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Reaper Name:Adam Flint
Address:8th and Hayes-3rd floor apartment(Above the Hobby Store Area 8)
Job:Shipping Clerk (Randalf Building-3rd floor Area 11)
Origin:Altered Human Sex:Male Weight:250 pounds
Basic Hits:5 Age:26 Level:1
Strength:28 Carrying Capacity:3044 pounds Hand to Hand Damage:1d12
Endurance:24 Healing Rate:3.5
Agility:7 Accuracy:-2
Intelligence:14 Damage Modification:-
Charisma:21 Reaction Modification from Good:+4 from Evil/Neutral:-4
Hit Points Maximum:26
Power Maximum:73
Movement:59 inches/295 feet
Percentage to Detect Hidden:10 Danger:14

672 m.p.h.=2957 inches per turn.

Power=1 per hour.
Flight:The ability to fly.

Crustacean Powers
Armor Max:60 Armor:Any attack striking a character's armor has a this percentage chance of being absorbed by the armor.If the damage is absorbed by the armor it is reduced the damage amount.A character can 'roll with the punch',diverting some damage before the armor has to absorb it.

Telekinetic Capacity:280 pounds This is the ability to move objects without touching them.
Power cost=1 to set-up

Power=1 for each repulsed attack
Defensive:Telekinesis can be used as a defense,taking one action to set-up.
Range=7 inches/35 feet

Damage Max:1d6

Power=1 per shot
Offensive:The character can project concentrated waves of telekinesis at a target.Attacks as hand to hand.
Speed:24 inches per turn/120 feet

Range:7 inches/35 feet

Power=1 per turn per object controlled

Power=1 to 'grab' an object
The character can manipulate physical objects at will,employing only movement to do so,although his Telekinetic Capacity is reduced the amount of any objects controlled.Power cost are paid on the first action of the turn.

Illusions:Solid Energy
Creation Points Max:146 The character can shape some kind of energy into solid masses.The character has Creation Points equal to twice his current Power.These Creation Points can be used in two different ways.
Power cost=2 per item formed

Range=14 inches/70 feet
Inanimate:The character can form solid,inanimate objects in whatever shape he desires.Each Creation Point used gives the object 1 structural point,a cubic foot of solid material and 50 pounds of weight.Creating requires movement only,no action.
Range=14 inches/70 feet

Power=8 per object created
Animate:The character can form and control mobile masses of solid energy.Each Creation Point used creates one Hit Point and 2 inches/10 feet of movement.These masses always attack as fourth level characters.It takes 1 action to create each solid energy illusion and the character's own actions must be expended in order to enable his creations to act.

Max Charisma:24 The character has a maximum charisma limit due to reduced charisma.

Social Work/Transportation

Sent through a dimensional portal,why or how unknown to him,the original Reaper fought with other Midville heroes at the assualt on the Colorado Mountain.After that battle Reaper is assumed dead,his body never recovered.In actuality a weird combination of the blizzard that raged,the energies used all around the battle field and Reapers own unique physiology sends him soaring through yet another dimensional portal.Reaper spend the next 5 years of his life trying to survive in a dimension of dinosaurs and other pre-historic creatures.The shift to that dimension alters Reaper in a fundamental way,his powers growing and changing.Then one morning,packing up camp,Reaper feels the now familiar tingle growing around his body.He next finds himself back in Midville,but which Midville?

Copyright © Mike Rom,2004