromeda will return. I think we all know it's only a matter of time before we again encounter him. I for one would like for us to face him--or any major threat--as a united front. Even though we may not technically be on the same team, even though some may choose to be on no team at all--it's my feeling we're all still in this thing together. With threats like Andromeda out there, we're going to have to watch each others backs. Now more than ever." Imp walks into the dining room,glancing at the two men talking.Omega pauses a moment and then adds, "We're having a Protectors organizational meeting today at police headquarters at 5 p.m. I've already asked Imp to attend and would like to extend a personal invitation to you and any of the other New Guardians who would like to come and observe. I believe now is the time for us to stand together united--perhaps if not as one team, then as one community." Imp looks from one man to the other, "Big B has a connection to the city phone lines.He now is able to monitor these two numbers,###-#### for the public and ###-#### for the meta's private line.He has the ability to connect different lines together so meta's calling will be able to communicate with each other.All we need is for non-Guardians to purchase a pre-paid cel-phones and give the base the number." She looks at the stern look on Lord Galen's face and continues,a little more subdued, "I know,I should have asked your permission...I'm sorry.But it seemed such a good idea I kind of got carried a way.I can undo any of it if you wish.As for the news conference,I would like to attend,wearing the Guardian badge.I am going to attend anyway,and think it would be wise for the city to see a united front,Guardians and Protectors." She looks up at Lord Galen,eyes pleading.

8:50-9:00 am Lord Galen turns to Imp and says, "Alright Imp, I accept your apology but from now on I expect to be informed as to what you are doing." Galen then turns to Omega and says, "Omega, I whole heartily agree. We do need a united front against all dangers to the city. I think this communications idea is a good one." Turning back to Imp, Galen adds, "Imp, go ahead and finish it up and let everyone know these numbers. I do want a contingency plan to weed out false alarms. We don't need to find ourselves running to some fool trying to make a publicity stunt. See what you and the base can do about things like that." Imp nods in agreement and smiles, "Already done.The base can weed out false alarms,he has the ability to detect voice patterns.Not a true lie detector but pretty reliable.He can also determine the best heroes to send and contact them immediately.Of course I can monitor the communications and help in anyway I can." Galen addresses Omega, "As for Imp staying here, I guess her and Wraith would get along." Imp smiles again and a small blush develops on her cheeks.Galen then turns his attention directly to Imp, "Before I make you a full fledged Guardian,Imp, I still need to talk with my partners. I will let you use Badge #4 for the hospital meeting." He then speaks to the Base, "Base assign Badge #4 temporarily to Imp." The base replies, "Affirmative...Imp,if you would go to the HQ and place your palm on badge four I can copy your palm print,voice already recorded..." Omega looks to Imp, "Yes, you being at the hospital meeting is a good idea. Since Lord Galen has agreed to all of this, it would be great if you could attend both the 11 a.m. press conference and the organizational meeting later in the day." Imp is anxious to get her badge but answers, "I plan to make the news conference,but I probably won't be able to make the other meeting.There is ...umm...some place I need to go...personal business." "To show my support for our joint project, I'll also spring for the cost of the phones for some of the metas. The Guardians don't need phones since they can use the badges, right?" ,Omega ask.Imp replies, "Right,in fact the way the system is set up we Guardians," she smiles, "can use the badges as phones." Omega, thinking aloud says, "Hmmmmm, okay I'll pick up ten to start with then. Will try to get sequential numbers for them too." Galen again addresses Omega, "Omega, I hope I have addressed all your concerns. I hope to see you all again soon. I have a civilian identity to return to and a job." He then rises. "I want to go check on Vengeance and then I will be leaving." Omega nods to Galen, "Lord Galen, I think you and I are going to get along just fine. You've been nothing but helpful and it is greatly appreciated. I have some pressing matters in my civilian identity as well. I'm still new to this superhero stuff but I can already see how leading a dual life might get hectic at times." Omega thinks for a moment and then says, "Imp, you know--since you're a Guardian now...well, almost anyway...and since the Guardians ARE a big part of this communications project, why don't I have you come up and announce the public emergency number at the press conference today? That would give both you individually--and the Guardians as a whole--some good public exposure. Would that be okay with you?" She starts to answer then her eyes shift about the room, "Ummm...actually...ummm...that wouldn't be a good idea.I don't want...well...ummm...I'm not sure...well...I guess...I'm going to be on TV weather I speak or not,huh?" Omega walks toward the door,as does Lord Galen.The two walk to the elevator,Omega continues to the hangar and Galen rides the elevator down to the medlab.Omega enters the hangar and flies out of the bridge after it has extended.Once outside he finds a discreet alley and changes into his civilian ID and heads for the bank.

9:00-9:50 am Mark goes to the bank and gets the cashiers checks in the different amounts,subtle as he can.From there he goes to the Calvin Publishing offices in the Fogel Law building (Area 17).He arrives just in time and meets Mr.Calvin and two of his lawyers.The lawyers are introduced as Mr.Pullman and Mr.Nettles.Mark is offered a seat as the lawyers begin a presentation.Calvin Publishing has dealt in many different forms of publication,mostly advertisement based.About two years ago the company began a monthly periodical called "Midville Now!!".It was meant to profile the city,it's people,and places of interest for it's subscribers in Midville.Throughout the first year the subscription rate climbed and the magazine was able to make money.However the second year saw subscriptions fall as the articles became stagnant,basically rehashing older articles.The magazine has barely been able to keep itself in the black and Mr. Calvin became less than enthused about continuing to publish it.The magazine currently has a subscription base just over 83,000 addresses but has been declining month to month.The magazine is completely staffed with two writers,a photographer and 2 secretaries/researchist/checkers.Purchase of the magazine would include the office lease in the building.All actual printing work is outsourced to a local printing plant and this contract extends for another 3 months.As they finish Mr.Calvin talks a little about his hopes for the magazine,but that he has other interest he wishes to pursue.After some small chit chat a number is banded about for the purchase of the magazine.The number fluctuates between $85,000 and $100,000.

9:50-10:00 am Mark considers for a moment everything that has been said and then makes his counter offers. "Gentlemen, there are several options that spring to mind. I am very interested in the purchase of this magazine.My first offer is to pay you $50,000 of the purchase price of $85,000 up front and finance the remainder over a 10 year term.If that is unacceptable, then I should be able to finance the remainder of the purchase price myself. While I have enough cash on hand I feel that I should keep some available as a cushion until the magazine can get back on its feet. Either way, I'll be making the same payments over the same amount of time." The two lawyers and Mr.Calvin huddle to discuss the offer.After a few minutes Mr.Calvin speaks to Mark, "I prefer a total payment,in full.However you can come up with it.I will have my lawyers make up the paperwork for full transfer of all assets.They tell me they will have all this completed by the 19th.Why don't we make an appointment for that date,say 8:30 pm.We can have dinner,celebrate a little,and sign all the needed paperwork.This also allows me to get the staff prepared for the change over."

10:00-10:20 am Mark agrees to Mr. Calvin's terms and agrees to meet with him again in a few days. "Sounds like a plan to me," Mark says. "Again, thank all of you for your time. I look forward to our next meeting. Gentlemen." With that, Mark politely excuses himself. As soon as he can, he finds a discreet alleyway and changes into Omega.Omega takes to the sky for a quick patrol of the city prior to his 11 a.m. appointment at the hospital.As he flies,he notices Reaper below at the police station,speaking to Sgt.Warjokowski.

10:20-10:30 am Omega watches as Reaper says something and shakes his head no.Omega flies down and lands on the rooftop between Wojo and Reaper. "I'm glad to find you both here," Omega says. "I have news that should interest both of you." Omega goes on, "Lord Galen and I have discussed it and we've agreed to establish a communications network for the metas in this area. The system will utilize Guardian Base as a sort of central hub and will use existing phone technology. We'll have two telephone numbers--one will allow heroes to contact Guardian Base and be dispatched through to other heroes. The other will be a number the public can use to directly contact a meta hero. My understanding is that the base contains sufficient technology to filter the calls and weed out any false alarms. I believe the base can then dispatch a meta based on availability and relevance to the situation. Imp is working out the final details now. Imp's accepted an invitation to join the Guardians, by the way. I'm planning on announcing the new system to the public at an 11 a.m. press conference at the hospital. Imp will be on hand to provide further explanation and to represent the Guardians." Wojo raises an eyebrow,still staring at Reaper.Omega turns to Reaper, "Reaper, I didn't really get the chance to talk to you earlier at Guardian Base. There's to be an organizational meeting of the new Protectors team here on this very rooftop this evening at 5 p.m. I feel like we got off on the wrong foot with you, but I'd like to extend a personal invitation to you, if you're interested in joining. Even if not, stop by anyway and I'll make sure you have the information you need to take advantage of the new communications system." Noticing Wojo's demeanor,Omega steps over to Wojo so as to speak with him privately. "I know Reaper probably isn't one of your favorites right now, but he DID help us yesterday in the fight against Andromeda and Shattarang. I don't know, I'm still trying to figure Reaper out...he could make a valuable ally." Omega adds, "He seems to truly want to be a hero..." Omega's thoughts drift for a moment. The he collects himself and says, "I hadn't planned to stop by just now but I was flying over on patrol and just happened to see the two of you down here. I had actually planned to give you a full report on yesterday's activities--if you need one--later in the day. I don't mean to make a nuisance of myself, but since I'm already here, is there anything you need while I'm in the neighborhood?" Wojo's arms leave his chest as he turns to speak to Omega, "No I have a complete confession from Shattarang.Now it's a matter of appeasing the higher-ups,the city council,the mayor." Omega then asks Wojo, "I trust you got my earlier message about the press conference?" Omega adds, "I know you're busy with other matters right now, but I hope you can find the time to come down. Some of the things I'm going to do and say today should have an impact on police affairs--hopefully a very positive impact." Wojo nods slightly, "I plan to show...I just hope your not stirring a hornets nest here.The city is on edge,one push either way and I worry what will happen."

10:30-11:30 am Omega looks to Wojo and nods in agreement. "I hope I'm doing the right thing too, Sergeant. The last thing I want to do is ignite a powder keg. I'll be making some donations to charity today and trying to reach out to...well, for lack of a better word...the common man. Some view metas as being apart from the rest of humanity. And some metas may even feel they are above 'normal' humans. But, in my view it's not about imposing our powers on humanity." Omega looks towards Reaper as he continues, "It's about earning their trust. Their respect. I guess I'm just old fashioned but I just don't go along with the lurking in the shadows and striking fear into the hearts of the wicked approach. Still, I suppose there is room for all different types of people. Different types of philosophies. What do you say, Reaper? Do you think you would be interested in joining the Protectors?" Reaper turns to Omega and says very politely, "I appreciate the offer but, no thanks. Do you know how to get back into the base?" Omega replies, "Well, if you reconsider then the invitation to the 5 p.m. meeting still stands. And, if you want to get into Guardian Base you can use the new communications network." Omega provides Reaper with the needed telephone number. "Just go to any phone and call this number. You should be able to reach Imp or one of the others." Reaper looks to Omega and says, "Thanks, anything else I need to know?" Omega replies, "No, just make sure you tell Imp or whoever is at Guardian Base who you are and your reasons for wanting to come inside. Lord Galen seems like a good man to me but I get the impression he's very protective when it comes to Guardian Base. He's been very accommodating so far. I don't think any of us should take unfair advantage of his hospitality." Reaper replies, "Okay, later." Reaper nods politely to Wojo and walks to the edge of the roof.He steps off the edge and just drops.a second or two later Omega and Wojo see him streak toward the sky.Omega turns back to Wojo and shrugs, "He's a hard one to get a handle on. I had hoped he would join us. I thought perhaps we might be able to have an influence on the way he presents himself. Maybe the dark and gritty image works for some but it's just not my cup of tea. I just think we need to be as honest and up front as possible. I don't know if this city will accept me as a hero or not...but I know I have to try. I know how hokey it sounds, but I have to believe that I was given these powers for a reason." Wojo grunts an affirmative,his eyes scanning the sky. "Something about him I don't like.I'll be watching him...closely." He turns back to Omega, "I shall see you at the news conference..." Omega watches as the large man lumbers to the roof access.Omega flies off,stopping at a nearby phone center.He quickly purchases 10 cel-phones and flies away.He heads toward the hospital and finds a crowd of reporters gathered around the front entrance to the hospital.There seems to be a few by-standers nearby and Omega notices both Imp and Wojo waiting.He lands lightly near them,gives them both a slight nod and walks to the podium set up there.The Omega Flame flickers around him ever so slightly. Although barely noticeable, an occasional sparkle flares up. It is just enough to allow him to channel the Omega Force and take advantage of the increase in mental clarity which it offers him. He stands straight and tall, his shoulders squared as he looks to the gathered crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Omega. I am a meta-human. A superhero, if you will. Being a superhero--as you might imagine--sometimes involves taking risks.When I see people pulling back from taking risks, risks that perhaps they know they should be taking-my experience is that it's rarely because they're afraid of failing. Most of the time it's because they're afraid of succeeding. What I mean is-when we become good risk-takers,we often find ourselves in positions of increasing responsibility.But more than that, in taking risks for important, positive goals,we find a personal power, clarity and passion that we might rarely feel otherwise, that many people never feel. It's our "A" game and playing it forces us to give up that old comfortable picture of ourselves with all those limitations we thought we had.We all do this at times, allowing ourselves to be held back by those limitations. It's the Devils We Know. Moving past our perceived limitations to take a risk, stretching the field of our own competence without them-can be frightening. It means that we must confront head-on our own worthiness, and our responsibility to be leaders and agents for change. It's not about being a superhero.I'm talking about having a practical, positive influence on our places of work, our families, our communities. And having that influence is like learning to swim. Once you know you can take these risks, have this influence, you can't pretend you can't. You can see your life changing. You're in a different place. It's exciting-and it's scary. There are no easy answers for dealing with this fear. It's a fear not of failure but of success. It's a call to truly live our potential on this earth. The challenge is as much spiritual as psychological. All we can do then is reach into that very deepest part of ourselves and say 'Yes, this one has my name all over it-I'll take it on.'John Wayne once said, 'Tomorrow is the most important thing in life.It comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday.' I am here today because of yesterday. Because yesterday, this city was attacked by a terrible, evil force. Because yesterday, lives were lost. Because yesterday, innocent people were harmed for no good reason.Because yesterday, there was horrible destruction in this city. I am here today because of yesterday. But more than that--because of my most prevalent hopes for tomorrow.Yesterday, many metahuman heroes fought on behalf of this city: Lord Galen, Vengeance, Wraith, Poundage, Scar, Imp, Afterburn, Alloy, Reaper and Maxi-Miss. Some of them you know, some of them you don't. Many of them you will come to know better because 'this one' has their names on it--and they WILL take it on. Just as I will take it on. The 'it" that I--and they--will be taking on is the defense of this city against the type of wanton destruction we witnessed yesterday. Defense against those who would use their metahuman gifts to destroy rather than create; to use their powers for evil rather than good. The fact that some metas have embraced the path of evil, rather than good, is a cause of concern for many. There are some who feel that ALL metas are a danger--a threat--not only to this city but to humanity as a whole. Nowhere is this evidenced more than in the growing anti-mutant sentiment which encourages a type of hatred and racism that should no longer even exist.Ladies and gentlemen, I stand before you today as a superhero, as a metahuman--but also as a HUMAN. As a CITIZEN of Midville and as a PERSON who carries a deep hurt inside of him, just as all of you do, because of the wounds this city has suffered. Nothing I can do or say now will EVER bring back those whose lives were lost; will NEVER truly comfort those who suffered injuries or who lost friends or family members. But what I CAN do, what we can ALL do is try to pick up the pieces and go forward from here as best we can--to reach into that very deepest part of ourselves and say 'Yes, this one has OUR names all over it-WE will take it on.' Together.WE will NOT surrender OUR city, or ourselves, to fear; to those who embrace evil or intolerance; to those whose watchwords are death,destruction and hate. WE will all stand together, one community--united in our hope for tomorrow. Moving past our perceived limitations to take a risk, stretching the field of our own competence, confronting head-on our own worthiness, and our responsibility to be leaders and agents for change. I believe in the strength of the people in this city. And I TRUST that the citizens here will recognize my undying concern for their safety and well being. And I hope citizens realize that I would never use my powers for anything but good. And, though I do not presume to speak for other meta-heroes, I am sure that they feel the same way. As for my part, there are several things I wish to offer here today which hopefully will have a practical, positive influence on our places of work, our families, our community.First, I wish to announce that I am heading up efforts to form a new superhero team which will be known as 'The Protectors.' This team will be officially organized today at 5 p.m. at the District One Police Station. Any metas interested in joining should meet on the rooftop at 5 p.m. We will be working in close cooperation with the New Guardians. In fact, we have already set up a liaison between the two teams. We all feel that having additional, organized superhero teams on patrol will be of great benefit to the city as it could help to deter both common and meta-related crime. The Protectors will attempt to serve as a limited meta police force,breaking up into sub-teams to better patrol the city and cover more territory than before. We WILL operate under the terms of the law and all members will be asked to swear to an oath similar to that used by police officers and adhere to a specific code of conduct. This team will work closely with the Special Crimes Unit. And I would like to take a moment to commend the commander of this unit, Sgt. Warjokowski on the excellent job the S.C.U. has done in regard to responding to meta-related crime. I'm certain that this unit will only get better with time and will continue to serve as a valuable resource for the citizens of Midville.Secondly, a communications network has been established which will allow greater communication between the cities heroes and also the general public to DIRECTLY contact the New Guardians, the Protectors or another of the city's meta-heroes in the event of an emergency. This system will take advantage of existing phone systems and will not cost the taxpayers any additional money. Advanced technology will assure that only legitimate calls are processed. Ladies and gentlemen, at this time I would like to call upon a very good friend of mine to further explain this system to you: Imp, a member-elect of the New Guardians and one of the heroes who risked her life yesterday fighting to protect to this city. Imp and the New Guardians--especially Lord Galen--were invaluable in helping to put this new system together. Imp?" Omega steps aside as Imp comes up to the podium. She steps up nervously and fiddles with the microphone cord. "Ladies and Gentlemen,I am called Imp.As Omega has told you,I am a Guardian elect,pending final approval of other Guardian members.Using the advanced technology of the Guardian base,we have set up a communications array that allows citizens calling ###-#### to report any incident that they feel needs meta-human attention.The base will evaluate the call,using many tools,to determine the sincerity of the call and dispatch the appropriate meta hero for the situation.I...we...encourage every citizen,help us take the city back from the evil that plagues us.Call the number and help is on the way." She steps down,giving Omega a wink.Once Imp has finished, Omega thanks her and again steps up to the podium. "Finally, I come to the reason why I asked this press conference to be held HERE and why I asked representatives from city government to attend. Several years ago, I came into a large sum money without really doing anything to earn it. I put this money back for a rainy day. I believe that day has now come.To quote Margaret Young, 'Often people attempt to live their lives backwards; they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want, so they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then do what you need to do, in order to have what you want.' An acquaintance of mine and I have pooled our financial resources and at this time, it is my pleasure to present several donations to various deserving recipients: First to this hospital, a donation of $140,000 to assist with repairs to the damage caused during yesterday's meta battle.Secondly, $65,000 to the City of Midville, to assist with repairs to the damage caused during yesterday's meta battle especially in the hospital and park areas.Thirdly, $24,500 to the Midville Police Department to purchase additional equipment to better protect the citizens of Midville.Also, a donation of $24,250 to the local chapter of the United Giver's Fund for disbursement to various local charity organizations as the UGF sees fit and a specific donation of $24,250 to the Midville Outreach Center.I know that none of these donations can erase the tragedies suffered yesterday but hopefully these contributions WILL help the city better deal with the situation by easing a bit of the financial burden.I said before that I stand before you as a superhero, as a metahuman and as human... but I also stand before you as something else: a Protector; a servant of the law, of the peace and of the people. That is my responsibility, and my great honor. I can only promise all of you that I will always do my best, I will always strive to accept the risk.To meet the challenge. To attempt to reach into that very deepest part of myself and say 'Yes, this one has my name all over it-I'll take it on.' And what I have taken on here today is a truly monumental task--the task of earning your trust. And your respect. Such is not given lightly,I know--nor should it be. And I hope that you will not think that I came here today to buy or beg these things from you, because that's not what today is about. Today is about a beginning. It is about a new tomorrow.A tomorrow that hopes we have learned something from yesterday.Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Omega and I sincerely thank you for your time." He begins to step from the podium when he begins to feel warm.The blue flame about him erupts,covering his body in a sheath.He stares about,surprised,and sees a vague blue form that seems to hover over the crowd.A deep resonating voice begins to speak and Omega realizes the words come from HIS mouth. "I have chosen well.This vessel is capable and just.Hear me,oh people of the blue planet.Here is my chosen,my avatar.Through him my will shall be done.This small world now has a defender,a champion.May all the forces of the Universe know,this sphere is under my protection and any violation to it will be answered by this one and this vessel." The blue figure dissipates slowly and the flame around Omega dies to a flicker,but he feels a surge of energy course through his body.He begins to step back,seeing the confused faces on those gathered.Suddenly he hears THAT voice in his head, "Stay strong,stay vigilant...I am with you always.The channel is open if you remain focused,remain prepared...remain loyal..." The voice fades as Omega notices Imp looking at him with concern.He raises his hand to show he is ok as he hears a smattering of applause from the crowd.

11:30-11:40 am Omega looks around for a moment, confused. Seeing the looks on the faces of Imps and Wojo, Omega quickly collects himself. He again addresses the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, the voice you just heard was not my own. Please, allow me to explain. My power is unique in that I ...well, for lack of a better word... channel ...what I refer to as the Omega Force.I hadn't planned to delve into my origins or the exact nature of my powers today--not because I have anything to hide but simply because I didn't want the primary focus today to be on ME.However, I now feel I owe you all an explanation. Earlier today I told a...a friend of mine...that I thought being a superhero was about winning the hearts and minds of the people. Being honest and up front. Obviously, we metas do keep SOME secrets...as the visor which helps conceal my true identity attests. But these are secrets of necessity. I keep my true identity hidden only to protect those close to me. Those who might be targeted by rogue metas or other enemies.But I want to be as up front with all of you as I possibly can and, in light of that, I believe you all should know a bit more about me. My powers came to me after I suffered a serious injury some time ago. While recovering from this injury, I had a very vivid dream in which a voice spoke to me and called itself the Omega Force. I would have simply dismissed this as a mere dream, if not for the sudden and simultaneous manifestation of my meta-human powers. I believe these powers originate from the Omega Force. It's not that I don't have control of my powers. I do-- with the exception of a sort of intuitive awareness ability-- but it's almost as if they are 'on loan' from this ...entity.I have suspected for some time now that the Omega Force is sentient --a benevolent, guiding force of some kind, separate from my own consciousness --but it's exact nature is unknown to me. I believe that it has just put in a rather dramatic --and unexpected-- appearance. The voice you just heard was that of the Omega Force." Omega smiles and adds, "I know how all of this sounds. It's a little on the 'Moses and the burning bush' side, but I believe that this is truly a force for great good. To slightly misquote Shakespeare, "...there are more things in the stars than are dreamt of in our philosophies." I've tried not to read too deeply into the symbolism of it all--I've simply tried to use the powers given me for the greater good of all. And that's what I will continue to do. You have my word on that. And I hope I don't ever let any of you down.I'll be more than happy to answer any additional questions about MYSELF at a later time, but as I said--I really didn't intend for the focus here today to be on ME but rather on how we can all come together as a community.On one final note--TRULY final this time--I just realized that I earlier failed to mention one of the metas who is a part of our community; who helped defend the city yesterday. The oversight was most certainly not intentional. Her name is Vyra. Although I have not know her long, she has been a valuable colleague and...a good friend.Ladies and gentlemen, once again I sincerely thank you for your time. I hope that today we have all taken the first step on what will be a long journey...together." Immediately the reporters start to fire questions at him. "How do you know this Force is good?" "Do you have any reason behind the hospital attack?" "Who is this Andromeda?" "Are the Protectors a junior Guardian team?" "What are your plans to find this Andromeda?" As they become silent a single reporter stands and ask the question that quiets the crowd. "Who was the young boy that was brought in this morning,DOA?I have it from an informed source the boy died of the Legacy virus,a virus that affects mutants.But...this source says a nurse,a normal HUMAN nurse,has now come down with this virus and isn't expected to live through the weekend.Do you have any comments on this?" The gathered crowd waits silently,expectantly.Omega catches his breath and notices a pencil on the podium begin to scribble on a piece of paper.He looks around,nonchalantly,and notices a black face peering over the roof edge behind him,Reaper.As he gazes about he catches Imp's face.It has gone completely white,her eyes are very large,her mouth agape.He sees her hand slowly rising toward her badge.

11:40-11:50 am Omega, feeling he needs to quickly get control of the situation, turns to Imp. He sees that she is already reaching for her badge. He nods to her knowingly and says, "Imp, could you please contact Guardian Base and confirm this report?" She nods slightly at him and taps her badge.She begins a hushed conversation with the base as Omega turns his attention back to the reporters. He holds up his hands and says, "This is the first I've heard about this. My colleague is gathering additional information now. I am saddened to learn about the death of this boy and and the nurse you mentioned but the last thing we need to do right now is panic..." The crowd gasps as a pencil and paper suddenly fly up off the podium and begin to float up through the air. Omega hangs places his hands on the podium, clutches it tightly and hangs his head for a moment. He mutters underneath his breath, "Reaper." Omega looks over to Wojo. Wojo's gaze is steely,his face beginning to turn a light shade of red.Omega sighs heavily, shrugs and slowly shakes his head. Omega then quickly turns his attention back to the crowd. "Please don't be alarmed, this is just another meta hero who is exercising his...unique powers to contact us and...provide additional information concerning this situation. If I could please direct your attention back to the podium." The faces in the crowd alternate between paying attention to Omega and glancing to the hospital roof where the paper and pencil disappeared.Omega goes on, "As I was saying, we need to remain calm and rationale in dealing with the Legacy Virus. While my associates collect information, I will answer some of the other questions you have presented here today.First, concerning the Omega Force. How do I know that it is a force for good? I know this because it is a part of me and it's something that I feel in my heart to be true.As for the Protectors--no, it's not going to be a 'junior Guardians' team. It will be a separate team, but we will work with the Guardians and with other metas to deal with meta-related threats to public safety and issues--such as Andromeda...and this Legacy Virus." The pencil and paper slowly float back down to the podium and the crowd again stare in amazement. Omega gives the crowd a disarming smile as the paper lands on the podium and he sees the message, "What do you want me to do?" Omega picks up the pencil and writes, "Hold your ground for now. What do you know about the Legacy Virus?" After Omega has finished writing, the pencil and paper again float away. Omega attempts to keep the attention of the crowd focused on him. He clears his throat and continues. "To answer your questions concerning Andromeda--there is still a lot we don't know about him. His exact origin is, at this point, unknown but we are working to gather more information. What I can tell you about him is that he is essentially a powerful meta-villain who is responsible for yesterday's attack on the hospital. The motive for the attack appears to be the theft of a genetic recombinator which Andromeda wished to use to further bolster his powers. We are currently working on a plan to find him. We have evidence that he is no longer in Midville, but we believe we have the technology available to detect him if he should return. All of this is part of an ongoing police investigation, and I don't want to overstep my bounds by saying too much. Additional questions about this should probably be addressed to police officials." Omega then excuses himself for a moment. He walks over to Imp and places his hand on her shoulder. He talks to her quietly, so as not to be overheard. "Imp? Are you okay? You looked as though you had seen a ghost a moment ago." She looks up at him,her eyes beginning to tear up, "I'm...I'm o.k....the boy...he ....he was a friend...the base confirmed the name..." Omega looks at her with sympathy, "I knew you were already in the process of contacting the base, but asked you to do so anyway as a diversionary tactic to buy us some breathing room. I don't know anything about this Legacy Virus...this boy or this nurse...but the implications here. This could be bad. Really bad. Are you able to answer their questions? As much as you feel we need to make public right now anyway? I don't know what all this means for you, but I do know that you're the smartest person I've ever known. We need your mind right now. We need your help. We need to say something NOW to calm public fears, but we also have to be very careful how we proceed until we can get a handle on this thing." Imp takes a deep breath and nods.Omega then brings Imp up to the podium and says, "We have some information to share at this time. Additional questions regarding this should likely be addressed to experts within the medical community. I can only assure you that the meta community will do everything within our power to try to assist in finding a cure for this virus." Just before Imp begins to speak, the pencil and paper again float down to Omega. He takes it and looks at the message. "It is a virus that only affects mutants. It usually results in death. I spoke to Wraith earlier about a possible cure I had thought up. We sent a message to the X-Men asking for some help. I'll fill you in later. What do you know?" Omega leans over and shows the note to Imp. "Reaper," he whispers.She glances at Omega,showing no emotion.Omega leans over to the side and writes, "Mutant boy dead from Legacy Virus. Reports of a HUMAN nurse who has contracted the virus and isn't expected to live through the weekend. Imp about to address reporters. Will talk to you afterwards." The pencil and paper again float away. Omega steps aside and allows Imp to step to the podium.She clears her throat slowly,squares her shoulders and begins. "I am no expert on the disease,though I WILL be with some study.The disease attacks the genetic code of it's victims.Prior to today all known victims were mutants.All known mutants suffering from the disease have died or are in serious condition.In fact we Guardians are caring for one such mutant right now.But some of the world's best minds are working on the problem.It seems the disease is transmitted through touch,it IS NOT an airborne virus.I promise,when I am finished here I will use every resource available to me as a Guardian to study this disease." She steps away from the podium he eyes focused on a spot on the ground.After Imp is finished Omega says, "We will provide you additional information at a later time. Again, I must stress that now is NOT the time for fear and panic. We will all do everything in our power to get a handle on this situation. Now, please...no more questions for now. It seems there is work to be done." After the crowd begins to break up, Omega looks for Wojo's reporter friend in the crowd. He approaches him and tells him privately, "Use what influence you have to make sure only substantiated facts are reported. Spread the word about the formation of the new Protectors team--the more metas we have working on this, the better off we will be. And let folks know about the new public meta call number. Heh. Looks like today's lead story won't be quite what I was hoping it would be." The reporter shakes his head slightly,a worried look on his face,then runs off to file his report.Omega steps over to join Imp and Wojo.Imp looks from one to the other and in a quiet voice says, "That was so hard...I really need to go...need some time to think...and study..." She glances at Omega a moment and tries to smile.She then touches he badge and says, "Enter." She disappears in a blink,leaving the two men standing quietly.

11:50-12:10 pm Omega looks to Wojo and then looks up to see Reaper still on the rooftop. Omega holds up his hand in a "wait there a minute" gesture and turns to Wojo. "I'll talk to him," Omega says. "This Legacy Virus situation is bad. It could have...implications. What you said earlier. A slight push, either way. And this is more than a push--it's an outright shove." Omega pulls out one of the phones he purchased earlier. He then calls Guardian Base and gives notification. "Base, this is Omega. I'm now on-line with the new comm-link at this number (he gives the number). I'll be available for the remainder of the day, if I'm needed." Omega makes sure that Wojo has a direct contact number and says, "You need me--for anything--call." Omega then flies up to the rooftop to speak with Reaper. Omega lands and studies Reaper for a moment. He then says, "Reaper, this looks like a bad situation. This Legacy Virus...it's not good." Reaper replies, "Yeah, I know. I've been speaking to Wraith about a possible cure." Omega looks somewhat shocked. "Really? Imp is studying the Legacy Virus now. The boy who died...I think he was a friend of hers. She knew him. She's badly shaken. Have you made any progress with this cure?" Reaper closes his eyes for a second, taking in this new information, he opens them again, looks at Omega, and says, "Not much. We sent a message to the X-Men asking for help." Omega asks, "The X-Men?" Omega adds, "I've heard of them. A mutant team. But I don't know much about them or about the Legacy Virus. I have the feeling we're going to need all the help we can get." Omega takes out another one of the phones and programs it for Reaper. Omega calls Guardian Base. "Base, this is Omega again. The meta known as Reaper is now online with the communications network at this number." Omega throws the phone to Reaper. "Here you go. Consider it an apology for what went down between us yesterday. If you need to get in touch with me...or another meta, just call the number I gave you earlier or hit speed dial one on the phone and ask to be patched through. Also, the other metas or the base computer may now be contacting you from time to time, to dispatch you or to ask for your help." Reaper looks at the phone for a moment. He then nods to Omega and thanks him. There is a brief moment of silence between the two men, then Reaper suddenly adds "I'm beginning to think this virus isn't natural." Omega is stunned by this statement and for a moment, doesn't know what to say. He paces the rooftop. Then he stares skyward and says softly, "If that's true...if what you're saying is true...my God..." Omega pauses for a moment, trying to wrap his mind around the implications of Reaper's statement. He then says, "A weapon. Someone created this virus as a weapon. To wipe out the mutants. But the nurse...she was..." Reaper quickly replies, "It's mutating, they aren't just after mutants. It can't be racial, there must be some other motive." Omega feels a deep sense of unease.. He shakes his head, "But we have no proof. That's just speculation. We don't KNOW that it isn't natural. We don't KNOW that it's a manufactured bio-weapon. But...that's a chilling thought." Reaper thinks about it for a moment and then replies, "Yes, but if I'm right, we need to act soon." Omega looks to Reaper. "I...I may know a way to find out. To find out for sure. It still wouldn't give us proof but...we would know. I would know. Beyond any shadow of a doubt. But the method I'm thinking of using...we shouldn't try it just yet. We should give Imp time first, see what she comes up with. And we should all keep our eyes and ears open. If you learn anything new, contact me using the cell phone or call Imp at Guardian Base." Reaper replies, "Okay, I will. For now, I'm going for lunch. Wanna come?" Omega replies, "I appreciate the offer, Reaper...but I already have a lunch date for today and--no offense, but she's better looking than you." Omega smiles at him. "I'll take a raincheck though. Another time?" Reaper laughs, "Sure, by the way. Uh, do you know if there's a Tim Horton's in Midville? Can't seem to find any decent donuts around here." Omega replies, "Not sure. But I'll keep my eyes open." Omega begins to leave, but then turns back to Reaper and adds, "Oh you might want to take it easy on the overt public uses of your telekenisis. You were freaking people out. I thought Wojo was going to have a stroke." Omega then takes to the sky. He waves back at Reaper and calls out, "Be careful, Reaper. Especially now." Reaper replies, "Thanks." Reaper goes on patrol for a Tim Horton's and a a decent Boston Cream donut. Omega then flies off in the direction of Rathbone Park. On the way, he looks for store where he will be able to purchase a good bottle of white wine. When he finds such a place, he lands--deactivates his Omega Flame and enters the store. He smiles at the store owner, holds up his arms in a friendly gesture and says, "Please don't be alarmed. I just want to make a purchase. I need a bottle of wine. White. Decent enough for a lunch date. Oh, and two wine glasses, if you have them." As the clerk gathers the items together, Omega introduces himself. He pays the clerk and includes a tip. He then adds, "If you ever have any problems in this area, call this number and ask for me." Omega writes down the E-Meta number on a slip of paper. Omega smiles and hands it to the clerk. Omega then leaves the store and again takes to the sky. He flies to a discreet location near the park and changes into his civilian identity. He walks to the park, looking around to see if there are any flower vendors nearby. he finds one and purchases a red rose for Rhonda. He then makes his way to the area of the park where the statue stands. He looks for a park bench where he can sit and wait for Rhonda's arrival. While waiting, he goes ahead and programs a phone for her. He waits until there is no one near him and calls the base again. "Base, it's me again. Recognize voice pattern. Please code this phone for Afterburn. She will be on-line with the communications system within the next 30 minutes at this number. Availability unknown but we should both be available during the lunch hour if anything comes up." Mark then relaxes in the park. He rests and waits for Rhonda to arrive.

12:10-12:20 pm Mark sits at the bench relaxing when he feels the first drop of rain.He looks to the sky as the rain starts to fall.

12:20-12:30 pm Mark squints and looks up at the sky as the rain continues to fall. 'I should've brought an umbrella,' he thinks to himself. 'Way to be prepared there, Mr. Superhero.' He moves over closer to the statue and huddles up against it, leaning on his silver-tipped cane. He tries to use the statue to partially shelter himself from the falling rain.He looks up at the darkening sky and can't help but think that the storm clouds are gathering, in more ways than one.He watches for Rhonda to arrive and finally notices her walking toward the statue,a bounce in her step.She is soaked to the skin,her clothes clinging in all the right places.As she approaches Mark is again struck by her beauty,even when she is drenched.With a flourish, he presents her with the rose.She smiles as she takes the rose and reaches over to kiss his cheek. "Like I said this morning,I may have found a keeper." He smiles at her and says, "Everything in the world in that utility belt of mine--except for an inflatable umbrella. And shark repellant. Remind me to buy an inflatable umbrella and shark repellant." She giggles and softly shakes her wet hair. "My little flame boy afraid to get wet?" ,she teases as she pulls him away from the statue.Mark then hands Rhonda the cell phone he programmed for her. "Something else for you." He looks around to make sure no one is close enough to overhear their conversation and then adds, softly "Welcome to the new superhero communications network. Just dial 'h' for hero." Mark gives her a quick kiss on the cheek and then adds, "I brought the wine. Let's find someplace dry...but private...to have lunch. It's been an eventful day. I have a lot to tell you about. How has your day been?" She stashes the phone in her purse as the two start to walk,arm in arm. "My day has been a little slow,though I got to catch part of the news conference." She is quiet a moment,her face turned up to the sky as the rain slowly stops. "The boy was a run away,some of my clients knew him...and he seems to have had a girlfriend,another run away." She stops him and her face is very serious, "The description my clients give me fit Imp to a T."

12:30-12:40 pm Mark looks to Rhonda. He stops walking and places his hand on her shoulder. "Imp mentioned that she knew the boy and she seemed very upset by his death, but spoke of him more as a casual friend. It seems there is more to it. And then there's the matter of the nurse. A human; a non-mutant." Mark pauses for a moment as Rhonda waits quietly.Mark continues, "Rhonda, there's more. I talked with Reaper earlier and he suggested that this virus might not be natural in origin. There's no proof of this, it's just a wild hunch really--but somehow, for some reason, I feel that he might be on to something. This may be some kind of biological weapon initially intended to target the mutant population. But Reaper has a theory that it is now evolving to include non-mutants--humans, like the nurse. Perhaps even non-mutant metas. And if that's true..." Mark takes his hand away and paces the ground for a moment, looking up to the sky.Rhonda grins a little, "Yea..." He then adds softly, "Rhonda, if this boy and Imp were involved...and if he died from this legacy virus...and if it's now been established that the virus can be transmitted to non-mutants..." Mark brings his hand up and covers his mouth as all of the various implications begin to enter his mind; as the pieces of the puzzle begin to fall into place. "Damn," he mutters underneath his breath. "This is bad. Worse than I thought." Rhonda pulls the hand from his face and gives him a long kiss, "Yes dear,bad...take it slow now..." Mark then whirls around and looks at Rhonda, "You know, I never thought I would be saying it at this stage of our relationship but--I think perhaps we should go get tested." He offers a half smile, but finds he's unable to maintain his facetious demeanor. He sighs and lowers his head, "Sorry Rhonda, I don't mean to be so glib about such a serious subject but I've just realized the implications of all this--and at the moment, gallows humur is the only thing keeping me sane." She slowly raises here hand to lightly stroke his cheek, "Humor is a defense mechanism for us humans,it's OK.And I believe your are completely correct.In fact I believe,if what we suspect is true,it will be necessary to contact anyone who has contact with Imp in the last few days.The quicker we determine if anyone is infected the higher the chance the Base can stabilize them." Mark straightens and gazes off into the distance. After several moments of thought, Mark looks to Rhonda and says, "As much as I hate to ruin a perfectly good lunch date, I think perhaps we should go and have a talk with Imp." Rhonda gives him a slight frown, "But you promise me a 'rain check'?" She gives him a playful wink then smiles at the clouds. Mark then adds, in a more serious tone, "This isn't just about us. The implications here are staggering. If people begin to panic, begin to see mutant 'disease carriers' on every street corner...Midville could become a killing zone." Rhonda interrupts him, "And if the public sees the heroes,falling to the virus..what then?" "Normally, I wouldn't suggest we simply march into Guardian Base and demand an explanation from Imp, especially considering the personal nature of these issues--but now isn't the time to be subtle. We need answers and we need them quickly." Mark looks to Rhonda, his eyes shrinking with compassion as he considers everything Imp has already been through today. He then adds, "But we also need to consider that Imp has lost someone today. Someone close to her, apparently a lot closer than she wanted to admit. And if she IS carrying the virus...we have to handle this situation very carefully. Be compassionate, but insistent." Mark looks at Rhonda and asks, "So, do you think you can clear your schedule for the rest of the afternoon?" He begins to look around the park, "And is there anywhere nearby where we could...um...change?" Rhonda smiles, "I'm way ahead of you.I cleared my schedule before I came...either way I was going to have a discussion with Imp." The two find a gathering of trees that shield them from view and change into costume.Omega phones the base computer and says, "This is Omega. I'm here with Afterburn. We need to enter and speak with Imp. It's important." After a few seconds he hears Imp's voice, "Yes Omega..."

12:40-12:50 pm Omega replies, "Imp, we need to come inside. We need to talk--face to face." Omega glances over at Afterburn.Imp replies, "I..I..I'm not sure.." Omega clicks the "mute" button on his cell phone, shrugs and says, "You're the psychologist. I'll bet you were ahead of me on this one too. At least,I'm HOPING you were..." He smiles at her and hands her the phone.She takes the phone, "Imp,it's Afterburn...yes,I'm here with him...Imp,hush,hush...I know...It's hard,but you need to talk with someone...and,honey....honey...there are things more important we need to deal with,can you be strong for me?...yes...yes...and Imp,thank you..." Afterburn slowly lowers the phone and hands it back to Omega.As Omega lifts Afterburn and starts to fly,the bridge emerges from the lake.As they near it the Striker I rises out and streaks past them.The two slowly lower into the hangar to find Imp there.Her eyes are red and puffy and she runs over to Afterburn.The two hug tightly before Afterburn slowly breaks the hug.Omega looks at Imp for a moment and then says softly, "Imp..." He pauses for a moment, not sure of what to say to her. "Imp, I'm sorry. I really am. Listen to me, Imp.Listen to me like you've never listened to anybody ever before. We know.We know you ran away. We know this boy was a runaway too and we know that he was probably more than just a friend. Imp, I...we...are not here to judge you or condemn you...but we need to know the rest of it, Imp.We need to know the truth. All of it. I need you to trust me now, Imp.REALLY trust me. I know that kind of trust isn't freely given, it's earned. And somebody has to take the first step in earning trust. You're probably wondering who will take that first step here today--and the answer to that is...I will." Omega pulls back his visor. He then walks over closer to her and looks her in the eyes. He adds, "If we're going to beat this thing, we're going to have to beat it together. None of us can stand alone now, Imp. None of us. Not now. My name's Mark. What's yours?" Following Omega's lead Afterburn removes her mask, "And I am Rhonda.A normal girl like you who also suffered a loss.It's hard but we are here for you." Imp looks from one to the other, "I...I can't tell you everything...trust me on this...suffice it to say I ran away from a home situation that wasn't 'normal'...my mother...um...well wasn't able to get me out of it...in time...so I ran away.Now,when I think I have finally found a place where I'm safe,and people accept me...the world falls apart again...and...I'm...I'm may be responsible for infecting all of you with the virus..." She hangs her head as Omega looks to Afterburn, then back to Imp. "We need to know everything there is to know about the Legacy Virus. Exactly how it's transmitted, how we can test for infections, how we can slow it down.Maybe I'm just uniformed,but I hadn't even heard about this issue prior to today. Earlier, Reaper mentioned the X-Men...he said the Guardians had contacted them for help.He also suggested the possibility that this might be a man-made virus.If that's true, perhaps there's some way to trace it back to the source." Imp sniffles a little as Afterburn places her arm around her. "The virus seems to be transmitted through touch...it is not an air borne virus.Physical contact is necessary to pass the virus from one person to another.The base has the ability to test for the virus,but the process takes time.I'm waiting my results right now,and I suggest all of us have the test administered.I believe the hospital has the ability to test,they have on going research on the virus.The base is in contact with the X-Men and has access to their files on the virus.They apparently have some of the best minds on the subject.And I have determined,Reaper's guess is on target and believe that is why the hospital isn't making any head way.They are working from the angle it is natural in origin.It is man-made,very intelligently also.It is bio-engineered to mutate to match the genetic signature of it's victims.It then attacks the genetic code,wreaking havoc." She is interrupted by the base, "Imp...I have your results back...I am so sorry...the results are positive..you are infected..." For a second Imp stands silent...then collapses into Afterburn's arms,bursting into tears.Afterburn looks at Omega,a tear in her eye.The three stand silent,when the base says, "Omega...Afterburn...I am working on the virus...I suggest I...Im...Imp be taken to the medlab immediately so I may stabilize her...and also the virus is man made...genetic back tracking has led me to one source similar...an old Army test on biological weapons.The program has been shut down for almost five years..."

12:50-1:00 pm Omega looks to Imp and says, "Imp, I'm sorry. But we're going to beat this. I swear to you that we are going to beat this." Omega pauses for a moment, takes a deep breath and then addresses the Base. "Base, I know I'm not a Guardian. But I sense that you are more intelligent than some may realize. That you have the ability to reason. And that being true, then you realize the situation we are in right now. Imp...Imp is your friend, isn't she?" The base slowly replies, "...yes..." Omega looks to Imp and adds, "She's my friend too." Omega pauses a moment and then continues, "Base, I need you to contact the X-Men again. I want to talk with them. Actually talk with them. I would like one or more of them to come here to Midville, if possible. Also, the Guardians and the other metas...don't interrupt their work schedules or jeopardize their alter egos...but they should be contacted as soon as it is practical, and informed of the situation. If there are any members currently not working or out in the field, please ask them to come here as soon as possible and let them know everything that's going on. And I need to know everything....EVERYTHING...about this defunct military project. I need a name. A contact. A lead. Thank you, Base." The room is silent for a long moment when the base says, "I can not comply...protocol #" "FUCK PROTOCOL ! COMPLY NOW !" ,Imp shouts.The base is silent then replies, "...working..." Omega looks to Afterburn. "While the Base is working on gathering its data, I'm going to try to gather some of my own. This could get...a little strange." Omega closes his eyes and concentrates as hard as he can as the blue Omega Flame begins to flicker about his body. He concentrates on the Legacy Virus; on all of the questions he now needs answered and on the vast importance of the issues now facing him. He looks for guidance: What should he do? How can he possibly hope to stop nothing less than the first horseman of the coming apocalypse? How best to help his friends; to help Imp; to help the world? He feels a sense of peace come over him.Slowly,in his minds eye he sees a blue,hazy figure. "I hear your pleas.The spread of the virus corrupts the planet,it's source is three fold.You must find the leader of men,the healer who hates and the reluctant one.Each has a key to the solution,though the leader believes he holds the only key.By finding the keys you will help your friends.The one known as Imp,this is but one way to help her.The ribbons of fate twist oddly about that one.She will also need the chains to be broken,the connections rent asunder,she is in mortal danger even with out the virus.She is prey for a hunter,her past stalks her.Be strong,the solution is with in your grasp...."The figure fades and Omega slowly opens his eyes as the blue flames subside. He mutters, halfway under his breath--as if recalling a very old memory from the dusty regions of his mind, "And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the Earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death..." Omega pauses, takes a deep breath and repeats softly, "And hell followed with him." Omega walks over to Afterburn, to speak with her privately. Omega clinches his fist and says, "It can't just be about survival." He looks to Imp, "She deserves to live. To thrive. To change this world for the better. Because if she doesn't...if someone like her doesn't grow up and multiply and inherit the Earth..." Omega's eyes narrow. He then drops his gaze, relaxes his fist and softly adds, "Then there is no God." Afterburn wipes a tear from her eye, "DON"T SAY THAT !We WILL save her.She WILL thrive.Isn't that why we put on these god awful costumes? This is a problem we can and will overcome." Omega walks over to Imp and places his hand softly on her back. He looks at her and says softly, "Remember yesterday, when you got mad at me because you felt I was accusing you of being afraid during the battle against Andromeda? As a matter of fact Imp, I think you're one of the bravest people I've ever known. I'm not afraid of this Imp. We're going to beat it. I have faith. We need to get you stabilized now, sweetie." Omega looks back to Afterburn and adds, "And we should probably undergo whatever type of testing we need while we're here. After that...we have a lot to discuss." Omega and Afterburn get Imp from each side and begin to walk her to the elevator.The base suddenly says, "I have some information...the army project was called Project Anti-Body...was started in the late seventies when the government feared Mutants could be used by foreign governments to infiltrate/invade this nation...the project was ended in 1997 when the United State signed a non-biological weapons treaty...The virus developed was destroyed and the program ended...I have been able to determine two individuals involved with the program...General Stern headed the project and resigned from service when the program ended...the second individual is Doctor Neil James...he is listed as a consultant on the project...He now works at Midville's St.Arboghast Hospital in Mutant Research....Also I have 'X' online..." The next voice heard is that of an elegant,well educated,older gentleman. "This is X,with whom am I speaking?"

