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Mindwarp Name:Marissa Alexander
Address:820 Arthur Street-2nd floor apartment(Area 11)
Job:Accountant for the Hotel Claire (Area 14)
Marissa Alexander
Origin:Mutant Sex:Female Weight:190 pounds
Basic Hits:4 Age:27 Level:1
Strength:10 Carrying Capacity:228 pounds Hand to Hand Damage:1d4
Endurance:14 Healing Rate:1.0
Agility:50 Accuracy:+8
Intelligence:19 Damage Modification:+8
Charisma:15 Reaction Modification from Good:+2 from Evil/Neutral:-2
Hit Points Maximum:36
Power Maximum:93
Movement:74 inches/370 feet
Percentage to Detect Hidden:14 Danger:18

Mind Control
Range=3 inches/15 feet

Power=20 if successful
This is the ability to gain control of another intelligent character's actions.After taking control the character has merely to tell his victim what to do,and it will probably be obeyed.Mind Controlled characters always behave as if fatigued.

Astral Projection
Flight Speed=50 miles per turn - 12,000 mph - 52,800 inches/turn

Power cost=12
The ability to separate their awareness from their physical body in a ghost-like state.Astral characters can pass through any physical substance,but only have the senses of sight and hearing.They can become visible at will,and when visible they speak telepathically to anyone in speaking distance.Astral bodies cannot carry,touch or move physical objects.An astral character can use any magical or mental powers.The character's body,while in astral projection is in use,drops into a coma and hovers at the brink of death,though it will not die if unmolested,unless the astral body fails to return within one hour of the time of departure.Normally the return is automatic at the end of an hour and only barriers can impede this.Return of the astral body is also automatic if it is knocked unconcious in combat.It is possible to hit an astral character if the die roll indicates.Hit Points and Power points are shared between the physical and astral bodies.Releasing the astral body requires an action and but returning is movement only.

Range=190 inches/950 feet This ability allows the character to directly communicate with other minds.A telepath can shield her own thoughts from being detected,tracked or read at will.They defend against a mind probe as if their current power score is doubled.
Range=190 inches/950 feet

Power cost=1
A telepath can automatically detect all thoughts within her range;this is called a 'thought scan' cost one action to perform.
Range=190 inches/950 feet

Power cost=1 per turn
A telepath may read the minds of,broadcast his own thoughts to,and act as a 'mental switchboard' for 19 minds at once.Mental Communication takes an action to set-up.
Range=190 inches/950 feet

Power cost=1 per person tracked per hour
A telepath can track a person by his thoughts:this requires continued 'thought scanning'(at least once per hour).The prey is lost if at any time it moves out of the telepath's range.

Power cost=5 per attempt
Telepaths are able to probe people's minds;sifting through them to take whatever data they desire.To do so the telepath must touch his victim.



Copyright © Mike Rom,2004