Search Rebirth of the Guardians:


Omega Name:Mark Harrison
Address:Second floor apartment above Marcello's Pawn Shop (Area 7)
Mark Harrison
Origin:Altered Human Sex:Male Weight:200 pounds
Basic Hits:5 Age:35 Level:7
Strength:12 Carrying Capacity:263 pounds Hand to Hand Damage:1d6
Endurance:9 Healing Rate:1.0
Agility:33 Accuracy:+6
Intelligence:9/14 Damage Modification:+4/+4
Charisma:15 Reaction Modification from Good:+2 from Evil/Neutral:-2
Hit Points Maximum:17/18
Power Maximum:63/68
Movement:24/124 inches (120/620 feet)
Percentage to Detect Hidden:8/12 Danger:12/14


Flame Power
Power cost:
3 to set-up.
Defensive:Characters whole body is engulfed in flame.
Damage:up to 1d12

Range:21 inches/105 feet

Power cost:3 per shot.

Offensive:Can fire flame at opponents.
Power Cost:1 per hour of flight

Speed:546 inches per turn/124 mph
While the flame power is activated,the character can fly.

Life Support
While active the Omega Force supports him in a manner similar to life support

Will of the Omega Force
Intelligence +5 The Omega Force is semi-sentient and will,at times,provide guidance for Omega by providing increased detection or a 'cosmic awareness'.However Omega has no conscious control over this.

Speed Bonus
+70 inches to movement

Maximum Intelligence 11 Physical Handicap:Omega suffers from a form of diminished Intelligence.He is only able to gain up to 3 points of intelligence through training.


Law Enforcement
Inheritor:Age 32:$373,248


Mark Harrison was an ordinary guy with an ordinary life living in a small, Southern town. He was respected in his community for his accomplishments with local newspapers and with local law enforcement agencies but he never thought of himself as anything all that special. Then, one day, something happened that would change everything--while traveling late one night, Mark was involved in an auto accident. Traveling along the interstate, Mark met an oncoming drunk driver, traveling on the wrong side of the road without any lights on. Mark swerved to avoid the drunk but ran off the road at a high rate of speed and impacted a tree.He survived the accident, but he was badly injured and lapsed into a coma. During this time, Mark's latent psionic abilities became active. After spending several weeks in a coma, Mark suddenly came out of it talking about something called the "Omega Force" which had "guided him back into the light." While in the hospital, Mark dropped a few pounds but not enough to explain the incredible agility he had suddenly developed. Whereas before he could barely touch his toes, he was now amazing physical therapists by how easily his body seemed to be recovering from the accident--although still somewhat weak physically, Mark found that he could now easily do handstands, backflips--all manner of things that he couldn't do prior to the accident. However, this hardly made up for the troubling news that he had apparently suffered some type of brain damage in the accident. His intelligence and memory skills weren't what they once were and friends and relatives could ascertain a noteable difference. "He's just not quite the same as he was before the accident," they would whisper. Still, the doctors felt he could regain most of his mental skills through dedicated training and therapy but it would take time--perhaps a lot of time. And, they warned, he might never advance beyond a certain level. As Mark continued to heal, he began to have dreams: vivid dreams concerning the cosmos and the forces at work in the universe. In one such dream, Mark heard a voice telling him, "There are no accidents. You have been chosen. You are the vessel. You are one with the Omega Force. Prove yourself worthy." Mark woke suddenly, in a cold sweat--his body suddenly erupted in a blaze of bluish energy. He suddenly felt his old self again--and more--much more--he knew that he was now more than a mere man: he was now Omega, Keeper of the Cosmic Flame!