1:00-1:10 pm The three walk into the medlab and Imp climbs on the bed next to Shadowcat.The base says, "Beginning quarantine..." Clear walls slide out of the floor with a woosh and seal off the two beds.Omega steps up next to Afterburn and places his arm around her waist. He pulls her closer for a moment and gives her a comforting hug. Then he turns his attention to the mysterious "X" as he and Afterburn climb into the other beds to be scanned.Omega replies, "My name is Omega. I'm a meta-human. With me is another meta-human named Afterburn. We have need of your immediate assistance. It concerns the Legacy Virus." Omega proceeds to quickly explain the entire situation to "X" and then says, "We need to find a way to stop this virus--or at least slow it down. We have a few leads here, but it's going to take time to track them down. I'm sure I don't have to stress to you the gravity of this situation. I don't have to tell you what's at stake. There are some here who think you might have some insight into this situation. If you know anything...if you can help us in any way whatsoever...we need that help NOW." Omega pauses for a moment and then adds softly, "My friends are dying here." There is a moment of silence before 'X' replies, "This is a revolting development.I had scheduled a visit from an X-Man later in the week with some medical supplies we thought might help the situation.Not an actual cure but it seemed to have helped slow the progress of the virus in mutants.I will have to consult a couple experts on this new development but will have an X-Man there tomorrow.Please keep us informed,this development threatens the already fragile peace between mutants and humans." Omega turns to Afterburn. "I didn't mean to give way to despair earlier, Rhonda. I'm sorry I upset you. It's just..." Omega gazes off in Imp's direction. "I haven't known any of you for very long but already I feel a very deep connection..." Afterburn places a light kiss on his lips, "Now that the flame boy I know..." Omega then addresses the computer, "Base, I have received information that Imp may be in danger...from something other than the Legacy Virus. Please see that proper security measures are taken to protect her." The base replies, "Affirmative...this base is almost impregnable...besides I WILL NOT allow her to be hurt...again..." Omega turns back to Afterburn. "You're absolutely right. We will NOT fail. We are superheroes, after all. So let's go save the world. That's what we do, right?" Omega slowly pulls on his visor.Omega instructs the computer, "Base,when the others arrive please inform them that Afterburn and I have gone to Arboghast Hospital(Area 15). We're going to go have a very, very long talk with Dr. Neil James." Afterburn smiles at him,puts on her mask and turns to Imp, "Hey girl,you behave in there,OK? I promise to be back to see how your doing,maybe we can sit and have a long girl to girl talk? " She gives her a wink and follows Omega out of the medlab.The two go to the hangar and fly out,headed toward the Hospital.They fly to the roof,through the light rain and make their way to the mutant research floor.At the desk Omega ask for Dr.James and is escorted to an office.They knock and enter to find the doctor seated behind a desk. "How can I help you two? I assume this is about the incident yesterday."

1:10-1:20 pm As the two enter the room, Omega lightly takes hold of Afterburn's arm in an attempt to ensure that she doesn't impulsively act before he does. He looks at her and winks.Omega then looks to Doctor Neil James and says nothing.Omega turns to Afterburn. He leans in close to her and whispers, "I need you to watch the door and keep guard. Don't let anyone in or out of here." Omega releases her arm. Omega watches Afterburn step to the door and then turns his attention back to Doctor James. "Doctor James, I trust I need no introduction." Omega says, grimly. Omega paces the room as he continues, "You know, when I first decided to follow the path of a superhero, I took a vow that there would always be certain things that I would never do--certain lines that I would never cross..." Dr. James watches him,confused.Suddenly, Omega stops. His arm swings forward and a small amount of blue flame erupts from his fist--using the Omega Flame, Omega burns the Omega symbol into the top of the doctor's desk.The doctor opens his mouth to protest but before the surprised doctor can react, Omega lunges forward and grabs him around the neck, picking him up and slamming him against the wall (though not hard enough to cause any serious harm). Omega gives the doctor's neck a slight squeeze. Omega grits his teeth and says grimly, "Project Anti-Body. Late 70s to 1997. General Stern. The Legacy Virus. We know." The doctors face begins to turn red,his eyes widen. Omega pushes the doctor a bit harder against the wall. "Now you listen to me you rat bastard. And you listen VERY carefully. You. Will. Tell. Me. Everything. You. Know. Every. Thing. And if you don't, then so help me God, I am about to break every oath and every vow I have ever taken...and may God have mercy on your pitiful excuse for a soul." The doctor eyes dart about the room,catching Afterburn in his gaze.She looks at him a moment,flashes a beautiful smile, and shrugs her shoulders.She proceeds to become intensely interested in her finger nails.The doctor looks at Omega,and slowly begins to speak. "OK...OK..yes I was involved with the program.But I was just a consultant late in the program,the last 5 years or so.I graduated top of my class in micro-biology and was offered the consultation job.I couldn't pass it up.They wanted a virus that could be used against enemy mutants,one that acted quickly,but also inhibited the powers of the mutants.They had developed a virus,but it hadn't proven worthwhile,it wasn't able to infect all mutants.Dr.Truman,the lead geneticist on the project,came up with a plan to have the virus also be a mutant,have the ability to mutate itself to match mutant genes.The plan developed,constantly pushed by General Stern.But we were unable to accomplish the task.It was impossible to create such a virus.A virus in normal terms does mutate,evolve over time.But the time period needed for such evolution in a virus is decades,if not centuries.Thats when General Stern came up with the idea of using a mutant's genes to create the virus.But he needed to find the right mutant,one with the ability to mutate on command,actually alter his own genetic structure with just a thought.That was late in 1996,and that was when I decided this wasn't what I signed on for.I turned in my resignation and General Stern was furious,he called me a traitor to the human race.He...he hit me,punched me to be exact.It was only months later the project was cancelled.General Stern resigned with indignation.He disappeared for a time,but later heard rumors he had linked up with 'The Friends of Humanity',the political group with anti-mutant leanings.As for Dr.Truman,I don't know...he just seemed to disappear,a brilliant man though.I have some records.I can get them if you like,but it would take a couple hours,their locked away in a safe deposit box."

1:20-1:30 pm Omega relaxes his grip on the doctor and lowers him to the floor. Saying nothing, Omega releases the doctor and reaches for his cell phone and dials the direct number to Guardian Base. Once he reaches the base, he asks his message be patched though to Imp and any other Guardians on hand."Guardians, this is Omega. Afterburn and I have a solid lead on the origins of the Legacy Virus. What we are dealing with here is a manufactured virus, originally engineered to have the ability to mutate itself to match mutant genes. This ties into Project Anti-Body, which was headed by General Stern. This Stern wanted to use this virus as a weapon to guard against mutant's being used as an invading force by foreign countries. A man named Dr. Truman was the lead geneticist on the project. He came up with the idea of using a mutant's genes to create the virus. But this required finding a specific mutant,one with the ability to actually alter his own genetic structure with just a thought. He managed this breakthrough sometime circa 1997 but resigned shortly thereafter and vanished. He is rumoured to be involved with 'The Friends of Humanity', a political group with anti-mutant leanings." Omega pauses for a moment and then continues, "Imp...have the base computer cross-reference all this data. Let's see if we can develop any new leads. The man I'm with now--Dr. Neil James--has access to additional records concerning this matter. They are stored in a safety deposit box. Afterburn, Dr. James and I are going to collect them now. I should have more information for you soon." Omega hears Imp's reply pretty quickly, "Well,duh...running the names already..." Omega hangs up the cell phone and looks to Afterburn. "I glad to see she's feeling better."Omega then turns to the doctor. "We don't have hours," Omega says, grimly. "People are already dying. We'll escort you to this safety deposit box. We can cover the distance in a matter of minutes. Take us there. Now." Omega escorts the doctor past Afterburn,catching her wry smile and the three walk to the roof.The doctor is very white and remains silent as Omega picks him up.Afterburn gives Omega a wink, "I'll just follow you,K?" Omega nods and watches as she zips back through the roof door. "Well,where to?", he asks the doctor.The doctor can just look with wide eyes and point.Omega follows the pointing and glances below and behind him to see Afterburn as a blur.The doctor leads him to a bank and the three slowly enter.The midday crowd gasp as a group and begin to melt toward the walls.The doctor hangs his head,walks to a teller and request entrance to his box.After a couple minutes he proves he is who he is and is escorted to the box.Omega and Afterburn are forced to wait outside the vault,but are able to keep an eye on him.The doctor opens the box,and gathers some files and a small metal box before walking back to Omega.He looks up at Omega questioningly and holds the files and box out toward him. "Thats all of it,everything I have."

1:30-1:50 pm Omega takes the files. He looks at Dr. James, feeling little sympathy for the man. Omega says nothing to him. He again takes out his cell phone and calls Guardian Base, "Guardians, this is Omega again. Afterburn and I have acquired a great deal of vital information concerning Project Anti-Body. The information is in the form of hard copy files, computer discs and CDs. It seems to contain graphs and drawings dealing with genetics, but I'm no expert of this sort of thing--we're bringing the information in for further analysis. We'll be back at your base in ten." Omega looks to Dr. James and says, "Just remember I KNOW how to find you. You'd best get going now. It's a long walk back to your hospital and it looks a little wet out there." Omega nods to Afterburn and the two step outside the hospital. Omega scoops Afterburn up and flies towards Guardain Base at top speed. En route, he smiles at her and says, "Hope I wasn't too rough on the good Doc, but that guy really rubbed me the wrong way. And by the way...don't think that I've forgotten that in addition to being beautiful and charming that you also have the mind of a genius. I know your field is psychology, but do you know anything about genetic engineering?" She smiles, "Hell,I'llSettleForBeautifulAndCharming . AndBesidesI'mHappyToLeaveThisInImp'sLap . IfAnyoneCanFigureThisOut , It'sHer . OfCourseI'llHelpInAnywayICan ." The two make it to the base and Afterburn phones to have the bridge opened.They fly in and head for the medlab.They meet Wraith and Vengeance just outside the medlab,in the medical office.The two seem to be having a hushed conversation so Omega and Afterburn nod at them and continue into the med lab.Omega hands the handful of files and the metal box through a clear box,built into one of the clear walls.Afterburn smiles and gives Imp a wave.Imp smiles and starts to file quickly through the pages. "Yea...of course...mmm...interesting...wow..." She looks up, "Some of this stuff is brilliant! Big B,upload multiple discs...single file...code-source material...correlate with government virus files..." She begins to feed the disc one by one into the lab top onher lap.The base replies, "...data feed optimal..keep'em comin'...I have some information...after leaving the Anti-Body project,General Stern took a position with 'The Friends of Humanity'...security advisor...last seen in public with the group 9 months ago...at that point he seemed at odds with the party head,a Mr.Jaworski...from that point he left the party payroll and his government pension was routed to an off shore bank account...'The Friends of Humanity' have an office on the 8th floor of the Elliott Building (Area 9) here in Midville...As for Dr. Truman,I am puzzled by the fact I can not find any trace of him after project Antu-Body...none at all...the only thing I have been able to find is some land in Colorado...the deed has his name on it but searches show it to be empty land..."

1:50-2:00 pm Vengeance and Wraith enter the medlab.As the two step into the medlab Vengeance asks the base, "Base you have heard Wraith's story.Is there a solution to this problem,a way to stop the fear and hatred before it is to late?" The base replies, "...a cure would help immensely...public shows of support the public seeing heroes out and going about their business will help calm things...the public understanding that a cure is possible and being searched for...the status of said search for a cure being well known...all can help calm the public...but the hatred?..." The gathered heroes sit in silence a moment as Imp taps keys.Poundage breaks the silence,speaking to Imp, "Before I am tested, I need to have a word or two with you in private. Once the party dies down in here, I would like to enter your 'bubble' and have a private conversation." Imp looks up from the keyboard,a puzzled look on her face.Slowly her lips curve into a smile, "Hey everybody...I'm the girl in the bubble! " She giggles to herself a moment then mumbles, "Sheeesh,lighten up people..." Her eyes find Poundage and she seems to study him a moment, "I welcome a visit in 'my world',Poundage but if you not infected now why risk to coming in? Perhaps when the others leave we can speak,you out there,me in here." Imp looks at Poundage a moment longer when Omega speaks, "Part of my power is that I'm...connected to a separate sentience. It knows things that I don't and sometimes I'm able to access it, but it speaks in riddles. This sentience, the Omega Force, told me there were three men, each with a key to this puzzle. Three men: the reluctant one, the leader of men and the healer that hates. 'The reluctant one'--I think we can assume that is Dr. James; 'the leader of men' is General Stern, and 'the healer who hates' could possibly be Dr. Truman. At any rate, I believe that our finding the cure to the Legacy Virus depends upon us finding these three men." Omega continues, "Right now, it seems the best solid lead we have is this 'Friends of Humanity' organization. I think we should check out the Midville branch and see if we can find additional information on Stern's current whereabouts. Hmmmm...offshore bank accounts? I'd also like to learn more about this land that Truman owns in Colorado. But for now..." Omega looks around the room, "So, who else is up for paying a little visit to our resident humanitarians?" Wraith is the first to speak, "We are sure there is a connection between this Truman and the Virus? Then why not both.We send someone to speak to this group and we load up the Striker and check out this land in Colorado.A simple fly over isn't against the law,and with the Striker we could get a good idea what is there,if anything." Imp replies, "Hey...all we have right now is time...but not to change the subject,but I have some info on the virus." Tapping a couple of keys she peers at the screen, "The disc and files give a good look at the basis of the virus.What we have is just the beginning,the virus had to be modified from this configuration to be as lethal as it has become.I am cross referencing what we know of the virus in both myself and Shadowcat with the info in the files.This should give us a little bit of a head start.Let me tell you,this work is brilliant.The virus is completely undetectable until it mutates to match the genetic structure of it's victim.So if it is detected,it's too late,it has already started to do it's damage.The virus in the files was slow to work,but the version in my blood acts quickly,a few days is all it needs.I'm assuming the person or persons responsible will have developed an anti-dote to protect themselves from infection." She pauses,looking from one hero to another. "Now the bad news,the virus was built to mutate to match genetic signatures.But it seems to have mutated further and any anti-dote will have to like-wise be mutated,possibly on an individual basis.The only way known to genetically alter something that small...is the recombinator." The room is silent,no-one is sure what to say.The base is the first to speak, "...excuse me...I have the medical test back on Vengeance,Reaper,Wraith,Omega,and Afterburn...Vengeance,negative...Reaper,positive...Wraith,positive...Omega,negative...Afterburn,positive...the maedlab only has four beds so I have prepared the Striker II and it's three beds as a quarantine also...I recommend everyone else leave the medlab while I stabilize the new patients..." Afterburn slumps on a bed,her head hanging when Wraith speaks, "I'll take the bed in the Striker II,Vengeance,Omega please hurry...find those men...do what you have too."

2:00-2:10 pm Omega looks around the room and the heroes who have just gotten the bad news, "I'm sorry. All of you...I'm sorry." Vengeance looks around and his head starts to hang.Omega looks to Vengeance and says quietly, "Excuse me just one moment." He walks over to Afterburn and looks her in the eye. He whispers to her, "Rhonda, I'm going to find the cure. I swear to you that I will NOT let you die. I...I care for you too much to let that happen..." Omega then looks around the room and says louder, "We're going to get through this. ALL of us." Omega looks to Wraith, "Wraith...the Base is correct. We need to calm public fears. Educate the public about what's going on. Be honest with them but also let them know we are working towards a solution...a cure. We also need to contact all the other metas who were involved in yesterday's battle against Andromeda if we can. They might be infected and they need to get tested. We should consider using mass media. You should be able to handle that from here. I'd handle it myself, but I think I'm going to be too busy. Also, I think it's time to contact the other Guardians. The sooner they know what's going on, the better. Do it discretely if need be, but Galen especially needs to know." Vengeance replies, "See if Lord Galen can get some airtime on the local news and discuss the Legacy Virus,maybe calm down the public.Give the people the facts and discuss that this is a man made virus,designed to evoke a state of panic.Everyone should stay calm and the top minds our searching for a cure.That the New Guardians are doing all they can right now,that is if he is not infected.Imp could probably give him the facts and help him with what to say." Imp nods, "Yes I could help,but wouldn't telling the public the virus is man made,at this point,only create worse panic?" Omega then looks to Imp, "Imp, is there another machine...another Recombinator that we could use, other than the one Andromeda stole? Can we replicate one? If not, then we are going to have to go and take it back from him by force. We'll need to figure out a way to go after him. If he wants a damn war then by God, I'll give him a damn war. We'll contact every mutant and meta-human on Earth if we have to--raise an army if that's what it takes." Imp giggles slightly,then tries to to look serious. "I haven't been able to find another like it.I will start an exhaustive search.As for building another,or even ordering one from the manufacturer of the first,that would take weeks,even months.In that time the virus would ravage the public." Omega then walks over and nods at Vengeance. "I think we should split up and try to cover as much ground as possible. Can you fly the Striker to Colorado as Wraith suggested? Meanwhile, I'll pay the 'Friends of Humanity' a little visit and try to get more information on Dr. Truman." Suddenly Poundage speaks up, "Omega, why don't you go with Vengeance and I will talk to Imp, give some blood, and talk to the humanitarians." Omega shakes his head, "Also, I need to stay here to keep the 5 p.m. meeting to organize the Protectors team. We will need all the help we can get and I'm expecting Alloy and Vyra to show up there--if we can't contact them by other means, it may be our only way of contacting them at this point. And they could both be infected. The sooner we get to them, the better their chances of survival." Poundage replies, "OK, I can talk to Imp, give blood, and go to Colorado.Does the Striker have scanners?" The base replies to this question, "...the Striker has radar,thermal,sonic,infrared and low frequency scanners... Poundage nods, "Of course, if anything is there, it's probably underground. Maybe it is a good idea to get this "offshore" bank account's records and if possible, monitor it for any movement. Wherever the money goes, we go." Imp smiles, "Hey I like the way he thinks...on it..." She begins tapping keys on the laptop as Omega looks at Vengeance and Poundage, "Looks like this is our hands for the time being. A heavy responsibility to be sure. But I believe we are up to the task. God speed my friends." With that, Omega looks towards Afterburn. He smiles at her, winks and says, "Hey, cheer up--we're off to save the world. That's what us heroes do, right? That's why we put on these silly costumes? I'll contact you as soon as I have additional information..." She gazes at him for a long moment, "Now thats the flame boy I know...go get'em." Omega then exits the medlab wearing a look of grim determination.

2:10-2:20 pm Omega flies at top speed to the 'Friends of Humanity' office.As he approaches the building he ponders,how shall I enter? The roof? The ground floor? He flies around the building checking the area.Suddenly a squad of ten uniformed men stream from the roof access and aim menacing looking rifles at Omega.One of the men steps forward,holds a bull horn to his mouth, "Omega,do not be alarmed...if you make no offensive moves my men will not shoot...Please state you purpose here..." As Omega watches another squad of men stream out the building entrance on the ground floor and begin to take positions about the area.He also notices there seem to be an unusual number of uniformed policemen scattered around the building also.

2:20-2:30 pm Omega holds up his arms and replies, "You called me by name...so you must know who I am...if you know who I am then you know I didn't come here to attack you. I simply need information...it concerns the Legacy Virus...if you watched the news then you know the virus is a threat to EVERYONE. I'm not here to start trouble with you. I'm trying to stop the virus. You can check my credentials with the Midville Police Department it will help. The officers gathered here will ensure EVERYONE'S safety. I need to speak with Mr. Jaworski. It's very important. May I please land?" The man with the bullhorn holds a hand to his ear and speaks in a low voice.When he is finished he motions for Omega to land.Omega cautiously lands. He nods at one of the men and asks politely, "Mr. Jaworski, please?" The man looks at him a moment and says, "Mr.Jaworski is on his way up.He prefers the meeting out here.Security purposes." After a moments a handsome man walks from the roof entrance with a confident smile.He steps up to Omega and introduces himself, "Hello Omega,I am Adam Jaworski,Chairman of the 'Friends of Humanity'." Omega looks to him and says, "Mr. Jaworski. I can't say that I approve of your organization's political views, but from what I've seen you try to stay within the bounds of the law and as long as you do that, I suppose you are entitled to your own opinions." Omega pauses for a moment and then continues, "I'm here on a matter of great importance regarding the Legacy Virus. I'm working with the New Guardians and others to try to find a cure before it spreads further out of control. We have reason to believe that a man named General Stern has information that can help us. We need to find him...quickly. I understand that, at one time, he was involved with the 'Friends of Humanity'. The head of security, I believe. Now, don't misunderstand--no one is accusing you or your organization of anything--not at this point--we simply need to find General Stern and right now you are our best lead. Do you know where he is at?" The smile never leaves Jaworski's face, "The last I saw of General Stern was almost 2 years ago.We had...well a disagrement in the direction this organization was going.I wished to lead it as more of a political party,influence the laws and political leaders.He wanted a more militant group.He stormed off and I haven't seen him since." Omega considers the information a moment then asks, "Do you know anything at all about the Legacy Virus or his involvement with something called Project: Anti-Body?" Jaworski laughs lightly before replying, "Of course I know something of his heading the project.It is one of the things that first drew my interest to him.Certain members of the group,who shall remain nameless,brought it to my attention just after the project was cancelled.He seemed perfect for the security chief.A military man who had some insight into mutants and their threats.I was never privey to the purpose of the project,just the fact it had something to do with the mutant menace.I'm sorry I can't help you further." He turns to walk away then turns back to Omega. "Stern is not a man to be messed with.His views on mutants are radical,even compared to mine.And he did have a Doctor friend who seemed as...well,dedicated...as he was.If the virus only killed mutants I can see Stern behind it.But to kill anyone and everyone,no thats not Stern.But if you still believe he is behind this virus you may want to check out the militant group that he splintered from my own,'The Knights of Humanity'.I believe the address on most of their 'recruiting brochures' had an address in Colorado.Good luck and good-bye." He walks away,without looking back and enters the building,leaving Omega standing in the drizzle.

2:30-2:40 pm Omega looks shocked for a moment. "The Knights of Humanity..." ,he mumbles to himself.Omega steps to the side of the building, reaching for his cell phone. He dials Guardian Base and asks to be patched through to Striker I. "Vengeance, Poundage--this is Omega. Listen, I know you guys are rushing to get to Colorado, but I need you to do a quick 180 and pick me up. I have additional information. I'll fill you in on everything when you come to get me, but I think it's best if I go to Colorado with you. Also, if you have a way to contact any other metas, ask them to go immediately to Guardian Base to rendezvous with us. I'll meet you there. Omega out." Omega flies back to Guardian Base at top speed,calling to have the bridge open when he arrives.He makes his way to the medlab.The door to the medlab opens but there seems to be one of those clear walls blocking the entrance.Both Imp and Afterburn smile at him when they see him but Omega notices Afterburn's face takes a serious look quickly. Omega speaks to both women, "It seems that both General Stern and Dr. Truman could be in Colorado. Stern had a falling out with the 'Friends of Humanity' and founded a splinter organization called the 'Knights of Humanity' which is obviously more militaristic in nature. Want to take a guess as to the organization's last known address? Jaworski seems to think that Stern wouldn't have intentionally mutated the virus to affect EVERYONE, but this Truman might be a different matter." Omega proceeds to recount the rest of his conversation with Jaworski.Omega pauses for a moment and then adds, "I've asked Striker I to return. I'm going to Colorado as well. I have a feeling things could get nasty and I think the more metas we have out there the better." Afterburn closes he eyes a second,then looks at Omega with concern.Omega turns to her, "I need a favor. Call Wojo. Let him know what's going on and ask him to collect contact information for everyone who shows up for the 5 p.m. Protectors meeting if I'm not back--better yet, ask them to come here--they will need to be tested anyway and we might need backup. Name one of the healthy metas as field commander of the Protectors team until I'm back--preferably Vyra or Alloy, if they are healthy. Hopefully, we can be back before then, but..." Omega turns to Imp, "Imp, I know it's a sensitive issue but these mutant friends of yours--can you contact them? They need testing too and we may also need their help. We need to start gathering metas together. Just in case.We may need them even sooner than we thought. The more I find out about this Dr. Truman the more he sounds like a complete madman. And Stern is dangerous. He has a military mind. He's going to be prepared." Imp gives him a serious look, "The only way I know would mean I leave here,us runaways usually don't have phones.And you are quite correct,Stern will be prepared.Tracing the money we have found he has purchased some significant equipment in the past three years.Quite a few large energy weapons,a few 'mini jets'...one man fighters...,radar equipment,anti-air missiles,some very technical equipment...medical equipment and technology for powered battle suits..lots of suits.I can't list it all.The man is either very rich or has some major backing.Vengeance and Poundage are flying into a hornets nest.They're going to need help,and a lot of it."

2:40-2:50 pm Omega thinks for a moment and then says, "Imp--have the Base patch me through to the Striker again." Once he is patched through Omega says, "Striker, this is Omega again. Sorry to keep going back and forth, but we have continually evolving information on this situation. Imp has new intel. Imp, could you please tell them what you just told me?" Imp pause then says, "Hey guys,sorry to interrupt the wonderful flight.Poundage,your idea to track the money was a gold mine.You two are flying into a hornets next,this Stern is loaded for bear.He seems to have a small airforce,powered infantry in advanced battle suits,at least one radar station and at least 2 batteries of anti-air missiles...Guys,he's prepared and I don't think just the two of you are enough to assault the mountain." Omega then adds, "Imp also believe he might have other advanced equipment. She believes that Stern is either very wealthy or has some major backing and I'm inclined to agree. I now think that we should abort the mission to Colorado until we can recruit more metas." Omega pauses a moment and adds, "If we go out there with a limited force and have to teleport back we'll tip them off and then when we do return they could be doubly prepared--or gone. We could issue a public call, but that might also tip our hand. I feel we should wait until after tonight's meeting, which has already been scheduled--get the new recruits from that and also bring Vyra, Alloy, Galen and Scar. Guys, it sounds like this Stern is ready to wage a minor war. We have to play this just right. The stakes are too high." After Omega has finished speaking with Poundage and Vengeance, he turns back to Imp and says, "Imp, would your mutant friends trust me? I could go to them, if you think it would help." Imp is silent,debating with herself. "I hate to betray their trust,but these are extreme circumstances.Go to the construction site north of the Hotel Claire." She looks away,stares at her feet, "You'll find a little shanty,more of a lean too.There should be a small box under the blanket.In the box is a trinket,a necklace with the letter A dangling from it.Take it to the man hole just to the north east of the construction site.Go into the sewer and head north.Not far and you will be stopped by a boy.Show him the necklace,and if asked...Alice...Alice sent you." Omega turns back to Afterburn, "Well, I guess you don't have to call Wojo after all. Perhaps I should go talk with him. Do you think another public call for metas would be wise? If we overplay it, then it might tip off the enemy..." Afterburn nods, "I agree,we walk a thin line right now.I wish I could go." Omega winks at Afterburn and says, "Before I do anything else, I'm going to grab something to eat. Rest a few moments and try to wrap my mind around everything that's happened today. You know, I never did know what you brought us for lunch today...you said it would be your favorite food. I might need to know that, for future reference." Omega smiles at her and then asks the Base to guide him to the cafeteria.He follows the doors as hey open and is led to the elevator.When the door opens he is surprised by Lord Galen standing in the elevator,ready to exit.As the two eye each other the base interrupts, "...I have an incoming message from Scar..."

2:50-3:00 Omega and Galen listens to as Scar says he needs to be picked up and has a couple pieces of information he'll share when they are together.Omega turns to Galen, "Galen, I'm glad you're here. We have a rapidly escalating crisis situation on our hands." Omega takes a deep breath and then continues, "It's a long story, but it involves the Legacy Virus. It's man made and has been manipulated by men by the name of General Stern and Doctor Truman. Essentially, it's a bio-weapon originally designed to attack mutants, which has now evolved to affect everyone. They have a base in Colorado. Initially, we thought it would be a good idea to do a fly-over so Vengeance and Poundage took a Striker, but we've since learned that this base is heavily fortified. Imp has discovered that these guys have enough weaponry to start a small war.Very dangerous. I've just informed Vengeance and Poundage and asked them to return here, until we can gather more reinforcements. Our ranks have been ravaged by the virus--you should get tested yourself--and going to Colorado without a full complement of metas could be a disaster. I feel we should wait until after tonight's scheduled meeting--pick up Alloy, Vyra...whoever is still healthy. We have to go out there in the hope of finding certain information which will hopefully help us formulate a cure. I'm sorry if I'm rambling a bit, Galen. Imp can tell you more. She's infected. So is Reaper. So is...so is Afterburn. They're all in the med lab. It's been sealed. I was going to eat but...well, I have a...a sort of special mission. I'll be back soon. If you need me you can contact me by way of the new communications system." Omega enters the elevator. He pauses for a moment and looks back at Galen, "Oh, did I mention that I'm really glad you're here? God, this is turning into the longest day of my life..." Omega rides the elevator up when he hears Imp, "Omega,change of plans..I have the Striker on the way back and will have them stop to...um...recruit my friends.They can be tested in the Striker,we are running out of room here anyway.You go get Scar,he seems to have some info on the recombinator." Omega then flies out of Guardian Base and goes to find Scar.He flies to the area Scar told him and finally sees him standing in an alley.He swoops down,grabs Scar and returns to the base.

3:00-3:10 pm Omega suggests that he and Scar go and speak with Galen and the others in person. "They are probably in the med lab, Scar. And you should probably get tested too. Although I'm um...not sure whether or not the Legacy Virus would affect someone of your...unique physiology." Omega asks the base the location of the other metas, just to be sure.The base replies, "...all present metas in the medical office or medlab..." As he and Scar walk to the med lab, Omega provides him with a quick rundown of the situation. (OOG: Please refer to History pages.) Scar and Omega enter the medical office from behind Lord Galen.Omega walks over to the glass wall and looks to Afterburn.She breaks into a big smile when she sees him."How you making it?" He then adds, "After this is over, we should take a day off. Maybe two. Maybe take in a movie. Maybe go bowling..." She nods, "Hey buddy,I still have a raincheck for lunch,remember? You sure you want to add a movie,some bowling? Before this is over I'll OWN you." Omega suggests "Perhaps we should establish a comm-link with the Striker? That way Poundage and Vengeance can hear Scar's report now and we won't have to repeat the information later." Imp taps a couple buttons on the laptop, "Got it,though telemetry readings show Poundage out of the Striker.And patching it through his badge may not be a good idea right now." Omega looks to Imp and then to Scar, "Scar, we suspect the recombatinator may be essential to formulating a cure for the Legacy Virus. The information you have may be even more important than you suspected."

3:10-3:20 pm Scar speaks, "I have had another vision and this one also concerns the hospital.Sometime tonight there will be a tragedy.I have seen the east wall collapse,people dieing.What the cause is I am not sure.The second piece of information is I have information on a second recombinator." Omega listens intently to what Scar has to say. "This vision is reason for concern,However, I still believe Colorado must be our next objective.What time is nightfall out there this time of year? Perhaps it would be better to go under cover of darkness." Imp replies, "I agree Colorado should be objective #1,but they are 2 hours behind us.It won't be dark there till almost 11 pm,our time.If the event at the hospital happens tonight we can still be there and then head to Colorado.The time difference gives us an advantage.But I believe the base in Colorado will still be there after the event at the hospital,and not vice-versa." Lord Galen asks, "Base, How many beds do we have left including the Strikers?" The base replies, "...the medlab is full...Striker I has 1 occupied bed and 2 empty beds...there are 2 available beds in the New York base..." Galen continues, "If we don't have room for other patients, is there some information or some way we can help them at the hospital?" the base replies quickly, "...I have relayed what information on the virus we do have...the hospital does not have the technology available to do much more for their patients..." Lord Galen continues, "Imp, you can be my advisor as to what to publicize, you know, speeches and all. If I am not infected, I will go before the public with your help. I want all of you here to know that everything that can be done, will be done." Omega turns to Galen, "Are the Strikers equipped with any sort of stealth technology? Also, in addition to our known meta friends and the new metas we will hopefully be recruiting tonight, where else can we turn for backup?" Lord Galen replies, "Omega you are doing a fine job, I just want you to remember this is the Guardian Base. Only Guardians can come and go as they please here. Approval for anything that concerns this base must come from me. That is not to say I have the only say, but the final say is mine. If I am infected I will choose someone to be the spokesperson for the group. I believe it should be a Guardian. Base, Has Doctor X been notified and if so what were his suggestions? What help can he give?" The base replies, "...X has been notified and we have shared info on the new mutation of the virus...there will be four members of the X-Men arriving in Midville around 9:30 pm..." Lord Galen turns to all gathered, "All of this has hit me quite quickly. I need to sort some of it out. I am going to the lounge. If anyone needs me that is where I will be.Base let me know when Vengeance and Poundage return. I need their updates as well." He turns and leaves the medical office.Then Reaper is heard, "Base, show a list of all known metas that were last seen within the laaaaaast...twenty years. In alphabetical order." The base replies, "...you are not authorized to access those files..."

3:20-3:30 pm Omega watches Galen exit. He leans up against the wall, folds his arms and mutters--underneath his breath--"You're welcome." Scar speaks, "Poundage,we must meet up because my 'new friends' have their own agenda." Poundage replies through the base, "Imp, we are now beginning test on your friends. What kind of crack is Omega on? I don't care, I will be at the hospital until I see a wall crack. My #1 objective is to save people. If you guys leave before the wall starts to crumble, I'm staying behind." They hear Omega speak next, "Sorry guys--I was under the impression that Scar's visions represented what MIGHT be, not absolutely what WILL be. If we believe for certain that there will be some sort of catastrophe at the hospital then, of course, I feel we should do everything within our power to prevent it. And we are going to have to wait until we can gather the reinforcements anyway. But we should also consider that Colorado is a must when it comes to developing a cure. The longer we delay here--and I'm not saying we shouldn't--but the longer we delay here, the greater chances of more lives being lost. The Legacy Virus waits for no one. Then again, if we don't hang around then lives could be lost here in Midville. It's almost a no win situation, but after further consideration I have to agree with Poundage. We can't simply leave Midville unprotected. I suppose we could split up, but that would defeat the idea of us all going to Colorado en mass." Poundage continues, "Why don't we wait until it is the middle of the night there? They may be less prepared if it is 2 or 3 AM." Omega replies, "I agree. There's no outward sign that indicates they are aware we're onto them. The element of surprise could be a great tactical advantage for us." Poundage replies, "I also think we should take some infected blood. I am going to buy some tranquilizer guns and darts. We can fill the darts with infected blood. If we infect someone or something there, they may be forced to expose a cure if one exists. Scar, count me in." Vengeance then speaks to the base, "Base do you have any blood samples on file of any heroes with the regeneration power? Maybe if we have a sample of that blood we can do tests on that also.Did you contact Jill Yancy?" The base replies, "...the medical lab does not store blood samples...still unable to contact Dr.Yancy..." Omega thinks about this for a moment and then turns to Imp, "Imp--I've been wondering about something--those of us who aren't infected--is it just that we aren't infected YET or could it be that there's something relevant to our respective powers or make-up which is hindering the progression of the virus? I know that the virus evolves but I'm wondering if certain meta defenses might be more effective against it than others? If Poundage is correct and a cure does already exist, then we will be way ahead of the game. If we have to manufacture one..." Imp raise and eye brow, "That can tie into the test I'm trying to run with Poundage's blood.I'll dig a little deeper and let you guys know." Reaper breaks in, "Ok, can I speak to Wraith then?" Wraith's voice is heard next, "Yes,Reaper?" "Wraith, this is Reaper. Can I have access to some files? I need to look someone up...a mutant. If you must know why, then I'd rather discuss it in private..." Wraith replies through the base, "You'll have to contact Galen about that,he is the only one to allow authorization." Imp is heard muttering, "Dude...get with the program here...isn't there another medlab somewhere...pppllleeeaaassseee..."

3:30-3:40 pm Vengeance is heard saying, "Look,Omega you can head to Colorado but it might be a long flight without the Striker.I plan on staying until the hospital encounter.I would rather stay and save lives than go to Colorado to look for a cure that may or may not be there.You are not a Guardian,yet you act like you think you are the leader of the Guardians.Well I do not follow your lead.You have your own group,lead them not us.We have our own leader and thank goodness it is not you.It would be different if you told us your ideas and thoughts but you bark out orders like you are the greatest hero of all time.Little news flash buddy,your not.Now if Omega has no other orders I have better things to do than to listen to you.Omega,I try to stay quiet,let things slide,but you don't quit with the cheesy lines and the barking of orders.Enough is enough." Imp frowns a moment then says, "Big B,close open communication link..." Omega gives Reaper a quizzical glance. He then turns back to Imp and offers a half-smile and a shrug.She gives him a smile back and rolls her eyes.Omega suggests, "Since we know there will ba a catastrophe at the hospital sometime in the next twenty-four hours, wouldn't it be prudent to attempt an evacuation?" Omega thinks for a moment and then adds, "Of course, that might not be very practical considering the number of injured currently being treated there after yesterday's disaster." Imp replies, "Right,and add in the fact that the hospital is accepting more patients by the hour possibly infected with the virus." Omega looks to Scar and asks, "Is there any way to know whether or not this new disaster will be the result of an outside force? It might simply be related to undetected structural damage caused in yesterday's attack." Omega looks to Imp and Afterburn, "Is there any way we could get a structural analysis of the hospital--that wall in particular?" Imp again replies, "We could but we would have to convince the correct authorities that it is necessary." Omega pauses a moment and then continues, "Perhaps we should also alert Wojo about Scar's vision...get the authorities involved, as a preventive measure? Also, I know we don't want to create a panic--but I don't see how we can keep from at least notifying the hospital administration. And perhaps some of us should go to the hospital and have a look around,while we are waiting?" Omega adds, "Even in light of the more immediate crisis, we must still be looking ahead to Colorado. It occurs to me that if we are going to be dealing with military weaponry and machines--electronics--then having a meta along who has the power to short out or control electical circuitry might give us an advantage. Do we have access to any metas with this type of ability? And regarding these X-Men--do we know which members of their team will be joining us tonight and what their mutant abilities are?" Imp replies, "No,X didn't specify who he was ending,just that 4 of them would be showing up around 9:30 pm." Poundage is heard through the base, "Scar, I will be there shortly. I have to go to a personal meeting at five, but afterwards I can meet you wherever you want. Then we can keep an eye on the hospital. Imp, your friends wish to see you. I told them I cannot give them permission to enter the base. Also, if I pick up some guns and darts, will you give blood to use as a weapon?" Imp replies, "I will check with Galen and get back with you on them visiting me.I will give blood,but the darts will only be of use against enemies not wearin armor,or power suits." There is a pause and Poundage continues, "Imp, some of your friends wish to help this evening. If they are not going to be at the base, let me know and I will go let them know when it is time." Imp speaks toward the ceiling, "Galen,is it possible for a few of my friends to enter the base to visit me? They are also meta's and plan to help in the trip to Colorado." Omega goes on, "Also, I'm intrigued by this idea that Poundage has--concerning using infected blood as a weapon. He might be onto something. Do we have any way of knowing if that will work, or what the risk factors will be to the non-infected metas on our own team? And speaking of risk factors, I've been thinking--is there ANY way to contact Alloy, Vyra and Maxi-Miss now? If they are infected, and don't get stabalized, then they might not make it until 5 p.m. Is there any way, outside the use of mass media, to send them a message or a signal?Something. Anything." Imp looks thoughtful a moment, "As for risk with the tainted blood,I think as long as someone already infected loads the darts and no one is shot or pricked with a dart the risk is very small.As of now we have no way of contacting the meta's you mention,unless we go over the public airwaves and even then we won't be sure they hear." Omega pauses for a moment and looks to Afterburn and smiles, "Don't you worry about owning me. Once this is over we're both due some R&R. I'm sure there's some good movies playing about superheroes and their exploits." She smiles at him and places her hand against the clear wall, "I'm going to hold you to that,mister.But I have a feeling we won't get much downtime while wearing these suits." Omega then looks around at the group, "Well, there is the immediate danger at the hospitial. Who's up for a recon mission?" Afterburn raises her hand,smiles ,then slowly lowers it.Imp is silent a moment then suggest, "One of my friends could probably help with that...help a lot.He has the ability to...um..see...well feel...things."

3:40-3:50 pm Omega nods to Imp, "When your friend arrives, if he's agreeable, then I'll take him to the hospital and let him have a look." Omega steps back over to Afterburn and says, "Well, it would seem that Vengeance doesn't have a very high opinion of me. Although I think he's being a bit overly sensitive. I don't really come off as THAT big of a jerk, do I?" She smiles at him, "THAT big of a jerk? NAH,just a little bitty teenie weenie one." He smiles, "Oh well..it really doesn't matter. A lot of lives are at stake. I'm going to keep doing everything I can to try to find a solution. I don't care whose ego gets bruised. None of us have the time or energy right now to get involved in meta-hero personality conflicts--although I honestly can't figure out what I did to push his buttons so much. Maybe I can work it out with him later after this is all over. I'll still watch his back, whether he likes it or not. Just hope someone is watching mine." Afterburn quips, "Honey,I'm watching your backside...mmmm shake baby shake." Scar grumbles beneath his breath for a moment. He raises his staff to his eyes and his vision begins to fade.He tries to describe the scene to the gathered heroes as he watches the vision. "It's dark,the stars are overhead.I seem to be moving at a great speed.Wait...it's a plane,flying over mountains.I can see the Guardian symbol,it's the Striker.As it nears a mountain range there is something streaking toward the craft.It's a missile,I can see the flame trail.The plane banks,dodging the missile but I can see more streaking from the ground below.It seems to dodge a couple more but can't dodge the hail of missiles for long.I see an explosion,the craft is falling.I can see bodies falling...no some are flying.There seems to be a lot of people pouring out of a small building on the ground...and the vision is fading." Scar then says, "I with to be flown ashore.This team is wasting my time. Midville is my concern. Midville are the people I protect. I will go to the hospital alone. Your bickering infuriates me and humilates yourselves. Some of you need a humbling experience, perhaps many deaths at hospital will weigh heavily upon your minds. Good Day!" Omega approaches Scar and says, "Scar, please wait. You're absolutely correct. Bickering will get us nowhere, except perhaps dead. If you want to go to the hospital now, I'll be happy to take you. Please consider the idea of allowing Imp's friend to take a closer look at the wall of the hospital--this extra sensory perception could reveal important information. Imp, could you please arrange for your friend to meet us at the hospital? And just for the freakin' record, that's NOT an order, simply a request. And I just want everyone to know that I'm trying to work with everyone here to solve the problems we face. Whatever ideas I present to you should be taken as just that--ideas for group discussion,not as me barking out orders to any of you because--despite what some think--that is NOT what I am doing. Also, please be sure to keep Lord Galen informed--I don't want him to think I'm trying to take over his team or do an end-run around him. The sooner we figure out what's going to cause the catastrophe at the hospital, the better--Scar's absolutely correct. We're wasting too much time. Engaging in these childish tirades isn't how heroes should act--especially during a time when we should all be coming together in the face of the overwhelming odds against us."The communication link again opens up and the voice of Poundage is heard, "Scar,contact me and we will meet at the hospital. I should be available after 6 pm. and it doesn't start getting dark 8 pm, this should give us plenty of time." Omega walks over closer to Scar and shrugs. He speaks to Scar quietly and sincerely, "Scar, I didn't mean to imply earlier that I felt we should abandon Midville. Merely that since Imp and Afterburn are going to be confined anyway then they could continue working on the Legacy Virus problem. That's costing lives here in Midville too. I agree that some seem to be in serious need of a humility check--well, you can consider my ego checked. For my part, I will do everything in my power to ensure that no more innocent lives are lost. Believe me when I tell you that is my one driving concern. I feel the best way to do this is through the use of teamwork and cooperation. I think my words and actions so far have illustrated this point. But for some reason, people seem to take me the wrong way. However, I WILL try to help you in any way I can if you will let me. These visions of yours--tell me, is there any way to prevent them from coming true? We know the wall will collapse--can we stop it or must we merely wait for the inevitable? I've presented my ideas and I would honestly like to hear your thoughts as well. What do you think we should do?" As he finishes Vengeance and three teen age boys ebter the medical office.Imp gets up quickly and rushes to the wall from her side. "Probe,Lieutenant,Mental...man it is good to see you guys.I was going to come see you this afternoon but...well.." Lietenant makes a mock bow and smiles at her.Mental seems to shake and says, "Hiya chick...UUGGG...hows you doin'...AAGGGHH..." Evan opens his eyes and lays a hand on Mental's shoulder, "Easy buddy,easy..." He turns and looks at Imp, "How you holding up in there?" She smiles back at him a moment, "I'm good,Probe.And look,I'M A GUARDIAN!" She pauses a moment then looks at her feet. "I didn't mean to get you mixed up in this Evan.But you all may be infected,and I needed to get you tested." Probe gives her a knowing nod, "Not a problem,Imp.You did what needed to be done." Imp looks up and gazes into his eyes for a moment. "I have a couple favors to ask of you guys.First I need Probe to go to the hospital.We need to determine the structural soundness of one of the walls.Scar has visions of the near future and believes the wall will collapse." Probe nods his head in her direction. "And the second favor,some of the healthy heroes are going to storm a mountain hide away in Colorado tonight.From the info I have gathered this mountain is well protected and they need all the help we can find." She looks at Probe a long time,then glances to the two other boys.Probe looks concerned, "I will go to the hospital and do what I can.And we have already pledged our help for the trip to Colorado.You know the run away code,anything for another run away." He turns, "I'll go to the hospital. Then we will return to the sewers.When you guys are ready to head to Colorado,just stop by and pick us up.And please let us know the results of our test as soon as you can." Reaper speaks to the base, "Lord Galen,Wraith said I must speak to you.I need authorization to access some files."

