RPG,D&D Library RPG League

Member Sign-Up

Waiting List:
Michael Rom
Kelly Rom
Adam Boterell:Trickmast_18@hotmail.com

Each Character is rolled up based on an Origin type.

Mutants :
Characters born with some sort of altered gene that grants them special powers as they reach puberty.
Examples : X-Men,X-Factor

Altered Human :
Characters who through accident or experiment are altered to recieve special powers.
Examples : The Fantastic Four,Spider-man,The Hulk

Hi-Tech :
Characters whose powers originate from devices,weapons or equipment.
Examples : Iron Man,Batman

Alien :
Characters whose origin is from another place/dimension which gives him/her special powers.
Examples : Superman

Robot :
Character who is an actual Robot/android.
Examples:The Vision

Magic :
Characters whose powers originate from magical spells,equipment or training.
Examples : Doctor Strange,Doctor Fate

1d10 die roll determines :
3-4:Altered Human

Your Name:
Email Address:
Do you have previous experience playing Role Playing Games ?:
Do you have previous experience playing Villains and Vigilantes ?:
Do you have previous experience playing Play-by-E-mail(forum) Games ?:
You can add any comments or questions below.

If you are accepted as a member of the game you will be expected to abide by all rules of said game.I will roll up three characters and e-mail each to you.You must then accept one as your character by replying to the e-mail with the character in it.The character will begin play with next gameday.

All information gathered is kept strictly confidential.The only persons to see it will be myself and the other members of the game (If you are accepted for membership).

Any questions just e-mail me here (no attachments accepted)