The City of Midville
Midville News
Clips from Area Newspapers
Friday September 14th
A day of super human battles.The Special Crimes Unit had it's hands full yesterday as the city seemed under siege.In the early morning hours two costumed meta's attacked St.Arboghast Hospital,defended by a group of the cities costumed heroes including a couple of the esteemed new Guardians.The battle wrecked havok around the hospital ,leaving the hospital seriously damaged and most of the heroes hurt.The meta's,known as Andromeda and Shattarang,were able to make their way through the gathered heroes and steal a sophisticated machine being used in mutant research.As the city sat in shock at the outcome a new hero appeared on TV calling himself Omega and made a 'call to arms' for area metas to protect the city.This 'call to arms' apparently was a success as later in the evening a group of heroes,including Omega and a Guardian, tracked Andromeda to a secret hide-out under Buchannan Park.In the ensuing battle the heroes were able to capture Shattarang but unable to capture the mastermind Andromeda.The heroes barely escaped the undergound hide-out before a massive explosion ripped through the area doing massive damage to an underground garage.When asked Sgt Warjokowski had this to say,"We have one of the culprits in hand,thanks to the work of some of the finest citizens in the city.This episode just goes to show how far my unit has to go yet.At this time we are not powerful enough to handle these situations.Thankfully there are contingency plans in place and the city has other people they can turn to in these times."The sergeant is expected to meet with the mayor and other city council members today to brief them on the continuing evolution of the Special Crimes Unit.
The attack on the hospital put research back an estimated two years as reported by a senior advisor.The theft of the multi-million dollar genetic recombinator itself puts the whole research project on hold until the hospital can find the money to replace the machine.The damage to the hospital is listed in the tens of thousands of dollars and has the staff trying to find a temporary lab for the research.The hospital will be holding a fund raiser to help lessen the impact of the rebuilding and purchasing needed equipment.
Midville Police Wanted List
Hobgoblin,Zip,Voltage,Rajah for attack on Windsor II Townhouses.
Andromeda for the attack on the Arboghast hospital(Area 13,15) September 13th.
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