3:50-4:00 pm Omega nods to Probe. "Probe, I'm Omega. I can take you and Scar to the hospital now if you are both agreeable. I think the sooner we examine that wall for structural damage the better." Scar nods his head to Omega and says nothing. He stares at him for a moment and tries to detect a weakness.He finds that Omega does have a weakness,which is diminished intelligence. When the three mutants enter the room, Scar will nod at the one named Probe. He scans him for a weakness as well.He is unable to find a weakness in the boy and raises his staff.He stares at it a long moment and when his vision doesn't blur he lowers it.Lord Galen is heard through the base, "Imp, start working something up I can give to the public. Let me know when you have something.Reaper, I must know the nature of the files you would like to access and the reason you need access." Reaper replies, "Alright, I need the base to list all metas that have been seen over the last twenty years and what they can do. The reason for this is one that I would rather discuss in private." Scar speaks to Omega in a slow raspity voice, "My visions are a clear pattern of what could happen, what is and what could be. I see events that are going to happen unless I act upon them. Andromeda should have devastated Midville but didn't. Get the picture? Now as for the virus-thing I know nothing about it, it has not even popped up in one of my visions." Omega speaks as Poundage enters. "Another troubling vision, Scar." Scar replies, "I will not be going to Colorado with you, therefore I have no input on the vision just described... you will loose at least the Striker. Good Luck.Now if we may go to the hospital?" Poundage steps to the clear wall and hands the darts through the box enclosure. "I hope these help." He turns to Scar, "I was just leaving Scar. Need a way out? After my meeting I will meet you somewhere." Probe speaks up, Take me also,I'll 'scan' the wall." He nods to Imp and follows Poundage and Scar out of the medical office.Mental looks at Omega, "We'll wait here for the test results,then may need a lift out."

4:00-4:10 pm Omega waits at the base.He extends an invitation to Mental and Lieutenant to join his group.Lieutenant nods his head no, "I am pledged to Probe." Mental gives him a funny look and replies, "UUNN...yes...AAHH...I would like too...CHASE LITTLE PUPPIES...no...join your group...GROUP THERAPY...but would you accept...ACCEPT THIS TOKEN OF MY ESTEEM...UNNN...me?" As he finishes the base speaks, "...I have the results from the test of Scar,Probe,Mental and Lieutenant...Scar is negative...Probe is positive...Mental is negative...Lieutenant is positive...also 7 of the other teens are positive..." Mental lets out a "HELL YEA ! ", then looks at his friend.Lieutenant just bows his head a moment then looks up.Quietly he asks, "What now?"

4:10-4:20 pm Omega looks around the room sadly. He looks to Imp, "Imp, it would probably be too risky to take your friend to the hospital. I would guess that the sooner they are stabilized the better chance they will have. If you come up with ANYTHING that you think might be helpful, please let me know." Imp wipes a tear from her eye, "Yes,too risky to take him to the hospital,but we still have two available beds in the Striker and two available in the New York base.But someone must go tell Probe." Omega turns and is surprised to see Galen in the doorway.Omega says, "Look, Galen--some people around here have really gotten the wrong idea about me but I'm here to help in any way I can. Several more metas have just been diagnosed with the Legacy Virus. Things are looking very grim. Scar had a vision of the Striker being blown out of the sky--this probably relates to the trip to Colorado. I'm not sure how many extra metas can now be recruited tonight either. I can probably get Alloy, Vyra and Maxi-Miss at least--but we don't know whether or not they have contracted the virus. God willing, they haven't. And there's this vision Scar had concerning the hospital. It just seems like gloom and doom every way you turn but we're going to have to figure this out somehow. Please tell me how you think we should proceed. I can't stand just sitting here and watching my friends slowly die."

4:20-4:30 pm Omega again considers the situation. He speaks with Imp and Afterburn. "I don't think I can be of much use at the hospital right now," Omega tells them. "But I can't just stand idly by while innocent lives are at stake. I'm going to the police station and speak with Wojo. Hopefully, the metas at the hospital can do something to stop the impending collapse but if not then I think we have no choice but to consider an evacuation. I'll gather as many additional metas as possible at 5 p.m. and then return here. We have GOT to keep one eye towards Colorado." Afterburn smiles at him,places a hand on the clear wall, "I wish I could be going with you.Hurry back,perhaps we'll know more when you return." Omega pauses for a moment and then adds, "Imp--I know you are under a lot of stress right now. It's a bad situation for everyone, but you might very well be our best hope in figuring all of this out. Hang in there. We'll beat this yet." Imp looks at him,her eyes both tired and angry looking, "Hang in there? HANG IN THERE? What choice do I have? I'm stuck in this medlab,dying from some God awful disease some mad scientist created,watching the only real family I have fall prey to it one by one.While the healthy heroes argue,I'm expected to make miracles happen." She stares at Omega for a long moment then her head drops, "...I'm sorry...it's just that..I can only do so much...ya know?" Omega looks at her with sympathy, "If the X-Men should arrive here prior to our return, please let me know. I would like to speak with them if possible. Scar had a vision of the Striker being blown out of the sky--which is why I was asking about stealth technology earlier--I thought that if the Guardians DIDN'T have it then perhaps it might be possible to acquire it from another source. Maybe the X-Men have access to that sort of technology?" Imp takes a deep breath, "No,we don't have any sort of stealth technology,but I'll see what I can come up with." Afterburn steps over and places her arm around Imp, "WE'LL see what we can come up with.But I have been thinking,in the vision the Striker is brought down by anti-air missiles.What if the Striker flew in until it detected the radar,then landed and the heroes went with a land assault from there.It would negate one of the weapons there at the mountain." Imp looks at the two teens, "Lieutenant,perhaps you should go to the Striker in the hangar,let the base stabilize you in the Striker medlab.Omega perhaps you take Mental out.He can go with you to the meeting or he could go give Probe the bad news."

4:30-4:40 pm Lord Galen speaks to the base, "Base, get Dr. X on the line for me." As the base contacts X,Galen talks with Omega, "Omega, I understand some of my team think you are a little head strong. I myself think you did take advantage of the base pretty well. I mean, coming and going as you please but I'm not here to talk about that right now. There are more pressing matters. I too believe that since we have no stealth technology that we fly a team in as close as we can and go with a ground assault. Base, make sure all Guardian members get this message. I want a vote from everyone, all metas and heroes involved as to who should lead the ground assault. Who has former military experience or any experience for that matter. I also think we need an Air support back up. For when the missiles and such are taken out. Omega, will you go and see how many metas you can round up? Base, I want you to contact any other meta groups or hero groups such as the X-men that you can and inform them of the virus situation and everything we know so far and see if we can get some more help."Omega looks to Imp one last time, "Imp...I'm sorry we...I have put so much pressure on you. I guess I just really respect your opinion. I'll take Mental to the meeting and we'll stop en route to talk to Probe." Omega leaves the base with Mental.The two head towards police headquarters. They make a slight detour to speak with Probe. Once Probe is found, the two land near him. Omega approaches him and says, "Probe...I don't know how to say this...I have bad news. The test from Guardian Base reveals...you've tested positive for the Legacy Virus. You should get stabilized as soon as possible. Probe, I'm sorry. Is there anything you need for us to do?" Probe looks at Omega head held high, "No,you go do what you have to do.I should return to the other runaways.I can assume some of them are also infected.They will need my support right now.Be sure to have the others get me before the mission tonight,that is if they decide to take me.Mental,do what you can,make me proud." Omega and Mental continue on to police headquarters.When they arrive at the hq they find Wojo already waiting on the roof.As Omega lands Wojo pulls the cigar from his mouth and scowls, "I stepped up here for some fresh air...and expected you anytime.Things are not well.The body count is beginning to rise.Tension in the city is growing."

4:40-4:50 pm Omega nods to Wojo, "We also have a new problem. The meta known as Scar has foreseen a crisis at the hospital. He had a vision of a wall collapsing there sometime in the next 24 hours. Some metas are there now, but we might have to consider an evacuation--I know that's problematic, but it may be the only way to save lives." Wojo gets on his radio for a moment or two,then turns back to Omega.Omega then quickly explains the situation regarding the Legacy Virus and what he has learned so far. "I hope to recruit some more metas tonight. Scar also had a vision of the Striker being knocked out the sky in Colorado, but it might be possible to land some distance away and proceed by ground." Omega shakes his head and sighs, "Alloy and Vrya should be here later tonight--this is Mental...hopefully, a few more will show up. You have a military background, right? What do you think is the best approach to Colorado?" Wojo is quiet,the cigar clenched in his teeth. "I heard of Stern,the man is complete military.He will be prepared for just about anything,so something covert would be your best idea.I would probably try sperating my forces also,one a distraction for the other.Stern will have at least 2 entrances to the mountain,and some way to retreat out if needed."

4:50-5:00 pm Omega reaches for his phone and uses the communications system to contact Lord Galen. "Lord Galen? This is Omega. Listen, I'm here with Sgt. Wojo. He's heard of Stern and agrees that he will be prepared for just about anything. Wojo is ex-military. His recommendation is to try something covert and he also suggests separating our forces--allowing one to act as a distraction for the other. Wojo feels--and I agree--Stern will probably have at least two entrances into the mountain base and a way to retreat if needed. What do you think? Probe has been informed of the situation and he went back to the other runaways. He's pledged his--and their--support if it is needed later on. I've spoken with Wojo about the catastrophe Scar predicted at the hospital. We're waiting now to see if any additional metas show up. It shouldn't be too much longer." Omega hangs up and turns back to Wojo, "I'm trying my best to work with these New Guardians, but they tend to be extremely over sensitive about things. They're a pretty high-strung bunch. Heh. Then again, I guess I can be somewhat headstrong at times. The main thing now is just trying to find a cure for this thing--and I'm convinced the keys to that are in Colorado." Omega looks up into the evening sky, "I guess now we just wait and see who shows up--I just hope the Legacy Virus hasn't already..." Omega trails off for a moment, then continues, "I guess we just wait and see who shows up. Tonight isn't exactly shaping up as I had planned---Wojo, how much authority do we have under the law? I don't know if it's possible at this time, but I'd like for myself and the other members of the Protectors to have some sort of lawful authority--to be able to act as police agents. I'm going to ask each member to take an oath, regardless--I know our arrangement but the way things are right now...if it isn't within your power, I understand. Just want everything with us to be legal and above-board." Omega pulls back his visor and looks Wojo in the eyes, "Sometimes the secret identity thing seems a bit silly. How can we expect people to trust us if we're always hiding behind masks? A necessity at times, I suppose--but not, in my opinion, amongst friends. So many things that once seemed important now seem sort of trivial in light of what we're facing." Wojo chews his cigar a moment, "Honestly,you have little more authority than the average citizen.The courts are still deciding most of that.I would like to give you more authority,hell even deputize you guys,but that would never fly with the higher ups.If they even knew I was using department resources to help get this thing off the ground the crap would hit the fan." He pauses long enough to snub the cigar before continuing, "I appreciate the trust you place in me and it won't be forgotten.But I must be going,I've got to go check this hospital thing.And you might want to replace that visor..." He nods toward the roof edge then turns and walks toward the roof exit.Omega looks in the direction Wojo nodded and sees 5 costumed heroes standing in a small group.A woman,a weapon on her waist,an A G on her chest,steps forward, "We're here for the team,I'm Amazin' Grace." Another woman,this one in pink and blue with large wrist bands,says "I call myself Firewall." The woman in brown,a large stylized M on her chest,steps forward and Omega hears a voice in his head, "I am Mentor." The man in orange and green,an S at his throat,says, "I am Specter." Finally a very beautiful woman steps forward.She is wearing very little,light blue top and 'shorts' with a head band with a large Z on it.She speaks regally, "You may refer to me as Zephyr."

5:00-5:10 pm Omega greets each of the new metas in turn. "Thank you all for coming tonight," he says. He then quickly explains the current situation and adds, "I'm hoping that a few more will also show up...let's give them a little time to get here and then we can discuss the situation in greater detail. We need to get each of you tested for the Virus as soon as possible and then begin making plans for later. While we're waiting, perhaps we could get to know one another a bit better...what sort of meta abilities do we have in the mix here?" Mental looks at the new recruits from his spot beside Omega then speaks, "I am known as Mental.I am a mutant with the ability to control minds,and to shock those minds with a paralysis blast." Amazin' Grace looks around the group, "I guess you could say I'm normal.I built this suit of armor that gives me some protection from damage and this energy pistol.I'm in..." There is a moment of silence before Firewall speaks, "Well hello all.I have the ability to create force fields and these mechanical flame thrower thingies on my wrist.I'm willing to help." The woman in brown doesn't move but all the gathered meta's hear a soft voice in their heads, [I am a mutant telepath.I also have some offensive punch in these wrist blasters I designed.I want to help free my fellow mutants from the yolk of prejudice.] Specter runs a hand through his spiked hair, "Whoa...wild,lady.I too am a mutant.I can become a ghost,seem to be hard to hurt and have studied a few martial arts.I'm wicked in a hand to hand fight,my friends." All of them turn to look at Zephyr.She stands quiet a moment,studying them all. "I am Zephyr,goddess of winter storms.Please show the proper respect.I can harness the winter ice and use the roar of the avalanche." As she finishes Omega spots a figure in the sky slowly descend to the rooftop,recognizing Vyra.Not far behind her is Alloy,flying on metallic wings and Maxi-Miss too,climbing over the roof edge.Two other metas that Omega doesn't recognize climb over the roof edge.

5:10-5:20 pm Omega looks around at the gathered heroes and can't help but feel a bit impressed. He looks to Vyra, Maxi-Miss and Alloy and smiles.The man in blue and green walks up to Omega, and says, "Hi, I'm Khaydra and I would like to join up with your group." The man in green and brown with a lightning bolt on his chest then steps forward, " Er hi, I heard about a meeting for, well, I guess "above average" people around this time on the news, and I'm here, cause I'm like... ya. No newho, I saw you on the news too,so I thought this might be it... am I right?" Omega quickly introduces the new recruits to those he already knows. "Vyra, Alloy, Maxi-Miss, it's good to see you again my friends. I'm afraid I have some troubling news for you and also for our new arrivals." Omega then again quickly explains the situation concerning the Legacy Virus. He walks over closer to Vyra, Alloy and Maxi and tells them, "I'm sorry, guys. We're working to find a cure. We need to get you all tested as soon as possible." Omega then looks to the new arrivials, "The same is true for all of you. Since there are so many of us, we should probably go to the hospital--Guardian Base is already getting a bit crowded. And there may also be a crisis developing at the hospital. A meta named Scar with the power of precognition has foreseen a disaster there within the next 24 hours." Omega then walks over to the new arrivals and greets them properly. "Welcome. Could you please tell us all who you are and give us a brief rundown of your abilities?" Omega then looks around, "Current events have put something of a new spin on the formation of this team. Essentially though, the Protectors will be made up of two combat teams with me leading one team and Vyra here leading the other--I'd initially planned for us to discuss possible team breakdowns and combat patrols and the like tonight--but as you can see, there are more pressing matters at hand." Omega pauses a moment and then continues, "I know some of us don't know each other very well--or really at all--but a major crisis is developing and we must try to come together as a team sooner rather than later. Many lives are at stake--our families, our friends, our loved ones--we're all here tonight because we have decided to follow a higher calling--to use our powers for the greater good. I'm no different--no better--than any of the rest of you here--I can only hope that each of you is willing to join with me--with us--in the coming struggle. The fate of this city--this country--perhaps the entire world--lies in the balance. We can discuss the specifics of the Protectors team later--but I can assure you everyone on this team will be treated with respect and the team will be set up to follow democratic principles." Omega gathers Alloy, Vyra and Maxi-Miss to the side and says, "There's something you should know. Both Afterburn and Imp have already tested positive for the Legacy Virus. Reaper as well. They are currently at Guardian Base." Omega looks around, "There are a lot of new metas here tonight--a lot of them we don't know yet--I'm going to be looking to each of you for help and guidance as we go along. Thank you each for coming here tonight. Thank you for putting your trust in me and--more importantly--in the idea of this team. You guys have no idea how good it is to see you all right now...I was afraid I might not be able to find you and...well, it's just really good to see you..." Alloy places his hand on Omega's shoulder, "Hey 'Meg's I'm with you.Your going to need me to pull your fanny out of the fire if and when things get hot!Also whether I'm positive or not you have my full support,no matter what!!!" Maxi-Miss smiles at Alloy and giggles lightly.Omega provides Alloy, Vyra and Maxi-Miss with a cell phone and explains the communications system. He then takes a quick inventory of how many he has remaining. "I'll divy the rest of them up later. Looks like I'll have to pick up a few more..." Omega then makes a quick call to Guardian Base and again asks for Galen.As he is being patched through the base informs him, "...Striker II preparing for flight. It should get there and scan the area long before the strike force arrives..." Omega then tells Galen, "Lord Galen? It's Omega. We've assembled a large group of metas for the Protectors. We're en route to the hospital to get them tested as their are probably too many for Guardian Base to accomodate. After they have been tested and we have a breakdown of all the healthy metas, I'll let you know." Omega looks back to his friends, "I've been trying to work with the Guardians but..." He looks to Vyra and grins, "Fickle bunch, those Guardians. They seem like good people but they are also kind of sensitive." Omega says to Vyra, "We should get everyone to the hospital, Vyra. Let's see...how many of our new members can fly..." The gathered heroes look from one to the other and Zephyr finally speaks, "It seems none of us can fly.Perhaps we just each move along the way we can." Specter grins and walks to the edge of the roof...then off the roof.He seems to just walk on the air,takes a few steps,then turns with a questioning look, "Well ladies and gentlemen,shall we go?"

5:20-5:30 pm The rain begins to fall hard,drenching the gathered group.The only one that seems unaffected is Specter.He stands in the air,about 3 feet off the roof,the rain passing right through him.Omega walks over to Khyadra and replies, "Of course we would like to have you on this team. Khyadra--that's an interesting name." Omega looks to Fugitive, "You too, um...I don't think I caught your name..."> Vyra looks at the gathered heroes and says, "I don't think we can carry them all, Omega. If they can make good speed or have another source of transportation, then we should have them follow us. Otherwise, I can carry at most two, three if their light." Omega looks to Vyra and nods, "Yeah, I can carry two or three--Alloy can probably carry several...let's head towards the hospital as best we can...once we get everyone tested then we can talk more about the breakdown of the teams." Mental says, "I've been tested.I'll just go to the sewers.Omega just come get me when your ready." Fugitive smiles and begins to climb down the side of the building.He moves very fast,almost a blur.Omega gathers up Amazin' Grace and Firewall.Vyra grabs Mentor and Zephyr.Alloy grabs Maxi-Miss and Khaydra.Specter walks over and Alloy reaches for him.As he does his hand passes through Specter and Specter gives him a grin.Alloy scowls and grabs Specter.Vyra and Omega take flight with their passengers as Alloy sprouts wings and also takes flight.On the street below Fugitive starts a quick dash that makes Omega think of Afterburn.This new hero may well be as fast as she is. While en route, Omega uses his phone to call the hospital, "This is Omega. We're bringing a group of metas to the hospital to be tested for the Legacy Virus. There are over a dozen...can you accomodate us? If any of the metas test positive, they will need to be stabalized." The voice on the other end replies, "We are filling fast but we still have some room,bring them in.Please come through the rooftop entrance,we don't need the other patients any more exited than they already are." As he hangs-up the phone it beeps and he hears the base, "...Lord Galen would like me to know he will be waiting for the results of the test and applauds your efforts..."

5:30-5:40 pm While flying to the hospital, Khaydra replies to Omega, "WEll thanks." Omega reaches for his phone and replies to Lord Galen, "Thanks, Galen. Listen, I'm sorry if you truly felt I was taking advantage of you or your base before--that wasn't my intent. And I guess I CAN be a little headstrong at times but I don't mean to come off as a jerk. I think all our nerves are a little frayed over the current situation. But things do seem to be looking up a little--we should end up with a pretty good contingent to take to Colorado. Throw the X-Men into the mix and we might actually have a fighting chance. How are Afterburn, Imp and Reaper making it?" Afterburn gets a large smile on her face and replies, "Hey big guy,I'm doing fine.Besides the fact I really want to be out dashing around,everything is good." Imp giggles, "I'm still here and Reaper is too,over in the corner sleeping." Omega continues, "Oh, and I've been wondering something--should we risk taking the infected metas with us? I'm really more worried about the risk to them with them not being stabalized at all. What's your opinion? I'll let you know the breakdown of the Protectors teams as soon as test results are back and Vyra and I decide on how to split them up--if all goes well we should actually have at least two combat teams out of this mix so that might help with the attack planning. I should have more to tell you soon. I don't mean to bother you, I know you're very busy on your end too--I just want to try to keep you informed about everything that's going on. I'll talk to you again soon." Omega continues to fly with the group to the hospital. Once there, the group lands on the rooftop and goes inside for testing. Omega looks around at everyone gathered and says, "I've had a thought--as most of you know our...sponsor...wanted full members to be scanned for their meta abilities. This is for the local police to assemble a defense in the event a meta goes rogue. The scans will be registered with the police. And trust me, they ARE on our side as best I can tell. I've arranged for those who don't wish to be scanned to have membership but...the scans we'll all have to undergo here at the hospital should be much less extensive--probably just revealing meta powers which, honestly--I think that is all that's needed. I think I can talk them into accepting just the hospital scans for those willing to release the information. Also, having a greater knowledge of everyone's meta abilities will help us in deciding the proper breakdown of the combat teams. However, this is entirely up to the individual. I don't want to violate anyone's privacy. I'm not too thrilled with the scan requirement myself, but for the moment it seems we're stuck with it--I'll explain more later when we can all speak privately." Mentor continues to stand,looking very calm. [I will not submit myself for scanning.I believe the scanning to be a clever ruse to find and catalog mutants.That said,I still wish to help in the fight.] Specter rubs his head a moment, "Thats just a little freaky,chick.But I have my doubts about this scanning too.I don't want to allow them to see my info either." Omega adds, "And I just want everyone to know--at this point--you're all a part of the Protectors as far as I'm concerned. You're all a part of this team, whether you test positive for the Legacy Virus or not. I hope and pray that no one out of this group WILL test positive but if anyone does just know that the rest of us, along with the Guardians and others, are working tirelessly to find the cure. For any of those here who are infected--and for the multitude out there who are also infected--we will not let you down." Omega watches as the various heroes are taken to be tested for the virus. He stays close to Vyra, Alloy and Maxi-Miss. He tries his best to act calm, confident and supportive. But underneath it all he feels a great weight and a great sadness at the idea even more of his friends and most trusted allies might fall victim to the plaque. Attempting to shift the focus for a moment from the looming test results Omega looks around at the others. He looks to Vyra, "Well, I'd say we have a pretty good mix of metas. Any thoughts on how we should break down the teams?" Omega looks over and gives Maxi-Miss a reassuring smile. "I'm assuming you'd like Maxi-Miss in your combat group? I guess we could use paper, rock, scissors for the rest...but we should probably try our best to assemble teams that truly mesh well together and will maximize combat ability." Maxi-Miss quickly says, "I am Vyra's second in command.Where she goes,I go." Once the testing is done the group is told the results will be available in an hour.Thunder booms as the heroes gather on the rooftop.Zephyr looks to the sky,a smile on her face. "The gods are not happy,war rages.This is not a good omen."

5:40-5:50 pm Omega listens to the rumble of the thunder and says, "There seem to be bad omens for us every way we turn." Omega looks to Mentor and says, "Mentor, I understand your concerns about the scan and--as I said earlier--membership in the team is still possible without being scanned. However, I honestly don't believe it's meant as a covert method to catalog mutants. Then again, after the things I've learned today...but I can assure you that if I thought that was the case then I would not take part." "I will be just fine being tested. I have no trouble with it,", Khaydra says,hoping that he doesn't have the virus.Vyra says, "Perhaps those who do not wish to be tested should be with me and that way if the police get on your back, we can act as two different groups to avoid complications." Omega steps over to Mentor, "We DO need you on this team. Having someone with telepathy...may I ask the range and extent of your powers? I'm wondering if you could teach us how to communicate telepathically with one another...maybe establish some type of telepathic link? I think something like that would be a great benefit to us at times." Mentor smiles slightly, [I have the ability to read and probe minds.I can telepathically track a person as long as they remain in my range.The best I have been able to measure my abilities is about 1200 feet,almost a quarter of a mile.As for teaching you all to communicate telepathically,I can not do that.It is a gift that can not be learned.But I do have the ability to link a number of minds together in a sort of telepathic switchboard,though this tires me after a time.I object to 'registering' my scan with the police,but not to joining the team.If asked I will deny them access to my medical records here,but I would like to be a part of the group.] Omega then looks to Maxi-Miss, "I knew you would want to stay with Vyra, Maxi-Miss. I think your loyalty to her should be commended. And I think that you will make a fine second in command to her team and a fine addition to the team as a whole." Alloy slowly speaks, "Omega,I would like to second your team." Omega turns to Alloy and says, "And I think I've found someone just as loyal to second my own team--and pull my fanny out of the fire when needed--and I figure that WILL be needed--and often." Omega then looks around at the assorted heroes, "I suppose we should go ahead and decide upon the team breakdowns. I know that this really isn't a good time and some of this may seem trivial right now, but we do need to get organized." He looks around at the group and says, "The idea we have is to form one large organization which will be broken down into various combat teams. The teams can unite against major threats. For the moment, I'll be leading one team and Vrya will be leading another. The leadership of these teams is just the way things have evolved--in the future we will most likely do things a bit more democratically. Hopefully, as new teams evolve, leadership opportunities will come available for those who wish to pursue them." Omega turns to Vyra again and says, "I do have a few thoughts on the breakdowns, but if you disagree with any of my suggestions please feel free to speak up--none of this is written in stone just yet." Omega offers her a smile and then goes on, "Well, it seems I'll have Alloy and you'll have Maxi-Miss. I'd like to keep Afterburn on my team--why don't we put Fugitive on your team as that will give us a speedster on both teams? Also, Fugitive should add a bit of power to your group." Omega then suggests, "I'd like Mentor with us if that's acceptable and to include Mental in your group--which would put a mentalist in each group. Although--Mental can be a little...different...at times..." Omega goes on, "As for the rest...I'd like to put Specter in your group. He seems to have a lot of raw power and should be able to bolster your group quite a bit. Khaydra could go into my group and that would put a telekenetic in both groups." Omega then looks to the remaining metas, "Hmmmm...let's see, we still have Ice Princess,Firewall and Amazin' Grace. Since I have a version of flame abililies, why don't we put Firewall into your group and Ice Princess into my group, if they are willing?" Zephyr flips her hair and catches Omega with a hard glare, "I will only say this ONE MORE TIME.I am the goddess of winter storms,and I EXPECT to be treated with the CORRECT respect.Do not test my patience,mortal." Omega concludes, "And last but certainly not least we have Grace...how about Grace in your group? If I figured this correctly, that should put a total of seven on your team and 6 on my team--is this acceptable to everyone? This isn't a dictatorship...it's a democracy, so if anyone would rather do otherwise now's the time to speak up. The idea is to put together the two most effective teams out of the group. Once teams are established however, everyone should follow the lead of the team commanders." Omega pauses a moment and then adds, "I was going to call my team Protectors: Team Omega but the more I think about it the more I dislike naming the sub-team after myself. It seems too egotistical and takes away from the team concept." Omega adds, "Also, Vyra already had a team called the Sentinels and I thought it might be called something like Protectors: Team Sentinels. However, as time goes on I would like to form additional sub-teams under whatever banner we decide upon." Omega walks over to Vyra and says to her quietly, "This is something I haven't really discussed with you yet, Vyra. I was hoping for a quiet moment but it looks like we might not have one of those for a long time to come. What do you think of dropping the Protectors name altogether and using the Sentinels name instead? We could have "Sentinels: Team Gold" and "Sentinels: Team Blue" or something--and add more "colors" as we progress. It's entirely your decision but...I thought it might be a nice gesture, as long as you don't take it that I'm 'stealing' your old team's name. Please know that this is offered in the spirit of friendship and cooperation. You've shown a lot of trust in me, Vyra and I just want you to know it has been genuinely appreciated. I think keeping the name you envisioned would be the least I could do." Omega then adds, "We should probably also have an executive or leadership committee. Obviously, at this point, it would consist of you, Maxi-Miss, Alloy and myself. But we should also probably name one more member so that we have an odd number. Later, this committee will likely be deciding upon the rules and by-laws of our organization and act as the administrative branch. Does anyone here wish to take on the role?" As he ask the question his phone beeps.He answers it,hearing the base. "Lord Galen wishes me to relay this message...'I think more than one assault team could be good if we find the entrance and exit and go in both ways.'..."

5:50-6:00 pm
Omega turns to Vyra and replies, "Really, the registration thing is just something we have to worry about in the short term. I'm going to try to have funding mechanisms in place in the near future so we can break away from any other sponsors. At that point, it won't even be a concern. And maybe...if this many people feel so strongly about it now...maybe we should consider going on without the sponsorship we had previously discussed. There might be another way. But I don't want the registration aspect to affect who does or doesn't join the teams--or how we decide to break them down." Vyra looks over the suggested hero's for her group, and says, "This works out very well, Omega." She thinks a moment about the team names, and suggests, "We could just refer to my team as the Sentinels and yours as the Protectors." Omega replies, "As for the team names, we can go with one being called Protectors and one being called Sentinels--but I would like to have some sort of umbrella name for the organization. We can give it some more thought." Omega smiles at her and adds, "I want to make sure we both end up with the best possible teams--I have an idea...let's get an outside opinion from a totally unbiased source..." Omega uses the cel-phone to reply to Lord Galen's message, "Understood, base. Our team will consist of a total of 13 metas--counting both those who are infected and those who are not. We're in the process of breaking into two sub-teams now. If I may get a second opinion..." Omega then describes his idea for the breakdown of the combat teams--briefly describing each meta and his or her powers and then asks the Guardian base computer whether or not it concurs with the strategy.The base replies, "...The current break down does seem to equalize the teams,powers wise...but does the teams have to be split permanently?...I envision a fluid style...according to who is available...threat assessment...strategy..." Omega will then ask the base to relay to Lord Galen the team breakdowns and provide him with the names of the new metas and a brief rundown of their abilities.Omega then walks over to the Zephyr and says, "I apologize if I offended you. I thought the goddess thing was just a sort of motif...I meant no disrespect. Honestly, not too long ago I would have had serious doubts about anyone who told me they were a god or goddess but I seem to be somewhat connected to a higher power myself these days. The power of a true goddess is most welcome on this team. I would be honored to learn more about you and the powers you possess." She continues to stare at him with a steely glare, "Your connected to a "Higher Power"? I am curious now." Omega walks back over to Alloy and says, "I think the word 'diplomacy' just took on a whole new meaning." Omega looks around at the group and says, "Now, back to our previous discussion--anyone interested in serving on the executive committee?" Khaydra replies, "I think that it would be best if I was not in the leadership committee. I want to get a feel of the group and fighting villians before I have a major role in the group." There is a long moment of silence when the group hears the soft voice in their heads, [I shall take a place,if you would have me.That would at least give the mutants a voice on the committee.] After a few more moments Omega explains about the communication system for the metas. Omega hands out what phones he has remaining--he gives one to Khyadra, one to Fugitive. He asks Fugitive, "Hey, you're pretty fast, right? If I give you some money can you zip down to the store and pick up enough for the rest of team." Omega turns to the teams and says, "While we're waiting on the test results, perhaps we should go and see if there's anything we can do to help with the inspection of the structure of the hospital. What we're looking for is anything that might cause a wall to rupture and collapse. I think Scar and some others may be here somewhere already looking into the matter. Let's see if we can find them and help out if we can--anyone have powers that might be of benefit--increased senses, that sort of thing?" Omega brings his hand to his chin and wonders if he should consult the Omega Force. It's not a gift he feels he should use overuse--and, for all he knows, the actions already taken (or being taken) might prevent Scar's vision from coming true. Omega decides he will wait and see if anything has yet been found. If there are still no clues as to what will cause the collapse then he will reconsider whether or not to use his own heightened sense of awareness.Vrya nods in agreement at Omega's suggestion to take a look at the structure of the hospital.She says quietly to him, "What exactly was Scar's vision this time? Do you know?" Omega rubs his chin thoughtfully and replies to Vyra, "He envisioned a crack forming in the hospital wall and then the entire wall collapsed. I wondered if it might have something to do with yesterday's attack on the hospital--structural damage not yet detected. We were going to bring one of Imp's mutant friends named Probe down here to have a look--he has heightened senses and might be able to detect structuaral damage. However, he tested positive for the Legacy Virus." Omega then adds, "The problem is that we don't really know WHAT, exactly will cause the collapse. Structural damage is just one theory and we've been so pre-occuppied with the Legacy Virus crisis we haven't really been able to brainstorm about the hospital situation. However, according to what Scar has said--if I understand it correctly--the crisis CAN be prevented. Perhaps it already has, but I don't think there is any way to know for certain. I do know that whatever is suppossed to happen here will happen sometime within the next 24 hours." Specter grunts then says, "Dude,like your losing me here.Different names,visions,places...and it's freaking pouring out here.Let's just get to the hospital,and you can explain all this a little slower.Man,I feel like I stepped into a soap opera..."

6:00-6:10 pm Omega approaches the telepathic mutant and extends his hand. "It would be an honor to have you on the leadership committee as far as I'm concerned." He looks around at the others already in leadership positions, "Is everyone else okay with that?" He then nods to Specter and replies, "It is pouring out here. Let's get inside. And as for a soap opera--you have no idea." Omega then explains, "Scar is a meta with the power of precognition. The power is a bit hard to describe but as I understand it, Scar is able to see potential future events. However, much like the visions the Ghost of Christmas Future showed to Scrooge, the events aren't exactly what WILL be but rather what MIGHT be--unless some type action is taken to intervene." Omega looks at Specter and sighs. "I know. It makes MY head hurt too. Oh, and when you meet Scar...just be prepared, he can be a bit um...intense at times. But he seems like a pretty good skeleton." Omega watches as the new meta's look at him in confusion. He smiles and nods, "Yeah, looks just like a skeleton. Freaked me out the first time I saw him but I tried not to let it show." Zephyr is the only one who seems to be taking this all in stride. "This gets curiouser and curiouser.The stings of fate twist and turn,but never knot.There are few who can ride those strings,even fewer who can accurately predict their course.Surely no mortal can do that,I will be very interested in meeting this Scar" Omega walks with the group back inside the hospital.Inside his phone beeps and he answers it.He hears the base, "...I have a message from Lord Galen...Tell all newcomers we appreciate and welcome their help. Imp will be picking a team of infecteds to take with her. No sense sending Striker II without a team on board. They have been instructed to stay out of range and do nothing till the other teams arrive..." While he has the base on the phone he asks if Scar's current location is known and if any new information specifically regarding the potential hospital crisis has been found.The base replies, "...Scar's last known location was the hospital...Poundage,Probe and Scar went to the hospital and I haven't received any reports afterwards..." He hangs up the phone and turns to the group. "Lord Galen,leader of the Guardians,wants me to relay his thanks and appreciation for all your help.I was also trying to see if the base had any information on Scar's location,or the hospital situation." Specter giggles slightly, "If you mean a real creepy skeletal guy,maybe it's that real creepy skeletal guy down there." He points out the window to the park below.Omega looks out the window and nods.The group makes it's way through the hospital,quickly and out the front doors.The walk across the street,into the park to meet Scar.The new meta's all take a step back,in shock,except Zephyr who stands calmly,studying him.

6:10-6:20 pm The rain falls hard,splashing all around the gathered meta's.Khaydra tries not to show any emotion when he sees Scar, but his appearance makes Khaydra step back and stare for a while. He has never seen a live skeleton before, and Scar surprises him.His reaction is mirrored by the other meta's around him,except Zehpyr who continues to study the living skeleton.Vyra says, "We meet again, Scar." He greets Vyra with a hand gesture and a nod of his head.Omega nods to Scar. "Scar,this is Amazin' Grace,Firewall,Mentor,Specter,Zephyr,Khaydra and Fugitive." All the new meta's nod as they are introduced.Zephyr looks Scar up and down,then asks "Tell me strange one,how do you 'see' things.What connection do you have to the Fates?" Omega looks at Zephyr a moment,at the seriousness in her face,then asks, "Scar? Have you learned anything new? can we help?" Vyra listens intently to what he has to say.Fugitive stands quiet a moment,then ask Omega, "So...um..you want me to run and get those phones for you?"

6:20-6:30 pm Khaydra slowly recovers as he looks at Scar.Omega nods to Fugitive. He gives him an adequate amount of cash and tells Fugitive where to go to get the phones. "Yeah, Fugitive--if you don't mind. I'd like to have everyone online with the communications network. We should probably get a few extras too--just in case we pick up some more metas as we go along." Fugitive dashes off,in a streak.Omega turns back to Scar and says softly, "As I said earlier, Scar--I want to help in any way that I can. We all do. We thought perhaps we might be able to do something to help prevent the disaster you saw in your vision--but I'm not really sure where to begin." Vyra listens to Scar's account of his visions.Scar remains stoic, "Everything is well here. They are cleaning up. Your mission though is one of disaster. In the mountains, I visioned a creature. I was there watching the pending battle, suddenly I came face to face with this creature, he knew I was watching. It knew I was there and it tried to attack me!!! There is another hulking creature of immense size and strength that you will confront, that is if you survive the Striker going down." Omega pauses a moment and then gestures towards the other metas, "Scar, the metas gathered here will be forming new teams devoted to the protection of Midville. You seem to prefer operating indepently but--would you be interested in joining us? I think you would be a great asset to the team." Scar turns to the one staring at him and stares back. Zephyr stares back,barely blinking. "So strange one,what is your connection to the Fates?" Scar breaks the stare and asks, "Where is Poundage?"

6:30-6:40 pm The rain continues but seems to slack slightly as the gathered heroes continue.Omega listens to what Scar has said and then reaches for his cell phone. As he does so, he tells Scar, "Poundage isn't with us. Last I heard, I think he and Vengeance were working on some type of attack plan..." Omega contacts Guardian Base and asks to speak with Lord Galen. "Galen? It's Omega. We've found Scar here at the hospital and he's had another vision...he envisioned a creature in the mountains in Colorado. He had a vision of the upcoming battle and, while the battle was unfolding, Scar came face to face with the creature and...he says it knew, Galen. He says it knew that it was being watched. Not only that, but it tried to attack him. Not in the future, but now. I know how that sounds. It doesn't sound possible, but...I don't believe this just was part of a vision--it seems the creature actually sensed Scar somehow...sensed him in the here and now...And there's more...Scar saw yet another creature which he describes as being of immense size and strength." Omega goes on quietly, "My God, Galen...what have they got out there? What have they been doing at that mountain base?" Omega then adds, "I believe Scar wanted to speak with Poundage. Base, could you please contact Poundage by phone and ask him to contact Scar?" Once Omega is finished speaking to Lord Galen and the base computer he glances over at Scar. Omega leans over to Vyra and whispers. "I haven't known him long, but I've never seen Scar get shaken up like this before." Vyra responds to Omega in a a hushed voice saying, "No. Not ever." She looks right at him and says, "Something's wrong, I can feel it." Omega walks over to Scar and says, "Scar, are you...okay?" Vyra asks to Scar, "What about the Striker going down?" As the group gathers around, Omega takes a deep breath, looks around at them and says, "What we're dealing with here shouldn't even be possible. I know there are some here who have to be smarter than me. Anyone have any theories?" Specter runs his fingers through his spiked hair then slowly says, "Well,like,I'm no expert,but when my powers manifested in my teens I did a little research into ghost and psychic phenomena.Here's how I would explain it,in simple terms.When these visions occur,he doesn't only view them.A part of his psychic,maybe even Astral,self actually travels into the future.This creature has the ability to 'see' astral or psychic entities.So if I'm correct,the creature hasn't 'seen' Scar yet.That will happen in the future.Does that sound plausible? Oh,and not to break up this little party,but The test results should be in." As he finishes Fugitive dashes up and hands Omega 12 cel-phones.Omega nods a thank you as Poundage and Vengeance both walk into the little group.

6:40-6:50 pm Scar continues his stoic look. He says to Omega, "Sometimes individuals are made to be on a team. Sometimes an individual can work better without a team.... I am that individual. Though I do appreciate the teamwork now and then I find it mostly smothering. Vyra is the 'light' of Midville, you should follow her lead." Omega glances to Vyra and says to Scar, "The light of Midville? I've always had a strong feeling that there was something very special about Vyra. I'll keep your advice in mind, Scar. And even if you don't join us 'officially', you can always count on us for support." Vyra nods to Poundage and Vengeance.Omega walks over and speaks to Poundage, "We were just trying to contact you, Poundage. I believe Scar wished to speak with you." Omega adds quietly, "He's just had a somewhat...disturbing...vision and I think it's rattled him a bit. Hell, it rattled all of us, I think. He can tell you more. I need to go with the others to check the test results." Scar steps back and gives a grimacing look to the new hero asking about the 'fates'. He says slowly but demanding, "You and I have yet to meet, therefore I will answer your questions when you've told who you are." Scar studies her for a moment.She glares at him and small tendrils of ice creep up her cheek,slowly starting to cover her hands. "I am Zephyr,Goddess of the winter storms.You would do well to watch your tongue.My...curiosity was to how you ride the strings of fate.I had assumed such an ability would belong to an Immortal,but I see it belongs to an insolent mortal." With that she turns and begins walking toward the hospital.Omega rejoins his team and says to Vyra, "Well, I guess this is it?" He gently places his hand on her back and says, "We'll get through this though...all of us...together." Omega goes with the group back inside the hospital. As they walk inside, he again phones the base and says, "Base, Poundage is here with us now. Please patch me through to Lord Galen." Omega then goes on, "Galen, Specter believes that perhaps Scar wasn't detected in the present but rather the creature Scar saw WILL detect him in the future. So--if that's true--that should mean that we still haven't been detected as yet. Hopefully, the enemy is still unaware of any activities going on here in Midville." Omega pauses and adds, "We're on our way now to find out the test results for the remaining metas. I don't know if you're a praying man, Galen but we sure could use whatever good thoughts you have to spare. I'll be in touch again soon." When they arrive at the hospital they wait nervously for the results.The nurse reads from a slip of paper,shaking slightly. "The following are positive and it is recommended they stay here to be treated.Amazin' Grace,Zephyr,Vyra and Maxi-Miss. Zehpyr scowls, ,"Damn this mortal shell.No matter,I shall inhabit another once this one perishes." The other metas stare at her,not sure how to take you last comment.

6:50-7:00 pm Khaydra blows a sigh of relief when he finds out that he doesn't have the virus, but gives Zephyr a puzzled look. Vyra looks at the nurse in disbelief. "Are you sure?" shes asks. She looks down at her body and mutters to herself, "I thought that perhaps my alien body would be immune to this disease." Omega looks around at the group and hangs his head,sadly.Omega then says, "As I said earlier, we'll all get through this together." Vyra turns to the nurse and asks, "How long will it be before this disease begins to affect me?" The nurse looks at her with compassion, "Well,miss,it is already affecting you.The virus's duration depends on the individual,but I would a matter of days if not stabilized.The quicker we treat you,the better the chances of recovery." Vyra replies, "Then I will go to Colorado with the Protectors and receive my treatment when I return." Omega looks to Amazin' Grace and Zephyr and says softly, "I'm sorry. But as I said earlier, you are both a part of this team now and we will not turn our backs on you." Amazin' Grace simply pulls her weapon from it's holster and cocks the barrel, "Enough of this,all the more reason to 'lock and load'." Zephyr raises an eyebrow and gives Omega a questioning look. "I don't need sympathy from a mortal.Death means nothing to me." Omega then walks closer to Vyra and Maxi-Miss and continues, "We WILL find a cure for this." He tries to maintain a strong and confident voice, but he can't help but feel a bit defeated by the news he's just received. He says softly, "I should let Galen know..." He again calls Guardian Base and says, "Galen...we have the results...Amazin' Grace...Zephyr...and..." Omega pauses a moment before continuing, "Maxi-Miss and Vyra. Two team leaders, Galen...would you like for our team to come to Guardian Base at this time? Are there enough medical beds there to stabilize four more metas while we finalize the planning?" After Omega has discussed the situation with Galen, he turns back to Vyra and says quietly, "Alien, huh? I guess I should be surprised by that but somehow, I'm not. Oh. Of course. I guess that weighed into your desire not to be scanned?" Omega then continues in a soft and reassuring voice, "I don't care where you're from, Vyra. I hope you don't think that I would judge you because you're not from...well, around here. Actually, I hold you in very high regard." Omega gives her what he hopes is a reassuring smile and nods towards Maxi-Miss, "Both you and your lieutenant." Maxi-Miss gives them both a weak smile,then looks down at her feet,a worried look on her face.Omega sighs and adds, somberly "Well, it seems we have learned that certain types of physiology aren't a certain defense against the Legacy Virus." Specter looks at Vyra a moment,then says, "So whats whats our next move?" Alloy lets out a small grunt then says, "Look Megs...I just can't do this,my hearts not in it." For a moment he looks at Omega then breaks the gaze and turns toward the roof access.The group watche as he leaves,knowing they have lost a great asset to the team.The silence is broken by Omega's phone beeping.He answers it and listens to a message from Galen, "Omega, I don't know what they have been up to out there but we need to know. I want us to go in from as many sides as possible."

7:00-7:10 pm Fugitive stands dumbfounded,he's still not completely sure as to what's going on here.Khaydra looks at the stricken heroes with pity in his eyes.Omega watches Alloy leave. Under his breath he mutters, "Damn." He looks around at the rest of the group, "Listen, all of you...it isn't going to get any easier from here and I'm not going to lie to you. We're up against nigh impossible odds. We're about to embark on what could easily become a suicide mission. It would be easy enough for us to stand aside and do nothing--but that's not what we're about. You all came down here tonight because you wanted to be part of something bigger than yourselves--each of you have amazing powers which you could use for other purposes if you selected to do so. But you didn't. You all chose the heroes path and that path has lead you here tonight--each of you. There may be others who want to walk away from this and, if that's the case, do so now--no less will be thought of you. We're only human--even those of us who are gods...or aliens...or those of us who don't yet fully understand WHAT we are. As a friend recently reminded me, the powers aren't the point. The point is that despite our foibles and quirks we still try to stand for something more. I guess it's passe to use the word 'superhero' these days, but that's what each of you are. And standing for something more than yourself is what being a superhero is all about. Ladies and gentelmen, believe me I am NOT overstating this--it is about to fall to us to do nothing less than save the world. Welcome to the team." With grim determination, Omega reaches for his cell phones.He hears the base, "...the base has a total of six beds available...and Lord Galen says bring the team in..." He replies to Galen, "Understood, Galen. We're headed your way now." Omega tells the members to meet at the statue in Rathbone Park (Area 15,16). "We'll rendezvous here and enter Guardian Base. Be discreet. We don't want to give away the location to too many people. We'll discuss our plan of attack at the base. Let's go." Vyra looks towards Spector and says, "What do we do? We regroup, come up with a plan, and we kick ass." They each head for the park using the unique forms of transportation their powers give them.Minutes later they begin to assemble at the statue in the park.

