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Poundage Name:Joe Johnson
Address:860 Cleveland Street Apt. #1 (Area 13)
Joe Johnson
Origin:Alien Sex:Male Weight:819 pounds
Basic Hits:17 Age:29 Level:3
Strength:29 Carrying Capacity:5240 pounds Hand to Hand Damage:2d8
Endurance:12 Healing Rate:5.1
Agility:14 Accuracy:+1
Intelligence:13 Damage Modification:+1
Charisma:11 Reaction Modification from Good:- from Evil/Neutral:-
Hit Points Maximum:74
Power Maximum:66
Movement:53 inches (265 feet)
Percentage to Detect Hidden:10 Danger:14



Regrowth rate:25.5
Biological armor regrown overnight.

Natural Weaponry
+2 to hit

+4 damage
Due to the character's fighting skills his fist are natural weapons

Emotion Control
Range:13 inches/65 feet

Power Cost:8
The character is able to arouse fear in his targets.If successful the fear last until the victim is able to roll a saving throw on d100 against their Charisma score.


Wristband Paralysis Ray 10 charges
Range:24 inches/120 feet

Power Cost:1 charge
A successful hit causes the victim to fall unconscious without hit point loss.




Joe comes from the planet Calderon. On Calderon, the race and planet conditions are similar to those on Earth. Although on Calderon, the supply of natural resources is dwindling due to an ongoing "system vs. rebels" war.Joe was sent to Earth as a college student on a sports scholarship.Joe was sent to Earth to study their ways of conservation. Joe was an army of one, sent ALONE. After a long study,Joe sent home the results. Only then finding out that the revolution was complete, the rebels had taken over. The rebels had decided not to retrieve Joe. Being a government employee they thought it best to not allow him back, fearing he would then try a revolution of his own. Left stranded on his own, but with enough money left from the mission, Joe set out to not let the same happen to Earth. Realizing he had a few physical advantages,he decided he would fight against the same types that led the revolution against his government, only this time for Earth.Joe had not only found a new cause, but a new home.

Copyright © Mike Rom,2003