Range:6 inches/30 feet (Virus:6 inches/30 feet)
Power:5 per shot |
The character's body generates cold and ice.An attack creates one cubic foot of ice per point of damage,which clings to the target.An additional point of damage is taken by the victim during each between turns phase when ice is still clinging to him.The ice will melt at the rate of one cubic foot each between turns phase,unless it is maintained.
Ice Armor may be generated around the character's body.Per inch of movement spent,one point of armor is generated to a maximum of 100.The armor will melt at a rate of 2 points each between turns phase unless it is maintained.
Masses of ice may be created,requiring 1 inch of movement to form each 2 cubic feet of ice.The ice will melt at a rate of 1 cubic foot each between turns pahse unless maintained.
To maintain ice,1 point of power must be paid between turns to halt the melting of each separate ice unit. |