7:10-7:20 pm The rain is heavy and the rumble of thunder is heard.Scar walks over to the group of other heroes and says, "Excuse me, but I will not be joining you in Colorado. Midville will be up for grabs if all of us leave. One must stay behind and that one is me. Good luck." Omega nods to Scar and says, "You're right, Scar. We shouldn't leave Midville completely unprotected. Perhaps some other metas should also stay behind--just in case--or perhaps the mutants could help us?" Scar turns his attention to the walls of the hospital and the workers.Khayda has a thoughtful look on his face but remains silent.Vrya takes a silent count of all those under her leadership to make sure they all arived safetly.Omega notices Vyra looking around and counting heads and does the same for those assigned to his team. He pulls out his cell phone to contacts Guardian Base. "Galen, we've arrived. Permission to enter the base?" The only answer is the a swish of water as the bridge breaks the surface of the lake.Omega looks around at the heroes standing in the rain and continues, "Everyone follow Vyra, Maxi and I..." It takes two trips each for Vyra and Omega,but after a couple of minutes the hroes are gathered in the Guardian Base hangar.The door to the hangar slides open and a man in brown and black walks in.Omega looks at the gathered group, "Everyone, this is Lord Galen...leader of the Guardians.Galen this is Fugitive,Khaydra,Amazin' Grace,Firewall,Zephyr,Specter and Mentor." Omega then turns to Galen and says quietly, "Well, Galen...I suppose now we wait for the info from the recon mission? Has the base computer developed any theories about these creatures Scar saw in his vision? He was really shaken up, Galen. More than I've ever seen...I think he really wanted to go with us to Colorado, but he feels it is his duty to remain here and watch over Midville. I was thinking maybe we could contact some of our new mutant friends and ask them to help with local patrols in our absence?" As the heroes stare around at the hangar,Omega approaches Mentor and says, "Well, now that Alloy is gone I will need someone else to second the Protectors team. You're already on the leadership committee. What do you say?" She replies, [I would honored.] Omega waits for an answer and then continues, "We'll also need another member to fill Alloy's slot on the leadership committee. And it looks like we're a member short now." Omega again turns to Mentor and asks, "Do you think one of your mutant friends might be interested in joining? Perhaps Probe or Mental?" Mentor scowls as her reply reaches Omega's mind. [Are you saying because I am a mutant THEY were my friends? I have no clue who they are,besides YOU brought Mental to the meeting remember? Please do not lump all mutants into one group.] Omega suggests that those who were recently diagnosed with the Legacy Virus undergo the stabalization process.

7:20-7:30 pm Lord Galen welcomes the gathered heroes and begins to lead them through the base to the medlab.The new heroes gawk around them,amazed at their surroundings.Omega turns to Mentor and says softly, "Mentor…can you read my thoughts? Please do so now." Omega then speaks to Mentor telepathically, [I meant no disrespect. I thought that you were part of the same underground mutant movement as Probe and Mental. When you spoke up earlier about wanting to represent ‘the’ mutants I assumed that you were speaking specifically of this particular group. I shouldn’t have assumed that—but it’s been a long and tiring day for me. I asked you into my mind to show you my trust and to show you the concern I have had concerning the growing anti-mutant sentiments. I want you to know that I have vowed to do everything I can to stand against such hatred. If you are to be my second, Mentor I need you to trust me and I need you to know what type of person I truly am. Such things must be earned, I know—but there is precious little time. So, I open my mind to you…so that you can ‘see’ for yourself.”] Omega allows the events of the day to replay in his mind. He attempts to convey to Mentor the sense of duty and conviction he feels as the ‘chosen’ of the Omega Force. He smiles at her and hopes he has taken at least a small step towards earning her trust and respect.She grins back and nods her head. Zephyr increases her pace until she is walking side by side with Galen. "So,finally,I meet royalty.A pleasant surprise after the rabble I have been forced to abide." Khaydra walks along quietly,a concerned look on his face.As Omega’s thoughts return to the here and now, he looks over and sees Vyra—her face radiant with concern. Vyra looks to Galen and Omega and asks, “Without Scar, how can we be sure of the location of this enemy? And what if he has another vision?” Omega nods in agreement, "He is a man of deep convictions. He feels his duty is to Midville. But you have an excellent point. I would suggest at least keeping in contact with Scar. That way, he could keep us up to date on what’s happening here and also let us know if he has another vision. Perhaps the recon mission will reveal something more about the location of the enemy?" The group arrives at the medlab,seeing Reaper inside.Maxi-Miss looks at the two remaining beds, "I'll stay here,with Amazin' Grace.That leaves Zephyr and Vyra in the Striker."

7:30-7:40 pm Lord Galen looks at Zephyr with disdain, "Zephyr, I don't know why you would call these people rabble,after all, they will be fighting for your life as well. Here I am not royalty, I am a comrade." Zephyr begins to to giggle,trying to cover her mouth with her hand.Omega walks over and looks at Zephyr, "Rabble? Is that what you think of us? Why join us ‘mere mortals’ then, Zephyr? And Galen may not be royalty but he’s worked tirelessly today trying to help find a cure for the Legacy Virus—not because he is infected but because he wants to try to help others who are—his friends, colleagues and most of all mankind in general. I would think a ‘goddess’ would understand the need to think of others first. Galen says he’s not royalty, rather a comrade—I would say that he’s something more than either of those things. He’s a hero. You could learn a lot from him —and many of the others here—about what that word means…Goddess." Zephyr stops her giggling and glares in Omega's direction. "Do you believe this is MY choice? To walk among the inferior mortals? That I would choose to be a 'hero'? I AM A GODDESS.Deities do not 'think of others',we rule OVER them.We extract worship and awe from them.Curse you all! Curse the Fates for my predicament! " She crosses her arms at her ample breast in defiance.Khaydra walks with the group, still looking a bit confused at all of the talk. Omega notices him and walks over to him. Omega gently places his hand on Khaydra’s shoulder and says softly, "A lot to take in all at once, isn’t it? Believe me, I understand. If you have any questions about anything that’s going on—or any suggestions that you feel would benefit us—don’t be afraid to speak up. Everyone’s opinion is valued on this team.' Galen says, "Base, prepare to stabilize patients." The clear wall slides open and Maxi-Miss and Amazin' Grace enter.Omega watches as the infected metas walk towards the various stabalization chambers. He walks with them as far as he can.Vyra nods at Max-Miss then looks to Zephyr and asks, "Who else will be in the Striker?" Zephyr looks over haughtily, "You will have the pleasure of my company." Sitting in the medlab,Reaper concentrates on a view screen.He ask, "Base, have any metas been recorded with names similar to Reaper?" The base replies, "...working...working...I am unable to find any recorded meta's with that name ,or a similar one..." Omega pulls Lord Galen to a corner. Omega speaks to Galen quietly, "Didn’t mean to butt in with Zephyr, but she’s just been pushing all the wrong buttons with me." Omega pushes back his visor and rubs his eyes, "We lost Alloy. I’m not sure what happened…he just decided he couldn’t handle it, I guess…I don’t think he’s coming back. He was very powerful. It’s a big loss for our side."

7:40-7:50 pm Fugitive walks over to Reaper and starts to talk with him. "Hey,um, I'm new and I'm still kinda lost,right.Heck, I'm a 16 year old boy, what do you expect? Anyway, you just seem like the type of person who can explain things,as if to a little kid,no offense." Omega rubs his eyes a moment longer and then glances around the base at the metas gathered. He says quietly, "Some of them are just kids, Galen..." Omega replaces his visor and collects himself. He turns to Galen and asks, "What's our next move?" Vyra smiles politely to Zephyr, hoping she's not a mind-reader, for her thoughts might offend the "goddess" further.She leads Zephyr out of the medical office headed for the Striker.Khaydra glances over at Omega and Galen,wondering what they are talking about, but then lets his mind wander about the up coming mission.Maxi-Miss and Amazin' Grace get comfortable in the medlab,Amazin' Grace pulling the weapon from her side and beginning to tinker with it.

7:50-8:00 pm Lord Galen replies, "Omega, butting in with "The Goddess" is not a problem. My worry is, How will she affect the team? I've been thinking about the next move. As everyone has guessed, a covert operation seems to be the best bet. I still want a grounds and air team as back up, but we need a small party to go in silently. I would like you to lead the air team. I will lead the ground team. I think we need the strongest superhero available to lead the covert operation. I believe that hero would be Poundage. Base, get me Poundage on the communication link. Ask him if he will lead the covert team into the mountain, and if so, who he would like with him." The base is heard, "...affirmative..." Galen continues, "Also, Omega. We need to keep everyone clear of the mountain while the covert team goes in. I want everyone far enough away that we are not noticed. Base, inform Imp to not go within sight of the mountain. Just within scanning range. Do not scan without my order. We do not want them to have any inclination we are coming." "...affirmative..." Omega nods to Galen, "Sounds like a good plan to me, Galen. Between the Guardians, Protectors and the Sentinels we have a fairly large group and we can split them up however would be best." Omega rubs his chin and continues, "Hmmmmm...let's see...I would also recommend Mentor for the stealth team. She could establish a silent, telepathic link between the metas...and perhaps the team should include Specter as well...he seems fairly powerful and he should be able to penetrate their defenses. We should probably keep the stealth group small--I had thought earlier that perhaps having someone with electrical powers might be beneficial as they might be able to use that ability to short out electronics--perhaps someone like that on the stealth team as well, if we have someone like that available?" Omega then says, "As for the aerial team--they should probably all be fliers--let's see, how many on the team have some type of flight power? There's me, Vyra, Specter--but I still think he's best for the stealth team you mentioned--Reaper has flight powers...who am I missing? Galen, if I may? Base computer...please list all metas known to us with some type of flight abilities--to include the infected metas." The base replies, "...Vyra,Omega,Wraith and Reaper all have flight abilities...Specter's abilities include walking on air...and Vengeance has shown the ability to 'float' using his magnetics..." Omega then says to Galen, "That leaves your ground assault team. Both Afterburn and Fugitive have the power of enhanced speed. That might give a tactical advantage on the ground. Well, those are just some of my suggestions. We also don't yet know what these 'X-Men' are capable of doing for us and I'm not sure as to the rest of the breakdown. We MIGHT have enough metas to have TWO ground teams, if you want to go that route--perhaps let Vyra or one of the others lead the other ground team and come at them from two directions. Then again, it might be better to have one more powerful team. Well, like I said those are just my suggestions and they may or may not be valid. I do think that no matter how we split up, we should be ready to converge and enter that base quickly should the covert team be discovered. What are your thoughts, Galen?" The base then speaks, "...might I suggest an alteration to the strategy?..the ground forces should engage the enemy at the time the covert team enters the base to draw attention and forces away from the covert team.....also the number of ground units should equal the number of entrances and exits discovered...Assault each to deter any escape...the air units should be held in reserve,called out when air support is needed...or when a ground unit needs more 'muscle'...of course all this conjecture is moot until the scout team has better recon to report..."

8:00-8:10 pm Reaper walks over to the clear wall and asks, "So, what's going on? How much have I missed?" Lord Galen looks in his direction then continues his discussion, Omega, as far as the covert team goes, If Poundage accepts the leadership I want him to pick his own team. I believe he will take your suggestions into consideration." Omega nods to Galen, "It would be best to allow each team leader to pick his or her own respective teams. Base, please let Poundage know that we have additional metas here which can be assigned to his team should he with to utilize them. Suggestions are Mentor for silent, telepathic communication; Specter for stealth and power and perhaps a meta with some type of electrical abilities if we have one available. However, please stress that team selection is entirely up to him and these are only suggestions." Fugitive clears his throat, "UM,I have electrical control abilities." Khaydra steps forward, "I think I would do the best being part of the ground force." Lord Galen then speaks to the base. Base as for your suggestion, I have thought that way as well. My worry there is having the enemy destroy any cure they may have knowing we are there. I want to try the silent approach first. Let the covert team get in and see if the need the distraction. If so, we can move then." Omega turns to Galen and continues, "And you're right--the absolute worst thing that could happen is that they destroy the cure--or the information pertaining to the cure--before we're able to get our hands on it. Maybe the report from the recon team will help us out with our planning but I think we're on the right track. The base is right, though--depending on what they find out there--it could change everything. One things for certain though, Galen. We're going to have a hell of a fight on our hands out there. I can feel it coming." The base then says, "...incoming message from Poundage...he and Vengeance will be at the base shortly...he will talk about it then...as for my suggestions...I am assuming the forces we face will not automatically destroy data or equipment till it is seen that the battle is lost...an attack from other forces will force the enemy to pull units to defend against the attack,therefore the covert team will face less organized resistance and possibly get to the date or cure before it is destroyed..."

8:10-8:20 pm Lord Galen replies, "Alright. I will wait for Poundage and Vengeance to arrive." Khaydra just stands around with the group, waiting for what happens next.Omega waits for the others to arrive. He turns to Fugitive and says, "Your powers may be very useful to us, Fugitive. Are you able to use your powers to short out electical circuitry? Things like defensive weapons, survelience and the like? You will be of great value to us as well, Khaydra. We'll finalize the team breakdowns once the others arrive and once we learn more from the recon team." Omega walks over to Amazin' Grace and nods to her weapon, "Don't worry--you'll get a chance to use it soon enough, Grace. I just hope it makes really, really big holes in things." The helmut turns in his direction,then returns to the weapon.Omega turns to Reaper and says, "Hello again, Reaper. So--tell me, have you given any more thought to joining our group? I think you'd make a fine addition to the team. Unfortunately, we lost Alloy so we are a member short as it is." Reaper says, "I've been giving it some thought. Although...wait a minute. Do any of the metas here have the ability to read minds?" As he seems to concentrate,the base comments, "...I have an incoming message from Poundage...Omega, this is Poundage. Vengeance and I will be there in a second..."

8:20-8:30 pm Khaydra starts to speak,but remains silent.Omega replies, "No problem Poundage. We're standing by here." Omega turns to Reaper and says, "Mentor has the ability to read minds. Why do you ask?" Reaper will say, "While I slept, I had this dream...something from my past, which, I can't remember. I have the feeling it's important. If I can get someone to read my mind, maybe they can get some more information." Mentor walks forward but stops when she hears Amazin' Grace, "I don't think now is the time we need to worry about 'your past'.We should be conserving our energy and concentration for the mission to come." She neatly flips her side arm to its holster and rises from the bed. "Now we should be concerned with our future,or lack thereof." As she finishes speaking Vengeance and Poundage enter the medical office.

8:30-8:40 pm Lord Galen looks at Poundage and Vengeance, "Thanks for coming. Its so nice to see you. So, Poundage, What about leading the covert op? You up for it?" Vengeance walks toward the medlab and is stopped by the clear wall. "...I can not allow you to enter the med lab...it is under quarantine..." Vengeance replies, "I need to rest up before we leave." Khaydra steps up behind him and fixes Amazin' Grace with a look. "Well, maybe his dream is important to this mission and could help, but just a thought," ,he says. Amazin' Grace looks at Khaydra and her voice softens, "So the silent one speaks.Your correct,but I assumed if it had any bearing to the mission he would have said so." Poundage looks over the group. "Listen, all I need is Probe and maybe a couple others. One, like someone else said, for silent communication and maybe another strong man to help with a quick escape if needed. At the same time, I don't want anyone who can't take a few good hits. With Probes abilities, I am hoping to gain access to the mountain and possibly find info on a cure. We could also track down the leaders and take them. If we can do that, The army they have may lay down. I don't mean to sound like I am trying to take over the operation or build myself to be a badass. I just know that if we need to make a quick escape, I am strong enough to move large sections of the mountain and maybe save some lives. Also, every bit of my skin is covered. Therefore, I should be able to carry anyone with the virus. Right base?" It takes a moment before the base replies, "...I am not completely sure how the virus spreads...skin to skin contact does not seem the only way it speads..." Poundage is silent a moment,gathering his thoughts. Omega looks to Poundage and says, "I think you're definitely on the right track, Poundage. I was the one who suggested the telepath on your team. Mentor--a new member of the Protectors--could be assigned to your team if you wish. Also, I agree that the covert team should be small. Specter might add a bit of muscle to your team, and my other thought was to have someone with lightning control abilities that could short out the survelence equipment and defensive weapons if needed. Fugitive has this ability and also has the power to move very fast, like Afterburn. Of course, it is your team and I agree with Lord Galen the final selections should be yours. Those are just some of my suggestions." Poundage continues, "As far as the ground attack goes, I think we should try to lure their forces away from the mountain to avoid the covert team being trapped between two enemy forces. Any input that might help would be greatly appreciated. As far as who goes with me, It doesn't matter as long as they can handle themselves and can take some shots. I am honored to be asked if I wanted to do it this way. This was my plan all along." Omega nods, "I think you're probably right about the ground assault team too--we need to detract as much attention from the covert team as possible." The two are interrupted by Reaper, "So which group, if any, am I going with?" Omega looks at Reaper and says, "Hey bud, I never did get an answer to my earlier invitation--whether or not you would like to join the Protector's team officially--but whether you do or not, you're welcome to come with us and fight by our side. Since you can fly, you should probably be part of the aerial team that Lord Galen suggested--so you'll be with my group regardless. I think the fliers main job will be to back up the ground team and provide them with cover and support where needed. We should also be prepared to cover the covert teams withdrawal if they are discovered. Once the attack team breakdowns are finalized perhaps we can plan a bit more."

8:40-8:50 pm Reaper replies to Omega, "Ok, thanks. As for joining permanently, I still don't know. I'm giving it some serious thought. As for the dream, I really doubt it's important. Although, if it WAS a memory, it had something to do with someone...making someone better. Almost sounds like they're talking about the virus. Would you mind updating me on what we know so far?" Lord Galen walks over and claps Poundage on the shoulder. "I am glad you accept the leadership. I see good in you. Once we find out how many entrances and exits tere are you can let us know which way you wish to go in. We can then fake an attack on the opposite side. I don't think we need team breakdowns. Anyone with flight ability will go with the aerial team, all others on the ground. Poundage pick your team." "I'll go on the least important ground force, so I can get a feel for what this is going to be like." Khaydra says to the group. Vengeance looks around and sees a group of unfamiliar heroes. "Hey guys,why don't we wait until the X-Men get here before we get too detailed on the plans.We don't know what we are working with yet.Maybe get some ideas from their team as well." Omega nods and says, "Perhaps we SHOULD wait on the X-Men to arrive and also on the report from the recon team, before we make more definitive plans. I know it's hard just sitting around here and waiting--and I think the plan we have so far is a good one--but we should be sure that we have as much info as possible before deciding upon a final course of action." Poundage listens then replies, "I surprisingly agree with Omega. Before I can pick a team, I need to know all the options available. When the X-men get here, I can see who all is going and make my decision then. As far as the fliers, we must remember that they have surface to air missiles and mini-jets. To any and all fliers, BE CAREFUL. I don't want this to end up a rescue mission." The woman in brown,a stylized M on her chest steps forward and everyone gathered hears a soft voice in their head, [I am Mentor.I'm the telepath Omega spoke of.I would be honored to assist this covert team you will leading Poundage] A man in orange and green,an 'S' at his throat,speaks next, "I call myself Specter,you know like a ghost.I think my abilities are very well suited for the covert team.I can go through anything,well almost.I found force fields are a bit of a problem.Also I seem to be able to take some pounding,that is IF anything can hit me." He shows a large smile at the last statement.Omega asks the base, "How much longer before these X-Men arrive, or until we get the report from the recon team?" The mechanical voice replies, "...arrival of X-Men unknown...the recon team should be on target approximately 9:30 pm..." Poundage seems to debate with himself for a moment then says, "When the X-men get here, give me a call and I will be back." He strides out of the medical office,purposefully.

8:50-9:00 pm Vengeance watches Poundage walk out then replies, "Base let me know when something happens I am going to work on my project.Gentlemen,ladies I will see you later." He exits the medical office as Khaydra says, "So, who on the X-men is showing up? I'd like to meet a couple of them." All the gathered heroes hear Mentor's voice in their heads. [I too look forward to meeting the mutant rebels.] Lord Galen looks about the medical office at the group, "Alright, We shall all await the arrival of the X-Men. Any one hungry? Cafeteria is open." Omega looks at Galen and says, "I'm starving. I'll join you in a moment, if you don't mind." Omega looks around, "Anyone else? I know it's a strange time to think about food but we all need to be well fed and rested prior to the upcoming battles." Specter licks his lips, "Hot damn! Let's chow!" The healthy heroes begin to follow Galen out of the medical office.Reaper wants to follow but finds himself on the other side of the clear wall.He says, "Omega, I still need to know what you've found out about the virus." Omega waits,as the others leave the medical office.

9:00-9:10 pm Omega replies to Reaper, "The Guardian Base computer has been given all the data that I have, Reaper. We really don't know much more than we did--essentially, we know that it was manufactured initially as a bio-weapon against mutants. But it's now mutated to a point where it will affect everyone. And it's spreading at an alarming rate. The base computer can give you more detailed information if you need it." He nods to Reaper and begins to make his way to the kitchen/dining area.On the way his mind races,'spreading at an alarming rate...' He enters the cafeteria,seeing the gathered group all eating some sort of meal.Omega walks into the room and asks the computer for something to eat--a hamburger, some fries--and a cup of coffee, hot and black. He takes his food and goes to sit near Lord Galen.After a couple of bites Omega turns to Lord Galen and says, "Speaking with Reaper just now, I realized that the Legacy Virus must be spreading quite rapidly both here in Midville and in other parts of the country. I wonder how the public is reacting. It might not be a bad idea to check the local news stations, as well as national outlets like CNN--to get a feel for what's going on out there right now--how high the panic level is." Omega takes a sip of his coffee and continues, "You know, there's something I've been wondering--this virus travels so quickly and attacks with such ferocity. If it were isoloated--but it's obviously not exclusively limited to Midville. If this had started with one or two and then spread slowly--from patient zero and on--I could understand that, but this is an epidemic. Of course, we know it's man made but still--I had thought that perhaps the virus was a bio-weapon that had gotten out of control and been released accidentally but now I'm not so sure. I wonder if it wasn't released on purpose--the virus had to have originated from somewhere. But what I can't wrap my mind around is the motivation for something like this--what could anyone possibly gain by wiping out all human life on the planet?"

9:10-9:20 pm Lord Galen answers, "Maybe the answer to that is also in the mountain. Why would someone want a world without people? What would there be to rule. You would be the King of nothing." Khaydra sits at the table, eating his food.He listens to the conversation,looking from one hero to the other.Omega replies, "Yes, exactly. The only thing I can figure is that maybe a select group is meant to be spared--that gives me hope that the antidote already exists. But you're right, perhaps we will find all the answers we seek in Colorado. One thing is certain, my friend--we are dealing with absolute madmen." Omega looks at the other metas around the table and gives them a reassuring smile. "This is the calm before the storm. It won't be much longer now." Specter smiles back, "Yea buddy!I am ever so ready for some action.Those madmen won't know what hit'em." Omega glances at Galen and asks, "Galen, if I may access the computer? I don't know if I've thanked you properly for allowing use of your base today, Galen. This place has been a godsend. Do you mind if we check out the outside news?"

9:20-9:30 pm Omega checks the news from outside the base.The base retracts a section of the wall to expose a view screen.The view screen comes to life and flips through many channels before settling on CNN.The commentator sits in front of a graphic that says 'Viral Invasion'.The commentator speaks,glancing to his left periodically,watching for any updates. "...National Guard has been called in.To update,many cities have instituted a curfew,citizens are expected to remain indoors after 9 pm.There have been riots in New York,Washington,Seattle and Detroit." Behind the news anchor footage shows huge crowds screaming and throwing rocks at National Guardsmen in front of an annonomous city building. "There are reports pouring in from all over the U.S. of individuals attacked by vigilante groups.The latest confirmed numbers are 68 people injured and 62 people killed in such attacks,though it is not known if these individuals are or were mutants.Medical experts are confirming an alarming number of patients are showing up at overworked hospitals with the virus.Bed space is dwindling and many hospitals have no choice but to turn away patients.The president is meeting with his advisors and inside sources confirm that the National Guard will be mobilized to set up M.A.S.H units near populated areas.Also sources confirm that the president is debating instituting a 'mutant confinement' policy though details are unknown..." Mentor stands quickly,a scowl on her face.For the first time she is heard speaking out loud, "YOU BASTARDS!! As if confining mutants will halt the spread of the virus.He is about to sign the death warrant for every mutant.Collect them in concentration camps and allow the virus to kill them all." The other metas stare at her a moment before she turns her back and carries her dishes to the sink.She remains standing there,her back to the group,her hands clenched into fist.Omega asks the computer to contact Vyra and the other metas in isolation. "Hey guys, how you making it? You must be hungry. Can I bring you something from the cafeteria?" Vyra replies, "I could handle a ham sandwich." The other meta's reply with a no before the base replies, "...patients are fed intraveneously to maintain healthy blood/nutrient levels..."

9:30-9:40 pm Lord Galen stands and says, "Base,contact Imp in the Striker. Tell her I need information to give to the public now. Contact the media. We are broadcasting as soon as possible. We need them to know confining mutants is not the answer. Contact the Whitehouse and see if the president will speak to me." The base replies, "...working..." Khaydra looks around the table and says, "They should at least try to find a vaccine so that they don't have to kill so many people." Next Imp is heard, "I'm here Galen,we are just making our first pass over the mountain.To the naked eye all I see is a couple small buildings...two very large barns...the mountain has patches of forest but I don't see anything that would point to an underground installation.We will be making another pass at this altitude and hope to have more detailed scans." Omega looks to Galen and says, "Let me know if you need any help, Galen."You're right--we need to try to reassure the public now, we can't afford to wait any longer." There is a feeling of tension in the room as the base says, "..I have contacted the media,and we have local and national outlets standing by...unable to connect to the President...perhaps speaking through to the media will get the message to him..." Omega glances towards Mentor and adds, "This situation is getting worse by the minute. If they start locking people up in what amounts to concentration camps...my God, this is chilling." Mentor turns to face them all, "This began with a government operation and continues with a man with government connections.I don't think it's a coincindence.The government wants mutants out of the way." Omega orders up a ham sandwhich for Vyra anyway. He tells Galen, "I'm going to check on the others and inform them of what's going on. If you need me, give a yell." Omega makes his way to the Striker,carrying the ham sandwich.When he arrives at the hangar he steps into the Striker.He makes a left and finds a clear wall blocking his path into the medlab.Inside he sees Vyra and Zephyr on the medical beds,both staring at the ceiling.

9:40-9:50 pm "Oh, hello" ,Vyra says to Omega. "Me and Zephyr here were just having a ... a chat, I think." Zephyr glances over but remains quiet.Omega tries to figure out a way to get the ham sandwich in to Vyra. He looks at the glass barrier and then down at the sandwhich. "Um..I brought you a ham sandwich anyway, Vyra...but I'm not sure how to get it in there..." As he finishes a small section of the wall slides to the side and Omega hands the sandwich in.He continues, "News from the outside is grim. People are dying right and left. It's a world-wide crisis. The government is preparing to step in and it looks like they are going to try to make mutants into the scapegoat for this thing--possibly all metas. Mentor is beginning to think that this whole thing was calculated...yesterday, I would've thought that would be a very paranoid thing to believe but now...I'm not so sure anymore...I've been having some thoughts of my own about what might really be going on here but they're pretty far out...maybe it's just the stress of the day getting to me...we don't know anything for sure yet." Zephyr rises from the bed, "Mortals are forever conspiring to kill each other.So any subversive plot does not surprise me."

9:50-10:00 pm Omega replies, "Well, I suppose it's still possible that the mutated version of the Legacy Virus was released by accident, but if not--then that means whoever, or whatever, is behind this is intent on wiping out all human life on Earth. All I know is that no matter how this thing got started, it's up to us to stop it. I'm going back with the others, call if you should need anything." Zephyr raises an eyebrow, "Sounds like someone really pissed off one of the Deities...curious..." She glances over at Vyra with a knowing look.Omega walks away from the medlab,his heels clanking on the metal entrance ramp.He steps onto the hangar floor to be met by seven metas.Poundage and Scar are the only two he recognizes.

10:00-10:10 pm Poundage asks the base, "Where should we all meet to discuss this with the scanning team?" The base replies, "...I would suggest the strategy session take place aboard the Striker I...the discussion could take place during the 50 minute flight to Colorado...X-Men,Lord Galen welcomes you and will be with you as soon as he finishes with his braodcast...the one known as Phoenix,stay where you are..do not move..." Phoenix shrugs his shoulders, "I have been eager to meet some of the other heroes but Poundage kind of butted me out of the conversation. Scar told me a lot about it though. I would like to continue the conversation but the sooner we get going,the sooner I can rest and get my energy back. Can make this quick?" Scar shakes his head, "I have serious problems with entering the Striker due to my vision. Is anyone flying solo and can I hitch ride with you?" Psylocke looks at Scar and wrinkles her nose, "I think we all are riding this craft.Flying would tire the flier and make them useless at the mountain." Omega steps forward and introduces himself, "I'm Omega--the meta who initially contacted you. We've learned a great deal since then and have been attempting to formulate a plan, but decided it would be best to wait until you guys arrived so we could all compare notes. But the more we learn, the scarier this thing gets. The Legacy Virus is man-made and was initially designed as a weapon against mutants--now, for reasons still unknown to us--it's evolved so that it affects all humanoid life. We have seen it infect mutants, metas, non-metas...even aliens. We've tracked it to a group called the 'Friends of Humanity' who have some sort of mountain base in Colorado. Poundage and Scar may have already briefed you on all this...Scar is also pre-cognative and has had some very...disturbing visions..." A blush rises on Phoenix's face. " So your Omega? I came to Midville to find you. But my problems are petty right now. Scar has informed me of most of this...Oh and Poundage I didn't come here to search for you.It was Omega so if you you would let off the comments that would make things go a lot smoother." His flame flares slightly and Phoenix grins.The sound of footsteps ring from the hall,followed by the entrance of Vengeance.

10:10-10:20 pm Scar turns to Phoenix and says, "I told you nothing, what you know comes from what I've told Poundage. You just happened to be in the listening area. So if you consider learning that I've changed my mind and decided to go to Colorado to be the biggest news flash of the day then I guess that I made your day. You and I are not getting off on the right foot. I suggest you change your personality a bit." Phoenix takes a step forward and stares at the speaker on the wall, "Yea,I can tell some of you don't want me here." Poundage chuckles and looks to Phoenix. "Flare away flamer. If you didn't come looking for me, why did you follow me and eaves drop on my conversations. You told me you were looking for the Guardians. Make up your mind. I also told you that there were numbers you could call. I guess you either don't know what a phone is or you have a fixation with Scar or myself." Poundage looks to the group. "Sorry everyone. I guess everyone knows I am the a-hole hero of Midville. It's just a shame so many people like me. I'm ready whenever everyone else is." Phoenix looks around at the gathered heroes, "Why am I on trial?" He looks over to Vengeance, "And may I ask who you are? Without being jumped on or attacked by words? But the saying is curiosity killed the cat." Vengeance glances at the new meta then back at the remainder of the group, "Lets go to Colorado already.We can meet and greet on the way." He strides across the hangar and up the ramp of the Striker.Omega then turns to Psycloche and says, "I believe holding the briefing on the Striker is a good idea. We should probably get underway soon. The basic plan we had is for Poundage to lead a covert team into the base and attempt to retrieve an anditdote for the virus--or at least the information to create such and anditdote--Lord Galen will lead a ground assault team as a diversion and I'll lead an aerial team to cover from the sky. However, we're waiting on additional information now from our recon team--information from them might change things, depending on what they find out there." Scar turns to the group and says, "My visions have been disturbing to say the least. First the Striker goes down, then there are 'creations' in the mountain. Not only will we be fighting armed forces but 2 or 3 monstrosities as well. One can see me in the vision and has tried to attack me there." Rogue pats Colossus on the shoulder, "Not to worry...um...Scar...me and Colossus here can handle a monstrosity or two...and if you see the future,perhaps we can change the Striker being shot down." Omega steps up to Phoenix and extends his hand. "I'm Omega, Phoenix. You said you came looking for me? Believe me, right now we could use all the help we can get. Why don't you tell me a little about yourself and your powers?"

10:20-10:30 pm "I thought we were over this hole jump on Phoenix thing but I guess not. Omega I have searched for you since I got here because I saw you in a news paper and decided to find you. But like I said this is not important now. You have much bigger troubles then I do. My powers are very simple and would assist more in the medic range. I can port but not very far but this would get the injured away from the enemy faster and I have a trusty eagle though he is not coming,time restraints will not allow me to go get him. I have this flame as you can see and thats about it. But we can talk for about 20 minutes into the flight then I have to get some rest to regain my energy." ,Phoenix says quickly.Omega nods to Phoenix, "You might be best for the aerial team, Phoenix--you can take care of any fliers who are knocked out of the sky." The base breaks the silence in a loud voice, "...All heroes going to the mountain meet Lord Galen in the hangar...We are preparing to leave....those unfamiliar with the layout of the base just follow the doors as they open for you..." The group from the dining room stumble into the hangar.Right behind them through the door is the group from the medlab,staying off to one side.Right on their heels strides Lord Galen,marching right to the ramp before turning to face the gathered group.Omega asks Poundage, "Do you have everyone you need in your group?" Poundage looks over the heroes. "For my team I would like to take Probe for his scanning, Mentor for her telepathy, Spector for the whole ghost thing, and Scar because he can short out the electricity. Scar also has a weakness detection. This could help against any monsters. I would also like to take an X-men member? One of the strong ones perhaps. Then we may also get some advice if needed. Any advice or volunteers? Not too many." Omega turns to Galen,"Lord Galen, if it's acceptable to you, we can include Rogue and Phoenix in the aerial team. Are we still going with the three-pronged attack approach? Anyone have any tactical suggestions to offer up?" The large silver man smiles at Rogue, "Dat means I'm going into the mountain..." He slams a metal fist into his palm. "..for Katyen..." ,he says as he follows Poundage into the Striker.

10:30-10:40 pm Galen turns towards Omega, "That will be acceptable but keep this Phoenix on a short leash. We dont need stupidity out there." Omega nods to Galen and looks to Phoenix, "I'll keep an eye on him." Galen looks over at the three X-men, "X-Men ,Welcome.Sorry I couldn't greet you before. You are a welcome addition. Alright, All flyers on the aerial team,all others not with the covert team with me on the ground. Our first objective is to draw all defensive personnel away from the mountain. Any suggestions?" As he speaks he boards the Striker I,the group of heroes following him.Once all are aboard the ramp retracts and the large outer door swings silently shut.There is a small,building whine as Reaper draws his sword and begins to examine it. "...preparing for take-off...everyone find a seat...those infected meta's should go to the rear of the craft,there is a medlab...there are three beds and two chairs...", the base says as the heroes feel a slight shutter in the Striker I.There is a moment of milling around as the infected group goes to the medalb and the remaining heroes try to find a seat.There are only seven seats in the main compartment so only half the remaining group find a seat.The others grab onto chairs and counters.The Striker rises quickly,everyone feeling that elevator feeling.Accelerating slowly,the Striker soars westward over the city.Omega then turns to Rogue and says, "Glad to have you on my team. Is that a Southern accent? I'm from down that way myself." She smiles, "Wha yes...it is...I just so happen to be a southern belle..." Omega then addresses Lord Galen, "Galen, we need a way to get the covert team onto the ground...well, covertly...I suppose we could land the Striker some distance away and let them go in on foot...then we could fly closer in and provide the diversionary attack...the trick will be avoiding whatever sensory devices they have out there...is there any way we could jam that stuff?" The mechanical voice of the base replies, "...ETA 10:30 pm local time,11:30 pm Midville time...I had anticipated meeting the Striker II outside of the mountains detection bubble...Poundage's team is composed of six members,we transfer those to the Striker two...the Striker II flies the covert team in AFTER Lord Galen's ground assault attacks from a separate direction..." Everyone turns to face Rogue as she speaks, "Actually hon,I agree with that except Ah think tha ahr Unit should escort tha covert team in as tha ground unit attacks.Once the escort is finished we return for ahr cover on tha ground attack.Do ya know anything about about tha ahr defense? What can Ah expect?" Poundage quietly gathers his team close to him as he listens.The remaining meta's begin to shuffle toward their group leaders.Poundage looks at his group,the covert team, as he talks. "When we figure out where we are going in, I think Scar should try to short out some electric, if it is on. Spector should scout ahead and peek through doors to see if there is anything in rooms we pass. Everyone will speak through Mentor. Try to be as quiet as possible. Some of you know Probe. He is already there and probably has a good idea where we need to go. Collosus and myself will provide brute strength, muscle, and a quick escape. Depending on Collosus's weight, I will be able to pick everyone up and jump us away from the mountain as quick as possible. Does that sound good?" Colossus gives Poundage a hard look, "Is dat a crack about my weight?" In a split second the armored giant is gone,replaced with a small skinny teenager. "Is dat better?"

10:40-10:50 pm Poundage chuckles. "At least somebody here still has a sense of humor." Galen looks to Poundage, "What do you think Poundage? do you think you will need the air escort. I think that kind of gives away the fact your coming." Omega nods in agreement with Lord Galen, "Having an aerial escort might compromise your position...however, if you are detected then having some air cover--as Rogue suggests--might also be a good thing, especially if they come at us with aircraft or other flying metas. Does anyone on the aerial team have electrical powers? Whichever group we go along with, the other team will be sacrificing air support--at least temporarily." Poundage turns to Lord Galen. "Depending on how far away we are, we may be able to jump our way in. Probe and Imp would be best for that question. I will be going in however Probe suggest." Phoenix stumbles and falls at Omega's feet. "Uggg. Could we slow this thing down? I think I'm gonna throw up." ,he mumbles as he gets to his feet. "Well I don't know much about this but I think that Poundage and the Big Tin man can hold there own if under attack. But if there going to jump towards this mountain,they might reveal themselves and they might need some of us to direct there attention away." As if on cue,Imp is heard through the ship, "Glad to see you guys on the way...I am sending a basic map now.Scans show four buildings,two industrial warehouse size higher up the mountain and two smaller ones lower on the mountain.All four seem to be built over some sort of tunnels but we can't get close enough for any kind of detail.The top of the mountain seems to be covered with large rock outcroppings,huge cliffs that look inaccessable except by the air.Our scans show very little there and i believe this is where the radar and jamming equipment is buried.Now,as for the discussion on plans,I have to agree with Rogue.When the covert team go is the base will be on alert.We won't be able to take out the detection equipment in the mountain,so the team will be noticed.If the ground unit attacks from one side,and the air unit escorts the covert team in,then flies to meet the ground unit,perhaps the covert team will be 'lost' in the action.Worst case scenario is the enemy has to concentrate his forces to defend the air and ground attack to muster enough force to also repel the covert team." The next voice heard is Probe's, "I am flattered by your confidence in me Poundage,but I have been unable to get close enough to do any good 'scanning'.Right now your guess as to where to hit is as good as mine." Phoenix steadies himself again as the ship buffets slightly.Omega looks to Phoenix and says, "Um...you might want to buckle yourself into one of the seats if you're feeling wobbly. Now--let's see, I know some fliers may be going with the covert team--all fliers going with the aerial group, please show hands." The group of meta's look from one to the other,unsure.The base says, ...team breakdowns are thus...covert team,Poundage,Colossus,Probe,Scar,Specter and Mentor...Aerial team,Omega,Wraith,Phoenix,Rogue,Reaper and Vyra...ground unit,Lord Galen,Maxi-Miss,Amazin' Grace,Zephyr,Firewall,Marvel Girl,Psylocke and Khaydra..." Scar steps over to Poundage and says, "Remember there are 2 or 3 monstrosities down there. The greatest of these is disguised as an adolescent boy. I see him strapped to a table, alone. When you find him he will convert to a beast and may very well change the complexion of our mission. The leader of this group is a general-type militant coward, taking him out is a necessity." As he finishes a panel in the front of the cabin slides back,revealing a video panel.Two maps are displayed there as the base speaks, "...I have an incoming transmission...basic maps now being displayed..."

10:50-11:00 pm Lord Galen studies the map. "Perhaps we could use one Striker as a decoy as well as fire on one of the lower buildings while the ground team and aerial team attack the other lower building. Maybe that would divert the enemy from the upper warehouse type buildings and Poundage could jump his team up to the upper buildings. We could have the striker fire from a distance while the base continuously flies evasive maneuvers,just to attract attention. What do you think?" Omega speaks up, "For what it's worth, I believe we should go with the plan that the base, Imp and Rogue have recommended...and perhaps at least some of the aerial team should provide a back up for the group Poundage is leading...Scar's visions...trouble me." Psylocke looks from one to the other then replies, "Well,I like the idea of the ship's taking an offensive part.But I think sending the covert team in without the air support could doom the mission,when we are depending on them getting in.What if they go in and meet resistance?With air support,the covert team good continue moving in,while their air support keeps the enemy busy." She pauses and studies the map, "And why send the covert team to the 'larger' building? I would think the larger buildings would house larger defense forces." Omega turns to Poundage, "The Omega Force also spoke of this general...his name is Stern. There's also a Dr. Truman...they are the two key figures in all of this. The Omega Force told me that 'the spread of the virus corrupts the planet,it's source is three fold.' It instructed me to 'find the leader of men,the healer who hates and the reluctant one' and said that 'each has a key to the solution,though the leader believes he holds the only key.' I believe Stern is the leader of men and Truman is the healer who hates. Obviously, the key to the cure rests with them. These men are the modern equivalents of Dr. Frankenstein--God only knows what monstrosities we will be facing down there and I fear that at least one of Scar's visions may be that of none other than 'Mutant X', the one who is able to alter his genetic structure--the mutant they used to modify the Legacy Virus into its current, most deadly form. If he is able to alter his genetic struture then...he can probably turn himself into anyone or anything imaginable..." There comes a gasp and everyone turns to see Rogue,eyes wide. "Ah'm sorry.Just the magnitude of a mutant that can alter his genetic structure combined with a brilliant genetic scientist.This mutant could...well,BE anything...have ANY abilities...ALTER his abilities to match his opponent.This is not looking good...." The room goes silent,each hero lost in their own thoughts of the coming battle.From the back,buckled into one of the seats Phoenix breaks the silence, "Ok,so I'm in Omegas team? I'm not complaining,he's the only one here not giving me a hard time."

11:00-11:10 pm Replying to Rouge, Omega says, "Exactly. This foe will be a formidable one to say the least." She looks about the gathered heroes,not sure the immensity of the situation.Poundage looks around. "I don't care what is down there. I have complete confidence in my team and everyone out here. If we run into this creature, Colossus and myself can try to keep it busy while the others move on." Poundage looks to Colossus. "Right big guy?" Colossus grins and flexes his non-existant muscles. Lord Galen turns to Omega, "Alright,Omega. I think everyone now agrees the covert team needs an air escort. You will have to pick a small team for that. As far as the ground team, we need to decide where to focus our attack. Base, any suggestions. Anyone for that matter." Omega nods to Galen, "But we shouldn't discount your idea of using the Striker as an offensive weapon. It's a good idea, and it might be our best bet against any type of large armament they have like tanks or planes. Hmmmm...maybe the entire aerial team could escort the covert team in and then, at that point we could split--with half returning to assist the ground force--and half backing up the covert team?" He seems to think for a moment then adds, "Whatever plan you decide to finalize, we'll follow it--we just all need to be on the same page when we do get out there. Preparation and team-work are our best advantages right now--the men we're up against are extremely selfish and self-motivated. I'm guessing they have no concept of cooperation. That's how we'll beat them." As the group studies the map the base comments, "...I have been trying to determine that...it seems that such a base would have secret escape tunnels...we have been unable to detect any as the Striker II can not get close enough for a complete scan of the mountain...using the military designs of NORAD for comparison,I have deduced that the two lower buildings probably house supply entrances and troop areas...the two higher buildings can only hold the air portion of the defenses.,aircraft and missile launchers...though there is a possibility that those buildings may hold the research and command quarters...I think the covert team should hit one of the lower buildings to lessen the impact the air portion of the defenses has on their ranks...the ground unit can only reach the lower buildings unless they fly in by Striker...therefore the covert team should hit one of the lower buildings while the ground unit hits the other...perhaps the air unit concentrates on air support but has the option to hit one of the higher buildings if their forces allow...if I may add,the rock outcroppings in the rear of the mountain are suspicious...those do not form normal in this geography..."

11:10-11:20 pm Lord Galen looks at the map, "I agree with the base. We should hit both lower buildings. But I think we need part of the air team with the covert team until they get inside. If we could take out some of the missile defenses perhaps we could get a Setriker close enough to scan thos rock outcroppings and get the results on the Guardian badges.I still think we need the Strikers for their offensive weapons as well." Omega studies the maps. "Those rear outcroppings may house some type of hangar bays...some of their air support might come from there...or they could be escape tunnels, I suppose." The base interrupts, "...once the attack begins moving the one of the Strikers to the outcroppings for further study is a possiblity...the matter of surprise would be moot and,if those outcroppings are weapons or hangars,the Striker could use it's weapons on the installations while also scanning them further..." Omega addresses the X-Men, first to Rogue he asks, "Rogue--I caught on earlier that you're a flier, what are your other abilities?" She replies, "Well sugah,Ah am just about indestructible,really really strong and Ah can absorb other meta's abilities,leaving them unconscious." Omega nods and continues, "Obviously, the big guy here can turn into a steel giant not unlike our former ally Alloy--but I don't think I caught the other abilities for the team--for Psycloke and um..." Omega looks to Marvel Girl, "I don't know that I caught your name earlier, Ms...? It's been quite a day so I apologize if I'm forgetting--and I don't mean to be intrusive, I just thought knowing more about the abilities of your team members might help in planning the attack." Marvel Girl steps forward with a sheepish grin, "I'm called Marvel Girl...corny I know...I am a telekinetic." The beautiful Psylocke strides forward and her left hand flares with pink energy that resembles a dagger. "I am a latent telepath,though right now I do not control this ability.I have a my psychic knife,which renders most unconscious.Also I am well trained in the martial arts." Omega then turns back to Galen and asks, "Galen, you were talking about the Striker--is it equipped with missles or other types of long-ranged weapons? Perhaps we could fly in fast and take out those first two buildings? I know that might cause extensive damage and even result in people getting killed down there--I'm against metas taking lives as much as the next person, but considering the circumstances we face we might have to alter our thinking. In my mind, we're at war here--and we might have to alter our thinking a bit--the stakes are far too high to risk failure...we're talking about the possible extinction of the human race--and the more I think about it--we should have all kinds of conventional military back-up out here--the fact that we don't...I wonder if Mentor is right? Maybe this is even more sinister than we believe...if such a thing is possible..." The base answers before Galen can, "...both Strikers are equipped with two plasma cannons but no missiles...the connections between General Stern and others in the military are hard to trace,but the amount of money this movement has been able to raise is alarming...as for military back-up,the facts we have uncovered don't seem to be concrete enough to convince the military to act...their comments in recent news has them very busy at many points in the United States and abroad,just trying to keep the peace..." From the corner,leaning against a counter,Mentor mumbles, "...yea right..." Omega turns to Phoenix and asks, "Phoenix, you said you could teleport--but not very far--how far, exactly, do you think you can go? Can you take others with you when you teleport?" Before Phoenix can answer the group hears a shout from the medlab, "Little help in here! We have a situation!"

11:20-11:30 pm "Oh hell, what now?" Omega mutters as he burst into blue flame.Beside him Scar begins to spark with electricity and everyone runs toward the med-lab. On the way Omega asks, "We're not under attack are we? There weren't any alarms..." His answer comes quick as the group arrives at the clear door to the medlab.Inside they see Maxi-Miss straining to hold back Zephyr.Zephyr is covered in ice and her eyes glare at Reaper.She screams, "Move out of my way! The puny mortal wishes to view the powers of a Goddess and I have an itch to show him! " Maxi-Miss glances at the gathered group through the clear wall, "Ummm...can someone give me a hand here?" The Striker jolts,the sound of metal on metal rings through the cabin. The base interrupts the little tussle, "...docking with Striker II complete...further orders?..."

