Players must post a daily schedule at the beginning of each gameday.This schedule can be changed at anytime just by posting another.If a player sees the question 'What do you do/say?' at the end of his post he is expected to post by 9 pm E.S.T.I have decided to change the rules on missed post.Now the missed post will continue to add,after your first missed post,each day that I do not here from a player.Also you will get 3 WARNINGS then 3 STRIKES then an OUT before the character is lost.This combines for a total of 7 days.I believe this is plenty of time for a player to post ANYTHING in the forum or e-mail me to let me know they are still in the game.If a player contacts me ahead of time with time he/she will be missing this rule will be suspended.Also in order to speed up the game a little if a post is not received,I will continue on,playing the character for that post as I SEE FIT.This may not be a good thing for the character as I truly hate to run a character(and alter or affect that character) and I will do the minimum with the character.If a player post before being eliminated all warnings and strikes are erased.The GM reserves the right to eliminate any character.
Charisma Reactions
Charisma reaction:Reactions are rolled each time a person meets another person or a character.The first meeting is rolled,modified by the Charisma bonus/penalty and recorded.Each meeting thereafter is rolled and modified,then averaged with the recorded result.This average is then recorded and becomes the standing reaction for the next 24 hour period.
Example:Person A meets Character B.The die roll with modifiers is 12.This result is recorded.The next meeting between the two and the roll with modifiers is a 6.This is added to the recorded 12 and divided by 2,leaving a 9.This is recorded and becomes the standing reaction for the next 24 hour period.The next meeting would be rolled and averaged with the 9.
I find this allows my NPC's to have more human reactions to the player characters over time.The scale I use is
0-5:Dislikes person immensely and will be rude or obnoxious in their presence.(Outright hatred and violence if prolonged)
6-10:Mild dislike and will avoid the person,but will be social.
11-15:Likes the person and his company.Friendly and engaging.
16-20:Enjoys being around the person,deep admiration.(Sexual attraction and love if the circumstances are right.)
Combat and Saving Turns
If a character wishes to save a movement on his phase in combat,he may.Unlike the tabletop version,he may not then take it at anytime during that turn.His saved move goes to the end of the turn (Phase 0).Any subsequent saved moves follow it.I.E...the second player to save his move takes his in (phase -1).This allows the game to play via e-mail/forum post.