11:30-11:40 pm Reaper glares at Zephyr and says, "If you wish to destroy me, do it after this mission ends. Till then, we can not endanger the mission by fighting amongst ourselves." Zephyr continues to stare at him as Omega yells out, "Zephyr--Reaper--what the hell is going on back here? Would everyone please just calm down? Can't we all go just ten freakin' minutes without one hero jumping down another hero's throat? Come on guys, we have enough problems without all this pointlesss bickering! In case you haven't noticed we've got the damn apocalypse happening out there right now! Zephyr, this conduct is unbecoming of a Protector, let alone a goddess--please stand down. And may I remind both of you that we are on board an aircraft here, so let's not go blasting and zapping and freezing stuff, okay? It might breach the hull and oh...I don't know...CAUSE US TO CRASH? The legacy virus is doing enough damage to the meta population without us helping, thank you very much. Now...I think SOME of us were in the process of trying to plan for an attack?" Scar takes a defensive stance,eyes glued on Zephyr, as she turns and locks her icy stare on Omega, "I told you once before,I will not stand insolence from a mere mortal." Phoenix walks up behind Omega and his flames flare up. "Forget it.If we were to crash,us flamers could burn threw this hull and fly out.It's not our problem. But the icers such as Lord Galen could give us a quick boost." He grins and looks at Reaper. "Well...Lets look at this from another point of veiw. Something had to provoke Zephyr." Zephyr screams and the clear door cracks, "What,you believe I react this way if not provoked! I'm going to show the runt the powers of a Goddess,so he might believe." Galen steps forward, "Zephyr, as leader of the Guardians I order you to stand down. If anything happens here you will be restrained and detained. Reaper, the same goes for you." Omega turns to Lord Galen and says quietly, "I'm sorry, Galen--she came on with my team so I take responsibility for her, but I'm really beginning to wonder if she's hero material. We've all got our little quirks, I know--but she could truly be dangerous--she believes herself to be above all of us 'mere mortals' and sometimes she seems to act more like a villian than a hero." Poundage just stands by and watches the bickering.He chuckles, "Seems I'm not the only one that doesn't take everyone's shit. Zephyr, as much as I like your attitude, it is not appropriate here. I will not order you to stand down, just ask you to let it go until we finish with our business. Reaper, I will also ask you to shut the hell up. Would you like to question anyone else's powers. If I remember correctly, a few of these gathered heroes have already given you an undeserved beating. Try not to earn another." He turns to go back to the main cabin when Imp,Wraith,Probe,Lieutenant and Afterburn walk up.Wraith looks over the gathered group, "What's going on?" Zephyr stares at Reaper a long moment,then says, "This is not over." She stands up straight,turns and lies down on one of the medlab beds,turning her back to the gathered metas.Phoenix taps Omega on the shoulder, "Now about this Protectors thing. You got a spot open?" As he finishes his question the base is heard, "...I do not like this wait...if the mountain detected both Strikers becoming one radar blip,we may be in trouble...may I suggest we act quickly..."

11:40-11:50 pm Reaper glares at Zephyr for a moment, then sits back down.Omega turns to Phoenix and replies, "I think a slot just opened up...welcome to the team. We have two combat teams, the Protectors and the Sentinels. I lead the Protectors and Vyra leads the Sentinels. We can determine which team would be best for you later on, but for the purpose of this mission we're dividing all the metas up into groups based more on ability so you'll be with my group...the fliers...this time out." Omega looks to Reaper and shakes his head slowly. "You're with me too, Reaper. Zephyr, I suppose you will be with the ground unit?" Omega turns to Galen with a questioning glance, to make sure that he wishes to take her along.Lord Galen speaks angrily, "Base,if I'm not mistaken, I said not to get within range of being detected. Are you telling me now we are in range? If so then lets get this show on the road." The base replies quickly, "...I have established our flight path out of known radar range...I just wish to be cautious...we are not sure what equipment the mountain contains...what exact detection apparatus they have...the Striker now flies in commercial air craft flight paths but they may have detected two aircraft becoming one...I believe haste is in order to maintain the surprise effect..." Poundage nods in agreement, "Let's get this plan on the road. Probe, we have our team. Mentor, Spector, Scar, Colossus, and myself will be going in with you. First sign of major trouble and we are out of there. Also if we encounter this beast or beasts, Collosus and I will try to keep it busy while you guys escape or move on. From what I understand Spector can take some shots too. Just to make sure we all know. Spector will be our "scout" so to speak. He will keep us from walking into rooms, corridors we don't need too. Mentor is our communicator. No spoken words down there. Probe will lead the way with his scanning. Scar will be our "lights out" guy. Colossus and myself will be the "muscle" and quick escape route. Everyone ok with this?" The group look at each other and nod as a hush falls over the room.Vengeance climbs down from the cockpit and looks on as Imp speaks up, "We will need one of the escorting fliers to carry one of the covert team,only 5 people will fit inside the Striker II.Either that or one of the 'big boys' hang on to the exterior as it flies in.Once everyone is ready,we detach the Striker II and let the fliers out,they remain up here until after the ground units hit.The Striker I will dive to ground level and release the ground unit.As soon as the ground unit exits the Striker I will fly to a position above and behind the ground unit to add air support and use it's own weapons.Once we have a reaction from the mountain to the ground attack,I will signal the covert and air team who will streak in to hit the other small building.I plan to stay with the Striker I to coordinate our attacks and help the base in scanning and locating our targets.Any casualties should be brought to the Striker I as soon as possible.I must stress,we do not want to destroy the buildings.They may be the only access into the mountain.Target the troops,not the buildings.Good luck people,the world is counting on us."

11:50-midnight Vengeance looks around at the heroes, "Lets go kick some ass,kids." Lord Galen nods and looks around, "Alright ground troops, lets get ready. Everyone else good luck." Poundage looks to Imp. "If you don't want to chance the Striker getting shot down, I can carry my team and jump our way along with the fliers. If not, I can hang on the outside or jump myself to the drop point. To everyone else, be safe and fight smart." The teams begin to separate,the ground unit remaining in the Striker I,the covert unit,except Poundage,enter the Striker II,the air unit gathers near the door.Imp taps some buttons on her panel then replies, "The Striker will be fine...and it will also give you more cover once your down.One of the air unit can carry you.We'll keep in contact through the Strikers,and each team except the covert team has a badge." She unclips her own badge and hands it to Poundage. "I know you want to remain silent but in case you need to contact us." She looks around the room,"The plan we have developed is a sound one...but remember all,the plan is fluid.Because we are not sure what is in there,the plan may change.Just keep your heads up and let's get that cure..."Omega speaks to the gathered air unit, "Okay, you heard the lady--we'll depart the Striker and wait for the signal. Rogue can carry in Poundage. Our mission is simple, we fly in fast and hard and give them something they're not expecting...concentrate on protecting the covert team from attack from the air and try to take out any heavy artillery on the ground...let's try to give them a clear path for entry." Reaper nods and looks at Omega, "So, I'm with your team, then?" Over with the ground unit,Khaydra says, "Good luck team. Stay safe and think smartly." Scar turns off his electrical defense and walks toward Zephyr. He says to her, "I overheard your words about being a goddess. We will need to talk when this is over. I, myself was created by the gods as a messenger of healing. It seems we have similar backgrounds unlike the others." She looks at him for a long moment,then smiles. "I will see you after." Scar makes his way to the Striker II as Imp prepares to separate the two craft.At her signal the air unit flies out the open ramp and the Striker II separates. The flying unit hovers in the sky near the Striker II as The Striker I pauses,hovering in the air.Below the buildings are barely dots on a white capped mountain.Suddenly the Striker I drops,straight down,nose toward the ground.The whine of the engines increase as the craft screams toward the earth below.The dive seems to last an eternity,all eyes glued to the ship.Just as it seems it will smash into the earth,the Striker pulls a tight turn to a stop,hovering just inches above the ground.It has stopped about 300 feet from the northern most little building.From that building the heroes see small dots emerge and fan out in a small semi-circle.From Wraith's badge Imp can be heard, "...we have 10 bogies exiting the small building approximately 300 feet to your front...they seem to be soldiers in battle suits...also I am reading an energy spike...all hell is about to break loose..."

Midnight PHASE(19-4) The fliers watch as a few of the soldiers move up slowly and fire a few times at the side of the Striker.The Striker returns fire once from it's wing tip.Phoenix asks, " Does anyone here have intelligence to make some high tech armor if I funded it?" Below,something is happening at both large buildings,further up the mountain.The walls on one side of each building retracts up and away revealing a dark interior.The heroes can't make out what may be in the buildings but to catch the glint of metal.

Midnight PHASE(19-4) The fliers watch as a few of the soldiers move up slowly and fire a few times at the side of the Striker.The Striker returns fire once from it's wing tip.Phoenix asks, " Does anyone here have intelligence to make some high tech armor if I funded it?" Below,something is happening at both large buildings,further up the mountain.The walls on one side of each building retracts up and away revealing a dark interior.The heroes can't make out what may be in the buildings but to catch the glint of metal.

Midnight-Midnight+15 seconds The flying unit hovers high in the sky with the Striker II watching the battle rage below.Shots are exchanged from each side and each hero wonders which heroes if any are the targets of those attacks.Their attention turns to the larger buildings as the earth is shaken with a roar.From each of the large buildings,3 mini-jets scream skyward.From behind the mountain,near the rock outcroppings,a puff of smoke rises and moments later the heroes hear a slight wooosh.From the Guardian badges Imp's voice is heard, "Covert Team...GO...be aware we have six bogies in the sky and a possible missile launch from the rear of the mountain..." The heroes look at each other then to the Striker II.It suddenly noses down and begins to streak toward the earth.The gathered meta's begin to fly after it at top speed.

Midnight PHASES(0-35) The flying unit plummets groundward with the Striker II.Omega instructs, "Try to hit them hard and fast and then pull back...don't let them hit you. Rogue, can you take out that missile?" She looks over at him, "Ah can try..." The gathered group nears the ground quickly,watching as a number of soldiers exit the small building they are flying toward.The Striker II levels out and hovers just inches above the snow. PHASE(41) One of the soldiers rushes forward and levels his rifle.The energy blast smacks into Rogue and sends her flying backwards 40 feet. PHASE(40) Another soldier follows suit,moving close to the hovering Striker II.As he fire's his weapon at Reaper it sparks and the shot goes wild,smacking into the previous soldier.He is sent sprawling into the snow 90 feet away. PHASE(38) A third soldier runs forward and aims at Reaper.The shot smashes into him and sends him backwards 50 feet.He hangs in the sky for a moment then drops into the snow below. PHASE(36) Yet another soldier moves forward and takes a position in front of the Striker II.This one aims at Vyra,and the energy bolt arcs straight to her.The blast knocks her 20 feet backwards and she too falls into the snow below.

Midnight PHASES(35-23) PHASE(35) Omega calls out to his group, "We're getting creamed, here! Phoenix--tend to the wounded! Wake them up if can...everyone set up any defenses you have and after that, hit and run--attack and move! Don't let them know where you're coming from. Choose your best target and attack!" Omega takes aim at the closest soldier and blasts him.The blast strikes true but the soldier barely shrugs from the blow. PHASE(33) A pair of soldiers dash from the small building and one levels his rifle at the flying Omega.The shot goes wide,streaking past Omega's head.The other soldier also fires his weapon at Omega.This shot also streaks past Omega just inches from his head. PHASE(32) Yet another soldier dashes from the small building and fires a shot from his rifle.The shot hits the dazed Rogue and sends her flying another 45 feet before she plummets to the snow below.She lands in a deep snow drift and the other heroes don't see any sign of movement. PHASE(27) Wraith swoops down low and aims his staff at the nearest soldier.A blast of energy shoots toward the soldier and smacks him in the chest.The soldier stumbles backwards slightly but remains on his feet. PHASE(26) A soldier in the middle of the group of soldiers aims his rifle at Phoenix and fires.The shot arcs into Phoenix and he falls to the snow below. PHASE(25) Another soldier aims his weapon and the blast streaks toward Omega. It strikes him and sends him flying 40 feet before he too falls to the earth,unconscious.

Midnight Omega lies unconscious.

MIDNIGHT-12:10 AM Omega stirs slowly,feeling himself tossed and rocked.He opens his eyes to find himself in the Striker I medlab,Amazin' Grace and Psylocke also in the beds of the lab.

12:10-12:20 am Amazin' Grace looks over at Omega, "How are you feeling? I believe we are in flight.I'm hoping it means we are on the way back to Midville and everything worked out."

12:20-12:50 am The remainder of the flight is uneventful and quiet,each hero lost in their own thoughts.Omega dozes in and out,realizing his body has taken some punishment and only rest will heal it.After about a half hour he feels the Striker slow and then hover,before slowly dropping.There is a slight jar as the ship lands then the base is heard, "...arrival at Midville base...all meta's are gathering in the hangar..."

12:50-1:00 am Omega exits the Striker and gathers with the other metas, trying to shake the cobwebs out of his head and fight off the groginess he's feeling. He looks to Vyra, "Sorry Vyra--guess I took quite a lick, but I seem to be recovering my senses. Can someone give me a status report, please? Where's Afterburn?" Just as he is finishing his sentence he is just about knocked over by a blur as Afterburn speeds through the door and hugs him. "HereIAm. ThankGodYourAlright. JustHoldMe,HoldMe." She clings to him tightly,only letting go when a hush falls over the group.She turns to see Wraith entering the room,surveying the group.He stands silent,his face grim,then begins to speak. "For those of you who do not know,I am Wraith.I am actually from the future and was brought here by accident a few days ago.I wanted to speak to all of you to give you the lowdown on what I do know about my past and your future." He pauses and glances at his feet. "Much of this area in my history is vague,the mutant rebellion and the Prawn War destroyed many of the files.The Prawn War is another subject for another time,right now I want to focus on the mutant rebellion.The rebellion started soon after the outbreak of the Legacy virus,in response to the government crack down on mutants.In my history there is no record of the virus spreading to normal humans so I had hoped this time line was different.Perhaps that is why I didn't add the clues together to help the current assault.The rebellion decimated society,as the government was unable to stem the fighting.The only thing to quell the battles was the Prawn Invasion." He pauses again,this time the heroes see the pain in his face. "In my history the Guardians had one villain that always seemed to beat them.He was evil,killing at will,fanning the flames for the mutant rebellion.He called himself Dr.Grim and an assault on his base complex resulted in the deaths of many meta's.I believe the beast we faced today is this Dr.Grim." He stops and slowly his hand reaches for his badge.He removes the badge and turns it in his hands as he continues. "I missed every clue that would have warned us of what we would face at the base,and I think we were lucky we didn't lose any more heroes,than we did.We now face a very tough time.The government will begin a crack down on mutants,trying to slow the spread of the disease.Mutants will slowly unite and the rebellion will begin.Tanks will roll through the streets of every major city,soldiers stationed on street corners.Meta's will pick sides and the government will institute a registration act that forces all meta's to register or face internment in the camps with the mutants.Innocent people will be caught in the middle and we shall be powerless to stop it." Again he pauses,staring at the badge in his hands. "We all must do what we can to alter this time line...but I feel I have let you all down.I have not lived up to the honor of this badge.I don't deserve to be a Guardian." The badge drops from his hands,clanking on the metal floor.He turns quickly and strides purposefully from the hangar,leaving nothing but silence.

1:10-1:20 am Lord Galen asks, "Base, Have Wraith and Vengeance left the facility? If not, inform them I would like to see them." The base replies, ...affirmative...Wraith and Vengeance reamin in the base...Wraith is waiting in the HQ..." Lord Galen nods and continues, "Base, Have you gone over the information sent to you yet? I want a full report as soon as you can.If this virus is man made then we should be able to create an antidote. Base, start working on it immediately." Before the the base can reply,Imp steps forward. "I have the base started processing the data and I plan to spend quite a bit of time going over it myself." Poundage suggests, "Maybe we should try to contact a doctor that has experience with this virus and have him help us put together all this information. Base, how much of the transmission were you able to receive?" The mechanical replies, "...I estimate I received approximately 20% of the data..." Marvel Girl then enters the conversation, "I have contacted Dr.X and filled him in on the details of tonight's excursion.I can assure you the X-Men have contact with the best minds on genetic mutations and those minds will pour over the data we received." Lord Galen looks around the group until his eyes find the person he seeks. "Omega, I believe you should contact your police friend and let him know what has transpired." Omega nods at Galen. "I think contacting Wojo would be a good idea. And I think we should try to have a press conference as soon as possible. I know the timing sucks but we do need to try to keep the public on our side as much as possible." Galen nods an affirmative, "We need to let everyone know this is not meta's or mutant's fault. It is the fault of ill advised military minds." Poundage finishes the thought, "Someone should put out a statement to the press explaining what we discovered and that we are working at our fastest pace to find out anything and everything we can." The group pauses,the plan apparently set. "You may all go and do as you wish. I thank and appreciate you for all you have done. If any of you wish to stay here just speak up. I know you members of the X-Men need to get back. Tell Dr.X I would appreciate any help he and his associates can give in finding a cure for this. We will find the answer!" Rogue hovers up,picking up her team mates as Marvel Girl states, "We will be in contact soon.Good luck to all." The group of X-men fly up and out of the hangar as Probe questions, "Can you have the Striker take my friends and I out?" Maxi-Miss,Amazin' Grace and Zephyr mumble their agreement,being unable to fly themselves.Poundage steps over to the door then turns to speak to Imp. "Imp, I am going to go crash. I will get up around 8:am. Is that a good time to start on the recombinator?" She smiles a small smile and nods.Poundage steps out the door,heading for the sleeping quarters.

1:20-1:30 Lord Galen walks over to Probe and the group. "I want to thank you and let you all know that anything that can be done will be done. Here is the number to the base. If you need anything, don't hesitate to contact us.Base, Take the Striker and transport Probe and his friends to their homes." Mentor takes a half a step forward,her jaw set.She opens her mouth to speak but stops when Probe raises his hand slightly.She glances at the teen-age boy,his eyes still closed. "We will be in contact soon." ,Probe says in a calm voice.His face turns to find Imp's gaze. "You know how to reach us...go at it 'brain',make the 'outcast' proud..." He gives a small wink and the two 'gaze' at each other for a second.Probe turns quickly and walks toward the opening Striker ramp.Lieutenant turns and follows him quickly.The two enter the Striker and with a high whine it hovers up the 'bridge'.Omega looks around at his teammates. "If all of the remaining members of the Protectors and Sentinels team still here could do so, please meet us outside--from there, we'll go to police h.q. and check in with Wojo." Specter goes 'ghost'and begins to 'walk' upward,toward the starry sky. "Hey Galen,this was fun,let's do it again real soon...I'll meet you guys in the park." ,he quips.Omega, his arm still wrapped around Afterburn, looks to Lord Galen. "Lord Galen, if you should need any of us, contact us through the communication network." Omega pauses for a moment and then adds, "I don't mind handling the press conference--if you want but it's your call. It might be better coming from you as a member of the Guardians. It's really hard to know what to do right now. I am going to see if some members of the Protector or Sentinels teams can maybe take care of some patrolling later--the city still needs to be protected, especially now." Lord Galen nods,then turns and exits the hangar.Omega steps to one side with Vyra and Afterburn. He gives Afterburn a comforting squeeze and then looks to Vyra. "Vyra--everything has happened so quickly. Are you and Afterburn both okay?" Afterburn reaches up to give Omega a quick kiss on the cheek. "MuchBetter...Now..." "We lost a lot of people in the battle. What's the status of the teams? How is everyone? I know we have access to the very best medical technology but not all our wounds are physical. Is there...I guess what I'm asking is, where do we go from here?" Afterburn's eyes scan the others before she replies, "SomeOfUsTookQuiteAPoundingOutThere. WeNeedToRestAndRecuperate.",

1:30-1:40 am "I agree," ,says Vyra in response to Afterburns remark. "We've all had a long night." Imp steps over and gives Afterburn a smile. "A very long night indeed.I'm going to go catch a few hours sleep before I begin to study the data we downloaded.I would love to have some help,if you wouldn't mind." Afterburn's eyes twinkle as she replies with a smile, "I'llBringSomeChips." "Oh,I left orders for the Striker to carry you guys out..." Imp waves a good-bye to the others as she exits the hangar. Amazin' Grace looks up as the Striker begins to lower itself into the base. "Yea, a little sleep would do us all some good.Couldn't the meeting with the police sergeant wait till morning? I'm sure he's not in his office at 2 am."

1:40-1:50 am Omega nods to Amazin' Graze and replies, "Of course, you're right Grace. I think I must still be a bit woozy from that pounding I took earlier. Some rest would do us all some good. We can meet with Wojo tomorrow, or rather later on today. I'll contact everyone later by phone." The group all begin to shuffle onto the Striker,but Omega steps over to Vyra and places his hand on her shoulder.Afterburn looks up at his face then turns back to face the Striker. "Base,TheRemainderOfUsWillFlyOutOnOurOwn." The Striker lifts off,flying straight up the 'bridge'.Omega speaks softly to Vyra, "Not exactly what I had in mind for our first official outing together. We lost a lot of people today and we will mourn each of them. But for now, the best thing we can do for them is try to take care of ourselves so we can stay in this battle and keep fighting the good fight. I have a feeling heroes are going to be needed now more than ever before. Go get some rest. We'll talk later. Call if you need anything." Afterburn gives Vyra a smile then begins to unclasp her wrist bands.She noticably sags against Omega as he pulls her to one side. He gives her a hug and takes a deep breath,feeling her hold him tight. "I don't know about you, but for myself--I don't really want to be alone tonight. If you'd rather be by yourself or have things you need to do I understand, but otherwise...maybe we could go get some rest and then talk about everything that's happened. I mean, if you want..." She gazes into his eyes,her lips spreading in a smile.She reaches up and kisses him gently, "You know,for a confident,aggressive team leader you can be so non-aggressive...passive...away from the others.I don't want to be alone tonight either,but you have to promise me,we don't talk about all of this until morning.I just want to relax,be me for awhile." She gives him a quick squeeze as she winks at him. "Besides,you owe me a picnic..."

1:50-2:00 am Vyra glances over and gives the couple a small smile before flying out the 'bridge'.Omega nods and smiles sweetly at Afterburn. "Okay, it's a deal. No 'office' talk until at least breakfast. Shall I fly us back to the apartment?" She gives him a smile and nods.He lifts her from her feet and begins to fly out of the base.She curls in his arms,her head laying on his shoulder.He gets a great sense of comfort from her presence and the two fly silently over the city.When they arrive at his apartment she disappears into the bathroom,only to appear a few minutes later in just one of his t-shirts. "So what can you dig out of that fridge for our picnic." ,she jokes as she moves over and lounges on the couch,the t-shirt creeping high on her thigh.

2:00-2:10 am Mark changes from his own costume and into something more comfortable. He then steps over to the refrigerator and opens the door, looking inside to see what’s available. “You know, you must be hungry. Neither of us have gotten very much to eat today. Let me see what I can fix for us.” From the couch she replies, "Yea,and when those bands speed me up I believe I burn a lot of extra energy,I'm famished." Mark finds enough to put together a couple of sandwiches, locates some chips and a couple of drinks. "It’s not exactly a steak dinner, but it should tide us over until morning." He sits with her quietly at the kitchen table while they eat.She wolfs down the sandwich he made and digs out another.She looks at him sheepishly before she devours that one also.Once she is finished Mark steps over behind her and places both hands on her shoulders and begins to massage them gently.She leans back into his hands,a light moan escaping her lips. He leans down and kisses her on the back on the head. Finally, he guides her up and offers her a long hug, followed by a kiss. He steps back, taking her into full view. He smiles at her and guides the way towards the bedroom. Mark glances at the alarm clock and mutters, "As much as I hate to do this—we do have some things we need to do in the morning. And the first thing we'll be doing is having breakfast, on me. But for now...” Mark again pulls Rhonda close and offers her another kiss, this one with some degree of passion before finally guiding her into bed.She lies back on the bed a beckoning look on her face....

2:10-8:20 am Mark wakes to the alarm and quickly flips it off.He lays there a moment before rising from the bed.He quietly makes his way to the bathroom,showers and shaves.Once finished there he steps into the kitchen to begin breakfast.Almost half way through he hears barefeet wlaking down the hall then sees Rhonda lean against the doorway to the kitchen. "So,you need a hand in here?"

8:20-8:30 am Mark smiles at Rhonda and watches the grin spread on her face.Her eyes twinkle and it takes Mark a moment to reply, "I'll take a helping hand from you any day, sweetie. Coffee should be ready soon." He steps over and gives Rhonda a hug ,before he continues to prepare breakfast.She walks behind him at the stove,her hand barely brushing his back. "...breakfast and coffee...the way to a woman's heart..." She pulls two mugs from the cabinet and pours some coffee in each.She leans in close to him as she places one mug next to the stove by him. "...well back the real world...",she mumbles as she sits at the table,sipping from her mug. "O.k.,rugged leader man...what's the plan of attack? I need to look at some of the data with Imp and I wouldn't mind a good look at that recombinater..." She stares into the dark coffee,her voice dropping in volume, "..almost like a full-time job...you know...saving the world..." She looks up at him and winks, "...but it has it's benefits..."

8:30-8:40 am Mark takes a sip of coffee and then replies to Rhonda, "Well, I think the more information we have the better off we'll be. I'll drop you off at Guardian Base and you and Imp can get started on your research. Then I'm going to go down to police h.q. and talk with Wojo." The two take another sip of their coffee before Rhonda replies, "Good idea,but be careful.If what Wraith said is true,the government will soon be the last thing we can trust." Mark is thoughtful a moment,then continues. "I've been thinking about our failure in Colorado. We had a powerful unit and a well thought out plan of attack. We used teamwork, strategy--we did everything you're supposed to do and it still all went to hell. What if Wraith is right? What if we really are up against something that we have no hope of beating?" Mark pauses for a moment before answering his own question, "No, I can't believe that--I won't." Rhonda rises and places her cup in the sink.She walks softly behind him,both hands going to his shoulders.She begins to lightly massage them,her hands gentle yet firm. "We had power and an attack plan,but the plan had no details.We didn't know the power infantry where going to be that powerful.The beast didn't stop us,the infantry did.In that room,I got the feeling we were getting to the beast,and that voice.There is more to this beast than we know..." Mark leans back,tucking his chin to his chest as her massage becomes a little firmer. "And, despite the tragedy of yesterday we can't loose sight of our primary objectives. Our number one priority is still to find a cure for the Legacy Virus. Our secondary pirority is to try to protect this city and keep peace and order as best we can." At the mention of the virus her hands clench tightly and Mark moans. "Oh!...sorry,just the mention of the virus...although I feel pretty good..." Mark takes another sip from his coffee cup. He lowers the cup and stares down into the black liquid for a few moments, lost in thought. "We'll meet with the others later today," he says finally. "There are some things we need to discuss." Rhonda leans forward and lightly kisses the back of his neck. "...mmmm...thanks...well,for breakfast..." She turns and steps toward the door, "I'm going to get dressed...a heroes work is never done..."

8:40-8:50 am "I suppose I should change into my costume as well," Mark says. "No...not a costume. Not anymore. More like a uniform now--and I seem to be spending more time in it than I ever thought I would. It's amazing how much things have changed--just in the course of a day." Rhonda slips off the t-shirt,picking up her costume. "...I would enjoy some personal time too...come on Flame boy,let's go cure this virus and save the world...we can have our first date afterwards..." Mark watches her for a moment and then continues, "You're right about the government thing--which leaves us with a pretty big question concerning what to do about the Protectors and Sentinels teams. I'm not sure we can put our trust in government backing--not even unofficially. Not now. So where does that leave us? I like the idea of one unified group, but it might be hard to get some of the others to go along with that idea. We might speak with Galen about expanding the Guardians, but I don't know how receptive he would be...I don't know, Rhonda--yesterday, everthing seemed so clear. I had all these plans and ambitions. Today, it's quite litterally a different world. Things have changed. But one thing hasn't changed..." Mark pulls on his visor, completing his transformation into Omega. "...we're still heroes. And we'll do what has to be done." Omega offers Afterburn a crooked smile as he continues, "Let's go save the world." Omega peers out the window, making sure no one is watching. Then he picks Afterburn up,holding her lightly.She quickly kisses his cheek, "We need to be careful around some of the others.If what Wraith says is true,there will be sides picked." Omega leaps out the window and zooms skyward fast enough so no one could see their point of origin. "I know it's faster for you to run, but by flying high like this, we can keep a lower profile...at least for the moment." Omega veers toward the Guardian base,the city flowing below them.

8:50-9:00 am Omega flies towards Guardian Base. He lands in Rathbone Park (Area 15,16) and sets Afterburn down. He reaches for his cell phone and calls Wojo's number to confirm he's in the office. "Wojo? It's Omega. We need to talk. I'm on my way there now." Wojo replies in his gruff voice, "I'll be waiting" Omega looks to Afterburn. "What you said earlier is right. Sides will be chosen and we have to be careful who we trust. If you would, if you see him, tell Galen I would like to speak with him when I get back. I don't know about some of the others, but my instincts tell me we can trust Galen. I believe we can trust Wojo too--at least as an individual--but I think we should rethink accepting government backing for the teams, at least for now." She places a kiss on his lips, "Almost like starting over...you be careful and I'll see you here later." Omega offers Afterburn a smile and a wave as he floats up off the ground. He looks down at her and says, "Oh, and about that personal time later--I think that's a great idea. I'll see you soon. Be careful and call if you need me." He watches her wave then zooms skyward and heads towards police headquarters.As he nears the building he spots the large figure of Wojo waiting.

9:00-9:10 am Omega lands and approaches Wojo. For a moment, Omega says nothing and then finally, "It's bad." Omega continues, "Essentially, we confirmed everything that we feared but I don't know that we're any closer to stopping it. We lost five metas up there and pretty much got our ass handed to us. They were well prepared; well armed. Their assault team alone was almost too much for us." In his gruff voice,Wojo replies, "Information I have knowledge of details the same.These Knights of Humanity seem to be effective,efficient and well funded." Omega goes on, "The mutants are very fearful. A lot of the metas are. They are beginning to see this as some sort of government plot. I don't know that I'm ready to buy all of the conspiracy stuff just yet, but the official governmental reaction to all of this has definitely put us all in a bad spot. One thing we want people to know is that metas--mutants in particular--are not the enemy. They didn't cause this." Omega spends the next few minutes explaining a bit more about the mountain base in Colorado; giving Wojo details (as far as he knows them) concerning what the heroes found there and what they learned. He provides a list of those heroes who are presumed dead. "Look Wojo, I trust YOU. So do most of the others, but things being what they are--it's a different world today. Five heroes are dead; many others are dying. The world is going crazy and it's going to be all we can do to try to stop it. I appreciate any help you can offer us but I also understand the position you're in right now. I don't know if I can still convince the others that forming these new teams is the best idea--at least not at this moment. I honestly don't know where any of us go from here. I'm going to go to Guardian Base and talk with Galen, see if we can work together to formulate SOME kind of strategy." Wojo chews on the cigar,spits a stray piece of tobacco before he replies. "I find myself between a rock and a hard place.I want to continue the support I offered,and I intend too.But I can foresee the council scrutinizing my actions in the near future.We will have to be careful,or this all blows up in our faces." The two men lock eyes before Wojo turns and shambles toward the roof exit. "Keep your eyes open,and keep those meta's in line.We are only just beginning.Keep me apprised of the situation." Omega watches the large man enter the door and disappear from the roof. Omega again takes to the sky and flies toward the Guardian Base.

9:10-9:20 am Omega flies towards Guardian Base, mulling over the words Wojo spoke to him. The world seemed to be getting grimmer and less friendly by the second. As he approaches Guardian Base, Omega calls the base and asks permission to enter. Once inside, Omega asks the base computer to guide him to Afterburn's location.He is guided to the HQ and as the door swishes open he sees Afterburn and Poundage working on the machine Poundage brought from the mountain base.He nods at Poundage,then turns to Afterburn. "I'm honestly not sure what to make of Wojo's reaction to all of this--and I don't want to jump onto the paranoia bandwagon here, but we are definitely going to have to be careful about who we trust from here on out. I think we can still trust Wojo but he's going to be under increased scrutiny from here on out. We may have to abandon the idea of officially forming the new teams, at least for the time being." Afterburn has a serious look on her face, "Didn't go to well,hey? I'm sure he will come under more pressure as the effects of the virus continue.For now I guess we play it by ear." Omega watches the other two as they work,then questions. "Is Galen here? I'd like to talk with him about all of this..." The base replies, "...Lord Galen is resting..."

9:20-9:30 am Omega thinks for a moment and then says, "Well, I'm not going to bother Galen while he's trying to rest. I can talk to him later." Omega then turns to Afterburn and Poundage and asks, "Is there anything I can do to help out here?" Poundage looks up from his work, "How do you guys keep getting in here? I thought we had to get a Guardian to let us in. Hell, I could've gone home last night." The door swishes open again and Imp walks in with a yawn. "I okayed Omega and I left orders for Afterburn last night." She steps over to stand next to Afterburn. "Morning all...you got a good start on the transfer.Shouldn't take long to finish up,then Afterburn and I can did into that file." Curiosity gets the best of her and she pauses to study a piece of the recombinator. "B,synopsis on data..." She continues to fiddle with the piece as she listens. "...we have 24% of the file...most of the data is early test results and research from the government funded program...I am still running the formulas...some of the later files contain mention of the mutant they would seek to alter the original virus...I have detected some formulations and calculations that do not fit into the overall hypothesis...I continue to research..." Imp turns back to the others. "B,map irregularities by date...prepare a draft and send it to my port...O.K. guys,let's get down to business.Until me and my girl here get a look at that data,we really can't get anywhere.Galen should be up soon and we can figure out what we're doing."

9:30-9:40 am Imp begins to walk toward the door, :Come on,Afterburn,we can study in the computer lab.Less distractions for us and the boys." Afterburn gets to her feet and looks at Poundage. "I was very impressed with the way you handle things in the mountain yesterday.You seem to be a natural leader." She steps over to Omega and gives him a light kiss. "I'll see you soon..." The two women exit the room,Imp covering a giggle.

9:40-9:50 am Omega looks to Poundage and says, "Well, I'm feeling about as useless as tits on a bore hog." He thinks for a moment and then qualifies the statement, "Sorry, old Southern expression..." Omega thinks for a moment and then continues, "I think I'll go grab a cup of coffee and see what's on the news until Galen wakes up. You're welcome to join me if you like, Poundage." Omega walks to the cafeteria and finds Lord Galen sitting having breakfast.Omega orders a cup of coffee, hot and black. He then asks the base computer, "Computer,could you turn on the local news?" Omega watches the news for a few moments while sipping on his coffee. The news centers around the explosion in Colorado.The government has isolated the site and reports say that the explosion was a terrorist attack,unconfirmed reports claiming it was a mutant terrorist group responsible.On the virus front reports state that the president has been briefed by his cabinet and the media expects a news conference from him later in the day.The mayor of Midville met with his advisors and city council but no report on anything that may have been said or done.The hospital reports it is at full capacity and is having to turn some patients to clinics and other medical facilities,due to the surge of patients from the virus.Omega's thoughts turn back to the battle in the mountains. He asks the base computer, "Computer, could you please give me another rundown of all the metas who died during the battle in Colorado? Have the deaths been confirmed? Have the bodies all been accounted for?" The base replies, "...Khaydra,Reaper,Scar and Phoenix were lost in the battle...none of the deaths have been confirmed because their bodies have not been recovered..." After hearing the computer list off the lost metas--this time with a somewhat clearer head than the last time he heard it--Omega shakes his head sadly. Hopefully, Afterburn and Imp could come up with some answers soon. It was answers they needed--answers about the future. Omega looks up somewhat suddenly and asks, "Computer, what is the current location of Wraith?" Omega wasn't sure if anyone had really tried to stop Wraith from leaving. If Wraith wished to leave the Guardians, then that was Guardian business--but it wouldn't be good for Wraith to get too far out of pocket--he might still have valuable information to share, whether he realized it or not. "...Wraith is sleeping in one of the sleeping quarters..."

9:50-10:00 am Omega sits down at the table, next to Lord Galen. "Sorry, Galen. I didn't realize you were already up. And I didn't mean to disturb your breakfast, I was just going over what happened yesterday...the people we lost...I wasn't exactly thinking clearly after we got back from Colorado." Omega continues, "I spoke with Wojo as you suggested. While I believe he can still be trusted as an individual, I don't how much support he can give us now. He's sort of between a rock and a hard place. I don't know if it will now be possible to continue with forming the new meta teams as planned--or even if a lot the heroes will still want to go along with it all things considered." Omega stares into the blackness of his coffee cup for a few moments and then goes on, "Which brings me to something I've been mulling over all morning long. Galen, have you ever considered expanding the Guardians? I know that membership is sort of regulated by those badges you guys have but would it be possible to make more of them? Or maybe only let senior members of your team wear the badges? All I'm saying is that I feel right now the heroes need to be unified and the Guardians might be the best bet. If it's something you and the others would be willing to consider, I would try to help you facilitate it--bring as many of the remaining metas as possible into the Guardians. I really feel we need to try to all act as one force and under one umbrella. From what Wraith told us about the future, that umbrella should probably be the Guardians. This could be a true rebirth for the Guardians, perhaps making the team as powerful as the one which came before? If you decide on this course, I have no problem following your leadership--and I don't think the others would either, as long as everyone's views and opinions are taken into consideration. One thing I would like to do, however, if you decide to go this route, is to make a pitch for Vyra. If I'm not mistaken, she recently tried to join the team but was rejected? She's a good hero, Galen. I don't really know what the history is between her and the Guardians, but I do know that it's literally a different world today than yesterday. Things are changing and we'll all be lucky to survive." Omega's thoughts seem to trail off for a moment and then he manages, somewhat weakly, "Khaydra, Reaper, Scar and Phoenix...all dead. Gone, just like that. I know no one ever said being a hero would be easy, but still...I know what I'm proposing would be a bold move, but perhaps that's exactly what we need in order to reassure a doubting public. Well, food for thought anyway." Lord Galen remains silent as he takes his dishes to the dishwasher.He turns and looks at Omega,unsure what to say.

10:00-10:10 am Lord Galen rubs his temples, "Omega, At this point I'm willing to hear all suggestions. I'm losing my team to..........basically guilt trips, if I had done this, if I had done that. I think we all did what we thought best. As for the lost ones, they will be sorely missed. The Vyra thing, well, lets just say we couldn't all agree. The one thing I have decided though is the fact that I have final say. I will hear all sides but the final decision is mine to make. I think I have let a couple of those go by lately. I'm just afraid of making the wrong choice." Omega replies, "I may not be the most popular with some of the other heroes either, but I think it's time we all put egos and past histories aside. Sides will be chosen soon. I'd really like to feel secure in the thought that we will all be standing together--no matter what happens. I fear a war is comingg but I have to believe we can still prevent it--and also prevent the future which Wraith has warned us about." Lord Galen starts to walk toward the door, "I will speak to Vengeance and Wraith about the expanded Guardian idea though I don't think Vengeance will be with me much longer. He didn't sound too committed when last we spoke. Wraith either. I'm trying to keep them both but I don't know. I will talk with you later." Omega watches Galen leave the room. He takes his own coffee cup and places it in the sink and wonders to himself if it might not be a good idea to take a patrol out into the city. Maybe some of the others might want to go along...He wanders the base for the next few minutes before he finds the computer research lab and the two heroines there.He pauses a moment looking at them,the one a beautiful young woman,very dear to him.The other is an adolescent girl,full of energy,exuberance and intelligence.They are huddled over two computers,keys tapping,leaning over at each other to point and mumble.As the door swishes shut behind him the two women turn to look at him.Afterburn gives him sweet smile,Imp glances up for a moment,then returns to the computer,deep in concentration.

10:10-10:20 am Omega steps over to Afterburn. Speaking softly, he says, "I'm going to go out and patrol for a bit. Please contact me if you find anything. Also, just so it will not come as a total shock to you later, I've spoken with Galen about the possibility of merging the teams and expanding the Guardians. He hasn't spoken with the others yet and nothing is written in stone, but I think we are at a point where we are going to have to do what's best for everyone. I'm not saying that it will happen for sure, but the possibility is out there. I'll speak with the other remaining team members about this in more detail later, after I learn whether or not this will be a feasible option for us. If not, then we will continue on as previously planned albeit with a few modifications." Afterburn glances up from the computer, "If your not too busy,could you bring us some lunch later." Imp pipes in, "Yea,something meaty and greasy.The food here isn't bad,but the soy burgers leave something to be desired." Omega walks towards the exit. He alerts the computer, "Base computer, this is Omega. I'm going out on patrol. Would you please ask if any of the heroes who are here and awake would like to join me. If so, please ask them to meet me outside. Thanks." The mechanical voice replies, "...affirmative..."

10:20-10:30 am Omega waits outside the door for a few moments to see if anyone is going to join him on patrol.When no one does,he takes to the sky and begins his patrol.He is struck by the empty streets,the empty parks.This whole situation has had an impact on the city,and he wonders how deep that impact reaches.

10:30-10:40 am Omega soars over the empty streets,continuing his patrol.

10:40-11:10 am Omega flies over the empty streets, searching not just for trouble but for any signs of life whatsoever.He spots very few people on the streets,but does see one here and there. He arcs around and heads towards the hospital. As he flies, Omega wonders to himself, "Can the future truly be changed or is it locked in? How do we know that what we're doing right now doesn't somehow bring about the very events we're trying to prevent?" He continues to debate his questions and he patrols the city.

11:10-11:20 am Omega flies to the hospital, dropping low to survey the scene there--still wary of possible infection by the Legacy Virus, he attempts to keep as many of his defenses up at all times.As he flies toward the hospital he notices two things.The repairs to the hospital continue and there seems to be a large gathering of people in the park across the street.The repairs to the hospital have come a long way,but the east wall still is supported by long fingers of steel reaching down to the ground.There are a few workers scrambling about that side of the hospital,surely happy to be making overtime on this Saturday morning.Parked all around the hospital are news vans,their dishes pointed at some invisible point on the horizon.Surely some are there for any breaking news at the hospital but Omega guesses the majority of those vans belong to the group of people in the park.As he swoops low near the hospital he recognizes Lord Galen as the center of the groups attention,speaking at a hastily set up podium.He hopes Lord Galen's news conference makes a difference,maybe diffuse the situation a little.The city teeters on the edge of racial war,yet at this moment everything seems so calm.He wonders if the Omega Force could provide any answers regarding the current situation. Perhaps the time is nearing to tap into his cosmic awareness and see what it reveals...but, does he really want to know? Omega ponders this as he continues his patrol.

11:20-11:30 am Omega discreetly drops down onto one of the nearby roof tops. He leans over the corner of the building, attempting to hear what Lord Galen is saying. The leader of the Guardians is in the process of answering a question. "I can't answer that question. We just don't know. We are doing everything we can to find a cure." Another hand flies into the air and another question is fired at him. "Are the Guardians capable of protecting this city? Can and will they abide by the decisions law enforcement is sure to put in place?" All of the reporters what in anticipation,many jotting notes.Omega watches the crowd below for any signs of trouble and waits to back Galen up if the situation should call for it.He scans the area,hoping to see any of the other heroes.He doesn't spot anyone and returns his attention to the news conference.

11:30-11:40 am Omega continues to watch, listen and wait--occasionally turning his attention from the news conference in order to scan the crowd for any signs of trouble.Everyone seesm to behave as Lord Galen continues. "The Guardians and their allies are still protecting the city. We are law abiding citizens. We will continue to work with law enforcement." The reporters are silent,some glancing questioningly at each other. One of them raises his hand before shouting his questions. "I'm not sure that answers the question.Will the Guardians be prepared to face these mutant terrorist when needed? Can you tell us if any of the Guardians or their allies are mutants and if those mutants can be trusted to fight their own kind."

11:40-11:50 am At the reporter's question, Omega lowers his head and sighs heavily--his worst fears seem to be coming true. The public is already turning against mutants. It would only be a matter of time now. He raises his head to watch the proceedings.Lord Galen gives the reporter a serious look. "I trust every hero associated with the Guardians. We will attempt to handle any threat that comes our way be it mutant or otherwise. We must remember that this is not caused by mutants but by what has been done to mutants. We will not tolerate the persecution of mutants in any way. This problem is a by product of governmental and military means. We would hope that they will do their duty and help in the search and capture of these people and in finding a cure for the virus." The glare from Lord Galen quiets the group and after a few seconds Lord Galen steps away from the podium.He looks from reporter to reporter then begins to walk to the Striker I.

11:50 am-Noon Omega ponders the situation for a moment, then takes to the sky. He makes another quick pass over the immediate vicinity, scanning for any signs of trouble.Everything seems calm,as the reporters begin to disperse.Omega then heads towards Guardian Base to consult with the other heroes.As he flies over the lake he realizes the bridge has been lowered and he has no way in.

Noon-12:10 pm Omega uses his cell phone to call the Base and ask permission to enter.After a few moments the bridge emerges from beneath the water of the lake,sending small ripples across the surface.Omega flies down the long shaft and lands in the hangar at the bottom.Across the room he sees Lord Galen and steps over near him. "I saw the news conference." he says. "It won't be long now, I'm afraid."

12:10-12:20 pm Lord Galen's eyes narrow, "Won't be long for what? Do you honestly think they will try to start rounding up mutants? I won't stand for that!" He stops and ponders for a moment. "Sorry Omega, didn't mean to snap at you. Did you hear those reporters? The only mutants I believe to be involved in this are the ones that have been changed by those scum. We need to find them." Omega places his hand on Lord Galen's shoulder,reassuringly. "I went on a quick patrol of the city but aside from those gathered for the news conference it's pretty much like a ghost town out there right now. I guess all we can do right now is wait and see how they react." Lord Galen nods then turns and speaks to the air. "Base,any luck with the virus yet?" The base replies, "...Imp and Afterburn continue to research the information we have...no solid leads yet,but there are some interesting details coming to light..."

12:20-12:30 pm Omega suggests, "Maybe we should go see what these interesting developments are all about?" Both heroes are shocked as Imp's voice comes through the base. "Hey,Afterburn wants to know where lunch is..." The two men hear the teen girl giggle,such a light,comfortable sound. "We may be here into the evening hours...some of this stuff is very complicated.The doc was brilliant but...twisted...he was fascinated with this 'mutant x'.But I don't think the government project Anti-Body never truly shut down after the General and the Doctor left.I think it was moved out of the Department of Defense and to a medical research project...But I can't find it...on another thought,the group,'The Knights of Humanity',definitely had better financing than I have been able to track down.The armament and sophisticated equipment they had at Colorado cost a lot more income then what I can find...but we're only about 1/3 of the way through the data transfer."

12:30-12:40 pm Omega offers a crooked smile and mutters, "Almost forgot the most important mission of the day..." Then, speaking louder, "Um...I was just about to take care of that whole lunch thing. Any preferences?" There is a long pause of silence before Imp replies, "...uuummm...something greasy...with fries and a shake...your girrrlfrrriend wants a salad with a diet pop..." Just before the transmission cuts off the two men hear the women break into giggles,then there is silence. "Let's both go..." ,Lord Galen suggest.Omega scoops up Lord Galen up and flies out the bridge,as it extends above the water line.He swerves eastward,searching for a fast food joint.

12:40-12:50 pm The two heroes land lightly outside the Quickie Burger by the mall.There isn't anyone to be seen as the two men walk into the burger place.There is only one person in the place,huddled in one of the corner booths.The cashier gives Lord Galen a frightened look,then seems to recognize Omega.He still cowers away from them slightly as he ask for their order.Omega keeps his voice calm and low as he orders a lunch for the four of them.When the time comes to pay,the cashier points to the counter as Omega tries to hand him the cash.He lays the money on the counter easily,and gives the cashier a small nod as the two meta's carry the food out.Outside again they still fail to see any citizens out this afternoon.Omega grabs Lord Galen and leaps into the air.

12:50-1:10 pm The two heroes fly into the base and work their way through the hallway,into another lab and into the computer lab.There they find the two women huddled over a few computer screens.Omega comments, "Well, there's no activity on the streets right now. None. It's still like a ghost town out there. I think people are really getting scared." Each meta digs out their lunch and begins to chow. "The calm before the storm..." ,Afterburn mutters as she reaches over to lightly touch Omega's arm.Imp taps a couple of keys on her keyboard then says, "I would say we are almost halfway through the data.We have a few newer things to watch and a few new details but it is slow going.There is a possibility the government continued project 'Anti-body' but moved it into medical research.We are also trying to track more financial information,that mountain compound wasn't cheap.As far as the common public,I think most will remain indoors until they have a better idea what is going to happen,what they are facing out here.I think we need to keep a presence on the streets,let them know we are here and protecting them."

1:10-1:20 pm Omega nods, "I agree with you, Imp. Oh, by the way--I've been thinking--is there any way we can track down more info on those soldiers we faced up in Colorado? I'd like to know more about what makes those guys tick--and if they have any weaknesses--in case we have to face them again. They were much more high-tech than I expected. Maybe it was just me, but I was surprised by how easily they took so many of us out so quickly. I know we already have a full plate before us, but that's an aspect we should probably investigate when we get time." Imp nods, "We have discovered that they are cyborgs...men machine combos...they were prepared,they were motivated.We'll begin digging for more info." Afterburn swallows a bite before she adds, "I'd say we have a few more hours of work...at least not till after the mayor speaks." The room goes silent as the heroes eat their lunch.Once he is finished,Lord Galen rises and looks at the two women. "Keep working on the data ladies. I think I'm going to patrol for a couple of hours."

1:20-3:10 pm Omega asks Galen, "Do you mind if I accompany you? I don't feel like I'm doing much good here. There's probably still not a lot going on out there, but it would be a good public relations move on our part to sort of see and be seen. It might also give us the chance to talk about some things." Omega gives Afterburn a quick kiss before he leaves. "I'll see you soon. You and Imp are doing outstanding work--I don't know what we'd do without you two." She lightly rubs his cheek, "Be safe,we'll have more soon..." The two men go to the hangar,waiting for the bridge to extend.Omega picks up Lord Galen and the two heroes soar into the sky.The streets remain empty,not a person anywhere.As they fly Lord Galen's amazing hearing picks up slight sounds and he is able to spot Vyra,Poundage and Vengeance,all out on individual patrols.He quietly points them out to Omega as they pass.Time creeps on and still not a soul on the streets,before Lord Galen's badge beeps.Imp's voice is heard first, "The mayors press conference is just beginning...I'll patch it through." There is a second of silence,then a mature,male voice is heard. "Citizens and residents of Midville,good afternoon.I do not like intervening on your Saturday afternoon,but I have some news.Due to recent events I have been forced to take a few actions to protect the people of this city.First of all I would like to thank the Guardians and their friends for being so helpful.They have stayed on top of this whole situation and the city owes them it's gratitude." There is a pause as the mayor changes subjects. "The city health system is overwhelmed but I assure you that I have taken steps to alleviate the problem.The National Guard will be setting up area MASH units,please go to these MASH tents BEFORE you visit a clinic or hospital.I have also ordered the National Guard to call up some men for security detail to supplement the regular law enforcement.I would agree with the Guardians that now is the time for calm.I encourage you to continue your lives,but carefully.We will be receiving shipments of disposable gloves and mask that will be free for your use.These will be handed out at the Guard MASH tents,also." There is another pause as the man clears his throat.When he continues his voice is deep and serious. "Last nights terrorist attack in Colorado has given me and my advisors concern ,so until further notice I must place the city on a 9 pm curfew.All businesses are to close and only emergency and security personnel should be on the streets.Anyone else will be subject to search,detention and genetic scanning.We are in constant communication with Federal authorities and will do whatever we can to protect the citizens.I want to assure you that things will get better.Also do not be afraid to take any problems or questions you have to the nearest soldier,police officer or emergency personnel.As a city we shall come together and weather this storm.Thank you and I will keep you all informed as the situation changes...good afternoon."

3:10-3:20 pm Omega ponders the words for a moment and then says to Galen, "Terrorist attack in Colorado? Does he mean us?" Omega pauses for a moment and then continues, "Galen, I think thinks are about to get ugly. I think the feds may take an even more hard line view on this situation than the local authorities are taking. We may start seeing some activity from the underground mutants in reaction to all of this--and I fear this crisis could divide all the superhumans into different camps. It's my thinking that we need to all try to stay as unified as possible, and try not to let ideological differences split us up. That would only serve to play into the hands of the enemy--we attacked them as an organized front and they handed us our butts on a silver platter. If they divide us, they conquer us--it's that simple. We've lost the battle before we even get started. Some hard decisions will have to be made--and soon, but I still think unifying as many as possible under the Guardian banner is the best way to go, all things considered. And I still think you're the best man to lead the group." Omega studies Galen's reactions for a moment and then adds, "Look...I'll be honest with you, I know that if it were ME in your position, I might be hesitant about bringing in people from other teams who have served in leadership roles--people like Vyra and myself--but for what it's worth, I have no problem with following your lead and I don't think Vyra would either. It's time that all past differences were put aside and we look towards the future...and right now, looking in that direction seems to be something of a grim prospect. It's definitely going to take all of us, working together...if we're going to rise to meet this challenge. I know we don't all have to be part of the same group in order to work together but...I just feel like the Guardians are an entity that the public can trust. In the end, the Guardians may be the ONLY superhumans the public as a whole will be willing to put their trust in...and in my mind, we have an obligation to try to maintain peace on every side of this thing. I think all of our lives just got a lot more complicated."

3:20-3:30 pm Lord Galen glances up at Omega. "Omega. I believe you may be right. The Mayor thanked the Guardians so apparently we are still okay with the public. Lets gather all the heroes we can and meet back in the base. If you will drop me off there please. I will get Wraith and vengeance thru the badges and see who else they can find." Omega flies back to the base and drops Lord Galen in the hangar,before heading back out for patrol.

3:30-3:40 pm Omega begins to try and round up the other heroes.The only heroes he spots out on patrol are Poundage and Vengeance,no sign of Vyra.Omega spends a couple of minutes circling the city to be sure,then pulls out the cel-phone and calls her.

3:40-3:50 pm Omega listens as Vyra answers the cel-phone.He is friendly but quick in telling here about the meeting Lord Galen has called.She thanks him as she hangs up and Omega takes a moment to think.He then begins dialing the other heroes,the ones he bought phones for only yesterday.This first call,to Specter,is answered quickly and Omega explains the meeting. "I'll be there,right away." Next he dials Mentor,but gets no answer.He dials Firewall and feels put-off as she answers. "I'm not sure...um..well...I can't make it..." He stares down at the rooftops,zooming past below as he again get's no answer,this time from Maxi-Miss.Next he calls Amazin'Grace.She politely declines,stating she has some 'personal' issues.Nearing the base,Omega notices Specter near the surface of the lake.He swoops down and scoops up the other hero,flying out over the water.Omega calls the base and watches the bridge extend.It breaks the surface of the lake and he dives into the long shaft.At the bottom of the shaft he finds Lord Galen,waiting in the hangar.

3:50-4:00 pm Lord Galen nods at the two men, "Welcome,Specter." Specter nods back, "Thank you...I am honored..." Lord Galen turns to the other hero, "Omega, any more coming?" Omega nods to Galen, "I've found some of the others.Vyra is coming. Firewall and Amazin' Grace declined the invitation. No answer from Mentor or Maxi-Miss." Omega looks around, "I don't mean to be presumptuous, as I'm not sure how much of an expansion you'll ultimately be willing to entertain, but I thought it wouldn't hurt for everyone to hear what we have to say. Some of the others were...reluctant to come here and I'm afraid this only confirms the fear that the metas are already splitting up into separate camps." Specter steps over to the Striker and softly rubs a palm over the smooth surface. "Has anyone contacted the underground mutants? With the situation escalating the way it is,they are the ones that concern me...the 'stress point' of the situation..." Lord Galen turns his gaze up the long shaft, "Things are so quiet out there...it's unnerving." Omega looks to Galen, "You're right about how quiet it is out there. I just have this terrible feeling that this is the calm before the inevitable storm." By the Striker,Specter mumbles, "...a very dark and terrible storm..."

4:00-4:10 pm Lord Galen looks at the other two men. "Poundage and Vengeance both declined the invitation but have asked to have the meeting broadcast to them from the badges. I want the meeting to convene at about 6:00. Lets see how many we can round up and we can all meet in the cafeteria." Omega looks to Galen, "Specter's right...the mutants will be the 'stress point' of this situation. It might be a good idea to extend an invitation to one or more of our friends from the underground. I don't mean to play politics here, but if we could ensure that as many sides as possible are represented under the same banner, I feel it would be helpful. I've always felt that unifying all the metas was an important step--but it's never seemed nearly as important as now." Lord Galen asks, "Is there a way to reach the mutants underground?" Omega thinks for a moment, "Who among the metas has the best rapport with the underground mutants?"

4:10-4:20 pm Lord Galen thinks for a moment then replies, "I would say Imp. Let's see if she can talk with them." Omega tosses the various questions facing the group around in his mind. "We were missing the obvious.Imp. She could probably help serve as a liason between us and the mutants. I think we need to let them know that we don't consider them the enemy and that we will stand with them against any attempts at persecution. But--at the same time--we don't need them to be overly reactionary right now. That would only serve to make matters worse. A mutant joining us--and being public about that fact--would certainly send a strong message. Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating the idea of a 'token' mutant...I'm just saying that it might encourage others to be more accepting. And also send a message to would-be persecutors at the same time." Specter crosses his arms at his chest,looking at the other two men. "Excuse me? 'Token' mutant? Don't you see it has begun already.No matter how you state it even us 'heroes' have a line drawn...who is mutant,who isn't...I really don't appreciate that sentiment.Some mutants would rather be classified by their abilities..." As he is finishing the bridge extends and Vyra flies in and lands lightly,smiling at the other three heroes.

4:20-4:30 pm Omega realizes how what he just said must have sounded. He walks over to Specter and places a hand on his teammate's shoulder. "Specter...I'm sorry, you told me before that you are a mutant, didn't you?" Specter glances at the hand on his shoulder then locks eyes with Omega. "I think I did,yea." Omega shakes his head, "Please don't take me the wrong way, my friend. It seems I've developed a very bad habit of speaking out of turn or sticking my foot firmly in my mouth." Omega adds, "It's a difficult situation, for all of us. I believe our greatest potential strength lies in unity and here I am speaking in a tone which must sound very separetist. I assure you my true feelings are quite the opposite. For what it's worth, I'm very glad you are with us. And I'm glad you're with us because of what you are." Specter bristles slightly,his eyes narrowing.Omega goes on, "Not because you are a mutant, but because you are a true hero--willing to stand up for what's right. And that is exactly what we will need in the dark hours to come." Specter relaxes slightly,his eyes moving to Vyra.Lord Galen speaks first, "Welcome,Vyra." "Greetings," she addresses them all. "I'm sorry for my intrusion, but...", She then stops and thinks a moment. "Well, I don't know exactly why I'm here, but I was hoping I could be of some help." Specter takes a step forward,toward Vyra,then quickly pauses. "How are you feeling,Vyra?"

4:30-4:40 pm "I'm - I'm fine, I think. For now." Vyra replies.Lord Galen nods, "You are actually a little early. We are preparing for a meeting to be held at 6:00. We need to discuss the current path things are taking and the possibility of trying to unite all heroes...and if you notice Specter,I said heroes. There will be no lines drawn here. I don't believe Omega meant things the way you took them." Omega nods at Galen, "No, no...I didn't mean it the way it sounded. But I fear there are those out there who will attempt to use the current situation as an excuse to persecute mutants...perhaps even all metahumans. As I have said, I believe we all must stand together. We can't let fear or prejudice, intentional or otherwise, cloud our judgement now. As Lord Galen says, we must all stand united--as heroes." Omega steps forward and places his hand lightly on Vyra's back, offering her a smile. "It's good to see you again, my friend." Sensing the worry in the group gathered, Vyra asks, "Has the epidemic worsened?" Specter answers, "Very much so...the hospitals and clinics can't handle any more patients.Now the government is sending in National Guard M.A.S.H. units.Do we know all the meta's afflicted? Anyway to check on those that have the virus?" Lord Galen looks upward, "Base, ask Imp to,please,meet me in the cafeteria." He turns to the others, "Anyone hungry ? I'm heading to the cafeteria." Omega watches Lord Galen leave and then speaks quietly to Vyra, "Vyra...with the loss of so many metas in Colorado and with the current situation being what it is, I've spoken with Galen about a possible expansion of the Guardians--about perhaps unifying the various teams into one force. I know it's not exactly what we had planned, but things are very different now and I feel we have to do what is best for everyone. I understand that you recently made a bid for membership in the Guardians and were turned down, but I've asked Galen to reconsider. I hope I haven't over stepped my bounds. So far, Galen has been very receptive to the idea but I'm not sure how the others will react. I told him that I had no problem with following him in his role as leader of the team and didn't think you would either. Of course, the final decision rests with you. I gather that there is some bad blood but with things being what they are right now, we would all be better served to put the past behind us and do what is best for the future." Omega adds solemly, "If there is to be a future." As he is finishing,he feels a hard thump hitting him in his left side.For a moment he is surprised,then realizes there are now arms wrapped around his waist and a body pressed close to his. "Finished. MissedYou. HelloVyra,Specter. ImpAndIHaveQuiteABitToTellYouGuys."

4:40-4:50 pm Omega looks to Afterburn and smiles, "Sounds like you've been busy, indeed. Shall we go down to the cafeteria where Galen can hear as well?" Specter nods in agreement, "I am curious as to what was in that data,also." The group leaves the Hangar,goes down the short hallway and enters the cafeteria.Already there are Lord Galen and Imp.Imp turns to look at the group as the walk in, "Hey all,welcome to our little party."

4:50-5:00 pm Lord Galen looks at Imp, "Imp, I asked to see you to ask your help. I believe you to be about the only one your underground friends will trust. We are very worried about them out there on their own. We are entertaining the idea of uniting all heroes under one banner. The Guardian banner. We fear mass persecution and loners will be the first and easiest ones hit. I'm not saying this will make everyone Guardians permanently but for now I think being united is our best defense. Will you talk with them?" She steps from foot to foot,looking a little uncomfortable. "Yes,I'll talk with them...but I can't guarantee it will help.I was...am...one of them,but some of them have...well..their own agendas.Many of them don't want any contact with the world up here.They will see any pressure otherwise as an invasion of their 'territory'.Once we finish here I'll go speak with them." Meanwhile Omega quietly asks the base for a hot cup of coffee. He then looks towards Afterburn and Imp. "Sorry to interrupt, Galen--but Afterburn has some information to share and we thought you should hear this too, assuming Imp hasn't already filled you in." Omega places his arm lightly on Afterburn's back and offers her a smile. "I'm anxious to hear what has been discovered." Afterburn quickly unclasps the arm bands and looks around at the gathered heroes. "Well,I'm not sure where to start...we got a good amount of information on the virus,but no cure.Imp and myself believe what we have can help lead to a cure.The only problem there being neither of us has any formal medical training.This will slow down any progress we make." She pause a moment,gathering her thoughts. "We believe the government didn't completely shut down project 'Anti-Body'.We think most of the research has been parceled out to other projects but we have been unable to track any of it.We also think that the Knights of Humanity still keep some kind of connection to some government sources.Much of their technology is eerily similar to government models.We also have begun tracking some of the financing from some of the records we where able to get.Again the money they must have spent,just on the mountain base,points to the fact that they are well funded and we want to find out where this funding is coming from.We have some suspicions that part of this funding may...MAY...be from government sources." She pause again,gaining confidence as she speaks. "Some of you may not like what I am about to say,but please hear me out." She takes a moment to catch glances with each person present,getting a small smile from Imp. "We must not release the data we downloaded.We should be very careful who we let have any of the info.Since we don't know who is on our side and who is chums with the Knights of Humanity.We do not want to tip the generaL or the doctor off on how much we did recieve from the download.The more they have to guess how close we are the better our situation.Also I think if the info is mentioned that is is referred to vaguely,the less the Knights know about what we have,how close we are,the better."

5:00-5:10 pm The group is silent a moment before Vyra chimes in. "I agree with you, Afterburn.The less people know the safer everyone is, for now."" Afterburn looks at Lord Galen. "Did you tell the press about our downloading the information?We need to be very careful,if what I think is true the Knights of Humanity have some inside sources,high ranking inside sources,and they probably are a few steps ahead of us." Omega stands for a moment, thoughtfully and then speaks, "So, where do we go from here? Whatever choices we make now, we need to make them carefully." Imp is the next to speak,her voice low. "Well.I'm going to go speak with Probe and the others in the underground.Somehow we need to gain a tactical edge.We should try to 'harness' the power of the media,that is OUR one advantage.The Knights of Humanity can't get their message out to the masses like we can." She turns her eyes to Omega and he senses a moment of dread in those eyes. "We need someone with government connections to tap into what is happening behind the curtain,so to speak.I know we want the people of Midville to see us as standing behind local police and authorities but we should be prepared to use whatever force we can muster to perhaps alter their reactions.We are going to need the help of the local police,but they will also be needing our help." She pauses,her thoughts racing. "Actually most of this talk is pre-mature,though needed.Until the president speaks...the city...the country...even the world seems to be holding it's breath.We should all be prepared for his speech at 8 pm and any reaction that may occur." Specter stands in the corner,nodding his head in agreement,then steps forward to address the others. "I agree completely..." He turns to face Lord Galen, "Which means we need to decide how we are going to bring the heroes together under the Guardian banner.Also I think we need to find someone who has medical training to help you two ladies in the research.But it must be someone we can trust,not someone connected to the police or government."

5:10-5:20 pm "I know a reporter personally - She's interested in anything related to the Guardians and has international contacts. She may be of use to us." ,Vyra declares.Imp's eyes get wide, "Good...good...that gives us an even better advantage.See if you can contact her after were finished,we will need all the help we can get." Omega listens to the suggestions from the others. He interjects, "I've also been thinking, Reaper was working on some interesting theories about the Legacy Virus before he..." Omega trails off for a moment, then continues, "I'm not sure, but I think he may have been onto something.It might be worth trying to follow up on. Of course, it could also just be another dead end--but at this point I think we have to consider all avenues." Imp rolls her eyes a moment, "I think the guy was weird and pretty full of himself.What angle was he working on?" As she finishes Vengeance steps into the cafeteria.

5:20-5:30 pm Omega laughs, "Actually Imp, you're right--he WAS a little weird and he WAS full of himself, but...I'm not sure, but I think he was pursuing some sort of medical angle. He was working with the base computer." Omega shrugs, "Look, I know it's probably just another 'miss him,I miss them all.' dead end but it might be worth looking into. You know, Reaper COULD be a pain but..I still miss him. I miss them all." Imp's eyes go dark for a moment,then she walks past Omega. "I miss a few other people too...Reaper is the bottom of that list...I need to check on something..." ,she says as she leaves the cafeteria.Specter watches her leave then turns to Vyra ,"Have you heard from Maxi-Miss,or any of the other Sentinels?".

5:30-5:40 pm Vengeance steps over and flips some buttons on a panel.After a few seconds a door slides open and he pulls out his sandwich.Omega turns to Afterburn and says, "We've certainly got a full plate right now. How are you holding up? Are you doing okay?" She stands next to him,her arm around his waist. "Oh,just a normal day in the life of a super hero.You know me,nothing slows me down." She looks around the room, "Last night there were so many of us...I felt like we could save the world.Now there are so few of us...and I feel like were losing the world..."

5:40-5:50 pm Vyra turns to Specter, "No, I haven't,either of them. I saw Maxi-miss right after the battle was over, but that was all." Specter shakes his head slightly,a look of concern on his face.Omega looks to Afterburn and replies, "I know what you mean. Everything seemed to be going so well yesterday and yet today everything is so very different." "Another day will come," Vyra says comfortably to Afterburn. "Another dawn will come, another battle, and We will rise once more. Comrads will make their last stands, and we must learn to let them go. It is part of being a hero, quite possibly the hardest part, believe me, I know." She thinks back a moment and then says, "I only hope my parting from this world will be partially as honorable as some of our friends were." Omega smiles,then continues, "But at least there are some things that will never change. We'll get through this, together. As cliche as it sounds, I still have to have faith that good will win out in the end." Afterburn squeezes Omega slightly and smiles at Vyra. "Of course your both right...dark times call on great heroes..." The group pauses a moment,all of those gathered centered on their own thoughts.Vengeance walks across the room,his steps quick. "I heard our mission was a terrorist attack.Maybe we should go to the public and let them know that it was us,maybe the government is involved.I just hope our president is not going to be the next Hitler,sending mutants ,altered humans ,and aliens to concentration camps.Is that what we want from our country? I think instead of all our bullshiting and meeting we should be out there solving some problems,not sitting around talking about it." Specter rises to face Vengeance, "What I heard was the government was classifying the explosion as a terrorist attack.And Lord Galen went to the public to explain it was us.Until the president speaks at 8 pm we won't know what the government response will be.Let's not be rash." He adjust the S on his ample chest, "But I don't think anyone else is coming.We may as well get this meeting done,I also want to get out there,do something." Vengeance throws his sandwich away and walks to the door, "If you guys need me you know how to get in touch." He strides into the hallway and the door slides closed behind him.Afterburn steps to a corner table and sits down mumbling, "...surly one that one...were being torn apart..."

5:50-6:00 pm Omega winks at Afterburn, "You're right about Vengeance. He IS a surly one. Think maybe we could fix him and Imp up on a blind date? They should get along famously." Omega pauses, "No, we're not falling apart. Not yet. Not unless we let that happen. Vengeance is...frustrated, because we haven't been able to do more about the current situation. What he fails to realize is that we ARE doing something and, in fact, have been doing something all along. We've been researching, patrolling...trying to put together a new plan of attack and, most importantly, trying to unite heroes together." The doors slides open and wraith walks in,his head bowed.He moves silently to a corner,but the Guardian badge is at his chest.Omega goes on, "I agree that waiting here is hard, but the current organizational effort will pay off in the long run. I fear Specter is right, though. I'm afraid that the ones here now may very well be the only ones who will come to join us. Still, I agreed to follow Lord Galen's lead. We are in the Guardian's house and he is the leader of the Guardian's, so I think we should play by his rules. But the worst thing we can do right now is start turning on one another. That only serves the cause of our enemies." Again he is interupted by the door sliding open and Imp strides in.She begins to speak then sees the look in Omega's eyes.He says, "No one of us can hope to solve this problem alone--we all saw first hand what happened in Colorado, and that was a united effort.Some could argue that our failure there only proves that uniting heroes together serves no purpose, that it did no good--but I would argue that--divided, we would only fall that much faster. Divided, we haven't a hope in hell. Perhaps we do not have one anyway. But, for my part, I can only promise each of you that I will fight with you to the end, I will not turn my back on any of the heroes here." There is a long moment of silence,then Wraith clears his throat.He and Imp catch glances and she gives him a smile,a small wave.She steps to the middle of the room,shutting the ever present laptop. "O.K. let's get this thing moving,I have a couple of projects online and I still need to go visit the mutants in the underground.To update everyone we got a bit of info,but we need a medical specialist to speed up the process.I am tracking a few bank accounts and some government projects to determine the Knights funding and any contacts I suspect they have.We are trying to mobilize any connections any of us have with media and government types,we need to use the connections to our advantage.The president will speak at 8 pm to decide the direction the country goes..." She steps over to Lord Galen, "Recent indications point to a prominent military reaction.There are units around the nation receiving alert notices,reserves getting their recalls.This means they are taking a militant stand toward the Knights of Humanity and the explosion last night.OR they will react in a militant manner to the virus threat..." Specter grunts, "...speak honestly...the MUTANT threat..."

6:00-6:10 pm "Mutants are not the threat at large here." , Vyra corrects Specter authoritatively.His eyes narrow as he glares at her, "I understand that.But that is how this scenario is going to play out.I AM A MUTANT and I know what is coming.I have had to deal with people treating me different when they find out I'm a mutant and that is before the whole virus situation." He turns his gaze back to Lord Galen as the leader of the Guardians stands and addresses the heroes. "Thank you for coming. This meeting has been called to unite all heroes under the Guardian banner. I respectfully ask Wraith and Vengeance to give me their opinions as well as Imp. Vengeance,I have but one question for you. What do you think you can do alone that we can't do as a team? I think if we all try to act individually we are doomed." Wraith looks up from his spot in the corner, "I agree that we need to unite the heroes,but I fear anything we do only leads to the same fate." Lord Galen looks around the room, "Imp, I would like to thank you for all you have done, Afterburn as well, but we need more. Vyra, I hope there are no hard feelings and even if there are I must ask you to forget them now. We must all work on the same team.Wraith,to you I want to say I place no blame. I also don't believe that destiny or timelines hold my fate. I hold my fate! I believe I can change whatever the future has in store for me. I believe that together we can defeat this virus,we can alter the timeline and the destiny of all humans, metas, and mutants. Omega,thank you for your respect. Now, lets get down to business.We have all been updated on the situation. What choices do we have in medical specialists? What do we all believe should be our next step?" Imp is the first to answer, "We need someone with medical training but someone who isn't connected to the government,the hospital.Does anyone have this kind of connection?" There is silence a moment before Omega answers, "For my part, I could try to use my connections with Wojo--but, I'm not really sure how to proceed with that. I'd like to be able to tell him that the teams have unified--and I think that we should then take that message to the public. If we can agree on this, I think we should have a press conference as soon as possible to keep people informaed about what's going on with us. That's just my opinion. I think the Knights of Humanity lead that Imp is following is probably the most viable lead we have at the moment. I think those of us not involved on the research end of this thing should form teams tonigt and continue to patrol the city as usual--let the public see that we are still out there, protecting them."

6:10-6:20 pm "I agree with Omega." Vyra injects. "We have to function as normal for a little while so as not to cause a panic." Lord Galen continues, "Wraith , Vengeance, Imp. If there are no objections I am accepting all heroes under the Guardian banner. The way I see it, if we dont work together there will be no Guardians as well. As for medical persons, Omega, what about that doctor you knew who has her own clinic? Or do we need someone more highly trained." Omega looks puzzled a moment. "I think you have me mixed up with someone else.I don't know any doctor at a clinic." "Maybe Doctor X knows someone." ,Galen suggest. Imp speaks next, "Vyra,you and that other hero...um...Flare?...didn't you guys know a doctor that owned her own clinic?" Lord Galen looks at her, "Imp keep working on that lead you have. Lets begin breaking down patrolling teams. I work from 9 to 5 during the day so I will need to team up with someone along those lines. Omega, Vyra, what about your teams?" Omega replies to Galen, "Well, I'm pretty much self-employed at the moment and money isn't really an issue with me so I can be available whenever I am needed--either during the day or at night." Afterburn speaks from her spot in the corner. "I believe we all can work out the details to a patrolling schedule,around our personal lives,but I think we should keep things along the present lines.The Protectors,Sentinels and Guardians can remain groups,but with coordination through the Guardians and the base here.I only bring it up because there may be certain members that feel more comfortable with the people they have become familiar with." She glances at Omega,looks at the floor and blushes.

6:20-6:30 pm "I had almost forgotten about her..." ,Vyra says. "It seems so long ago now. Her name is Jill, I believe, and yes, I can seek her out. She and Flare were ... close." Lord Galen looks over at Afterburn, "I dont think now is the time to let personal feelings interfere. I'm not here to make or break romances, I'm here to stop a threat and a virus." She looks at her feet as Omega thinks for a moment and then says, "I certainly think the teams should mesh well together, but I think we should all consider ourselves as Guardians now. We need to be unified and while sub-teams for patroling is certainly appropriate, I don't want to see previous allegiances turn into internal power struggles within a new team. As Lord Galen says, we are unified under one banner now and we should stand united." Omega walks over to Afterburn and places his hand lightly on her back, "It's going to be fine," he tells her softly. "Trust me." She looks up at him and smiles.He then turns to Lord Galen and suggests, "How about this, Galen? We split up--one group goes on patrol; another to try to locate Vyra's doctor friend. I think it would be best to approach the doctor in person about helping us and the remainder continues to work on research? Perhaps Vyra, Specter and I could try to track down the doctor and the remaining metas head out on patrol or work on the research angle?" Omega looks to Afterburn and adds, "You could go with a mission team as well if you're finished helping Imp with research. Well, it's really up to you, Galen. How would you like to divide up the group? Patrol group is the one most likely to run into trouble out there, so it should probably have the most powerful members?" Vyra interrupts, "As far as the Sentinals go, it is only myself and Maxi-Miss who remain. I am sure she will agree to the disbanding of the Sentinels and us joining a more powerful force. And as for myself, I will be honored to join such noble heroes. What was said in yesterday's past is now history and nothing more." Omega adds, "Also, I think it might be wise to take advantage of the media members still gathered at the hospital. We've told the public about the plans for the Protectors teams and now I think we should let them know that those plans have changed. With your permission, I'd like to speak to the public. I have some other things I want to say which I hope will engender trust among the populace. Also, while we're out, I want to try to check in with Wojo again--as Imp suggested, we should definitely try to use governmental connections to our advantage." Omega checks the time, "Hey, when is it that the president is supposed to speak? Maybe the base could arrange it so that we all are able to hear his address over our communications network?" The base replies, "...I can do that...and the president speaks at 8 pm..." Lord Galen looks around the room then asks, "Wraith,would you care to join me in a patrol?" Wraith looks up,surprised. "Um...certainly..." Imp stands up, "Well,I need to get to the underground and the mutants.I'll return soon and get back to the research."

6:30-6:40 pm Vyra addresses the group and says, "I believe I can recall where her practice is." Specter gets to his feet, "I'll go with you,I need to get out..." Imp walks toward the door, "I have to check something then I'm off to meet Probe and the mutants." Lord Galen looks to Wraith and says, "C'mon,lets go. If we find no trouble we can come back here at 8 and listen to the pres speak." Wraith is silent,his head bowed.He raises the staff to his chest a moment and stares at it. "Yes...let's go,my powers have returned..." His eyes remain dark as he steps toward the door.The two guardians leave the cafeteria,Lord Galen a step behind Wraith.In the corner,Afterburn gets to her feet.She steps over to Omega,her hands twisting her arm bands in small circles. "I guess that leaves me and you.We hitting the streets or checking in with Wojo?"

6:40-6:50 pm Omega thinks for a moment, then replies to Afterburn, "Well, the others seem to have most of the other bases covered so let's go speak with Wojo and maybe patrol a bit. We'll keep the comm network open and the scanner turned on, so if any of the others run into trouble we'll be able to go help them out." She smiles up at him,takes his hand and leads him down the short hall to the hangar.Above them the bridge extends exposing the darkened sky.As Omega prepares to depart the base he looks down at Afterburn, "You know, I'm STILL not really sure what to say to Wojo..." Her eyes twinkle at him as she fiddles with her arm bands,preparing to clasp them on her wrist. "Let's just be careful...we don't want to give away too much.And,honestly,the large man intimidates me a little." Omega grabs her under the arms and zooms into the evening sky.

6:50-7:00 pm Omega and Afterburn fly to police headquarters. Omega replies to Afterburn, "I guess it's best just to tell Wojo that we have all united together into one force and are working to try to find a solution to the Legacy Virus problem--feel him out some more, see if he is still willing to help us..." She nods her agreement,snuggling her head into his neck. "IJustDon'tKnowWhoWeCanTrust. We'llHaveToSeeHowThingsShakeDown." She quickly pecks his cheek,which he figures was meant to be a kiss at high speed.As they near the police headquarters they spot a number of armed officers stationed on the roof and around the perimeter of the building.The men on the roof point their weapons at the two as they land before the large figure of Sgt.Warjokowski walks out of the roof access.He gives the officers a scowl and they lower their weapons. "Sorry about the security set-up,but...well my hands have been forced.Tomorrow I will be receiving some 'assistance' from National Guard units and Special Forces units.You both have been registered haven't you?"

7:00-7:10 pm Omega replies to Wojo, "Yes, we've been registered but to be honest, I'm not exactly thrilled with the twist that this whole registration thing is taking. I mean...I supported this at first, I encouraged metas to register for God's sake...but it's sounding less and less like signing up for the hero's roster and more and more like the intent is to register potential criminals." Wojo's teeth remained clenched on the stub of a cigar as he responds in his usual growl. "I never intended the registration process to go this way,but any tool I have to use will have two edges.You don't like it,I'm sorry but I promise you,it will only get worse." Omega looks around at the armed men and continues, "No one has fought harder to try to protect this city and its inhabitants than the Guardians and their allies and we've all been cooperative with the authorities, especially Afterburn and myself--but we come down here just to talk with you and we have guns drawn on us? In case no one noticed, we're the good guys!" Wojo's eyes narrow and his voice drops an octave,now a deep rumbling rasp. "I understand what you meta's have done and I have shown my respect and appreciation." He takes a step forward,chest to face with Omega.Omega can feel the man's presence,the realization of how big this man really is. "If you haven't noticed this city is in a state of emergency,one step from martial law.This police department is about to be stuck in the middle of a very nasty situation and I as their commander will do what I must to protect them." Omega breaths in and then continues, "Sorry...I don't mean to be beligerant. It's been a rough couple of days. Listen, we came here to tell you that the metas have joined together under the Guardian banner. We lost so many in Colorado and also, due to other reasons, we've pretty much abandoned the idea of the joint Protectors and Sentinels team and joined together into one force. We feel that the public is more likely to trust the Guardians. Also, we feel we can accomplish more as one, united force. We are following Lord Galen's lead." Wojo stands a moment then steps back.He flips the cigar butt as Omega continues, "We are pursuing various investigative avenues at this time and continuing to work to find a solution to the Legacy Virus problem. We stand ready to assist you in the event of any threat to the safety of Midville." Wojo rubs his chin,his eyes distant for a moment. "I am reassured by your offer and the turn of events with the Guardians.I will...well the city will depend on your knowledge and your strength.You also have whatever help I can offer,but realize the decisions that are coming down will restrict dramatically what I can do."

7:10-7:20 pm Omega gives Wojo a questioning look,but figures this is the only answer he is going to receive.The three exchange friendly good-byes,Afterburn clinging to Omega.He gives her a weak smile as he lifts her from the rooftop and soars toward the hospital.As they near the hospital they notice that a portion of the news crews remain in a cluster,spilling into the park. "I guess now is as good as time as any to let them know about the change in plans regarding the Protectors team." ,he says.She looks into his eyes a moment then lays a hand on his cheek. "MyBabyDoesLikeTheCamera,Huh?" Her smile is quick and Omega floats to a landing in the street near the gathered reporters,and lightly places Afterburn on her feet.The crowd of reporters stir,then a majority of them move toward them,camera's and microphones turning in their direction.

7:20-7:30 pm Omega addresses the camera as the slight, blue glow of the Omega flame flickers around him. "Ladies and gentlemen...for those who don't know me from earlier, my name is Omega. I addressed you all earlier concerning the creation of a new superhero team which would be known as the Protectors and would include the existing team known as the Sentinels." Omega pauses for a moment and then continues, "Due to recent events, those plans have been changed. The superpowered heroes which were to be part of those teams have now joined with the famous Guardians, under the leadership of Lord Galen--who addressed the public earlier. It's not my place to speak concerning the Guardians, I will leave that to Lord Galen. I am here only to inform the public concerning the change of plans regarding the recently announced Protectors team." Omega goes on, "We feel we can accomplish more as one, united force. We are pursuing various investigative avenues at this time and continuing to work to find a solution to the Legacy Virus problem. As always, we stand ready to protect and defend the city of Midville. I know that these are dark times but we can and will get through them if we stand united and refuse to give in to fear and paranoia. I'm sorry, I cannot answer any additional questions at this time. Afterburn and I should now join the other heroes already on patrol. Thank you." With that, Omega scoops Afterburn up and zips up into the sky. "Well, that seemed to go well. I thought they should know about the change of plans, but I didn't want to say too much. I think Lord Galen should address the media concerning Guardian issues per se. I think it's important that we stress that no one is trying to ursurp his role as group leader. The last thing we need right now is to have any additional conflict within the group. I'm already worried a bit about Specter. I understand his fears but he needs to understand that WE aren't his enemies. I have to believe that it is possible for all of us to work as a united force. I've felt driven to try to unite the metas ever since I arrived in Midville. I believe it's the best thing to do, but it also runs deeper than that--I think it might somehow have something to do with the Omega Force--something I'm still not really all that closer to understanding. I'm still not sure what it is or what it wants--I'm just hoping that its power will be able to aid us during these dark hours." Afterburn looks up at him,her face sad for just a moment. "HeyHoney,YouCanTakeThatWorldOffYourShouldersEveryNowAndThen. ButIAgreeAndThinkWeWillEndUpWithAFewMoreMadMutantsBeforeTheNightIsDone."

7:30-7:40 pm Omega smiles at Afterburn. "Sorry, I guess I do tend to be a little too much on the 'dark and brooding' side sometimes. And I DID promise you that I was going to try to lighten up, right?" She gives him a huge grin and starts to speak but instead gives him a smooch on the cheek.Omega flies over the city, searching the streets below. "Let's see if we can find Galen and the others--find out if any of them have found out anything while we wait for the President to speak. That's coming up in just a little while." She nods her agreement and Omega begins to realize that she is a little shy about speaking while she is 'sped up'.Suddenly he spots some costumed types below and flies lower to check them out.He recognizes Lord Galen and Wraith as two of the three but doesn't recognize the third.He is a male in yellow and black and the posture of the three doesn't look like there is any trouble.

7:40-7:50 pm Omega flies down amongst the three costumed men and nods to Wraith and Lord Galen, in turn. He then turns his attention to the third costumed individual and looks him over for a few moments, trying to see if he picks up on anything unusual or if there's anything about him that sets his cosmic awareness abilities abuzz. Finally, Omega nods a quick greeting and then turns his attention to Lord Galen.Speaking lowly, Omega tells him, "Afterburn and I have spoken with Wojo,Galen--he will help us as much as he can but wants us to understand that there is only so much he can do. If push comes to shove, I honestly don't know how much he will be able to help us. He's caught between a rock and a hard place right now. He will, however, do everything HE feels is needed to protect the city." Wraith takes a step forward,a hand running through his long hair. "Do not concern yourself with Wojo.He has his part in this little drama,but I can assure you he has the cities best interest at heart.His will,his strength and his resolve will be tested but he is a strong man in many ways." Omega continues, "I also spoke with the press concerning the Protectors/Sentinels team being dissolved, so they now know that we are all pretty much united together. I didn't speak too much concerning the Guardians as I feel that should be more your role, as leader of the team and I didn't want to overstep my bounds. I told them just enough to try to put peoples minds at ease and let them know we are ALL out here, together--trying to keep the city safe. As per our earlier discussions, what information we do have should be closely guarded. I had hoped things with Wojo might go better. I felt he and I had a sort of connection but...well, I'm just sorry I wasn't able to be more help in that regard." Lord Galen motions toward the new arrivals, "Omega also is a Guardian. Paladin you say your name is. Welcome to Midville. Just know that we will be watching you. If you need us here is a number to reach us." He gives Paladin a number to reach the base.Omega looks again to the new hero. "Paladin, eh? I'm Omega." Omega extends his hand. "Nice to meet you. This is Afterburn, another of the city's heroes." Paladin waves to Afterburn and shakes Omega's hand. "Um... Hi." As the new hero holds Omega's hand,Omega feels a strange sensation spread up his arm.Lord Galen glances at Wraith, "Wraith, lets make one more sweep of the city and head back to the base. I want to hear what the president has to say." Suddenly Paladin burst into blue flame to the shock of the other heroes standing there.

7:50-8:00 pm Lord Galen takes a step back,his face serious. "Omega, Whats going on?" Omega increases his flame abilities to full force and prepares for combat.Afterburn raises her arms,her fist aimed at Paladin.Omega replies to Lord Galen, "I don't know, Galen--I think maybe he absorbed my powers somehow." Lord Galen quickly orders, "Wraith, if he makes one wrong move take him out.Paladin, What is the meaning of this?" Paladin stands in shock a moment, "There truely is no meaning for this. Its just one of my powers, honestly I ain't going to use Omega's power to fight." Omega quickly replies, "This might be incredibly dangerous. The Omega Force--the source of my powers--is sentient. I honestly didn't know if it would work for someone else." Omega looks to Paladin, "I don't know what you're playing at here, pal. But what you just did is very bad form. You should stand down." Paladin answers, "There is no reason to fight." As he speaks the blue flame around him begins to fade and Paladin raises his hands to his head with a confused look on his face.

8:00 pm Turn 1,Phase 41 "But for now it doesn't last that long, Thank God." ,Paladin says. "That feels a little better too." he comments as he rubs his head. "No hard feelings Omega? And for the rest of you,sorry for the little scare.His flame just looked so cool! But seriously I am not an enemy of yours." Paladin turns to walk to the roof edge as Afterburn suddenly turns her head to the northwest,her eyes squinted in concentration. "WaitAMinute,Guys. SomethingFunnyIsGoingOnNearTheSchool. IThinkIJustSawAFewMenRunningInThatDirection. AndIThinkISawSomeWeapons."

8:00 pm Turn 1,Phase 40 Omega speaks up, "Afterburn, wait. Don't go rushing off into a potentially dangerous situation all by yourself." Omega watches as Afterburn moves nervously,pacing slightly.Omega looks to Paladin and then back to Galen, "What do you think? Should we take the new guy with us?" Phase 39 Afterburn looks anxiously to the north-west,the direction of the school. "ISayIfHeClaimsToBeAGoodGuy, ThenWeLetHimComeAlong. WeDon'tKnowIfWeWillNeedTheHelpOrNot." Phase 32 Hanging in the air above the roof,Wraith turns in the direction of the school. "So far I don't see anything that would indicate the use of super powers.What would you like to do Galen?"

8:00 pm Turn 1,Phases(25-18) Lord Galen quickly says, "We've got to check it out. Lets go Wraith." Omega replies, "Okay, I can take two...Afterburn can get there just as quickly under her own power..." Omega grabs hold of Galen and then steps to Paladin.He tries to lift the other hero and finds he can't.Paladin looks up at him then comments, "If Omega can't carry me,then by all means let Wraith carry me." Omega turns to Paladin and says, "The rest of us have at least some combat experience." Even as he speaks, Omega is aware of the irony of his statement--after all, he himself has only been active as a hero for a few days--although it somehow seems like months have passed since he first donned his costume. "Just follow Galen's lead and you'll be fine. And careful with that power absorption thing. Maybe you should only use that on the bad guys for the time being." Paladin replies, "I have other useful powers other than absorption.No need to worry about me." From the direction of the school the heroes hear a crash and some voices yelling,but are unable to make out the words.Omega looks at the others then flies off in that direction.He soars through the city,over Buchannon Park (Area 3).As he nears the school both he and Lord Galen see seven young men,all wearing gang colors,scattered around the area.They seem to be centered on the townhouse across the street from the school and one of them is pulling an axe from the door,which is splitting where it was struck.Two of the others seem to be holding knives,another a rusty sword.Below the two heroes Afterburn runs up and stops to get a look at the situation.Within seconds Wraith,carrying Paladin,flies up next to Omega.The young gang members are giggling,laughing and one yells out, "Come on out MUTIE!! We have something for you!" Omega asks Galen, "What's the call, boss?"

8:00 pm Turn 1,Phase(17) Lord Galen taps his badge, "Base send local authorities to our location." He then says to the other heroes. "I want them stopped and detained." He tells Omega , "Fly me over to the boy with the axe and the townhouse door. I want to get an Ice Guard on that door before they hurt someone." Omega replies, "You got it." In Wraith's grasp,Paladin shouts, "Hope you guys can handle this." He raise his hands to the sky and nothing happens.From the underground garage to the north one of the thugs runs closer. Phase(14) Another one runs around the corner of the townhouses to gather near the others at the door. Phase(12) The thug at the door raises the axe again and brings it crashing down on the door.The crack in the door widens and the door barely remains standing. Phase(10) Omega tells Afterburn and the others, "Okay, just like Galen said--let's take these guys down before they hurt someone." He flies down to the ground and drops Galen off near the door.Lord Galen raises his arms and a blast of ice shoots to the door covering it with 1 foot of ice.The thugs look over,surprised as Omega says, "Hey, pal--you guys want to pick on somebody? Pick on US!" He targets the nearest thug and lets loose a blast of blue flame.The flame smacks the thug in the street holding a knife and he stumbles backwards then falls to the pavement,not moving. The thug with the rusty sword rushes over to Afterburn and swings.The sword strikes her in the shoulder and she lets out a small moan. Phase(9) Afterburn smiles at her assailant, "IGuessYourMotherNeverTaughtYouNotToHitGirls." She raise her arm and a yellow beam leaps from her hands.The beam strikes the thug in the chest and he immediately falls to the ground. Phase(3) Paladin looks up at Wraith, "If you want to you can put me down here or on the warehouse." Wraith nods at him and flies over to the warehouse and drops his passenger.He then turns and aims his staff at the thug below.A dark colored blast leaps out striking the thug in the chest,sending him backwards about five feet.He lands in a heap and doesn't move.

8:00 pm Phase(2) Lord Galen turns to the thug with the axe and lets loose an ice blast.The ice smashes into the thug,sends him flying out into the street.He lands in a sprawl,completely covered in a large slab of ice.Up on the warehouse rooftop Paladin says, "Ok,now let's try this again...." Once again he raises his arms to the sky. "Cross your fingers..." He glances up to the sky,astounded that nothing is happening. Phase(0) Blue flames flickering around him,Omega turns and glances at the pile of ice,then turns his attention to the thug with the knife.A tongue of blue leaps forward,covering the man.He lets out a slight scream before falling motionless to the pavement. Phase(-1) Afterburn lets out a small giggle then,in a blur,moves over to the thug in the intersection.Again the yellow beam fires from her hands and the man falls to the street. Phase(-2) From above,Wraith swoops down and lands in the street a few feet from the remaining,standing thug.Dark energy leaps from his staff and the criminal takes the blow in the chest.He flies ten feet,before landing in a heap in the street.The group of heroes glance around the empty street,when they notice a curtain in one of the lower windows ruffle and a face peers out.The face is that of a young teen girl,maybe 13, and she looks frightened.The curtain returns to covering the window and Afterburn lets out a gasp. "...Imp ? SheLooksLikeImp..."

8:00-8:05 pm,turn 1 Phase(43) Omega looks up at Paladin on the rooftop above, "Um...does anyone have any idea exactly what it is he's doing up there?" Paladin crawls down the side of the building and walks toward the group of superheroes. "Heh, guess it didn't work." Paladin notices Galen looking at something. "What are you looking at Lord Galen?" He follows Galen's gaze and again the girl's face appears in the window for a brief moment.Omega looks around at the group. He shakes his head, "That girl is too young to be Imp. Besides, Imp probably could have handled these guys on her own. But the resemblance is uncanny. We still know very little about Imp. Maybe she has a sister?" Omega suggests, "We should proceed cautiously. Whoever that girl is, she seems scared half to death. We should try not to frighten her more than she already is." He glances towards Afterburn and asks, "You okay? I noticed you took a hit during the battle." Afterburn pats her shoulder and replies, "OhItWasNothing. JustAGlancingBlow. AndThisIsCreepy, CouldItBeImp'sSister?" Lord Galen speaks to the girl in the window. "You are safe. Who are you, and why are these boys trying to hurt you?" The girl's eyes go wide for a moment,searching the street around the heroes. "I ain't supposed to talk with strangers.I..I don't know why the boys chased me.I was talking with one of them,he was kinda cute,ya know.Then his buddies showed up and...and...well I wanted to seem tough.So I kinda bragged a little..." Her eyes continue to search the streets around the heroes,almost in a panic. "But you have to leave,PLEASE,he's going to be home soon and you CAN'T be here." Off to the side Omega looks around, "Wonder if there are any more of these punks around here?" Just as he speaks the sentence Afterburn turns and dashes into the park.Glancing over the other heroes watch as she approaches a young man with a baseball bat.She raises her hands and the yellow energy encases the young man for a split second before he drops to the ground.From the corner of the parking garage entrance to the north the heroes hear a yell. "Alright you FREAKS,no one fucks with the Dragons and gets away with it!" The turn to see a gang member holding a very sophisticated looking handgun.

8:05 pm,turn 1 Phase(43)-8:10 pm Lord Galen looks up at the punk, "Alright guys, try not to hurt the gangbanger. Take him out! Omega sizes the punk up quickly. "The Dragons. Right. So, what...the 'Nicotines' are going to show up later and you guys are going to rumble? Please." Omega flies closer to him, "Didn't your mother teach you not to play with guns." The blue energy of the Omega Force swirls around his fist as he moves--the energy flashes forward and hits the thug in the chest.The thug flies backwards and lands prone in the street,the pistol clattering off to the side.Omega approaches cautiously and examines the weapon. "Hmmmmm...this is too sophisticated for street punks, Galen. Someone could be supplying them." Omega looks for any markings on the weapon which might provide a clue as to the source of origin.The gun doesn't seem to bear any obvious markings,almost like it was made to be non-descript.Afterburn moves around quickly,gathering the thugs into a small group near the street corner. "WhenWeGetBackToTheBaseI'llCheckOutTheWeapon." Wraith steps over and stands over the group of thugs,dark energy swirling around him.As he does a few of three of the thugs begin to stir and look up at him,their eyes frightened.

8:10-8:20 pm Omega speaks quietly to Lord Galen, “There’s something awfully strange about all of this, Galen. If that IS Imp’s sister this is one weird coincidence. Maybe we could let Afterburn try to talk with her? She and Imp get along pretty well.” Lord Galen nods his agreement and Omega turns to Afterburn.He whispers to her, Rhonda, check on the girl. You have a really good rapport with Imp. If she is Imp’s sister then maybe you can connect with her and learn something about what’s going on here.” Afterburn smiles a small smile then unclasps her wristbands. "O.K. just give me some space,the poor girl looks like she is terrified out of her mind,and I don't think it is the thugs that have her frightened." She turns and walks slowly toward the window, "Everything is under control now...why don't you and I talk a little while my friends wrap up the loose ends..." The girl in the window visibly shakes but remains at the window.Afterburn moves close,leaning on the window sill,and begins a quiet conversation.Omega steps closer to the gathered group of thugs, the bluish fire of the Omega Force flickering around him. "The Dragons, huh? You know, I've heard of a superhero in another city who goes by the name of Dragon. You guys are an insult to his name!" Lord Galen glances at Paldin,and smirks. "Paladin, you might want to step back. They might slap you and really hurt you.By the way, what kind of dance was that you were doing?" The few thugs that are conscious let out a small giggle that quiets quickly as Omega nods to Lord Galen, then looks over to Wraith and offers a wry smile. Omega finally turns his attention back to the gangbangers and smirks as he uses his thumb to point in Wraith’s direction. "This is my friend Wraith. He has the power to send people to the dark dimension of hell. Don’t worry though…we wouldn’t dare think of insulting time-honored gang tradition by insisting you answer our questions without first being subjected to torture. You know…hellfire, brimstone…that sort of thing…” Wraith slowly rises above the thugs,hovering a few feet above their heads.Slowly tendrils of dark energy curl from his outstretched fingers and begin to dance around the criminals like a living thing.The teenage boys look up in horror,one of them mumbling something under his breath.Satisfied the theatrics have the boys ready to talk Omega begins to ask questions. "Why were you trying to hurt that girl? Who is she?" The mumbling boy looks at the heroes,his eyes wide, "She...she's rich and flaunts it...and tonight she bragged about how powerful she was...how we were nothing...we thought she was a freaking mutant...we just wanted to teach her a lesson..." Sternly,Omega continues, "Where did you get that weapon? Are you working for someone? Who?" The boy slowly answers, "No..nobody...honest...we just gang together for protection...for kicks...there's a guy,sells weapons cheap...drives a van...does a good business,most of the eastside gangs have some now...we needed protection...please...please..." The boy begins to cry,dropping his face into his hands.From around the corner a squad car pulls up,it's lights flashing red and blue flashes on the sides of the building.A cop steps from each side of the vehicle,weapons drawn.It takes a few moments before they recognize the heroes and slowly holster their guns.One returns to the vehicle and gets on the radio as the other slowly strides toward the gathering.Paladin walks up next to Omega. "If you don't mind could I ask your names?" He gazes into the frightened eyes of the thugs and smirks.From behind the men,Afterburn walks up and says,in a low voice, "Guys we need to leave,the girl is frightened and worried.It wasn't the boys that scared her so much as WE do.I'm not sure but I believe it has something to do with her Dad." She glances over at the window,the curtains now closed. "And I do believe she is Imp's sister though I couldn't get her to talk much about her family."

8:10-8:20 pm Paladin grits his teeth at Lord Galen's heinous remark.Omega nods to Afterburn and smiles. "Hang onto that Han Solo special," ,Omega says. "I'm anxious to see what we can learn about it." Afterburn pats the weapon,stuck in her belt.She glances at the police officers then starts to put her wristbands back on. "Perhaps I need to dash,before the men in blue get a little curious.I'll meet you all back at the base." With a wink at Omega,she disappears eastward in a blur. Wraith lands lightly near the police officers,effectively blocking them from getting near the other heroes. "Evening officers," ,he begins politely. "We apprehended these boys in the act of vandalism and terroristic threatening.You will find a young girl inside this townhouse who will give you all of the details." Behind him Omega turns his attention towards Paladin and tells him, "I'm Omega. That lovely lady is our resident speedster, who calls herself Afterburn. And surely you recognize Lord Galen and Wraith as members of the Guardians?" Paladin's eyes narrow, "Yes, Yes, Yes I already know this, you told me on that building. And it is sort of hard to forget someone that you took blue flames from and have seen in the newspaper. Guardians are a real corny name why did you call it that?" The police officers begin to cuff the punks and the heroes hear the wail of a paddy wagon as it nears them.Wraith steps over to the costumed men.Omega turns to Wraith and offers, quietly, "So...what do you think, Wraith? Think that kid was telling the truth about where he got that weapon? If someone is selling advanced weaponry out on the streets to the highest bidder, obviously that's only going to add to our problems." Wraith strides further from the police officers and the other heroes follow.His voice is low as he replies. "It makes sense,in an odd way,yes I believe he was speaking the truth.That would explain how the mutant revolt gets so out of hand so quickly.That had always puzzled me,the government has plenty of power to quell the rebellion but if civilian groups like these thugs also jump into the fight armed with sophisticated weapons the government may well have it's hands full.Some person or organization has stepped in to rachet up the pressure.But surely whoever is selling the weapons can't be making any money off of them.The common street thug in no way has the money to afford such technology.What angle are they pursuing?" The group stops under a streetlight,Wraith deep in thought.Omega looks to Galen and asks, “Do you think we need to patrol any more tonight?” Galen glances at the captured criminals and, feeling confident that the authorities now have the situation well in hand, shakes his head no. “Let the locals handle the rest.” ,Galen says.Omega happens to notice the time on the display panel on his police scanner. "Well, the bad guys had really terrible timing tonight. I think they caused us to miss the president’s speech. If we go back to the base, could the computer replay it for us? We might also get the chance to ask Imp about our mystery girl.” Galen nods in agreement. “Alright. Omega, do you mind giving me a lift back to the base?” Omega replies, “Not a problem.” He looks around at the others, “Anyone else need a ride?” He then recalls his earlier problem with trying to transport two passengers and adds, “I might be able to carry two as long as one of the passengers is light enough…or is everyone else good to travel under their own power?” Wraith looks long and hard at Paladin then says, "I'll be along in a moment,I would like to have some words with our young friend here." Omega nods and takes to the sky, along with his passenger, soaring back towards Guardian Base. Once the they are well out of earshot of the officials, Galen taps his badge and says, “Base, pipe the President’s speech to us. Please start from the beginning.”

8:30-8:40 pm The two heroes soar over the city as the badge replays the president's speech. "My fellow Americans,I come before you in troubled times.I have spent the day in consultation with my advisors and leaders from around the world.We now face a threat like none the human race has faced before.The speed with which this virus is spreading is unprecedented in our history.The health care system is overwhelmed and the federal government must take action now,without delay.I have ordered the National Guard to mobilize immediately and they will be setting up military hospitals all around the country to ease the flood of victims.I have ordered the military to highest alert and units will be arriving in most cities in the next few hours to help local authorities with any security concerns.Now we get to the difficult part...After careful consideration and much debate I have concluded that the virus is a threat to national well-being and security.There have been many incidents of civil unrest involving regular citizens and mutants.There has been property damage and injuries in these melees.For this reason I must now declare martial law,nation-wide.There will be a 9 pm curfew for every citizen,exempting emergency units.Any one caught in the streets after this time can and will be detained and questioned.Military units will be stationed in each city to maintain order and assist local law enforcement personnel.To help contain the spread of the virus I have invoked my Executive Authority to enact the Mutant Registration Act...my advisors assure me that the spread of this virus can be slowed by limiting physical contact with the mutant population.I know this will not eliminate the threat but at this point,slowing the spread will buy time to find a cure.For this reason any known mutant is required to register with their nearest Law Enforcement Agency.Failure to do so will be considered a crime and Law Enforcement agencies will be given the power to arrest and detain those that do not register.I am asking for the cooperation of every mutant,and any meta that is unsure,to make this a peaceful operation.I have put every resource available to this nation into finding a cure to this scourge to our society.This government is doing everything in it's power to protect it's citizens and will keep it's citizens informed of any progress that is made." As the two men draw closer to Guardian Base, Omega begins to feel a deep sense of unease. Is it...the Omega Force? He can't be certain but he suddenly gets a deep, sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach--a slight tinge in the back of his mind. Something has happened. He can feel it. He says to Lord Galen, somberly, "We need to hurry my friend. Something...something has happened...at Guardian Base...I can sense it...something...something is terribly wrong..." They fly over the lake and find the bridge is already extended.Omega drops down the long tunnel to land in the hangar below.Looking around the heroes see Vyra,Specter and Poundage in different areas around the room.Near the doorway they see a woman Omega doesn't recognize huddled over the body of Imp,sprawled on the floor.The woman looks up, "GET HER TO THE MEDLAB,NOW! I HAVE A COMPLETE SYSTEM SHUT DOWN!" She looks at the heroes,fear showing in her face. "Does she have the virus?"

8:40-8:50 pm "Imp!" ,Vyra cries as Lord Galen rushes over and picks up Imp's limp body. "Base prepare medlab for emergency patient,complete system shutdown." ,he orders as he rushes from the hangar. "... Yes ... please hurry ... hurry ... I need her here NOW! ... error ... errrorrr ... correction,correction ... medlab prepared ..." ,the base replies,the mechanical voice reaching a crescendo before returning to the monotone everyone was used too. Poundage looks at the doctor and answers her question, "I believe she does have the virus." Omega watches Galen run off with Imp's limp body in his arms. Omega shakes his head, sadly. "It's getting worse," he mutters. "Our friends and teammates sick or dying from the Legacy Virus...the government registering mutants, detaining them like criminals...the world has gone insane." Everyone in the hangar rushes after Lord Galen,Specter being the last.He pauses a long moment,staring into Omega's eyes.He hangs his head then dashes through the door.Omega exhales heavily and then follows after Galen, more uncertain than ever about what any of them should--or could--do. He knew that mutant registration would only be the beginning. Soon, they would be coming for all of them--all the metas. He wondered how long before even the Guardians went from being public heroes to public enemies of the first degree. The powers that be needed a scapegoat, and they had found themselves a very convenient one. Unfortunately, the blame was being shifted to the very people who were, most likely, the only hope humanity had left. Striding into the med lab, Omega asks, "What's the prognosis? How bad? Is ... is there anything further that can be done for her?" From a seat at one of the consoles the strange female replies quickly, "She's beginning to stabilize.The readings are strange,I had assumed that this was virus related.In part it is,but the virus hasn't deteriorated her genetic code enough to cause a system shut down." She concentrates on the monitor as her fingers fly about the keyboard.The gathered group waits in silence,the only sound is the small beeps and clangs as the little probes move about Imp's body.The base interrupts the silence, "... I have an incoming message from Afterburn ..." Afterburn's voice is heard next,light and easy. "Hey guys,can someone give a lady a hand?I'm in the park and not sure my speed would allow me to run across the water to enter the base." Suddenly Imp begins to shake,then flail her arms.Her eyes flutter as she moans. "oooo .... mmm ... mutant ... hhhmmm ... Men ... Men ... Men ... mmm ..." The strange woman stares at the monitor, "What the hell? She should be conscious from everything I see here..."

8:50-9:00 pm Omega responds through the communications system, "Stand by, Afterburn." He then tells the others, "Imp is pretty much the brains of the group but Afterburn is a close second. Maybe she can help shed some light on what's going on with Imp." The doctor looks up from her seat at the console and shoots Omega a look before returning to the video screen. "I'm going to go get her--we'll be right back." ,Omega says and sprints through the base.He asks for an exit,flies out of the bridge and soars across the water at top speed. He snags Afterburn, does a quick 180 and heads back towards the med-lab. "Rhonda...we have a situation. Something's wrong with Imp. We need your help!" She looks into his eyes and he sees the concern and questions she wants to ask.Omega explains the situation en route as he and Afterburn return to the base.They land in the hangar and as soon as her feet touch the floor Afterburn is gone in a blur.Omega follows her path to the medlab.When he arrives she is already hovering over Imp's limp body.Looking around the room he also notices that Specter stands with a grimace on his face,his fist clenched,the man is definitely very angry.Afterburn studies the readings on the screen over the bed,rips the bands from her wrist and hurls them into a corner."Her vital signs are nominal,molecular cohesion at the genetic level with-in parameters ... what is the problem?" The doctor is quick to reply, "I'm still sorting through the data ... but brain activity,her alpha waves are peaking.Whatever is going on the girl is 'thinking',her subconscious is hyper-active right now."

9:00-9:20 pm Lord Galen quickly turns toward Specter, "Specter. We know nothing of the sort. We don't need a major war on our hands." Gruffly,Specter replies, "Don't you see we already have a full scale war on our hands! The president has declared war on mutants and Imp is just the first casualty!" Lord Galen's look softens, "Stand down please." The two heroes lock gazes for a few seconds before Specter drops his eyes. Lord Galen then turns and finds the doctor at her console. "And as for you doctor, I dont think allowing you to care for the first victim would really have made any difference. Don't go trying to make yourself the smart one here. Do you know the answers to our problem? I dont think so. We have the smartest computer and some of the smartest people known working on this. If you know something they don't, spit it out. All I need from you is to help my comerades. Thats all. Alright everyone, sorry for the outburst but I've had just about enough! We are not taking the fight to anyone. We are protectors. I want all suggestions and ideas anyone has." He looks around the room when the door opens and Vengeance steps in,a look of surprise on his face.Omega rubs his chin. “Thinking…subconscious…of course.” Omega continues. “What Imp was trying to say before. She wasn’t trying to say ‘men’ at all. Remember, she managed to spit out the word ‘mutant’ and Imp was with the mutant group just prior to returning to Guardian Base.” Omega continues, Imp’s physical readings are normal—but, aside from the strains already being placed upon her by the Legacy Virus, it is not her body that is being attacked, it is her mind. As I said, Imp was with the mutant group prior to returning to the base. And who do we know who is telepathic? I fear the conclusion here is inescapable. Not ‘men.’ MenTOR.” Omega continues, “It appears that perhaps her meeting with the mutants did not go as well as we hoped it would. Computer, does Guardian Base have the ability to shield against telepathic attacks or manipulation?” The base replies, ... negaitive ... I have no defenses against mental or psionic attack ..." Omega pulls back his visor and looks to Galen. Bluish flames flicker in Omega’s eyes. “The pieces of the puzzle begin to fit together all too well, my friend. The President’s speech. The weaponry we found on the street. This apparent attack against Imp. Sides are already being chosen. I fear we have been thinking of all this in the wrong terms. We have been trying to PREVENT the future which Wraith warned us about from coming to pass. What we failed to realize is that it was ALREADY too late. Tomorrow is here. The apocalypse is upon us.” "Someone may need to check on the mutants. That is the last place she went. Anyone in on going to check on them. We will have to be careful and watch our backs." Poundage turns to Galen, "I'm wondering if I assemble a few to go check on the Mutants, can we take a badge for quick escape if needed. Also, It may be a good idea to open the base as infrequent as possible." “Good ideas, Poundage.” Omega says.Lord Galen nods his agreement, "Poundage I agree with your Ideas. Take a badge and see what you can find out. Keep us posted and please be careful." Omega looks around the room and notes that Wraith still hasn’t returned to the base. “Where’s Wraith?” Omega asks. “If this is indeed his ‘past’ coming to pass then he should know more about what’s going on than any of us.” Omega looks to Imp, the blue flames surrounding his body seeming to darken and intensify. “The base has no defense against telepathy." Omega continues to speak softly, in a voice which almost seems not to be his at all as the blue flames continue to flicker around him. “Telepathy. A paranormal sense which allows direct communication with other minds and has a range dependant upon…” The flames subside and Omega seems himself once more. “Range,” he repeats. “All the meta powers I’ve encountered, including my own, have some type of limitation where range is concerned. Perhaps if we moved Imp away from the city? Out of the range of Mentor’s abilities?” Omega thinks for a moment, “The Strikers. Galen, what if we placed Imp on board the Striker and piloted it or programmed it to fly in a random direction, away from Midville? If this IS Mentor, then Imp should get better once she’s out of range. If not then it at least tells us that my theory is wrong but, either way, I think the ideas that Poundage proposed are still good ones. How should we break this down, guys? The more I think about it, the more I think maybe we shouldn't leave Imp alone on board the Striker and we're probably going to need the brains up there with her or here in the base.” From the teen girl's side Afterburn quickly says, "I'm going with her." Omega steps over and places his hand on Afterburn's shoulder, "We must protect Imp. The Omega Force tried to tell me something about her before, something important. But I didn't understand it then." Omega goes on, again speaking in a voice which almost seems to belong to another: "The one known as Imp, finding a cure to the Lecacy Virus is but one way to help her. The ribbons of fate twist oddly about that one. She will also need the chains to be broken, the connections rent asunder, she is in mortal danger even with out the virus. She is prey for a hunter,her past stalks her. Be strong,the solution is with in your grasp." Omega then seems to regain himself and when he speaks again, it is his familiar voice which she hears, "That girl is our only hope. Now, more than ever, I'm convinced that Imp is the key. There is much I still don't understand but I do know that we have to protect her--we have to help her--no matter what." Lord Galen walks over to Imp's beside his eyes locked on the limp girl. "Omega, I have opened another Guardian base in New York. I could take her there. It has a medlab and computer just as this one. Perhaps that could help and keep us all connected." He lightly lays a hand on the young girls shoulder and his voice drops in volume, "Imp, if you can hear me, we need you, We will do all we can." Vyra looks to Imp and asks desperately, "Will she be alright?" The doctor glances at Lord Galen then at Vyra "Physically she is and should be fine.But something is going in her brain,her mind.What is happening in there?" Lord Galen whispers, "I wish I knew the answers." His head hangs and he begins to slowly step toward the door,looking for some privacy.His path is blocked when Wraith steps in,Paladin right behind him.Wraith looks around the room,a puzzled look on his face.When his gaze finds Imp on the bed he quickly asks, "What's the matter,What's going on?"

9:20-9:40 pm Omega replies to Wraith, "It seems your future is upon us, Wraith. Imp is under attack--apparently from Mentor. I believe that the revolt you spoke of earlier may already be underway. The time has come for total honesty between us all. If there is anything else you can tell us that might be helpful, now is the time." Wraith barely glances over at Imp then turns his dark eyes toward Omega. "Total honesty? Total honesty? I don't like the insinuation there.Do you not realize that I am from 50 years in the future of this event and that most if not all records were lost or destroyed.I know what I know because I spent years of my life searching for every little detail I could find." Lord Galen steps between the two, "Wraith, Imp is being attacked or controlled mentally. We think if we fly her out of range of the telepath she may be able to shake it. I need you to help us understand your past, our future. We need more to go on." Wraith takes a breath before he replies, "I will advise you the best I can,but much of this is shrouded in mystery to me also.Only when the pieces begin to show themselves can I add them into the knowledge I do have." He steps over to the med bed where Imp now lies calmly,quietly. "So Mentor is the invisible one behind the movement.That is a surprise,she did a good job concealing it in my past.But I do not believe she acts alone,there is someone else here pulling her strings...." He seems to drift into thought,his eyes staring at the teen girl on the bed.Omega then looks to Afterburn, "Can you take one of the Srikers to New York, as Lord Galen suggested? The sooner we get Imp out of range, the better. And...be careful." Afterburn steps to the corner and retrieves her arm bands as she replies, "I'll be plenty careful but believe me,the mood I am in,whoever wants to mess with Imp better be careful." Lord Galen steps over to the doctor and raises his hands,palms up. "Doctor,I apologize for the outburst. We are all under a lot of stress here. If you wish to help Imp you may go with us." The doctor continues to stare at the console as she replies but her voice has softened. "Thank you,I would love to go with Imp.Her brain activity has settled,more of a deep sleep type brain pattern.I'm not an expert on meta-powers but wouldn't this telepath have to exert some form of energy to attack her mind? Perhaps she has tired and can't attack right now? Even so I think getting her away from the city may be the best in case this telepath tries again." Omega turns to Poundage, "Who do you have in mind to go with you to check out the mutants, Poundage?" Poundage stands ready,hands on his hips, "Ok, anyone that wants to go check on the mutants, prepare for the worst. I will be ready whenever anyone else is." Vengeance finally speaks up from his spot near the door. "I will go with Poundage to check out the mutants.We can use my badge to get out but we could use an extra badge to get back in.We should be on our way while the clues are fresh." "I'll go!" ,Paladin chimes in. "As long as nobody touches me. Can't be to carefully, I have to get to work tomorrow. This will let me get a feel for combat, if any arises." Omega adds, "I would also volunteer to go with Poundage. However, I think it should be his decision as to how large...or small...a group he wishes to take with him." "Actually any size group is fine with me. We don't know what we are getting in to, so the more the merrier. Also everyone stay close to me. I can lift everyone of us and touch the badge." Poundage answers then turns to Paladin, "I don't think we have met. I am Poundage. Independent super hero, sworn protector of Midville. What do you mean as long as no one touches you? We have to touch you to get you out of the base without opening the bridge. Unless we wait for Afterburn to open the bridge for the Striker." Paladin looks puzzled, "Who the heck is this Striker? Um, I'm Paladin, new person in town. I mean, I don't know if you have the virus, it spreads by contact, and I want to live, thats what Wraith told me." Poundage turns back to the other heroes. "Also, shouldn't someone go with Afterburn for extra security? The Guardians are not well liked anymore. The Striker shows the logo." Near the doctor Vyra finally speaks, "I believe that standing around here will accomplish nothing. If anything, this is not the time for us to hide, afraid, in our bases. I think we should group off under our affiliations. Perhaps the Sentinals shall accompany and protect Imp and be there when she arises, and the remaining Muardians seek mentor herself, or visa versa. What ever we do, we must move quickly. Every second, the future that Wraith has seen draws closer to reality."

9:40-9:50 pm Omega replies to Vyra, "What you and Poundage suggest may indeed be the wisest course, Vyra. We must also consider that many heroes may be needed here in Midville before the night is out. And there are so few of us left. But I DO believe protecting Imp SHOULD be a primary concern." Omega looks to Wraith, "Wraith, I did not mean to be disrespectful to you before. I know it is hard for you watching these events unfold which you have tried so hard to prevent. I just thought...I mean, I had HOPED that perhaps...there might be...something we had not yet considered. I guess I was...grasping at straws." Omega continues, "But I know that we are beyond that point now. All our efforts to prevent the future from coming to fruition have failed. We must now deal with this crisis as best we can, with the belief that we can still somehow weather the storm. If we can only prevent it from being as bad, that's something, right?" Wraith stares at Imp then turns to glare at Omega. "I never expected your respect.But you are right,Imp is the key.I will stay here and watch over the city while everyone goes either to the mutants or to New York.I need to do some thinking,research anyway." Impatiently Vengeance urges, "Let's go already,quit the yaking and get the fuck out of here." "Shall the Sentinal's go with Imp, the Guardians stay here and the free-lancers go after the mutants?" Vyra asks.Poundage's head snaps in her direction, "Vyra, try to remember not all of us are Sentinnels or Guardians. So should I go check on the mutants with just the non-affiliated heroes. I swear you guys and your segregation. Where is the sentinnels 'base'?......thought so. Affiliation means nothing. We are just here trying to help. I am ready. Anyone going with me, let's go." He takes a couple of steps toward the door the turns back to Vyra. "That is if it is ok that I seek out Mentor as well. I hate to be an ass, but all I hear is Sentinels this and Guardians that. The non-affiliated heroes helped at the mountain. Hell as far as I am concerned the best hero we lost that day was an independent." He pauses,places his right hand on his heart and looks to the sky. "Rest in peace Scar. Paladin I do not have the virus, so stop being a wus." "Wuss? hmph. You haven't see what I can do!" ,Paladin grunts then nods to Poundage. "I'm ready when everyone is." Poundagelooks to Omega, Paladin, and Vengeance, "Looks like we are the four horsemen. Let's stay close and watch one another's back. Those of you that have fought with me know that I will do anything to prevent anything bad from happening to any of us." He reaches out his hand and the four men clutch wrist.Omega's last glimpse of the medlab shows him Afterburn blowing him a kiss.Next he finds himself standing at the statue in Buchannon park.Without a word the heroes follow Poundage's leaps over the quiet city.In the distance they can see military helicopters flying here and there over the region near the airport.Finally they make it to a manhole cover,strangely uncovered.They slowly drop into the sewers and abandoned tunnels below the city streets.They haven't gone far when they see evidence of battle.There are scorch marks on the walls,chunks of concrete blasted from certain sections.They move cautiously forward when they spot the first body.They are unable to determine whether the body is male or female as a large portion of it seems to have been disintegrated.They take a couple more steps when a voice bellows out from up ahead. "Stop where you stand...identify yourselves...and if you have come to finish the job you will find I'm not an easy target when I'm not mind controlled..."

9:50-10:00 pm Omega peers through the darkness down the long tunnel.The blue flames flicker around him as the Omega Force helps him to place the pieces of the puzzle ... scorch marks on the walls ... chunks of concrete blasted from certain sections ... a body ... a large portion of it disintegrated ... evidence of battle. "A war," ,Omega mutters. "A civil war. The mutants have divided." Omega thinks for a moment. A mutant, up ahead, who can identify them--sense them--far before they reach the mutant's location. The comment the mutant made rings in Omega's mind, 'You will find I'm not an easy target when I'm not mind controlled...' Omega tells Poundage, "It's Probe. But he is NOT our enemy. And I was only half right before about the identity of our foe. Mentor is not acting alone. Mind control. Not one of Mentor's powers. She's strictly a telepath. I think Mentor and Mental may be acting in unison. Combining their powers together." Omega's voice takes on a somber tone, "Poundage, we should proceed with great caution. If Mentor is near she would be able to detect our thoughts. And Mental may try to take control of one of US." "Hey, if you got something to say tell it to all of us, not just him." ,Paladin says as he flicks out his thumb at Poundage. " I could use some info on who we're up against, if you know any." Omega replies to Paladin, "I was not being secretive, Paladin. My comments WERE meant for the group as a whole--however, Poundage HAS been designated as leader for this mission which is why I was addressing him primarilly." The four peer down the dark passage in front of the them,wreckage everywhere. "As for who we are up against Paladin, I believe it to be two mutants named Mentor and Mental who, between them, have the powers of telepathy and mind control. The mutant up ahead of us is called Probe, but I do not believe he is with them. I believe he remains our ally." The younger hero reacts, "Hey hey hey, no need to get mad.I'm not as fast as the other heroes here, got to give me a sec to catch up with whatch your sayin'" Vengeance gives the young man a questioning look, "I am the hero called Vengeance.Who are you?" Paladin turns to the hero dressed in blue,snapping his fingers as he replies. "I'm Paladin,a god believer, he can strike you down just like that yea' know." He turns back to the others, "So what do you think we should do?" Suddenly Poundage looks at Paladin, "You'll find you don't want to be on my badside. We will inform you when you need to be informed. Like we want to give up the identity of our friend to a guy we barely know. I respect my friends enough for them to make that decision. So back off, BOY!" Poundage looks to Omega, "I think Master Minds thumb print is on all this. I know Probe and know we can trust him." Omega replies calmly, "Should we approach and speak with him? He and Imp were...very close..." Poundage gazes at Paladin for a moment and then yells down the pipe, "It's me Poundage. I have Omega, Vengeance, and an assclown with me. I'm sorry, some new guy." When no reply comes the group begins to make it's way down the tunnel.Every where they look they see carnage,twisted metal,pocked walls and a few bodies.Each hero begins to feel strange sensations,almost like a million tiny feathers rubbing against them everywhere,The further they travel down the tunnel the more powerful the feeling gets,causing the hair on their arms,necks to stand on end.Finally the tunnel opens on an abandoned subway station and in the far corner they see Probe on his knees,facing the body of Lieutenant in front of him.Probes eyes are closed,his face set in deep concentration.His head doesn't move but the heroes feel that power,almost like a gale force of wind rubbing against them.Probe speaks slowly but the four heroes hear the edge of anger in that voice. "I am all that is left.The rest are dead ... or gone ... " His eyes remained closed as he turns to face them, "Do not come any closer.You could be his pawns." Pieces of scrap metal suddenly raise from the ground around him and begin to spin and dance around him.

10:00-10:10 pm "Wow, Poundage is a freak, first he's a sensitive guy, then a mean one, he must be a sensitive jerk, of course I've cracked the code for the guy named Poundage." ,Paladin murmurs to himself,recalling when Poundage looked at the ceiling with his hand over his heart. "Man This 'Probe' must be really mad if he can do that!" ,Paladin says in amazement. "Are you sure he's on our side?" Vengeance takes a moment to concentrate,activating his magnetic abilities.Omega calmly pulls back his visor and calls to Probe, "Probe, we are pawns of no one. I know you've used your power to probe us--surely it tells you that we are not under any type of outside control." Eyes still closed,the metal scraps continue to dance in the air. "My abilities allow me to 'probe' physical objects in my range,not mental states." "Think about it--if we were, would we be talking and acting the way we are now?" ,Omega continues, in a calm and kind voice. "Probe, it really is ME. Omega. The other heroes here are also...themselves. Vengeance. And Poundage, your trusted friend." Omega looks to Poundage. There is a worried look in Omega's eyes. "I'm not sure if I'm getting through to him," Omega says softly. "He's obviously traumatized. I know, between the four of us, we can easily take him if it comes to a fight but..." Omega shakes his head, sadly. "For my part, I don't want to fight him. Still, I stand ready to do so if you feel we have no other choice." Poundage replies, "Omega, to attack Probe is not an option. To be honest I would attack anyone here but Probe first." Turning to Probe, "Probe you know me. If I were someone's pawn, you know I would be trying to fight it off more than obeying it." Omega looks at the mutant across the large room, "Probe, I don't want to fight you. I don't. Listen. Just calm down for a minute and listen to us. It's...it's Imp." At the mention of the name the scraps of metal stop thier spinning,hovering in mid-air. "They've done something to Imp. I believe that Mentor or Mental, or maybe both, may somehow be attacking her mind. Probe...we need your help. Imp needs your help." Omega stands by,the blue flames swirl around his body and he is obviously ready for combat, if combat should come--but there is also a sick look on his face at the prospect of possibly having to fight one of the few friends the heroes have left.Poundage takes a small step forward. "I know it has been a rough go lately but right now we need you and most importantly, Imp needs you. If you do not trust anyone here. One or all of us will leave. We have a Guardian badge and Imp is there. If there is no trust, we will leave this badge and allow you to use it. You owe Imp that. There is nothing we can do now except help Imp." Poundage lays the badge in the floor and looks again to Probe, "It's your call." He takes a step back,regrouping with the other heroes.Across the room Probe drops his face,the scraps of metal quiver slightly.He lightly brushes the side of Lietenant's mask then lightly lays the head on the floor.He jumps to his feet,his fist extended out from his body.He lets out a primal scream as he looks toward the ceiling.The metal shards soar up and clank off of the ceiling.Probe lowers his fist and begins to gain his composure,then begins to walk toward the heroes. "Take me to Imp.We have much to do."

10:10-10:20 pm Omega looks towards Lietenant, lying on the floor. He takes a moment to bow his head. "Another friend lost," Omega says quietly to himself. "Will this nightmare never end?" Omega looks to Probe. "Probe, we sent Imp away from Midville. She and several other heroes teleported to another city. I guessed that perhaps moving her far enough away might put her out of range of her attacker. But we don't yet know if the ploy worked. We should be able to find out if we go back to Guardian Base. And it should be easy enough to get to her location or to bring her back to Midville if we determine it is now safe to do so." Omega briefly describes how Imp was acting prior to being teleported away from the Base. "I couldn't be certain, but it sounded like she was trying to say the name...Mentor. And I'm guessing that Mentor and Mental were the ones responsible for what happened here. I knew Mentor was somewhat on the millitant side, but I never expected...this." Probe remains calm but his brow wrinkles over his closed eyes. "Yes ... both of them and others,but you don't understand.We mutants have just been handed a death sentence by the president of the most powerful nation on Earth.Did I expect this? No. Do I blame them? No..." There is a long moment of silence before Poundage speaks. "Ok Probe, but you'll have to come over hear and join hands with the rest of us. Once we get to the base, I'm sure they will transport you to New York if you want." Probe walks over,with a very regal bearing as Poundage looks to Paladin, "You have something to say to the group? Or just afraid to say what is on your mind, BOY!? By the way, was the "you haven't seen what I can do" statement a threat? Because if it was, I'm ready to find out what you can do whenever you are." "Got nothing for the group." ,Paladin says shaking his head slowly. "I never say what's on my mind, sometimes comes out wrong. I'm ready to find out what I can do too." ,he finishes trying to resist a smile.Poundage looks to the others, joins wrist,and says, "Do your thing Vengeance." Vengeance taps his badge and the group is teleported to the base HQ teleport pad.As the group begins to step from the pad Vengeance asks, "What exactly happened Probe?" Probe slumps over one of the chairs as he recites his story, "Imp visited us to warn us, reassure us.We had a heated debate,but nothing violent ... until the president spoke.As he went through his speech some of the mutants became angrier and angrier.When the speech was finished the main hall was filled with noise,all the mutants speaking,trying to get a point across.Suddenly a scream echoed above all the other noise,it was ... well ... I can't describe it.A scream like none I have ever heard.Then all of the sudden a blast was fired,and another and another.It was chaos,each mutant using their special talents to attack other mutants.I tried to speak,to interrupt but I began to have black-outs.I think this was when Mentor or Mental were playing with my mind.How long the battle lasted,I don't know.In between black-outs there would be less and less surviving mutants.Some ran away,others stayed and fought but I can't be sure who was fighting of their own free will and who was being controlled.Right before my last black-out I noticed Imp running form the tunnel and I had hoped she escaped to warn the Guardians,maybe get some aid.Finally I awoke from the last black-out to an empty hall,besides the wreckage and bodies.I don't know how long I sat there before you appeared." He shrugs his shoulders slightly then raises his head. "But the fight,the way it worked out ... almost like it was choreographed,planned out.But Mentor has lived amoung the mutants for a very long time.She knows us inside and out,and now I suspect she may have been picking our brains the whole time.How do we fight her,when she knows or has access to every action we may take?"

10:20-10:30 pm Omega replies, "That's a good question, Probe. And we have also learned that Guardian Base may have a singular weakness...a vulnerability to psychic forms of attack. Most of us have no defense against such attacks. And Mentor and Mental were also both amongst the Guardians and their allies during the fight in Colorado so there is no telling how much information that was 'sifted' from our minds. They could tear us apart just like they did the underground." Omega asks, "Do we have any idea about where Mentor or Mental might be now? I think the sooner we get them contained the better. For what it is worth, I do not agree with what the President said either and I find the mutant registration and detainment somewhat disgusting personally but whether Mentor and Mental are acting on their own or being influenced by an outside force, I'm afraid if they are left to their own devices it is only going to make matters worse." Probe responds, "They could be anywhere in the city,and the fact that they poured through my brain and probably Imp's they would have a good idea where we would begin looking." Omega thinks for a moment, then adds, "Which, more and more it looks like that's what somebody wants. If I didn't know better, I would think someone was trying to deliberatly PROVOKE a war." Vengeance looks thoughtful a moment, "Maybe we should think about who would benefet from a war.Mutants need no weapons.Maybe look into who has goverment contracts for weapons.It might be a dead end but it maybe worth looking into.Maybe its Mageneto,he has always wanted a mutant human war.Maybe the speech was the last straw.Probe do you know if Mental or Mentor knew Magneto ?" Probe looks at the floor and replies quietly. "Yes ... yes ... most of us in the underground have at least some knowledge of Magneto.He has recruited in the sewers." Omega looks to Probe, "Do you need medical attention, Probe? If you're hurt, the med labs here should be able to help you." Probe looks down at his dusty costume and replies, "No ... I'm fine ... I'm fine ...I'm fine? They had the opportunity to kill or seriously injure me,so why didn't they?" Omega then looks to the others, "So, what's our next move here, guys? I wonder if it's safe yet to bring Imp and the others back from New York?" Poundage quickly answers, "I think we should let Imp research in New York. Hell it may be a good idea for all of us to get away from here." Omega replies to Poundage, "Yeah, if we went to New York we would be out of range of the mental assaults. It might give us time to formulate a plan of attack--but more and more I'm inclined to agree with your line of thinking, actually. Our plan should be we find them, hit them fast and hard and take them out before they can do any more damage." Omega looks to Probe, "I'm sorry, Probe...I don't like talking about them this way, either. And I do understand what you said before about how the mutants are fighting for their lives. But it appears that Mentor and Mental have crossed the line and it falls to us to have to stop them. Of course, as I said, I'm still not completely convinced they are acting without some sort of outside influence. Maybe we SHOULD go to New York, that would at least give us breathing room and allow time to compare notes without the threat of mental attack." Probe steps forward, "Wait ... Wait! I understand the talk of hunting and hitting but these two right now know more about us than we know ourselves.If they have picked Imp's brain then they are armed with data and can make it extremely hard for us to find them.If they are being influenced by an outsider then that only adds to the possibilities of where they could be.On another front they more than likely know about New York and any other place we may choose to go." Omega nods and says, "Base, could you please inform Galen and the others that we have returned along with Probe?" After a few seconds Imp's voice is heard. "Hey guys! I want to come home now!"

10:30-10:40 pm Omega can't quite manage to contain a smile at hearing Imp's voice. "Imp!" he blurts out, "You're okay! I was really worried there for a..." Omega catches himself, "I mean...ahem...we can have the base teleport you back." Vengeance also smiles, "Good to hear your voice,Imp." "Hello 'Imp'." ,Paladin pipes in. "I'm not sure what's been happen but it looks sort of serious from inside the sewers. It was awesome!" Paladin looks around at each superhero's face, seeing a lot of glee in Omega's. "Who ever 'Mental and Mentor' is they must be really heinous if the all Guardians, and Poundage are after them. Oh, I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Paladin, the newcomer in the group, the odd man out if you would like to say." Paladin puts his hand out and shakes the air, as if shaking Imp's hand. "Nice to meet you. Hope we can meet face to face." The reply through the base is a healthy laugh, "Oh,so nice to meet you to Mr. Paladin." A large smile spreads on Probe's face also. "Imp,I was very concerned.How are you feeling?" Through the base speakers they hear a small giggle before Imp replies, "Wow,my own little fan club ... I feel fine,but really want to come back." Omega lowers his voice and looks to Vengeance and Poundage, in turn. Omega shrugs. "I suppose bringing them back here is as safe as anything else we could do at this point. I don't think any of us are going to be truly safe now no matter where we are from here on out." Omega thinks for a moment. He looks to Vengeance and Poundage in turn, "Both of you have some interesting theories on who may truly be behind the mutant revolt and I think we should definitely explore the Magneto angle, especially since he has recruited in the underground before." He is interrupted by Imp through the base, "Whispering in the corner doesn't help guys.Remember my pal,the base,can pick up that conversation.I am in as much danger here as I would be there,Mentor knows all about this base and I'm sure she has access to some sort of transportation,be it mechanical or mutant powered.The best bet would be for us to remain together ..." "Imp, Poundage here. I am not so sure that is a good idea. We were just discussing our options here. If we look for them, their mental powers will alert them before we even know they are near. A search and destroy mission would become a suicide mission if you ask me. Granted, I will do whatever majority thinks is right. As far as Midville goes, I don't feel safe any where in Midville. If their mind powers are good enough, they could be listening as we speak. By the way if you are, Fuck the both of you, you WILL pay for what you have done." He looks to the others, "Sorry, just a little frustrated right now. I hate feeling like my hands are tied. I would think the best way to stop them is to attack them in numbers and hope the ones that don't fall under their control can stop them. That's only if their powers aren't very strong. Damn it, is there really a good plan here?" Omega asks, "Would it be possible to develop any type of defenses against mental assault or these telepathic probes? The idea that our enemies may have access to all our thoughts and memories is...unsettling, to say the least." Omega pulls Vengeance and Poundage to the side and adds solemly, "And...at some point, we should probably get everyone together and talk about what we're going to do if one of more of us fall victim to a mind control attack. I don't think anyone should be compelled to give up any information that they don't want to, but I'm going to be completely honest with you guys and let you in on something that might later be important. I have a weakness which might allow them a greater chance at taking control of me. My powers sort of open me up to the cosmos, I guess you would say--allow me to know things and sense things, but the down side is that that 'openness' might also leave me more succebtible to mental attacks or control. I'm putting a lot of trust in you by telling you this--but I just want you to know now. Also, for my part, if you find yourselves in a situation where I'm being controlled in such a manner--take me out. I know I probably don't have to tell you that, but still. My powers aren't that great defensively but could cause a lot of damage from an offensive perspective. My Omega Flame blasts don't cause a whole lot of damage, but they are fairly accurate." Omega adds, "I hope it never comes to it. Maybe it won't. But...if it does, you two are amongst the most powerful heroes here. I just wanted you to know." Poundage answers with a chuckle, " "I've been looking for an excuse to take you out ever since that day in the park. " Vengeance looks at the two of them then asks the base, "Base, how is the rest of the world taking the news?" The mechanical voice answers, "... most civilized nations have followed the presidents example ... mutant registration is a global truth ... I have reports of riots in many major cities ... communications are becoming problematic,some mutants have attacked government infrastructure ... I expect heavy military response by morning ..." "Maybe we should contact the X-Men,they would know more of Magneto and possibly could give us some help." ,"Vengeance says,turning to the others in the room.Poundage nods in agreement, "I say we try to get a hold of Professer X. He may actually pinpoint the location of our two traitors. It is kind of wrong to probe like that." He glances at Probe, "No pun intended, but at this time, maybe we can talk Xavier into it. He also knows a lot about Magneto.I am trying to explore all angles. At this point, it could be any super villain we name. Hell they could be working alongside one another." From the doorway a deep voice is heard and the group turns to find Wraith standing there. "It will do no good to call Xavier.The X-men will be busy with their own problems and ... Xavier will be one of the first to fall."

11:00-11:10 pm Omega nods. "Base, could you please ask Lord Galen to meet with us?" The base replies, "... Lord Galen will be up in a moment ..." Omega adds, as an afterthought, "Galen should make the final decision regarding what the Guardians should do, but I believe he will take everyone's opinions into consideration." Omega glances once again towards Paladin. Omega sighs and shakes his head.Vengeance looks around at the others, "Maybe some of you can stay here in Midville and a few of us head up to New York. You all can try to save Midville; I'll try to save the world. I'll contact an old acquantance of mine, MindWarp. Last I heard she was living in New York and had a few good connections." Poundage stands,fist clenching and unclenching,looks over at Vengeance. "I agree that if Xavier is the first target, we should let him know and maybe get him into hiding. If Xavier is the first target, that may even point more towards Magneto. Now if you guys will excuse me a moment. Please excuse my actions as well." His hands pause in there motion as he turns a hard gaze at Paladin. "I need to teach someone some respect." He takes a couple of mighty steps,grabs Paladin by his costume and picks him up. "Now listen mother fucker, I want you to know that you should take these actions a little more serious." He tosses the younger hero to the ground and quickly places a boot on his chest. "How about I squash you like a bug and see just how awesome death is at a young age! Inexperience or not, death is never awesome. I think you need to show a little respect and apologize to us all for what you have said about our fallen comrades. That is unless you have super strength, impenetrable armor, or some kind of mind control. If not, your death will be much more gruesome. Or should I say awesome? If you don't shape up you're liable to get thrown out of this base. Not that I can give that order, but if your attitude doesn't change to where I can be in the same room and not want to beat you to a pulp, I will give the others a choice, me or you. What do you think the choice would be? And I do believe given the circumstances, I think I could survive on the surface longer." His boot pushes into Paladin's chest,Poundage looks up at the others. "Knowing that I am a bit of an asshole, I may have to separate myself from this fucking idiot. This means whatever you guys decide, if assface is in , it will be without me. I don't want it to be this way, but I didn't become Poundage to kill those who claim to be heroes. If this guy keeps up with disrespecting us and the others, I am afraid this may happen. That would ruin me as a hero. I would fall into a massive depression. Not that I would miss PileOfShit, I mean Paladin. I would just be so dissapointed in myself." He looks down to face Paladin, "Lots of people here have had a conflict with me at some point, but we were able to move on and RESPECT one another. If it is sincere, not like the last one where you said "I'm sorry" and then proceeded to tell us how to rationalize our fallen friends as awesome, I am willing to accept your apology and fight alongside you, but the next time you disrespect any of our fallen heroes or my friends as you did today, I promise you will cease to exist." He lifts his boot from Paladin's chest,then turns his back to speak to the others. "I am terribly sorry about that. If any of you think that he was not entirely disrespectful, then I am sorry you had to see that. I will go with Vengeance as long as no one has a need for me here. I think Xavier will be a huge key in any progress we make. Base, can you contact the X-men to see if we can arrange an emergency meeting." The mechanical voices answers, "... initiating ..." Paladin slowly gets up,pats himself down and crosses his arms. Paladin stands idly, thinking over Omega's, Poundage's and Wraith's remarks.Looking to Wraith, Poundage says, "I think because you know the most of what is to come, you should go with us to help explain to Xavier." Wraith gives Poundage a long look,then taps his staff on the ground. "It will do no good,but I will go with you to New York." The door swishes open and Lord Galen strides in.He looks around at the group then gives Omega a questioning glance.Omega replies, "I too believe we should go to New York. Perhaps we should all go. I think Vengeance and Poundage are on the right track. I'd like to go with them at any rate. I know we are pledged to protect Midville but we must protect the world as a whole if we can and right now, going to New York might be the best thing we can do for Midville anyway. Besides, if something does happen here we can use the teleportation device to get back in a hurry if need be."

11:10-11:20 pm Poundage turns his gaze on Wraith. "Sorry Wraith, but all you keep telling us is 'that's not going to help'. Then when we ask for suggestions from you, 'all I know is my past.'. Well if you can't give us any ideas, stop telling us that ours won't work. If Xavier is one of the first targets, by stopping that, we change the timeline, correct?" "I agree with Poundage." Omega replies and offers , "I don't come from the future, Poundage and my powers aren't exactly like Scars were in that I can forsee the future--but they do give me some insight. It has been revealed to me that the future CAN be altered. I believe that IF we had succeeded in Colorado which, unfortunately we didn't, then that would have been enough to alter the timestream. If we can stop a big enough event--like the attack on Xavier--from succeeding then I think that might be enough to alter things. It's too late to stop the events of Wraith's future from beginning as they have already begun; but perhaps we can yet stem the tide. In any case, it's just as Poundage says--we can either stand around and do nothing or we can at least try. I vote for trying." Wraith raises his head,squares his shoulders and replies in a measured but calm voice. "You fools will not listen. IT IS MY PAST ... 50 YEARS in my past ... freaking Dark Ages ..." His pupils seem to expand,darkness covering his entire eye. "What you fail to understand,the future can be altered.It will twist and turn except for one point ... The point where 3 people were sent back in time,locking that event into this future.IT MUST HAPPEN BECAUSE I STAND BEFORE YOU ... this war isn't beginning,it has begun.Some of you here won't survive the month.Others might survive the first year.The war is here it is now and it will be like no war before it." Poundage whirls to face Paladin, "I think we are all still waiting on this apology, and nothing like the last one. Don't stand back there and pout, stand up like a true hero and admit your wrong doings." Paladin return's Poundage's gaze. "You already accepted my apology. do you not remember? (Quote)'I am willing to accept your apology'(Unquote). And it also seems that you don't believe me as a true hero so why should I stand up like one? Also I'm not pouting, I'm recalling." "I said I would accept your apology. Not I accept. You haven't given an apology for me to accept. The only apology I heard was the one that you continued to tell jokes about afterwards." ,Poundage throws back quickly.Vengeance decides to change the subject, "Well if we are going to NY we should get some sleep get our streagth back." Omega replies, "Your suggestion concerning rest and recovery is a sound one, but we may not have the time." Poundage looks a round at the others in the large hangar. "Since Wraith does not seem to think it will help, if anyone here knows most of what he has said in the past, can they accompany us to New York. Wraith seems content with moping around being a negative nelly and waiting for the world to end again." He looks at Wraith, "Saw it once, and is ready for one more time." Omega whirls and locks eyes with Wraith, "You said Xavier was among 'the first to fall' and the revolt has already begun so that means we don't have much time, right? How long? How long do we have to intervene?" Wraith clutches his staff tightly,but replies calmly, "If I knew the details,the times and days I would've already told those dates.In MY past Xavier is the first 'mega-mutant' taken down,the first high profile rebel gotten early in the first weeks of the war.It only angers most mutants and causes the rebellion to get stronger.There was no evidence the government was involved in the attack on Xavier,but the records of what evidence there was ended up lost and destroyed." His eyes turn to catch Poundages, "I am a Guardian.I haven't mopped,I am as ready to go into action as you are ... be it here or in NY.A Guardian never shirks his duty."

11:30-11:40 pm Vengeance gales over at Paladin, "I say we make Paladin a casualty of this war.I have tried to ignore the mentaly handicaped but the more he talks the more I wonder whose side this guy is on. We do not really know him,maybe we should get him out of the base before we discuss any type of plan." Paladin sucks in a large amount of air before he begins to speak. "Over the past few hours I have been crude and unconcerned about your feelings. Could you all search down in your hearts to forgive me?" He lowers his head and waits. Poundage looks at Wraith, "Sorry Wraith, but every time we mention something, you reply negatively. I just wish every now and then you would reassure us with a positive attitude. I didn't mean any personal attack, but I am tired of all the negativity. I know you have been through and seen alot that we haven't. That is why we look to you for reassurance. I am ready for New York when you are." Wraith nods then slowly steps back toward the wall.Poundage then turns to Vengeance. "Vengeance, if we decide to rest, so be it. Some of us are still hurt from Colorado. Wraith, can you have the base contact the X-men? I asked it to, but I am not a Guardian. See if we can get a meeting now or if they want to wait till morning time. I say we may want to bring him back here. If what Wraith says is true, I say we bring him back here for hiding. That is if he agrees." It is the base that replies, "... I have tried multiple communication attempts ... there are system failures in the network ..." Lord Galen says, "I'm going to New York." He takes a quick glance around at the other heores then leaves the hangar.

11:40-11:50 pm Lord Galen walksleaves the hangar,the other heroes begin to follow.Vengeance glances back, "Are we going to take the Striker to NY?" They turn into the HQ and one by one step on the teleport pad.They appear ,one by one,inthe small NY HQ and again follow Lord Galen.The end up in a small medlab with two beds,crowded by the remaining heroes.Lord Galen quickly order s the base to find the source of the power failures. Imp quickly taps some keys as she rattles a list, "I have natural failures in upper Pennsylvania ... power failure in a transponder just outside of NY ... grid overload in the city and surrounding area ... the government has altered access codes on multiple satelite broadcast platforms,though the base has accessed some of these ... the system nationwide is taking a lot more traffic than it was supposed to handle." Vyra chirps in, and says, "I hate to be like this, but time is of the essence. We need to come to a conclusion fast on wether we stay or wether we approach Xavier. If you can't come to a descision as a group, then make one individually. As for me, I plan to warn him, even if I do it alone. " Omega looks to Vyra, "You're right, Vyra--time is of the essence. We need to get to Xavier quickly. Does anyone here know his exact location?" He looks around the room,only one set of eyes catch his,Wraith's. "I'm not sure of the exact location,but do know it is outside of the city,to the north somewhere." Omega looks to Galen, "I suggest we head to Xavier's location immediately if you have no objections." Omega walks over to Afterburn and places his hand lightly on her back. "The scene in the underground was...disturbing," Omega tells her.She stares into his eyes,then glances over at Imp.She's intent on the computer screen but turns a moment and stares at Probe.He stands near the door,his head slumped toward his chest,eyes closed.He doesn't look up but smiles and seems to wiggle a couple of fingers.It's Imp's turn to smile,then she taps lightly on the desk.Probe nods slightly then he steps to the center of the room. "I don't know about you guys but I need some rest.I only counted 2 bedrooms and the two beds here.I'm going to crash ... wake me if something happens."

11:50-12:00 pm Omega looks to Wraith, "Wraith. What you said before was correct. We...or should I say, I...have not listened closely enough. I understand that the events now happening occurred before you were even born. I know that the history of the future, like all histories, is written by the victors and therefore, the history you know may be different from the events now unfolding before our eyes. I have acted unfairly towards you, Wraith. You are right that some of us here likely will not last out the month; perhaps not even the remainder of the day--but I know nothing else to do but to move forward and hope that we might somehow, someway make a difference. We are all Guardians now and, as you said, a Guardian never shirks his duty. For what it is worth, I will stand with you till the end--whatever end that may be." Wraith steps over,places a hand on Omega's shoulder. "I appreciate the support.I have and will continue to do my best." Omega looks to Galen, "Wraith has given us a rough location of Xavier's base of operations. Maybe there's some way to get a more precise location? Is there any way we can contact him?" Imp's fingers fly over the keyboard, "Trying all known connection paths ... I have heavy chatter on the military bands ..." Omega paces a little, "I know the base in Midville facilitated contact with Xavier but...is there a more convential method?" Omega thinks for a moment, "I wonder...this is a long shot but, it might be worth a shot...base, is there a telephone listing for a Charles Xavier or a Professor Charles Xavier in the New York phone directory or directories for outlying areas?" Omega shrugs, "I know. Like I said, a long shot but..." Vengeance quickly puts in, "Base,check a listing for the Xavier school for the Gifted also." Imp quickly starts spitting out facts, "... found him ... unlisted number ... connection full of interrupts ... ok ... digging through phone company records ... ok got it,Greymalkin Lane.The base is printing maps ..." Vyra steps over quickly, "Computer, can you give us Xavier's exact position?" The base replies, "... am unable to track individuals unless they bear a Guardian badge ..." Poundage looks around at the gathered heroes. "I'm ready whenever you guys are. We should try to keep close to a Guardian badge. If the local law enforcement sees us or the military, they will probably engage us." From her seat at the console Imp says, "... military chatter is increasing ..." Poundage glances at her then at Probe, "Are you sure you won't go? You may be able to find this base quicker than any of us. But I guess if Omega can find it, we would be ok without you." Probe nods slightly, "I'll come ..." His fingers dance little taps and he smiles slightly.Omega stands quietly,concentrating on the address,Xavier.Paladin tugs on his sleeve, "Does it really matter if I go?" Paladin asks. "And Xavier is who?" Omega squints as he feels a rush of energy,a darkness and emptiness.Imp suddenly shouts, "... SOMETHING HAS HAPPENED ... can't decipher the military chatter but it is off the scale ... reports of massive equipment failure in communications arrays all around New York City ... people we have an EMP north of NYC ... SOMETHING HAS HAPPENED ..."

12:00-12:10 am "Oh gods!" ,Vyra exclaims. "Its Xavier, isn't it? We're too late again, aren't we?" ,she asks glancing at Imp.Omega mutters to himself, "I do not sense him. Only a rush of energy...darkness..." Omega speaks up a bit, "Communications disruption? An EMP? No. They wouldn't. They couldn't. Could they?" Omega looks around at the other heroes. "What we are witnessing is consistent with the detonation of a nuclear weapon." Imp quickly replies, "Let's not jump to conclusions.I'm still trying to go over the data.I am not reading any spikes in the surrounding radiation..." Omega speaks up, "We need to get confirmation on this but if the institute HAS been the target of a nuclear strike then it may be unsafe for us to go there. I THINK my powers might protect me from the radiation--at least enough to risk aerial recon. Is there anyone here who knows for certain that they would be protected? I suggest one or two of us go and have a look from the air--if our suspicions are confirmed, we return here and regroup and; if not, then we can contact Xavier as planned. But, I think it is all too obvious what has happened and I hole little hope that we are wrong." "I am capable of generating a Force Field," Vyra replies to Omega. "But I am unsure if it is powerful enogugh to block radiation." Vengeance pulls out a celphone, "Well guys I am going to meet a friend there." he turns and holds a quiet conversation as Lord Galen speaks. "Let's take the Striker to the mansion now. We must see what happened." Omega looks to Galen, "I didn't realize this base also had a Striker. That should afford us a bit of extra protection. Vyra might be able to provide extra protection for us by surrounding either the Striker or us with a force field, if it's not equipped with one of its own." He looks to Galen and nods, "Lead the way." Suddenly Imp shouts, "WAIT! I'm getting something...it's being broadcast on all frequencies..." She taps a button and the gathered heroes hear a deep voice coming through the base speakers. "...approximately midnight the war was taken to the tyrants and non-believers.The government declared war on mutants earlier tonight,but we of the Mutant Liberation Front could not sit and wait for their aggression.In a show of force we have attacked some government sympathizers.Let this be a warning to all 'Norms' and sypathizers,the Mutant Liberation Front will retaliate.Mutants Unite !!"

12:10-12:20 am Omega mutters, "Good lord...does this mean? Mutants attacking other mutants? The Mutant Liberation Front attacked Xavier's school?" Lord Galen sports a blank stare, "I cannot believe this is happening." Poundage glances around at the others, "Just what we need, aggressive rebels. Now what do we do?" Omega looks thoughtful, "This whole thing is beginning to look more and more like a set up to me. First the mutants in the underground and now Xavier. And the attacks seemed planned, not like something that was just thrown together in the wake of what the President said earlier tonight. The 'MLF' may not be exactly what they claim. At any rate, it doesn't matter WHO attacked Xavier's at this point--we should still go and check it out. There might be survivors. Maybe we could help them. And if it was the MLF, as opposed to the government, then maybe it wasn't a nuke after all--though still a powerful bomb by all indications." Omega thinks for a moment then adds, "Even if they didn't initiate the attack, the government types are likely to be swarming all over that place by now too. I wonder how they will react to us showing up? We're still the good guys, right?" Lord Galen strides forward, "Let's get to Xavier. He and his people will need all the help they can get." Vengeance looks at the others then steps out of the room.Vyra hangs her head low. "That will accomplish nothing..." Imp taps some keys then wiggles them oddly. "Tracking multiple high speed aircraft converging on the area ... the air force is on scene ... oh and hey the Striker III only carries 6 ... I'm staying ..." Lord Galen turns to leave then orders, "Base,see what you can dig up on this group taking responsibility. We need to know who they are." Imp quickly replies, "On it ... they are registered in most international intelligence agencies as a mutant terrorist cell ... still trying to pry up more but they are NY based ..."

12:20-12:30 pm Lord Galen asks, "Anyone want to go with me to the mansion? I'm going now." "I will stay here with Imp. If you guys need help, just call. That is, unless you guys want me to go. Those military planes may think the Striker is a threat.", Poundage says. The doctor nods her agreement, "I'll be staying also." Probe nods his head toward Imp ,"I'll stay here with Imp." Lord Galen orders, "Base prepare Striker III to take me to Xavier's school." As he walks out,five of the others follow;Vyra,Specter,Afterburn,Omega and Wraith. "I'll run the ship scanners from here ... I'll try to track a course to miss the air patrols so it may get a bit choppy up there ..." ,she calls out to them.The group climbs into the small craft and it launches out over the river before climbing quickly.Wraith settles into his seat,leaning back. "... Mutant Liberation Front ... I just can't seem to 'remember' anything about their involvement ... "

12:30-12:40 pm The Striker III flies high over New York City,the buildings below completely dark.Inside the small craft Omega turns to Afterburn and offers her the warmest smile he can muster under the circumstances. He reaches over and takes her hand, reassuringly.She tries to smile back,but barely musters a grin.Omega then leans back in his own seat, trying to come to terms with everything that has happened during the course of the day. The company of the heroes with him gives him some sense of comfort--they are a dedicated group and have a great deal of power between them but then...weren't Xavier and his group also dedicated? Didn't they also have a great amount of power? Omega finds himself hoping against hope that when the Guardians reach the mansion they will find some there still alive. That it won't be like the underground.Breaking the silence Lord Galen looks at the others, "Thanks for accompanying me. I believe we should go in quietly. Maybe we can try to land somewhat close but out of scanner range and do some spying of our own. any suggestions? The small craft suddenly dives,banks left then quickly slows. Afterburn lets out a quick gasp as the heroes feel the Striker shake and rattle as a jet soars past,seemingly with in inches. The base is heard, "... beginning evasive maneuvers ... The aircraft again banks left,then accelerates and shoots straight up,throwing the passengers back into their seats.It climbs for just seconds before leveling off,accelerating in the arc.The heroes hear three sharp beeps followed by a long tone.Afterburn glances at the console in front of her. "WeHaveBeenLockedOn. I'mCountingThreeBogiesWithMultipleLocks." As she is finishing the heroes hear another voice through the base "Guardian craft,this is the United States Airforce.You are violating restricted airspace.Two aircraft will escort you to the ground where General Yeager is waiting..."

12:40-12:50 am Omega quickly speaks up, "They identified us as a Guardian craft. They know who we are and they still locked on missles. They mean to shoot us out of the sky anyway if we don't comply." Paladin looks back and forth, "What should we do? How sturdy is this craft?" He begins to tap on the Striker's walls.Lord Galen answers, "I'm not walking into a trap and I will not be a captive. Everyone gather round me and hold on. I will use the badge to get us back to the base." "We can't give up on Xavier so easily!" ,Vyra protests,looking quickly at Omega.He speaks up, "Galen...I'm forced to agree with Vyra. YOU are the leader here and I will go along with whatever you want to do, but consider: we don't yet know their intentions; they could have shot us down easily already if they wished to do so. Also, they have identified us as a Guardian craft so they know who we are and where to find us. Perhaps we should chance going down there and sharing what we have learned? But if we do then I think it would be wise to alert the others to our perdicament...we might be needing a rescue." Imp's voice is heard, "We're aware,and I agree with your logic Omega" Omega grins but begins to rub his chin. "Then again, maybe not. It's just so hard to know who to trust right now...and who not to...but I too am reluctant to give up on Xavier and his students. Still, as I said, you are the leader here and we will follow whatever course of action you belive to be the wisest." Vyra suddenly has an idea. "Computer, what is the maximum speed of these aircraft? Can we out run them? Those who can fly, we can take out the missles before they fire on the Stryker." Lord Galen stares at her, "Vyra, do you intend to take on the entire military? Not possible.Base help Vyra out here. What are the odds of us escaping these jets and missiles?" The base responds, "... our maximum speed will not allow us to outrun the aircraft ... evading missiles is not possible considering the number of enemy weapons platforms ..." Lord Galen glances out the front windshield as another fighter screams past the much smaller Striker. "I will make this democratic, who wishes to land and speak with this general and who opposes? I'm all for helping Xavier too but if it cant be done this way there is always another." Specter is the first to speak,his arms folded at his chest. "I am a mutant and WILL NOT go down,but I think at least the Guardians should land ..." As he finishes he 'melts' into and through his seat.In just seconds he is gone,floating somewhere behind them. The fighter pilot's voice is heard again. "Guardian aircraft this is your second warning.Allow the fighters to escort you to the ground or risk being fired upon.You have entered restricted airspace."

12:50-1:00 am "I'll go with you," Vyra says abruptly, abandoning her ideas of escaping the military threat.Omega looks around at the group. He concentrates for a moment, allowing the blue flames of the Omega Force surround him and trying to get a feel for the right thing to do.He doesn't notice much difference and he doesn't feel like landing would be dangerous. "I believe we should go down and speak with this general. Galen is right. We can't fight the entire military. We can't outrun them--and if we teleport out of here, what kind of message does that send to them? We are still heroes. Guardians. We have done nothing wrong. Perhaps we should see if we can make an ally out of the general waiting below--right now, we certainly need all the allies we can get." Lord Galen replies, "Omega, I agree we need allies. But who is to say we will not be prisoners as soon as we land." The room falls silent as Lord Galen ponders the situation. "Alright we will land. Base, keep an eye out with the Striker and keep us covered. Everyone else, be ready for a rescue if need be." Omega nods to Galen, "Whatever happens down there we will face it together." He then adds, "Everyone stick close together so that we can maintain physical contact and blink out of there if need be." He speaks toward the walls, "Imp...if our back up plan doesn't work, we may be needing you and the others to pull off one of those 'daring, last minute rescues' should this thing go sour." Her voice is heard, "Roger that ... good luck down there." Lord Galen speaks next,replying to the fighters. "We will land and speak to the General. Unlock your missiles and guide us in." The heroes feel the Striker slowly dip toward the ground and after a couple of minutes they feel it lightly land.The door opens and the heroes slowly step out of the small craft.All around them is every manner of military equipment that they have ever seen.Helicopters dip and soar in all directions,soldiers all around have their weapons at the ready but do not point them at the group of metas.Over to one side they notice a gathering of men,one of them wearing 4 stars on his collar.This man looks over in their direction,talks quietly with the man to his right then stands with his hands clasped behind his back.The man just spoken to walks briskly over to the heroes.He stops a few feet from the Striker and says, "Please,do not make any sudden moves and do not leave contact with the ground.We have a serious situation here and we would like to keep everyone calm.General Yeager would like a conference with you if you would follow me."

1:00-1:10 am The group walks over to the General and his men.The soldiers seem to melt back away from the general as he looks the heroes over.Lord Galen speaks up in a level voice, "We are not here to interfere. We came to see what happened to our friends and to see if we can be of assistance." He sticks out his hand and the General grasps it firmly.The hand shake is quick and Galen continues, "I am Lord Galen leader of the Guardians. What happened here?" The General merely nods and turns to walk to the crest of the hill.The heroes pause a moment then follow him warily.Omega says, "We monitored the explosion and the emp. At first, we feared it might have been a nuclear weapon. We were on our way to search for survivors." He speaks the last words,his voice falling to a whisper,as the group gets their first view over the ridge.Below them lies a huge crater,debris scattered in all directions.There are small teams of soldiers moving around near the edge of the crater and helicopters fly over,their blades kicking up small dust storms.The General looks out over the scene and finally speaks, "The military also first suspected it to be a tactical nuke.But all indications are the radioactivity level remains normal.The blast seems to have originated INSIDE the structure,a few levels below the ground.The EMP and recent readings of the site lead us to believe that either the magnetic pulse caused the explosion or someone has developed some sort of magnetic bomb and was able to place it inside the structure." He turns his back to the gaping crater and eyes each hero. "I don't think there were any survivors and I don't have to tell you what this would do in a city." His glare is full of suspicioun and he folds his arms against his chest.Omega reply, "General, I can assure you that we are not your enemy. And I can also assure you that this so-called Mutant Liberation Front does not speak for all mutants or for all metas. Moreover, I believe there is more to this organization that might first meet the eye. I suspect that they are not exactly what they claim to be. Someone is trying to deliberately provoke a war." "War is my job." ,the General mutters as he strides through the heroes back toward the Stiker III. "The only reason my pilots didn't take you out of the sky is I need your co-operation.The military resources of this nation are stretched thin and certain parties feel that we need co-operation from the Guardians in apprehending the MLF." The gathering stops near the Striker and an aide jogs over to the General and whispers in his ear.The general nods then looks over at the heroes. "I must ask you to leave and do not invade my airspace without my permission."

1:10-1:20 am Lord Galen stands where he is and also crosses his arms at his chest. "General, as Omega said, we are not your enemy. We would like to investigate the explosion ourselves. We may be able to see or find things that you cannot. These were our friends. Finding and apprehending who did this ranks high on our list of things to accomplish." After Galen speaks, Omega adds, "Galen is right, general. There's no reason why we shouldn't be able to work together. Indeed, it will likely take all of our combined efforts to stand against the one who caused this destruction." The general scowls, "I can not allow anyone else near the site unless they have military permission.I also think it will take cooperation between us but right now I have orders to follow.I assure you the Guardians will be kept informed-" He glances at his aide,next to him. "-even if I have to do it personally." Omega turns to Galen, "An EMP. A magnetic bomb. The massacre in the undergound. It all fits together. Poundage was right. Poundage was right all along. Magneto." Vyra hangs her head low and mutters to herself, "no survivors..." Vyra looks to Omega and whispers, "He can't be far." She speaks up to the General and says, "General, do you want to stop this from happening again? In a cIty, as you said? Your going to need our help, because with all due respect, you and your forces are helpless against Magento." The general quickly argues, "On that point you are wrong miss,we are quite capable of handling Magneto ... or any other meta.At this moment Asteroid is being tracked and targeted.Whoever we find responsible for this act will face the strength of the U.S. military." His aide taps his shoulder and leans over to whisper in the generals ear again.This time Lord Galen's sensitive hearing picks up the hushed words. "... two are missing.The satelite was down for refurbishing.Your needed on the redline NOW." The general looks up at the heroes, "I have to go and you must leave.I'll be in touch... " He turns smartly and begins walking toward a large trailer next to a small grove of trees.The soldiers around the group and the Striker III take a ready posture but none of them point their weapons.

1:20-1:30 am Galen turns back towards the Striker. He leans over toward Omega and quietly says, "I overheard the aide say,'... two are missing.The satelite was down for refurbishing.Your needed on the redline NOW."' Two of what are missing?" Omega looks to Galen and replies softly, "Hmmmm...that's a good question." Omega takes note of the soldiers and suggests, "Perhaps we should move towards the Striker..." Omega concentrates for a moment and attempts to gain some sense of clarity concerning the aides statements.His concentration is deep and he gets a mental picture,a view of the earth from orbit.He gazes at the clear blue of the Atlantic Ocean before a spark of origin on the horizon grabs his attention.Peering harder hw realizes his is watching the launch of some sort of missile from a small satelite floating up here with him.The missile streaks earthward as his vision begins to fade.He returns to reality as Vyra moves past him and into the Striker III.

1:30-1:40 Galen enters the Striker. He is feeling very discouraged. "Base, how are things in Midville?" The base replies, "... all things considered,things are calm in Midville ..." Galen continues, "Imp,we are heading back. Any news or breakthroughs? A little good news would help. Base keep track of military movement and what intelligence you can here. The aide told the General that 2 of them are missing. I want to know 2 of what?" Once on board the Striker, Omega tells Galen about his vision. "I received a mental picture of a satellite...missiles being launched towards the Earth...two are missing...two missiles perhaps? But...the aide said the satellite was down for repair...I wonder--maybe the missles weren't actually 'launched' so much as they were 'stolen'? IF that is the case then I think we have a good idea who is behind the theft." The base is heard, "... I will do some searching ..." Vyra asks, "Is there anyway we can be sure there were no survivors? Does the Stryker have that capability? Because I swear to the gods I will not leave anyone in the rubble to die if I can save them." Wraith steps over and lightly lays a hand on Vyra's shoulder as Imp is heard. "I have been using the ship sensors since you all flew into range,the complete time you have been talking.And I am sorry to say I can not pick up any signs of life except those of the military roaming the site."

1:40-1:50 pm The ship lifts off easily,gently.Inside Omega looks to Wraith, "Is it possible that any of them might have somehow escaped the blast? Perhaps they had teleportational technology like the Guardians?" Omega's voice trails off, "That was a school down there...some of them...only kids..." Vyra hangs her head low and moans to herself, "Somehow I feel like we failed once more..." From his seat Wraith speaks,his voice deep and resonating. "We have only done what we can do,no less and no more.What more can be expected of us? As for the hope that some survived,there are members of the X-Men that will play major roles in the coming battles." The heroes feel the Striker III come to a soft landing and Omega looks around at the other heroes, "Anyone have any ideas on what our next move should be?"

1:50-2:00 am Lord Galen glances over at Wraith. "If some of the X-men have major roles in upcoming battles, where are they?" Wraith taps his staff lightly on the floor in a nervous gesture. "If they survived to fight later then I assume they weren't at the mansion when it exploded.Where are they,I have no clue." Galen paces a little, "As for our next step, I'm all open to suggestions and opinions. Can't people like Specter help us? I mean after all being invisible would help in getting around the site and investigating a little ourselves." Omega nods, "We should be careful, though--the military might have equipment that could detect even someone like Specter. Maybe we should have the base do a search--check recent media reports for any spottings of X-Men who weren't here when the explosion took place?" "I think we all need some rest,perhaps get a fresher look at the situation in the morning.And,I don't mean to correct you but Specter doesn't go invisible but intangible.", replies Wraith taking a couple of steps toward the exit.He stops when Vyra speaks, "Maybe we should regroup. If there are other X-men, maybe we could try and contact them. Gather a list of allies. Gather a list of potential enemies to watch out for. Because, as we just have seen, we can't do this ourselves."

2:00 am-? Lord Galen stifles a yawn, "As Omega said, I need rest as well." Omega looks around thoughtfully, "Perhaps rest would do us all some good...it has been a very long day." Vyra nods her agreement as Afterburn moves over to put an arm around Omega."I'm sure the morning will bring better things." The heroes each wander the small base,finding a chair here,a cot there before settling in for the night.

2:00-9:00 am Omega slowly wakes and finds his way to a bathroom.He does the normal morning routine,preparing for the day.After his shower he wanders into the small kitchen to find Afterburn already cooking.Omega smiles at Afterburn. "You didn't said much tonight. I know it was a traumatic day--are you alright?" She gives him a weak smile as she serves up what looks like eggs and bacon. "It was just so much to take in ... I'm not sure I have really taken it in at all." She munches a couple of bites then continues. "But it's nice to have this small time without the others,without the problems."

9:00-9:10 am Sitting at the table,Omega gives her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Yes, it is nice to have a few moments just to breathe. Everything has been so hectic the last few days. It seems like so much more time has passed..." She smiles at him sweetly, "Oh come on now,buck up fella ... all this excitement and you have yet to take me out on a date ..." Afterburn stares at him,that smile glittering.The moment is broken as Specter and Dr.Jill walk into the kitchen giggling. "Good morning ... the weather has taken a turn for the worse out there and I'm not sure if that is good or bad.", Specter comments offering the remaining chair to the doctor.She sits with a smile as Omega asks, "Any idea what the plan for the group is today? I wonder if the others are ready to head back to Midville or want to remain here in New York for a while longer?" The doctor quickly answers, "I need to go back to Midville.The clinic must open,especially now." Afterburn nods and lightly lays her hand on Omega's arm. "Yea,I'd like to return too.I'm all for saving the world and all but Midville is home.I also want to find any of the survivors from the underground,they need help ... maybe protection ..." Between bites Specter mumbles, "mmm ... the mutants are my biggest concern right now ..."

9:10-9:20 am Omega nods, "Yeah, unfortunately I don't think there is very much else we can do here anyways." Specter looks up from his plate, "We can do just as much and more back in Midville,on our turf." Omega asks the Base, "Base, please inform us when Lord Galen awakes. We would like to speak with him." "... affirmative ...", the base replies.Omega looks around at the others, "We'll let Galen make the final decision but I'm sure he'll agree with us that we should return to Midville. There's so much to be done there..." Specter stands up and drops his dishes in the sink. "I don't see no red 'G' on my chest.I'm returning to Midville,I've delayed too long already."

9:20-9:30 am Omega calls to Specter, "Specter, wait." The orange clad hero pauses and Omega approaches him. "If you feel so strong a need to go ahead and return to Midville then you should follow your instincts." Omega then asks the Base, "Base, what is Lord Galen's scheduled time to awake?" The base answers, "... he left no instructions to wake him ..." Omega turns to Specter, "Be careful. And don't turn away from the Guardians, Specter. We're all going to need one another more than ever now. If you need help--don't hesitate to call on any of us." Specter nods, "I'm not turning away from the Guardians,just turning toward the helpless mutants.Tell Vyra I will contact her later." He turns and leaves the Kitchen.

9:30-9:40 am Omega looks around at Afterburn and Dr. Jill, "You know, I'm inclined to agree with Specter actually. I think the sooner we get back to Midville, the better." The doctor rises and places her dishes into the sink. "Yea,I can't wait for Galen much longer.I need to open the clinic and I'm curious to see what Midville is like this morning."

9:40-9:50 am Omega replies, "If he's not up by 10 a.m. then we'll wake him or leave a message. That's only twenty more minutes." Omega pauses for a moment and continues, "I'm curious to see what's going on in Midville today too--and in the world in general. Base, could you show us the morning news broadcasts please?" A video screen slides open on the one wall and the heroes quiet to watch the news. The screen shows a picture from a helicopter hovering a few miles from a large crater.Along the horizon small dots move back and forth,military helicopters flying all around the crater.The voice over speaking is slightly hushed, "... the site is quareentined and under heavy military protection.The group claiming responsibility call themselves the Mutant Liberation Front and claim their actions were in response to the government actions.Military units around the country are on high alert and there have been reports of the capture of mutant members of the organization.Government sources deny these claims but also state the proper federal authorities are doing everything they can to find the perpetrators." The screen switches to a grainy picture of a column of smoke drifting into a dark sky. "We can see the smoke as it billowed from the area just minutes after the explosion.Investigators right now say the explosion apparently happened inside the structure but say it will be a few days before they are able to be more concrete with an answer.Last night rumors ran around that witnesses report seeing a spot of light streak toward the structure just moments before the explosion.But after some searching today this reporter has been unable to find any witnesses to report this.On a brighter note there are confirmed reports that one of the Guardian aircraft was also in the area last night after the explosion and unconfirmed reports say that there were some Guardians investigating the area and a meeting between them and government personnel." The picture changes to the live broadcast of the reporters face,his hair whipping in the breeze of the helicopter blades. "This,of course,is an evolving story and I will report anything new as the story develops."

9:50-10:00 am Omega mutters, "A brighter note. Well, at least SOME of the public and the media are still supporting us. That's a good sign." Afterburn lightly rubs his arm, "We'll get all the support we need as long as we're not mutants.It has become a very dark place to be a mutant." She hangs her head a moment then returns her gaze to the video screen.It now shows a news room and the male anchor announces, "The security advisor has reported a few minor skirmishes with mutant groups but would elaborate no further,claiming that the military was transitioning smoothly into their role of protection of public property and public concerns.Medical stations are now in every city,within minutes from most Americans.Anyone at risk from the virus should go to one of these medical stations before going to the hospital.The hospitals will be serving the most serious patients only."

10:00-10:10 am Omega looks around at the group, "Let's see if Lord Galen is awake yet." Afterburn rises with him,her fingers entwining themselves with his.The base suddenly says, "... Lord Galen has awaken and is headed for a shower ..." The doctor nervously takes a seat again,her fingers tapping her knees.The door opens and Vyra enters the kitchen with a smile.

10:10-10:20 pm "Any change in our stand over night?" ,Vyra asks drearily.Omega nods to Vyra, "Morning...we were just discussing returning to Midville. Everyone seems to think it's time to go home. Specter has already teleported back to check on the surviving mutants." Omega glances towards the nervous doctor and offers a reassuring smile. "If you feel the need to go ahead and return, perhaps one of us could accompany you back if you feel unsafe traveling on your own?" She smiles sheepishly back at him before replying. "No it's not feeling unsafe,just nervous as to what I'm going to find when I return.A clinic full of patients or will there be a clinic at all? But I can wait for Lord Galen."

10:20-10:30 am Lord Galen steps into the kitchen and strides toward the coffee as Omega nods, "Okay." Vyra responds, "I , too, believe our place is in Midville." Afterburn glances at bLord Galen, "We were just discussing on next step,if there is such a thing right now"

10:30-10:40 am Lord Galen takes a sip of the steaming coffee, "I'm still a little groggy. This coffee should help. So what is the consensus? I understand Vengeance and a friend have gone to talk with a reporter about yesterdays events. Also let me apologize for sleeping so late. I myself am stumped as to our next course of action. Why does everyone feel the urgency to get back to Midville?" Omega replies, "I think the Doc is anxious to get back to her clinic and honesetly I'm not sure there is much more we can--or will be allowed--to do here for the moment. If you feel some should stay here, we could split up. But I think the best leads we have right now are still in Midville. Maybe we could try to follow up on those weapons suppliers? I know it's not much to go on but I guess we have to take what we can get at this point." Vyra looks sullen, "Omega's right. There is nothing we can do here. There's hardly anything we can do anywhere. How can we save a world that hates us?" The doctor steps over to her and lightly rubs her shoulder, "The same way you save a world that loves you,with heart and determination." She turns to look at Lord Galen, "I'm just anxious to return so I can get the clinic open.I have a feeling I will be seeing quite a few patients today,possibly some of those mutants from the underground.If they were hurt during the battle they may feel more comfortable at my clinic than turning themselves over to military at the medical stations."

10:40-10:50 am Paladin slips into the kitchen as Lord Galen has a seat with his coffee.Galen takes another sip, "Doctor Jill,I totally agree with you for once. I also agree with everyone else. My question is, are we sure there is nothing more to do here? I don't think I truly have any answers to anything that has gone down here.You guys go ahead and head back to Midville. I will join you shortly. I still need some answers here." Omega looks to Galen, "Alright. Afterburn, Vyra, the Doc and I will head back to Midville. The doctor needs to check on her clinic and maybe the rest of us can try to find some answers there. That might be best, to try to approach this on two fronts while there is still enough of us to go around. Good luck here, Galen and be careful--our list of friends seems to be growing smaller by the day." Paladin takes a seat close to Galen. "I'll stay with Galen, if he doesn't mind of coarse." Jill steps over to address him. "This situation is much larger than any of us.We are not going to figure it out in a matter of hours.This has developed over years and decades,to think we can solve it that quickly would be wishful thinking." She pats him on the back and the group,excluding Lord Galen and Paladin,leave the kitchen,on the way to the HQ.

10:50-11:00 am The small group goes to the HQ and one by one step on the teleport pad.Once all of them are in the hangar of the Midville base,Afterburn glances up at Omega then says, "I'll escort the doctor to the clinic.I can lend a 'quick' hand if she does indeed need some help.Besides,I need to get out into the city ... been stuck inside these metal bases too much." She looks around her before giggling quietly, "No offense base,really."

11:00-11:10 am Omega smiles, "I'll come too. I'd like to have a quick--uh, no pun intended--look around at the city." Afterburn playfully punches him in the arm,her eyes twinkling.Vyra replies, "I, too, have been kept restless too long." The small group leaves the base and gather in the park.The doctor agrees to be carried by Omega to her clinic and Afterburn zooms off,zigging and zagging across the park.Vyra nods her good-bye and they all head their separate ways.Omega carries the doctor as he follows the blur that is Afterburn.

11:10-11:20 am Omega flies with the doctor to the clinic, scanning the streets below for any signs of trouble.He follows the blur that is Afterburn,watching as she skirts the two med stations they pass.People are lined up near the small gathering of tents and military busses wait nearby.The streets are quiet,the only people out hurrying along their way or waiting in one of the lines for the med stations.The trio finally arrive at the clinic and the doctor unlocks the door and shows her two guest into the small waiting area.

11:20-11:30 am As they step into the small clinic the doctor says, "I know it isn't much,but I like to believe I am making a difference." She begins to move around the room,putting utensils in their place,preparing for any patients.

11:30-11:40 am Omega asks the doctor, "Doctor, is there anything we can do to help?" The doctor smiles at him. "I appreciate the offer but until a patient comes in." Afterburn then speaks up, "Brings up the question,if a mutant does come in what are our obligations,I mean legally.What do we do,turn them over to the government?"

11:40-11:50 am Omega responds, "Well, technically we may have an obligation but I honestly don't think I could live with myself. I wouldn't feel comfortable turning someone over to the government just because of the way they were born. Anyway, I don't think there's much more we can do here for now,Afterburn--what say we go out on a quick patrol and check back in with Doctor Jill in a bit?" Afterburn steps over to the doctor, "We will return soon,and I am hoping to check out the underground so we may some patients for you." She steps back to Omega and lightly touches his arm. "Perhaps we can also take a little time out and get out of these costumes at some point today." Omega hands over his cell number to Doctor Jill. "You can reach any of us at that number. If you need us, don't hesitate to call. We'll swing back by the clinic later in the day to see how things are going." The doctor smiles at him and pockets the number, "While your gone I will do some more research on the virus.I have some of the notes we collected.Be careful out there."

11:50-Noon The two make their way to the hangar.In the elevator she holds him tight and speaks softly, "It just keeps getting crazier...but gotta keep going huh?" As they enter the hangar she stands up straight,gathering her strength.The 'bridge' extends and he takes her into his arms.He flies straight up and soars toward the lightly falling snow flakes.Flying over the lip of the 'bridge',in the center of the lake,he is surprised to see a somewhat familiar looking man standing on the surface of the water not far away.

Noon-12:10 pm Omega,carrying Afterburn,carefully moves towards the familiar looking man standing on the water. "Rhonda--is that...could it be...?" Keeping her eyes on the stranger,she quickly gives Omega a series of quick slaps on the arm. "AfterburnHoney. MyNameIsAfterburn." The two stare at the stranger as he slowly opens his arms in a gesture of friendship. "Tell me, does the name Reaper ring a bell?" Afterburn shakes her head,her eyes locked on the man. "No ... NoHeDiedAtTheMountain." She raises an arm and aims a fist at him. "NoQuickMovementsAndTellMeWhoYouReallyAre."

12:10-12:20 pm Reaper says, "Oooooooooookay....long story short, I got sucked into some kinda portal, landed in some weird prehistoric world. Lived there for a few years, got thrown back out here, got me some new powers, plus all the old ones." Afterburn only glares at him,her fist still raised. "Don't believe me? Well, if you feel like blasting me again like you did in that bar when we first met, don't try it, ok? The new powers aren't just for show. If you need proof that I'm me, tell me now so we can get that over with. From the looks of things we have a lot of work to do..." Omega looks carefully at the man claiming to be Reaper. "No, Afterburn--it's okay. It's really him. I can sense that he's telling the truth." She glances up into Omega's eyes,then drops her fist.Omega floats over and places his hand on Reaper's shoulder. "It's good to see you and I'm glad to know that you are alive. You're right. There is much to do."

12:20-12:30 pm Reaper extends his hand to shake Omega's, "How long have I been gone?" Afterburn glances up at Omega then replies, "Well,TheAttackOnTheMountainWasTheNightBeforeLast. YetItSeemsSoLongAgo." Reaper pauses, then says, "I...right...well, how can I help you guys?" A little impatiently Afterburn answers, "RightNowWe'reNotSureHowWeCanEvenHelp."

12:30-12:40 pm Omega replies to Reaper, "We were just going out on a routine patrol. You're welcome to join us. We should probably see how things are going at the hospital and maybe with Wojo as well." Afterburn gives Reaper a questioning look,a small smile on her face.

12:40-12:50 pm Reaper looks at Afterburn, smiles , and looks back to Omega. He replies, "Alright, lead the way." The group flies toward the hospital,noticing the many military vehicles parked around the large building.When they land on the roof they are stopped by a soldier. "I'm sorry,entrance is restricted.Can I help you?" Around the roof a number of soldiers wait at the ready,weapons poised.

12:50-1:00 pm Reaper's eyes dart around, scanning every soldier, and he prepares to use his illusion power.Afterburn quickly glances at him,a look of concern on her face.The soldiers shift the heavy weapons in their hands,their eyes never leaving the small group.Omega replies, "We're Guardians. We were just checking to see if any help was needed here, sir. But it appears that everything is under control." The soldier glances up and down the heroes,seeming to search for something.He then watches as the heroes turn and fly off.Afterburn looks at the two men for a second and ask, "OK,IsItWojoOrTheUnderground?"

1:00-1:20 pm Omega replies, "Let's check the Underground--we'll catch up with Wojo a bit later." As they turn and and soar toward the sewer entrance Reaper looks over questioningly. "The underground?" Afterburn speaks over her shoulder, "TheUndergroundIsTheSewersWhereTheRunAwaysAndMutantsLived. MentorAndMentalSeemToHaveStagedARevoltOfSorts. TheyAndOtherMutantsHadABattle. We'reStillNotSureWhereAnyOfTheSurvivorsAre." The three of them land and enter the sewers,taking a few moments to let their eyes adjust to the dim blue light Omega emits.They work their way through the now familiar tunnels,slowly encountering more and more wreckage from the battle.As they near the old living areas the sound of movement can be heard ahead.

1:20-1:30 pm The blue flames flicker around Omega as he activates his defenses and nods to the others to do the same.Reaper prepares his energy illusions and Omega whispers to Afterburn, "We need to stay on our toes down here--be ready for anything." Afterburn gives Omega a wink,flexing her fingers. Cautiously, they approach the area from which the noises are originating.The enter the main living area cautiously and for a moment the place seems empty.Then the group hears some shuffling from one corner.The peer in that direction and 4 dusty dirty,costumed people step out from behind some rubble.They gaze at the heroes,their arms raised near their chest. "We were just retrieving some belongings ... your ... your Omega ... right?" ,says the girl wearing brown,a 'D' on her helmet and chest.

1:30-1:40 pm Omega replies, "That's right, I'm Omega. It's okay--we're friends. This is Afterburn and this is Reaper. We're with the Guardians. Is there anything we can do to help?" The woman wearing brown nods at him a moment. "I am aware of the Guardians,tell Lord Galen that Dementia wants to know if the invite still stands."Probe turns his head in their direction,and the heroes are not surprised to see him holding his eyes closed. "My abilities really aid in the search and rescue,although we haven't found anyone to rescue." The man with the green lightning bolt on his chest nods toward Maxi-Miss then turns his attention to the heroes. "Maxi-Miss has told me about you,and the other Guardians.I am known as the Conductor,I have been ... involved with these lost souls for some time now."

1:40-1:50 pm Omega nods to Conductor. "It's good to meet you, although I wish the circumstances were better." There is a small spark of electricity that dances across the man's costume as he stands up straight,his back rigid. "Apparently your not a mutant ... it wasn't a matter of if but a matter of when." Conductor spreads his arms sweeping them over the wreckage all around them. "This has been festering below the normies consciousness,but mutants and their friends have seen this on the horizon for a while now.But now we are on the horizon,and it isn't pretty." Probe steps over and lightly touches the man on the arm and the two stare at each other a moment. "Thanks for being polite." ,Conductor says quietly and digs a card out and hands it to Omega.It is Probe who speaks next, "You can contact us at that number.Please be sure Imp gets it.Let her know we're OK and we have begun the search,she will know what I mean." The young man never opens his eyes but his head tracks them as if holding a normal conversation.Omega looks around at the group, "I don't know if you have heard but we only just returned from New York. I'm afraid I have some very bad news. Xavier's school has been completely destroyed." Probe's expression doesn't change,eyes closed. "Yes a major blow in the war,and connected to the one here also.The number of possible mega-powered mutants was just cut in half if not three fourths.The rebel mutants have assured the only war they have to fight is against the normies." The heroes are surprised by the boys poise,his strength.Then he grins slightly, "But whoever planned it didn't count on me surviving ... or some of my non-mutant friends."

1:50-2:00 pm The two groups stare at each other,the silence deafening.

2:00-2:10 Omega nods, "I fear it is only going to get worse for all of us, Probe. We will give your message to Imp." Omega gives Probe the number for his own cell, "I don't know if you already have this but you can contact me or any of the rest of the Guardians through this number. If you need us, we'll be there for you. Are you sure there is nothing more we can do to help here?" Reaper looks up and says, "You sound like you're planning something, what is it, and how can I help?" Conductor turns to glare at him but Probe again lays his hand on the man's arm.When Probe speaks it is in a steady but firm tone. "As Conductor has said,we mutants have seen this coming and we have prepared.But we do not need any help.I appreciate the offer but at this point the less you know the better,remember we are dealing with a telepath and a mind controller." He pauses a moment then turns toward his small group. "Just be sure to give Imp the message." He pause again and turns to 'look' at them another smile on his face. "And keep your ears open,there are many things in the air..." Omega,Reaper and Afterburn turn and make there way out of the sewers.Back on the streets they take to the skies again,heading for the police station.

2:10-2:20 pm The three heroes near the police station and are surprised when they see the large sergeant standing on the roof as if expecting them.The slowly land near him,taking note of the many officers stationed around the perimeter of the roof.Below there are a number of National Guard vehicles parked near the building,a few of the soldiers patrolling the area.The sergeant looks at them,the ever-present cigar dangling from his mouth.

2:40-2:50 pm Wojo steps into the roof entarnce leaving the heroes on the roof.They stand together a moment before Afterburn tugs at Omega's arm. "ComeOnGuys, WeNeedToGetMovingHere."

2:20-2:30 pm Omega approaches Wojo and nods a greeting.The man barely nods back,his grey eyes studying the group. "We've only just returned from New York--I'm sure you've already heard about events there. Any new developments here in Midville?" ,Omega says,glancing down towards the National Guard units. "Other than the obvious, I mean?" Wojo takes the cigar from his mouth and flips the ashes to the roof. "The logistical side of this whole deployment is maddening and right now a bunch of the higher-ups are arguing over whose toes are being stepped on,but all in all the transition has been smooth.The streets have been quiet,almost deserted...I would say the city was still in shock." He pauses a moment,his eyes moving up and down the dark clad figure with Omega. "So who is the fresh meat,Omega?"

2:30-2:40 pm Omega replies, "Believe it or not, Reaper. So that's one presumed casualty we can scratch off the list." Wojo glares at the dark clad hero,his teeth clenched. "Great,another mystery solved.Coincidence?" The cigar finds it's way back between his teeth,and his eyes narrow.Omega turns and stares out over the city. "It's almost too quiet right now. Even with everything that's already happened this still feels like the calm before the storm." Afterburn moves over close to him,her arm finding it's way around his waist. "AStormWeMustWeather, NoMatterHowHard." Wojo too stares out over the city a moment then starts to turn toward the roof doorway. "I appreciate you all being here,and this city will need you all.Be careful out there and keep me informed."

2:50-3:00 pm Omega nods, "Okay, another sweep of the city I suppose? Then back to the base to check in with the others and see if they have made any progress." Omega and Reaper leap into the air and Afterburn is a blur down the side of the building.

3:00-3:10 pm The small group patrols around the city for a few more minutes,finding everything seems to be the same.They then continue toward the Guardian Base.